A friend shared a nice visual with me recently.Get yourself a map of the world.....standard issue, rectangular that shows the whole planet laid out. It will have blue for bodies of water of course and a variety of other colors to distinguish borders etc.Now take a black sharpie and blot out about half of Iraq....maybe black out Syria while you're at it. Now look at the map. That blacked out portion is teeeny teeeny tiny in the context of the world at large.But since mainstream television media and mainstream print media and major internet news outlets highlight what is happening in that teeny teeny tiny portion of the planet, it is perceived by those who pay attention to those outlets as being a "worldwide" problem.The Buddhist masters and the Hindu rishiis or if you prefer - quantum physics - teach us that whatever we focus on expands.Focus your attention on the teeny teeny tiny portion of the 7.3 billion people on this planet who are homicidal and suddenly you might find yourself nervous in crowds of just a few hundred or a few thousand people -- and that being in mainstream suburban whitebread USA even...way wild.Focus instead on the well over seven billion people who are NEVER homicidal and suddenly you might experience an increased sense of well being and peace.I can't imagine focusing even a few seconds on the former when it is so easy to focus on the latter. And not surprisingly I am always surrounded by peaceful, non-violent people.Your choice.Choose wisely, I always say
Well put