For you diehard mask wearers - will you still wear them after your Gov’s say it’s okay to stop


Jul 16, 2020
If the reason healthy people are wearing masks is because you can be asymptomatic and pass the virus to someone close to you why haven't these people worn masks in years prior to prevent passing on the flu to people? You can be contagious with the flu for up to 4 days and not feel any symptoms and pass it to someone else. So conceivably I years past you can go to xmas dinner and feel fine and pass the flu to grandma/grandpa but we've never worn masks before why? The flu vaccine is only about 40% effective depending in the year .I've yet to meet a pro masker come up with a reasonable explanation yet. Hepatitis tuberculosis and pretty much every other viral illness you will have a period of no symptoms but be highly contagious yet never in the history of the world have we put healthy people in masks why now? And if you are a promasker and want to save everyone's life around you by wearing a mask you will have to wear it the rest of your life because covid is only one of many viruses that can be passed from human to human. It really makes me think that the only reason they are wearing it is because a small amount of people on tv are saying to do it when there's plenty of virologists infectious disease experts immunologist from all over the world with 20 30 sometimes 40 years experience who say the complete opposite. I have 30 articles on my phone from peer reviewed studies from decades of research which state masks do nothing to prevent the spread of viruses between humans. I wish I knew how to post articles hahaha. Either way stay safe everyone pro and anti maskers. I think it's a debate that is causing undo divisiveness between people right now that we really dont need.
Nov 8, 2012
I think once we have a vaccine for Covid, I would probably stop wearing a mask inside.

I actually HATE wearing a mask but I do wear.

before anyone feels like crapping on me, I’m being me. You do you

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Wear do you live? in most parts of the country this is impossible

South. So it’s a little different

It’s not impossible unless you are in a commie dem city probably

I go in Walmart, Home Depot , Publix , Automotive stores , package stores , etc etc etc
Dec 11, 2006
I think once we have a vaccine for Covid, I would probably stop wearing a mask inside.

I actually HATE wearing a mask but I do wear.

before anyone feels like crapping on me, I’m being me. You do you

Whatever makes you feel right, Knightro. I know you want to do the right thing by your wife and kids. Can't fault good intentions.

But, I myself, only wear it where it is required and I'm fully engaged with tens of people most every day. Maybe around 50.

Jun 4, 2018
In retrospect, like those in some Asian countries who've done much better than the USA re C-19, we should have been using masks & other safety measures for many years already.

I certainly plan to keep using a high quality effective mask even after getting the C-19 vaccine, for both my safety & that of others, especially those at "high risk" of long term negative health problems, or even death, as a result of being infected with the flu, C-19, pneumonia, etc.

A vaccine will lower risk, but does not eliminate it.
Of course you'll keep wearing the mask :hahahahah

Jun 4, 2018
Maybe Asians wear masks because they know their culture encourages people to suck bat dick and eat live exotic animals that are likely to be exposed to novel viruses. Ever consider that?

Maybe we should ban countries from the rest of the civilized world that still do that stupid shit.
Feb 20, 2002
Maybe Asians wear masks because they know their culture encourages people to suck bat dick and eat live exotic animals that are likely to be exposed to novel viruses. Ever consider that?

No, that's not why Asians wear masks & why they wore them long before the C-19 epidemic. Educate yourself:

"[FONT=&quot]Why Was Mask Wearing Popular In Asia Even Before Covid-19?":


"Maybe they don’t know that mask-wearing was widespread in the U.S. during the Spanish Flu pandemic in 1918-19 that killed roughly 675,000 Americans and over 50 million worldwide."

[FONT=&quot]Is it because we’re American and no one’s going to tell us what to do–even if it means endangering others, ourselves, our family, and our country’s economy–since spreading the virus just means we risk staying closed down longer or even having to close down again, once we start to open up? Surely we are better than that."

"...[FONT=&quot] In Asia, it’s considered good hygiene to wear a mask. It’s thought to be [/FONT]considerate[FONT=&quot] of others. It can even be stylish to wear a patterned mask. Maybe we should think of donning our masks as a way to honor our health care workers and first responders, much the same as we display red hearts to show our support for them in many parts of the U.S."

"...[FONT=&quot]When I first lived in Tokyo in 1984, I noticed that people sometimes wore medical masks out on the street. When I asked the other ex-pats, they told me that the Japanese wore them when they were sick, to protect others from getting their germs. Being uber polite and group-minded people, this made sense to me. They felt it was their civic duty to protect others."

"...[FONT=&quot]Fast forward to 2010 when I lived in Tokyo again. Right away, I noticed that medical masks had become ubiquitous. And when I traveled to other countries in Asia, such as South Korea, China, Thailand, and Malaysia, it seemed that many more people were wearing them than decades before. When I asked, I was again told that people wore them when they were sick, to protect others. One was expected to wear them, and it was considered extremely selfish not to. People also wore them to protect themselves from air pollution, especially in China. After the SARS epidemic in 2002-03, it became commonplace to wear masks to protect oneself from germs, not just to protect others. By 2010, mask-wearing had become extremely common, even stylish, in Asia.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot] I do it (wear a mask) because it’s my duty as an American to help my country slow this epidemic. I view it as the patriotic thing to do. I hope you do too. ** "[/FONT]
Feb 20, 2002
If the reason healthy people are wearing masks is because you can be asymptomatic and pass the virus to someone close to you why haven't these people worn masks in years prior to prevent passing on the flu to people?

It could be in part that health authorities haven't recommended mask use en masse by the general public to prevent the possible asymptomatic spread of constantly changing annual flu strains because studies have not yet determined how dangerous or common or likely that is:

"Although asymptomatic individuals may shed influenza virus, studies have not determined if such people effectively transmit influenza....Based on the available literature, we found that there is scant, if any, evidence that asymptomatic or presymptomatic individuals play an important role in influenza transmission. As such, recent articles concerning pandemic planning, some using transmission modeling, may have overestimated the effect of presymptomatic or asymptomatic influenza transmission. More definitive transmission studies are sorely needed."

"Symptoms can begin about 2 days (but can range from 1 to 4 days) after the virus enters the body. That means that you may be able to pass on the flu to someone else before you know you are sick, as well as while you are sick. Some people can be infected with the flu virus but have no symptoms. During this time, those people may still spread the virus to others."

"As for the possible role of asymptomatic carriers in spreading flu, Bresee commented that symptoms correlate with the amount of virus shed. "So my presumption is that asymptomatic infected people will shed less virus than people who are symptomatic, and therefore will contribute less to community spread," he said. "But I'm not sure how much data there are for that."

"The presence of influenza viral shedding in patients with influenza who have very few or no symptoms reflects their potential for transmitting the virus to close contacts. These findings suggest that further research is needed to investigate the contribution of persons with asymptomatic or clinically mild influenza virus infections to influenza virus transmission in household, institutional, and community settings."

"A commentator says an important unanswered question is how much the asymptomatic cases contribute to flu transmission."

You can be contagious with the flu for up to 4 days and not feel any symptoms and pass it to someone else. So conceivably I years past you can go to xmas dinner and feel fine and pass the flu to grandma/grandpa but we've never worn masks before why?

See above.

Also, BTW, mask wearing was recommended during the Swine Flu outbreak in 2009 & masks were commonly worn at the time of the flu pandemic of 1918 in America & elsewhere:

"Swine Flu (H1N1) and Face Masks
When and how to use face masks in home and community settings."

Note also the present recommendations re the annual flu:

"Avoid crowds. The flu spreads easily wherever people gather...Your local health department and the CDC may suggest other precautions to reduce your risk of COVID-19 or the flu. For example, you may need to practice social distancing (physical distancing) and stay at least 6 feet (2 meters) from others outside your household. You may also need to wear a cloth face mask when around people outside your household." infection,that cause diarrhea and vomiting.

The flu vaccine is only about 40% effective depending in the year .I've yet to meet a pro masker come up with a reasonable explanation yet. Hepatitis tuberculosis and pretty much every other viral illness you will have a period of no symptoms but be highly contagious yet never in the history of the world have we put healthy people in masks why now?

See above. Actually during the 1918 flu pandemic healthy people wore masks. They are also often worn in more recent years by healthy people in hospitals and other medical settings, etc.

And if you are a promasker and want to save everyone's life around you by wearing a mask you will have to wear it the rest of your life because covid is only one of many viruses that can be passed from human to human.

Mask wearing seems like a small price to pay to save many millions of lives in the future as well as spare many millions more from illness, hospitalization, loss of work, ICU, long term negative health effects, etc. Many people such as myself would only need to wear a mask for about 30 minutes a day.

It really makes me think that the only reason they are wearing it is because a small amount of people on tv are saying to do it when there's plenty of virologists infectious disease experts immunologist from all over the world with 20 30 sometimes 40 years experience who say the complete opposite. I have 30 articles on my phone from peer reviewed studies from decades of research which state masks do nothing to prevent the spread of viruses between humans. I wish I knew how to post articles hahaha. Either way stay safe everyone pro and anti maskers. I think it's a debate that is causing undo divisiveness between people right now that we really dont need.

