It seems to me Trump has a group of supporters who are very active on social media. I don't see this hurting him in the polls at all. But the R's are going to try and continue to find ways to kill his candidacy.
We should expect and prepare ourselves for many reverting back to their pretense of Nobility when it comes time to actually Vote.
Cheifly because as I said before Media is gonna inundate, as we get nearer the election, with imagery of Muslim Kids in really bad shape.
Desperately Sadly this imagery will be archived footage from the time of the Sanctions on Iraq and not "real-time" stuff but in their is a "challenge to get footage out of daesh-controlled parts of Syria blah blah blah"....
Of course this is not really an actual challenge for the present administration but if they get caught using that old footage they can just say they used it cuz of that.
Don't even get excited, optimistic in the least about the events of now re: Trump cuz many many people who are supporting vocally now will not follow through in the Voting Booth, the Republican Power Brokers do not want him as the nominee therefore there is absolutely no chance at all that he gets the Republican Nomination which will mean he will have to go Independent after Super Tuesday which results in him splitting the Republican Vote and effectively handing the White House to the Democratic Nominee.
Who will immediately resume O's campaign to get guns out of the hands of Americans. That is their Primary Focus. That is the linchpin, the key to their Agenda.