Do you believe there is a God?


Do You Believe There Is A God?

  • Yes There Is A God-I have no doubt

    Votes: 101 52.1%
  • I believe there Is A God, but I have my doubts

    Votes: 27 13.9%
  • No God- I don't believe in God becuase of no scientific evidence

    Votes: 28 14.4%
  • No God- I don't believe in God for other reason

    Votes: 13 6.7%
  • I don't care if there is a God or not.

    Votes: 9 4.6%
  • Not Sure What To Think

    Votes: 16 8.2%

  • Total voters

New member
Feb 11, 2010
Originally Posted by giants34
I have a neighbor who is 16 years old. She was raped and beaten. The nicest girl you could ever meet. This has changed there life forever. The guy that did this was a church going person. Hey Megatron, answer me this. TWO BABIES SICK IN THE HOSPITAL, BOTH FAMILIES PRAYING AND PRAYING FOR THEM. ONE BABY DIES, ONE BABY LIVES. WHY? Does god not like the other babby. Why is the world 70% screwed up . If they was a god wouldn't be 50-50

Not true. The other baby probably survived because there was a reason for it to. They say the good die young. It was almost certainly a blessing that the other baby died. Prayer works but cannot work everytime or there would be no problems here on earth at all. It was not meant to be that way. Earth is NOT heaven....far from it. Infact I believe earth to be the HELL that the bible talks about. I am not religious, I can't see any logic in believing in one god over another- Also it has been proven that there are many gods out there. Gods of nature, like deities.

So I am being fair and open minded by believing in god without being discriminating against other gods or religions. I dont discount any of them completely. They all have some merit. I do believe Jesus existed. But do I believe you must acknowledge this to go to heaven? Absolutely not. If that were true it would be pretty scary (which is one reason religion is here to keep us in check with fear) because that would mean god is weaker than satan and has no power to destroy the evil and allow good humans into heaven.
I just think it's ludicrous that anyone actually believes that crap.

I can pretty much prove there is no such thing as an eternal hell like the bible says. For one, if there was, how would one suffer eternally? Wouldn't you get used to the torture/pain after a while? The real god out there should be regarded as an all powerful, all loving god, not a hateful or revengeful god. This is what I believe the true meaning of god to be. I believe it is all the energy in the universe combined, although it has also been proven that good energy is stronger than negative energy. Negative people, or demonic people feed off of your fears and stuff like that. So you have the power to beat this negativity if you just knew how weak it really was. It works by blinding people to the truth.

Sure you can put a name on it, like Satan, dress him up with horns and draw a picture of him. But that doesn't mean he really exists. It's all in your mind. I actually think evil is here for us to learn from it. No other reason. There is no evil in heaven. I think our goal is to advance as much as possible, and along the way you will have many, many problems, as we do here on this earth. I do believe in a temporary hell as well. There have been reports of people dying and coming back to life (N.D.E's) and some of these people who were previously very mean people, had went to hell, but they were not there forever. They finally asked god to help them and they are now good people, completely changed by the experience.

Who in their right mind would think that we are not spiritual? No one. The people who think this are blinded by science most of the time. They will learn one day that we are eternal and that there is a higher power than our "brains" although our brains contain the chemicals created by the best chemist in the universe (God) so these are actually super natural chemicals in our brains. So to say these can cause hallucinations, sure they can..but these are actually not hallucinations at all. These are visions straight from god...(which a blind person cannot see) so really you could say you are hallucinating in your everyday life. Things are not what they seem here, you have to dig deeper for the truth. But just use logic above all else. The bible story seems pretty flawed to me.

New member
Feb 11, 2010
One other note-

It's actually very narcissistic to think that there is no god at all, and that we are the highest power here on earth. Just admit to yourself, that you COULD be wrong, you don't KNOW if there is a god, so don't assume there isn't a god just because you haven't be able to explain to yourself how he or it could possible exist. But yeah we all go through this learning stage. I used to be an ignorant kid who didn't believe in god at all. I even did some demonic tattoos on myself, which I regret now as I think they just bring negative energy. So symbols also have meaning. So do numbers. Our entire universe is based on numbers and patterns. Watch the movie PI. This is how I was able to create a successful long term winning Roulette System, by accessing this higher power. I definitely thank "God" for what I've come up with. I actually came up with it through meditation (Which also connects you to god and the universe) so study up about that too and you will find life comes easier, less stressful, and you will even do better with sports betting if you do it regularly.

Sep 21, 2004
A mass murderer prays for forgiveness at the hour of being put to death...

Should he be forgiven?

New member
Mar 27, 2009
I wonder how many Xians there would be if they actually studied the historicity of the Old Testament, the Jesus mythology, and how the Bible was compiled?

Got to love a timeless thread like this.

This thread wouldn't be right unless it gets another angle thrown at it. How about the book of Genesis that is basically taken from the Sumerian civilization. Adam and Eve, the Garden of Eden, The Flood are all written about first by them 6,000 years ago. The Sumerians also believed beings (we'd probably say aliens today) came from the stars, were here several hundred thousand years mining gold, then decided to make human beings (genetically modify) to be slaves and do that mining for them for another 150,000-200,000 years. It's a crazy story, but then you start looking at how advanced they were: math, writing, how they have tablets showing our solar system as we know it today, even fucking Pluto, which supposedly wasn't known until 1930. This was a highly civilized society. Now we got archeologists going on about how Southern Africa (see zimbabwe ruins) has millions of columns and channel structures obviously made by intelligent life. These things are in some cases 200,000 years old. Here's the kicker, located near each one of these is a mine. Ain't that some shit! I believe what science can tell me. And right now this crazy ass Alien Theory is kicking the shit out of the crazy ass Christian God Theory.
Sep 21, 2004
Got to love a timeless thread like this.

