Twice out of college I was hired over minority applicants. Equal resumes......both times I got it. One was a job that was to go to events on behalf of someone and I'm sure I got the nod because of color. Everything else being equal......I got it. How's that?
you think there are stats for something like this? How do you suppose those are calculated? You think those who hire are in the practice of saying " I didn't wanna hire the minority"
it isn't misguided's been going on forever decades and isn't exactly big news.
You're making tons of assumptions. Almost too many to count.
First, you're assuming the only reason you got the job was because you were white. Did these places employ zero minorities outside of the positions you accepted?
I also have to say, I've been on many interviews in my life, but never once upon receiving an offer did the recruiter or hiring manager review the rest of the applicant pool with me and tell me why I was hired over anyone else. How did you even know minorities were interviewed for the same position and also had equal resumes?
Not to mention, two interviews in your lifetime is what you're basing all of this on? You're also forgetting that in a society where what, 70% of the population is white...wouldn't it make sense that you'd see similar demographics in the workforce?
Btw, how could you possibly know how well the welfare recipients you worked with performed on their interviews? I'm sure they came back and told you it went great, but unless you're there, it may have been a disaster as far as you know.