Do you believe there is a God?


Do You Believe There Is A God?

  • Yes There Is A God-I have no doubt

    Votes: 101 52.1%
  • I believe there Is A God, but I have my doubts

    Votes: 27 13.9%
  • No God- I don't believe in God becuase of no scientific evidence

    Votes: 28 14.4%
  • No God- I don't believe in God for other reason

    Votes: 13 6.7%
  • I don't care if there is a God or not.

    Votes: 9 4.6%
  • Not Sure What To Think

    Votes: 16 8.2%

  • Total voters

EV Whore
Apr 18, 2006
Yes He Exists. For All Of You Who Want Facts- Go To Your Local Store- Any Store And Buy A Holy Bible. I Suggest The King James New International Version. Very Easy To Understand. Read The Book Of John First- Then Read The Rest Cover To Cover. You Will Find All The Answers You Need For The Rest Of Your Life. Go Into This With An Open Mind-heart- And Soul. I Can Tell You For A Fact That It Will Change Your Life For The Better. Dont Be Afraid. He Is A Loving God. I Wish You All The Best.

I have read the bible, cover to cover, more than once. Probably 3 times. Cover to cover. I went in with an open mind.
I still don't believe in God, and I DEFINITELY don't believe in organized religion. Just my experience, to each his own. :toast:

EV Whore
Apr 18, 2006
Yes He Exists. For All Of You Who Want Facts- Go To Your Local Store- Any Store And Buy A Holy Bible. I Suggest The King James New International Version. Very Easy To Understand. Read The Book Of John First- Then Read The Rest Cover To Cover. You Will Find All The Answers You Need For The Rest Of Your Life. Go Into This With An Open Mind-heart- And Soul. I Can Tell You For A Fact That It Will Change Your Life For The Better. Dont Be Afraid. He Is A Loving God. I Wish You All The Best.

What I tried to post earlier was that I have read the Bible cover to cover 3 times, and I still don't believe in God. I definitely don't believe in organized religion, I think it is the biggest and most successful scam ever perpetrated on the masses in history.
JMO, to each his own. :toast:

Breaking Bad Snob
Dec 5, 2004
The Falls said:
You will face judgement whether you believe or not.

The consequence of not believing:
Where THEIR WORM dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.

Dude, Hell is sooooooo 18th century.

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
I don't even know what to think. I can really see every view point.

1) The Human Body is an unbelievably complex, incredible "creation". The circulatory system, the eyeball, anything with the body. Immune system. White and red blood cells. Really hard to imagine that it just evolved. "Science" tries to prove the answers factually, which brings me to my next point...

2) Who do we as a human race think we are? Do we think we have all of the answers? Do we think we have some ultra-powerful brain?

a) Pro-God - A dog has no idea that math exists. A dog just cannot comprehend e=mc(2)squared. Why as humans do we think we have all of the answers? That God must have a creator in order to exist. What if the universe just "is", it has no beginning it had no end. We are just mammals. We sniff our own farts, we pick our noses. We aren't some incredibly intellectual beings. We just have self-awareness. We dont have all of the answers, and Im sure there are things on this in this universe that we'll simply never understand. Does that actually mean we have a soul? Hmmmm.

b) Atheist - Survival of the fittest, evolution, etc. Why could this have not have happened? Who is to say that it couldnt have happened? Am I trusting any scientists theory whatsoever that can disprove this train of thought? No, he's just human. As a race, we have never had all of the answers. Everyone thought the world was flat. So, I'm not about to put all of my trust into something like a "theory" that states Darwins theory couldnt have happened...... Amoeba. 2 million years later, after weathering hardships, changing environments, and gathering nutrients, it grows bigger. 2 million years later same deal, now it's growing ways to move faster. It weathers other creatures, and begins to develop a defense (immune system). Etc etc. Hey, it could have happened. I'm not closing my mind to that. Black holes exist. I think thats far crazier than an amoeba evolving, and we are just scratching the surface with things going on in the universe.

3) Why is believing in God the most important issue of religion? There are far more important things. I'm not going to say what God is like, or what "He" wants. But, come on. He created the eyeball, the liver, the immune system. He sets up the world, with vast oceans, and animals, and all sorts of beautiful things. And after all of this work, all of this creation, he says...."OK, go out there and believe in me!!!! Thats all I care about!!!! I love you all, and by the way if you dont believe in me, I'm gonna burn you all in hell." Heaven, hell? I dont know. Sounds really more like a way to control society.
In 8000BC, you have a bunch of people running around with no government, no police, no jail. Some are a little slick, a little smarter than the rest of the pack. They are just discovering fire which becomes their ultimate hunting weapon. They didnt know how to make bows and arrows, or anything like that. And lightning strikes a tree and fire is created, to give them the idea and by some spontaneous event, they create manmade fire. They use this to corner animals, to hunt. It becomes the most feared thing on this earth. So, people are killing each other randomly. Bad things are happening with no civilized way of life. They need a way to control people, so they say "I spoke to God, I know, nobody else saw it but me, and he says no more killing each other or you go to hell where there is lots of fire." Everyone else says..."no way...there is no God. I havnt seen anything." And the slick guy says, "yes there is. im telling you, there is a god, how do you think he told me all of this?" This argument goes on for a longtime, until the slick guy finally alters his hell, to include heaven. "Actually, if you kill people you go to hell, but now God says if you dont believe in him then you go to hell, and if you do believe him in you go to heaven."

