Do you believe there is a God?


Do You Believe There Is A God?

  • Yes There Is A God-I have no doubt

    Votes: 101 52.1%
  • I believe there Is A God, but I have my doubts

    Votes: 27 13.9%
  • No God- I don't believe in God becuase of no scientific evidence

    Votes: 28 14.4%
  • No God- I don't believe in God for other reason

    Votes: 13 6.7%
  • I don't care if there is a God or not.

    Votes: 9 4.6%
  • Not Sure What To Think

    Votes: 16 8.2%

  • Total voters

The Great Santini
Mar 17, 2006
I meant the "Santa Claus" my niece and all her classmates believe in. The one who rides in a sleigh with 8 reindeer and delivers presents all over the world in one night. By the way. Allah is watching you and will forgive you if you accept him as your personal savior.

2009 RX Death Pool Champion
Apr 3, 2005
I meant the "Santa Claus" my niece and all her classmates believe in. The one who rides in a sleigh with 8 reindeer and delivers presents all over the world in one night. By the way. Allah is watching you and will forgive you if you accept him as your personal savior.

give it up...there is no beating bible thumpers that think there god is the only god...they are always right and that is why we have so much trouble in the world today...

next thing they will dig through this thread and dispute the easter bunny and tooth fairy also...

they proved there was a santa,but did he make it to all the houses in one night and slide down chimney? what about the house that had no chimney?

The Great Santini
Mar 17, 2006
Please read about the God Mithra. Mithra was a roman god worshipped before the birth of Jesus Christ. This is fact and can be found and confirmed in countless encyclopedias and history books.

Mithra was born of a virgin on
December 25th in a cave, and his birth was attended by shepherds.
He was considered a great traveling teacher and master.
He had 12 companions or disciples.
Mithra's followers were promised immortality.
He performed miracles.
As the "great bull of the Sun," Mithra sacrificed himself for world peace.
He was buried in a tomb and after three days rose again.
His resurrection was celebrated every year.
He was called "the Good Shepherd" and identified with both the Lamb and the Lion.
He was considered the "Way, the Truth and the Light," and the "Logos," "Redeemer," "Savior" and "Messiah."
His sacred day was Sunday, the "Lord's Day," hundreds of years before the appearance of Christ.
Mithra had his principal festival of what was later to become Easter.
His religion had a eucharist or "Lord's Supper," at which Mithra said, "He who shall not eat of my body nor drink of my blood so that he may be one with me and I with him, shall not be saved."
"His annual sacrifice is the passover of the Magi, a symbolical atonement or pledge of moral and physical regeneration."
Shmuel Golding is quoted as saying that 1 Cor. 10:4 is "identical words to those found in the Mithraic scriptures, except that the name Mithra is used instead of Christ."
The Catholic Encyclopedia is quoted as saying that Mithraic services were conduced by "fathers" and that the "chief of the fathers, a sort of pope, who always lived at Rome, was called 'Pater Patratus.'"
t. Some similarities.

RX Phenom
Dec 1, 2006
he was an iranian god retard who fought with the sun and conquered it, born of what virgin? what was her name? what was his fathers name?

why dont you read up on your little wikipedia then come knocking

2009 RX Death Pool Champion
Apr 3, 2005
he was an iranian god retard who fought with the sun and conquered it, born of what virgin? what was her name? what was his fathers name?

why dont you read up on your little wikipedia then come knocking

born of what virgin?

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

what was her name? rosieletta

what was her fathers name? leotis...he was a guitar player in a band

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

2009 RX Death Pool Champion
Apr 3, 2005
oh wait it was what was his fathers name? austin

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

The Great Santini
Mar 17, 2006
Jesus as a Reincarnation of Mithra

The Vatican was built upon the grounds previously devoted to the worship of Mithra (600 B.C.). The Orthodox Christian hierarchy is nearly identical to the Mithraic version. Virtually all of the elements of Orthodox Christian rituals, from miter, wafer, water baptism, alter, and doxology, were adopted from the Mithra and earlier pagan mystery religions. The religion of Mithra preceded Christianity by roughly six hundred years. Mithraic worship at one time covered a large portion of the ancient world. It flourished as late as the second century. The Messianic idea originated in ancient Persia and this is where the Jewish and Christian concepts of a Savior came from. Mithra, as the sun god of ancient Persia, had the following karmic similarities with Jesus:

Identical Life Experiences

(1) Mithra was born on December 25th as an offspring of the Sun. Next to the gods Ormuzd and Ahrimanes, Mithra held the highest rank among the gods of ancient Persia. He was represented as a beautiful youth and a Mediator. Reverend J. W. Lake states: "Mithras is spiritual light contending with spiritual darkness, and through his labors the kingdom of darkness shall be lit with heaven's own light; the Eternal will receive all things back into his favor, the world will be redeemed to God. The impure are to be purified, and the evil made good, through the mediation of Mithras, the reconciler of Ormuzd and Ahriman. Mithras is the Good, his name is Love. In relation to the Eternal he is the source of grace, in relation to man he is the life-giver and mediator" (Plato, Philo, and Paul, p. 15).

(2) He was considered a great traveling teacher and masters. He had twelve companions as Jesus had twelve disciples. Mithras also performed miracles.

(3) Mithra was called "the good shepherd,” "the way, the truth and the light,” “redeemer,” “savior,” “Messiah." He was identified with both the lion and the lamb.

(4) The International Encyclopedia states: "Mithras seems to have owed his prominence to the belief that he was the source of life, and could also redeem the souls of the dead into the better world ... The ceremonies included a sort of baptism to remove sins, anointing, and a sacred meal of bread and water, while a consecrated wine, believed to possess wonderful power, played a prominent part."

(5) Chambers Encyclopedia says: "The most important of his many festivals was his birthday, celebrated on the 25th of December, the day subsequently fixed -- against all evidence -- as the birthday of Christ. The worship of Mithras early found its way into Rome, and the mysteries of Mithras, which fell in the spring equinox, were famous even among the many Roman festivals. The ceremonies observed in the initiation to these mysteries -- symbolical of the struggle between Ahriman and Ormuzd (the Good and the Evil) -- were of the most extraordinary and to a certain degree even dangerous character. Baptism and the partaking of a mystical liquid, consisting of flour and water, to be drunk with the utterance of sacred formulas, were among the inauguration acts."

(6) Prof. Franz Cumont, of the University of Ghent, writes as follows concerning the religion of Mithra and the religion of Christ: "The sectaries of the Persian god, like the Christians', purified themselves by baptism, received by a species of confirmation the power necessary to combat the spirit of evil; and expected from a Lord's supper salvation of body and soul. Like the latter, they also held Sunday sacred, and celebrated the birth of the Sun on the 25th of December.... They both preached a categorical system of ethics, regarded asceticism as meritorious and counted among their principal virtues abstinence and continence, renunciation and self-control. Their conceptions of the world and of the destiny of man were similar. They both admitted the existence of a Heaven inhabited by beatified ones, situated in the upper regions, and of a Hell, peopled by demons, situated in the bowels of the earth. They both placed a flood at the beginning of history; they both assigned as the source of their condition, a primitive revelation; they both, finally, believed in the immortality of the soul, in a last judgment, and in a resurrection of the dead, consequent upon a final conflagration of the universe" (The Mysteries of Mithras, pp. 190, 191).

(7) Reverend Charles Biggs stated: "The disciples of Mithra formed an organized church, with a developed hierarchy. They possessed the ideas of Mediation, Atonement, and a Savior, who is human and yet divine, and not only the idea, but a doctrine of the future life. They had a Eucharist, and a Baptism, and other curious analogies might be pointed out between their system and the church of Christ (The Christian Platonists, p. 240).

(8) In the catacombs at Rome was preserved a relic of the old Mithraic worship. It was a picture of the infant Mithra seated in the lap of his virgin mother, while on their knees before him were Persian Magi adoring him and offering gifts.

(9) He was buried in a tomb and after three days he rose again. His resurrection was celebrated every year.

(10) McClintock and Strong wrote: "In modern times Christian writers have been induced to look favorably upon the assertion that some of our ecclesiastical usages (e.g., the institution of the Christmas festival) originated in the cultus of Mithraism. Some writers who refuse to accept the Christian religion as of supernatural origin, have even gone so far as to institute a close comparison with the founder of Christianity; and Dupuis and others, going even beyond this, have not hesitated to pronounce the Gospel simply a branch of Mithraism" (Art. "Mithra").

(11) Mithra had his principal festival on what was later to become Easter, at which time he was resurrected. His sacred day was Sunday, "the Lord's Day." The Mithra religion had a Eucharist or "Lord's Supper."