This thread wouldn't be right unless it gets another angle thrown at it. How about the book of Genesis that is basically taken from the Sumerian civilization. Adam and Eve, the Garden of Eden, The Flood are all written about first by them 6,000 years ago. The Sumerians also believed beings (we'd probably say aliens today) came from the stars, were here several hundred thousand years mining gold, then decided to make human beings (genetically modify) to be slaves and do that mining for them for another 150,000-200,000 years. It's a crazy story, but then you start looking at how advanced they were: math, writing, how they have tablets showing our solar system as we know it today, even fucking Pluto, which supposedly wasn't known until 1930. This was a highly civilized society. Now we got archeologists going on about how Southern Africa (see zimbabwe ruins) has millions of columns and channel structures obviously made by intelligent life. These things are in some cases 200,000 years old. Here's the kicker, located near each one of these is a mine. Ain't that some shit! I believe what science can tell me. And right now this crazy ass Alien Theory is kicking the shit out of the crazy ass Christian God Theory.

Or maybe you have no clue about which you talk about...

Is the Book of Genesis Plagiarized from Sumerian and Akkadian (Mesopotamian) Sources?

Posted on September 9, 2009
This is a common claim by Zecharia Sitchin and those who adore him, like his webmaster Erik Parker, and Jason Martell. As I have blogged here before (here and here), this idea was common fare toward the end of the 19th century, due primarily to two historical forces: (1) the novelty of the decipherment of cuneiform material, certain items of which sounded like Genesis stories; and (2) anti-Semitism being rife within higher-critical biblical scholarship. Today, in the 21st century (and one could say since the mid 20th century), scholars of Akkadian and Sumerian do NOT hold this view. They just know better since they have a much more accurate grasp of Akkadian and Sumerian, as well as Semitic linguistics.
This morning the University of Chicago graciously posted a new e-book on the ABZU website entitled, “From Babylon to Baghdad: Ancient Iraq and the Modern West.” It’s free, and so here’s a link to it. I recommend (unless you are a fundamentalist Sitchinite) reading the article “The Genesis of Genesis” by Victor Hurowitz. I have inserted a hyperlink to the page in the Table of Contents. Hurowitz is a professor at Ben Gurion University in Israel (so he lacks that awful Christian bias). He is a recognized expert in the interface of the Hebrew Bible and Assyriology, and serves on the steering committee of the Melammu Project, which focuses on the study of the intellectual heritage of Assyria and Babylonia in the modern East and West.
Guess what? He doesn’t agree with Sitchin and his followers that Genesis came from Sumerian and Akkadian works. What a shock. I’ve highlighted a few choice phrases in the PDF at the link so you can’t miss them. What’s even better is that the article also includes quotations from Assyriologist Wilfred Lambert that say the same thing. Who is Lambert? He’s one of the scholars Sitchin likes to quote in his books to create the impression that he (Sitchin) is doing serious research when he isn’t.
But please read it for yourself. Yes, there is a relationship between works like Enuma Elish and the book of Genesis — because they both come from the ancient Near East, not because of literary dependence. As the article points out, the real parallels to Genesis from non-biblical material do not come from Mesopotamia; they come from Ugarit. This is something that anyone who has looked at my divine council site already knows, since I point it out all the time.
There’s no antidote against PaleoBabble like fact-based scholarship. But like any medicine, you have to take it before it can help you.

New member
Feb 11, 2010
Penis lovers can repent. God loves you just as he loves your penis. But no, he's not perverted. He's god. He wants you to know that men loving other men is long as you don't put your penises in each other's butts. If you chose to do that, I guarantee he will strike you down to hell where you belong. No fags allowed in Heaven, you hear me?! Get back in the closet now and change your ways, little defected ones..


Retired; APRIL 2014 Thank You Gambling
Sep 20, 2004
Prayer is a Farse! It is a form of destressing meditation. The real question is Why does god HATE amputees:think2:? he does you know.


Breaking Bad Snob
Dec 5, 2004
I can't believe I've been here over six years.

...or that this thread is still alive.

Nov 20, 2004
I believe in God, but that doesnt mean he exists. But what i do know with 100 percent certainty is the fact that there is no person on this entire planet who knows the answer. Some here babble about wanting scientists to prove God exists before they believe. Well the truth is science cant prove if God exits or not. There is just no way for them to know this answer.

Just stop and think about it, whatever theory a scientist tells you believe, its still just a man made theory.

Point is each person needs to make their own mind up, because no human can give them the answer they are wanting to hear, its friggin impossible.

Lastly, just look at your own body and how complicated it is. Do you really think some random event created that? no way.

good luck to all, no matter which way you side

Breaking Bad Snob
Dec 5, 2004
Lastly, just look at your own body and how complicated it is. Do you really think some random event created that? no way.

Seriously? Please read up on Evolution so you will know how wrong you are with that comment.

Nov 20, 2004
How did i know one of those evolution guys would respond to my post.
You mean evolution, told to you by another human being. See you miss the point, no human on this planet can know the answer.

Yeah i know we evolved from one single cell. Where did that 1 cell come from? Yup just a random event created all of us, yet its pretty amazing how us humans need water, air and the sun {which needs to be perfectly in place for us to stay alive} all of those things evolved also.
lmfaoooooooooooooo light up another joint and keep drinking the evolution kool aid told to you by some human scientist.
Feb 20, 2002
Why is the world 70% screwed up .

One theory is freewill.

A second view is that without experiencing evil we couldn't know or appreciate good.

Either way, it may only be temporary. What's a few years compared to eternity?

Certainly God is not the one of books that speak of Him as torturing people forever.

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