Lying quotes again. I offered to prove it right to have open ended ticket at CBP all year. Yet you never show. " he won't prove it". Lmao.He certainly is.
poker fraud vtard never backs up anything he says, whether it's politics or his ridiculous outlandish claims about his bullshit millionaire life.
"It takes two to tango"
"I won't reveal my embarrassing Heritage balance because Joe will cheat!!"
Always deflecting, always twisting, always distorting, always making excuses...always attacking "sources"...never once addressing the facts and the issues.
28K+ posts and this mega broke loser has yet to back up even 1% of the bullshit he spews here 24/7.
At least Pavian posted links from Paul Krugman (misguided and wrong as he may be) poker fraud vtard posts directly out of his asshole on every front.
Nice statistics that even O Reily and trump said were false. Typical Joe!!!
Mr Fake Ticket con man calling others broke.
Waiting for you to post more picks. You're 0-5 still!!!
" I'm not participating in Mikey mouse contests" bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh