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They Submit themselves to a belief system that has, at it's center, worship of a guy who at 54 years old sexually assaulted a 9 year old girl.
Is there any other race of people on the entire planet Earth that would not just Deify (Worship, as their Prophet) a man who had raped a 9 year old girl but insist that the REST of the people on Earth embrace the same Faith as theirs.
A Religion that did nothing of substance within it's own Muslim community in response to Pakistani Men raping 1400 British Children in just Rotterham England alone. Theres the Swedish Rape Crisis beyond that wherein Mulsims account for 2% of the population of Sweden and commit 76% of the Rapes which have increased in number so astonishingly since the allowance of Muslim Immigrants into Sweden that the term "Swedish Rape Crisis" has had to be made to describe what has happened which has caused Sweden to be recognized as The Rape Capital of The Western World.
Google those terms if you want to know the Truth of what allowing Muslim Immigration into this country potentially means for us because its "What America Stands For".
Here is "What America Stands For" to The Muslim World:
Among items banned by U.S. led Sanctions against Iraq were chemicals and equipment essential for Iraq’s national water treatment system, chemicals and equipment necessary to create clean water for Iraqis to drink so that they would not die.
Undisputed UN figures show that 1.7 million Iraqi civilians died due to the West’s brutal sanctions regime, half of whom were children.
Since Sept.11, 2001 at least 1.3 million people have died, the vast majority of these Muslim, as a result of the Cheney & Obama Administration's War On Terror but the real figure might be as high as two million."
You guys still want to bandy about the term "Nazis" within this conversation?
I expect your enthusiasm for that diminishes when with even less research time than you'd put into investigating which CAR OR TRUCK TO BUY anyone of you guys could uncover the Truth...
of why we are where we are, what brought us to this point and brought this Jihad upon us, who is responsible for putting us in this position and WHO, amongst the Players on this Field most resemble "The Nazis"
Physically their appearance is unlike the rest of humanity with the dead eyes, the very masculine appearance of their females so much so that its frequently impossible upon sight to determine Gender, as if the Race is one Gigantic "Thats Pat" skit....that has no ending. Intellectually they possess the ability to worship a man who sexually assaulted a child and likely children of course and they are able to find an ability to Turn A Blind Eye as their Husbands, Brothers and Fathers rape children today.
Show me one other Culture, Race, Religion, GROUP, ANYTHING that bears any resemblance to these "people"
Boko Harum in.....Nigeria, Kenya whateverthefuck, yes.
Muslim as well.
Thats it. Theres none other.
As we get nearer the Election our Media will portray to us imagery of starving Syrian Children to get us to not just support but publicly cry OUT for the allowance of these Refugees in. The images they use will not in fact be "real-time" photos & video but archived footage of what transpired in Iraq, as result of the Sanctions mentioned above that caused more than 660,000 Muslim Children under the age of 5 to die.
Whether Muslims emanate from an entirely different "place" than we do or not, whether they are are here as result of being cast out of some other place like The Aborigines in Australia or whether WE found our way to this planet from wherever and this has been THEIR place all along is irrelevant to the fact that if some SuperPower Foreign Country came and killed YOUR Kid your life would be changed, irreversibly.
What if, God Forbid, such an insane pointless tragedy where to befall you and you lost your only child as result of a Foreign SuperPower bombing the shit out of your village or causing their to be no drinkable water and you had to watch your only daughter die before you eyes...as result of this? And then those responsible invited you to come live with them in their country?
Do you think that it is conceivable that the deep scarring trauma left from what happened to your child would leave you in a place where you didn't care at all about whether you lived or died?
Would you be at all angry with the Foreign SuperPower in question?
On the Flipside of that scenario, if you were a citizen of that Foreign SuperPower and you were, as result of being a citizen there, hated by a specific group of people to the point that some from that group were even willing to give their lives to kill you...
..would you want to understand WHY they feel this way, what happened to make them be like this or would you think it better to not know that?
To just carry on believing what the news tells you and what you're leader with the Muslim Name & who is the only American President in your country's history to actually bend at the waist and BOW to a Muslim King.....tells you is going on?
If you can still, after reading this, pretend you don't whom amongst the Players involved here most resembles your "Nazis" and who ("what") your President with the Muslim Name really is and why he exists in such fervent support of one specific Tribe within the Muslim World, why he bombs the shit out of the opposing Tribe, why he has as many Muslims & bankers as he does within his Cabinet, if you can ignore all that stuff and just blissfully fucking airhead go about your day la-dee-da and you can manage to carry on believing that we are being targeted by those we are for Death and the brutalization of our children because "We Are Good & They Are Evil", if you can manage to ignore the fact that is in fact actually because The Cheney & Obama Administrations killed about 4 million of them then there is nothing else I can say to you I won't be saying anything else on the matter to you because it would be completely fucking pointless say anything further to you about it.
Godspeed, Assum al Malaikum, All A Snackbar...whatever your selective ass hearing ear wants to hear.