(12) The Christian Father Manes, founder of the heretical sect known as Manicheans, believed that Christ and Mithra were one. His teaching, according to Mosheim, was as follows: "Christ is that glorious intelligence which the Persians called Mithras ... His residence is in the sun" (Ecclesiastical History, 3rd century, Part 2, ch. 5).

"I am a star which goes with thee and shines out of the depths." - Mithraic saying

"I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright morning star." - Jesus, (Rev. 22:16)

Breaking Bad Snob
Dec 5, 2004
he was an iranian god retard who fought with the sun and conquered it, born of what virgin? what was her name? what was his fathers name?

why dont you read up on your little wikipedia then come knocking

You're missing the point. The Mithra legend predates Christ by 600 years. And Mithra wasn't the only legend that shares a inconceivable amount of simililarities with the Christ story. When read in totality, it becomes painfully obvious to anyone who isn't brainwashed that the Christ story is merely a reshaping and retelling of myths that had existed for hundreds of years.

In fact, there isn't much in the Christ legend that is original and the parallels between Christian gospel and Pagan mythology makes that very obvious. Thank Constatine for your religion today, because if not for him, Xianity would have fallen by the wayself like the thousands of other religions that didn't "catch on".

RX Phenom
Dec 1, 2006
You're missing the point. The Mithra legend predates Christ by 600 years. And Mithra wasn't the only legend that shares a inconceivable amount of simililarities with the Christ story. When read in totality, it becomes painfully obvious to anyone who isn't brainwashed that the Christ story is merely a reshaping and retelling of myths that had existed for hundreds of years.

In fact, there isn't much in the Christ legend that is original and the parallels between Christian gospel and Pagan mythology makes that very obvious. Thank Constatine for your religion today, because if not for him, Xianity would have fallen by the wayself like the thousands of other religions that didn't "catch on".

where is your scripture about mithra, where are the written documents about him....he was a mythical character that wasn't human...

Like the vast majority of the ancient gods, Mithra was never a "real person." In actuality he was originally represented by non-human forms, following the Persian abhorrence of "idols," as related by Herodotus, until being personified or anthropomorphized after his migration to Asia Minor. As Srivastava states:
It isvery significant to note that ancient Iranians themselves did not represent the Sun-god in human form in the earliest times, and they used to represent him by means of symbols. In one of the sepulchres of Darius near Naqshi Rustam, Mithra is represented as a round disc. Next stage was that of human busts of Sun in later Mithraism. The fully anthropomorphic representation of Mithra was due to Hellenic influence, as is evident by a monument set up by Antiochus I...
In one of these earlier images, Mithra is depicted as a sun disc in a chariot drawn by white horses, another solar motif that made it into the Jesus myth, in which Christ is to return on a white horse.

The Great Santini
Mar 17, 2006
Hey Death eats a cracker:

My imaginary friend can beat up your imaginary friend.

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
where is your scripture about mithra, where are the written documents about him....he was a mythical character that wasn't human...

How is that a defense to the similarities they share? So are you essentially saying that God liked characteristics of this myth so much that he just decided to give his son all of the same ones?

Mythical or not, the Mithra "myth" as well as Horace and the others predate Jesus, who somehow attained almost all of their characteristics and attributes. How do you explain that? Saying that nothing is documented in scripture isn't a defense to that, is it? Where's the explanation? Because it seems as if you're conceding that those stories DID exist before Jesus' existence.

RX Phenom
Dec 1, 2006
How is that a defense to the similarities they share? So are you essentially saying that God liked characteristics of this myth so much that he just decided to give his son all of the same ones?

Mythical or not, the Mithra "myth" as well as Horace and the others predate Jesus, who somehow attained almost all of their characteristics and attributes. How do you explain that? Saying that nothing is documented in scripture isn't a defense to that, is it? Where's the explanation? Because it seems as if you're conceding that those stories DID exist before Jesus' existence.

so you believe that there was a mithra? since you avid say that there are written dcuments about it...mithra was not a human form, it was orshipped by iranians and was not an actual some research...

fact is there are no stories about its life, miracles performed, or actual lifestyle,,,what was mithra's job?.....

compare it all to Jesus...just cuz there are barely any writings that say iranians believd he was a sun god doesn;t mean anything...