The vast majority of health experts & countries are mandating or recommending mask use & are quite aware of the studies on the matter.

May 27, 2007
It could be in part that health authorities haven't recommended mask use en masse by the general public to prevent the possible asymptomatic spread of constantly changing annual flu strains because studies have not yet determined how dangerous or common or likely that is:

"Although asymptomatic individuals may shed influenza virus, studies have not determined if such people effectively transmit influenza....Based on the available literature, we found that there is scant, if any, evidence that asymptomatic or presymptomatic individuals play an important role in influenza transmission. As such, recent articles concerning pandemic planning, some using transmission modeling, may have overestimated the effect of presymptomatic or asymptomatic influenza transmission. More definitive transmission studies are sorely needed."

"Symptoms can begin about 2 days (but can range from 1 to 4 days) after the virus enters the body. That means that you may be able to pass on the flu to someone else before you know you are sick, as well as while you are sick. Some people can be infected with the flu virus but have no symptoms. During this time, those people may still spread the virus to others."

"As for the possible role of asymptomatic carriers in spreading flu, Bresee commented that symptoms correlate with the amount of virus shed. "So my presumption is that asymptomatic infected people will shed less virus than people who are symptomatic, and therefore will contribute less to community spread," he said. "But I'm not sure how much data there are for that."

"The presence of influenza viral shedding in patients with influenza who have very few or no symptoms reflects their potential for transmitting the virus to close contacts. These findings suggest that further research is needed to investigate the contribution of persons with asymptomatic or clinically mild influenza virus infections to influenza virus transmission in household, institutional, and community settings."

"A commentator says an important unanswered question is how much the asymptomatic cases contribute to flu transmission."

See above.

Also, BTW, mask wearing was recommended during the Swine Flu outbreak in 2009 & masks were commonly worn at the time of the flu pandemic of 1918 in America & elsewhere:

"Swine Flu (H1N1) and Face Masks
When and how to use face masks in home and community settings."

Note also the present recommendations re the annual flu:

"Avoid crowds. The flu spreads easily wherever people gather...Your local health department and the CDC may suggest other precautions to reduce your risk of COVID-19 or the flu. For example, you may need to practice social distancing (physical distancing) and stay at least 6 feet (2 meters) from others outside your household. You may also need to wear a cloth face mask when around people outside your household." infection,that cause diarrhea and vomiting.

See above. Actually during the 1918 flu pandemic healthy people wore masks. They are also often worn in more recent years by healthy people in hospitals and other medical settings, etc.

Mask wearing seems like a small price to pay to save many millions of lives in the future as well as spare many millions more from illness, hospitalization, loss of work, ICU, long term negative health effects, etc. Many people such as myself would only need to wear a mask for about 30 minutes a day.

The vast majority of health experts & countries are mandating or recommending mask use & are quite aware of the studies on the matter.

Are you employed?

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
Common sense should tell you , if you start touching that mask and your face , and don't immediately don't wash your hands , masks can probably have a negative affect... And as we all know , most of the population just aren't that disciplined.. I don't care about all these studies and narratives , just common sense.

Apr 2, 2013
I refuse to put one on as well. If mask work then why is everything not open? If mask work why are numbers still going up (everywhere I go in SC everybody has them on)? If mask work why do we not wear them with other viruses (stated in an earlier post)?

I only catch shit from one guy. He is the greeter at a Publix near my house. The first couple times he asked nicely for me to put one on and I said no. Then he told me I needed to and I said "no, the sign recommends please put one on" and the last few times he looks at me and shakes his head. I just tell him to have a great day and get my cart and go.

The MSM and Dems cannot get on the same page about what they want. This shit is old and if you are still supporting this nonsense along with all the rioting can you please go live in another country? We do not need that crap here in the greatest country ever USA USA USA

May 27, 2007
I refuse to put one on as well. If mask work then why is everything not open? If mask work why are numbers still going up (everywhere I go in SC everybody has them on)? If mask work why do we not wear them with other viruses (stated in an earlier post)?

I only catch shit from one guy. He is the greeter at a Publix near my house. The first couple times he asked nicely for me to put one on and I said no. Then he told me I needed to and I said "no, the sign recommends please put one on" and the last few times he looks at me and shakes his head. I just tell him to have a great day and get my cart and go.

The MSM and Dems cannot get on the same page about what they want. This shit is old and if you are still supporting this nonsense along with all the rioting can you please go live in another country? We do not need that crap here in the greatest country ever USA USA USA

Been saying it since March and catching hell here from the doom and gloomers all along.

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