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
so you believe that there was a mithra? since you avid say that there are written dcuments about it...mithra was not a human form, it was orshipped by iranians and was not an actual some research...

fact is there are no stories about its life, miracles performed, or actual lifestyle,,,what was mithra's job?.....

compare it all to Jesus...just cuz there are barely any writings that say iranians believd he was a sun god doesn;t mean anything...

Uh, what? First, I didn't compare just to Mithra, I compared to all figures that shared similar characteristics to Jesus but predated him. And if people know about Mithra and Horus and the rest, know their stories and their details, does it matter if it's written? We obviously found out about these guys somehow, right?

So the fact that Horus possesses many of the same characteristics and attributes of Jesus doesn't matter to you because it wasn't written down somewhere for you to read? Is that what you're saying?

RX Phenom
Dec 1, 2006
Uh, what? First, I didn't compare just to Mithra, I compared to all figures that shared similar characteristics to Jesus but predated him. And if people know about Mithra and Horus and the rest, know their stories and their details, does it matter if it's written? We obviously found out about these guys somehow, right?

So the fact that Horus possesses many of the same characteristics and attributes of Jesus doesn't matter to you because it wasn't written down somewhere for you to read? Is that what you're saying?

I understand your argument, but what I am saying is:
1.) Do you honestly belive Jesus never existed? its proven in the history books he did, even King Herrod had any male child killed who was under the age of 2, to try and protect his kingdom.

2.) what were the names of the desciples of mithra?

3.) what miracles did he perform?

4.) What cave was he born in? what city? nation?

5.) what was his virgin mom's name?

6.) How old was he when he died? performed acts during his life?

My point is that people say oh it predates Christ, so christianity came from mithraism, but what I am trying to explain is nothing has ever been proven about mnithra or what he did or anything...its all just a few stories that about him that have been past down...what miralces or good deeds did he perfrom...the actual life of Jesus is documented and in history books....also, see my post about the 8 prpohesies about jesus and what he did, how is impossible coincidence...then show me the miracles performed or even said or did by mithra....

Breaking Bad Snob
Dec 5, 2004
Tokens are really clueless.

You may have to dumb it down a bit, Skins.

If God dropped acid, would he see people?
Sep 21, 2004
I think this is one of those arguments where no one is a winner. Just take your beliefs and stick with them fella s.

A very interesting thread, but like addict said there is no right or wrong. In fact it is such a personal question that I hate when someone asks me it. But let me lay the way I see it:

Bible: I don't believe it because it was written by man. I do like the message it sends so I don't see anything wrong with it. You just can't take it so literally. It's just a book.

God: Yes I still write it with a capital G because I was brainwashed in Sunday school. I don't look up towards the sky to look for God, I look towards my side to the person next to me. I see God in the orange tree in my back yard.

Religion: Instead of uniting the human race it seperates it. More human beings have died because of religion than of any other cause combined. Religion is evil, period.

Pope: He represents the exact opposite of the religion that he represents. Jesus was a simple man, a carpenter. Yet the pope lives in a gold lined palace filled with tresures tainded with human blood. I want to heave when I see him.

I can go on, but this is my 2 cents.

Very interesting posts!

RX Phenom
Dec 1, 2006
A very interesting thread, but like addict said there is no right or wrong. In fact it is such a personal question that I hate when someone asks me it. But let me lay the way I see it:

Bible: I don't believe it because it was written by man. I do like the message it sends so I don't see anything wrong with it. You just can't take it so literally. It's just a book.

God: Yes I still write it with a capital G because I was brainwashed in Sunday school. I don't look up towards the sky to look for God, I look towards my side to the person next to me. I see God in the orange tree in my back yard.

Religion: Instead of uniting the human race it seperates it. More human beings have died because of religion than of any other cause combined. Religion is evil, period.

Pope: He represents the exact opposite of the religion that he represents. Jesus was a simple man, a carpenter. Yet the pope lives in a gold lined palace filled with tresures tainded with human blood. I want to heave when I see him.

I can go on, but this is my 2 cents.

Very interesting posts!
Agree with most of what you said..

I do beleive people turn away from religion because of all the negatives that people affiliated with it do..i.e priests live in palaces, molest kids, people kill in the name of religion, racism..etc, but that is people, not what Christianity is..just because people use it for glory,hate,kill in the name of it, means nothing...if you look at the actual Christian religion, it does not advocate any of those things, but people are so fucked up they make their wrongs justified in their heads through religion...i blame the person, not the Christian beliefs or values...just like I blame the the man, not the gun for going to someone's house and shooting them

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