Thats why believing in him is so important. Back when the slick guy introduced the concept of God, nobody believed him. So his control methods couldnt work if they didnt believe he existed in the first place. Thats why it became the most important aspect of religion. If you dont believe in something, the control structure doesnt work.

4) God created man in his own is mortal. Is God dead? Does God die?

5) What about dinosaurs? Do we just ignore those little facts when we discuss religion? Adam and Eve were the first two on the planet, but fact shows dinosaurs existed. No mention of them anywhere. Maybe I'll get the God works in mysterious ways cop-out for that one.

6) Sounds "far-fetched" to some. But maybe "aliens" created us to populate this planet. If the universe is as big as it is, big beyond our comprehension, and has been around as long as it has, longer than our comprehension, how could we be the only place that God "populated" or where amoebas evolved? Maybe there is a far more advanced civilization, exploring the universe, populating it with members of their society. Whether you believe there is an invisible man in the sky putting your soul on clouds or into fire depending on whether or not you believe in his existence, or you believe that some crazy explosion happened from which spawned an amoeba which spawned the crazy human body, surely this cant seem to far-fetched.

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
Gyno, you got mail.

By the way, as I stated, I dont know where I stand whether or not there is a God. There may or may not be.

If there is a God, is there necessarily an afterlife? There may or may not be.

But what I do know, well, not KNOW, but what I believe, is that the 'ticket' to heaven is certainly not whether or not you believe in God. As I mentioned above, if you don't believe something exists, like God, and heaven and hell, then the control structure doesnt work. People would just dismiss everything, the Bible, the 10 commandments, whatever. Thats why it became the most important aspect of religion. In reality, the ticket to heaven, if it exists, can be so many more important things such as:

-Simply reproducing. If you have a child, and you continue the human race you did your job on this earth. (Always a loophole, what if a man has low sperm count or something).

- Not killing anybody. Don't hinder the human race. (schizo)

- Helping others. Serving your role in society.

Maybe life is a gift, a miracle, and your time on this planet is your playground. You are given the gift of life, and all good things must come to an end. So, enjoy this gift while you have it.

New member
Feb 24, 2006
HinesWard86 said:
Whoa, whoa there. Documented? By his loyal subjects, who have been found to exaggerate things in other areas of their lives. The truth is Christianity is a stolen religion. We stole the tenets of Christianity from Judaism, Zoroastrianism, the Epic of Gilgamesh, etc. Those are the facts. Besides, look at all the shiat that the Catholic Church has covered up, exaggerated, etc. The Catholic Church for two millenia has lied, cheated, and done many many many horrible things in the name of God. The Crusades, the Inquisition, indulgences, smuggling Nazis out of Europe, the list goes on and on and on. However, I do believe God is real, I just believe that organized religion is very wicked and evil.

Im not catholic, and who found that they exagerated anything. The church is and can be the problem. I choose to believe and i am wise enough not to let church or organized religion dictate to me on what Christianity is all about

That settles it...It's WED/DAY
Sep 21, 2004
Box, first evolution did happen and does happen. That fact though does not prove or disprove God. It may put a kink in the armor of the fairy tale called the Bible but it does not prove or disprove God.

ok i cant get into this now im playing partay poka

New member
Sep 20, 2004
I do not know, what i know for sure is that there is a Godlatte ... ( fvck him! )

New member
Jun 8, 2005
This seems to be a pretty good thread. A lot of thoughtful answers, and it hasn't turned into petty bullshit so many threads do, especially in the Political room.

Strikes me as a bit Ironic that this thread is in the rubber room.

Last night I drank enough to kill a small Asian fa
Jan 25, 2005
Well the Catholic Church was supposed to be the manifestation of God on Earth I believe, and Jesus did say in the Bible "What you hold true on Earth, I shall hold true in Heaven." The truth is the Bible is very flawed, look at some of the books left out of the NT like Gospel of the Egyptians and Revelation of Peter, etc. They were left out because they were somewhat contradictory. The truth is religion is inherently flawed because it was created by man, not by God. Men wrote the laws and claimed that God proclaimed them.
Jan 19, 2006
koidog said:
This seems to be a pretty good thread. A lot of thoughtful answers, and it hasn't turned into petty bullshit so many threads do, especially in the Political room.

Strikes me as a bit Ironic that this thread is in the rubber room.

I started this thread in the Rubber Room. This thread showcases why
therx is the best forum out there. Great job fellas. :103631605 I am glad
you guys are enjoying this thread.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
God did not create man, man created god

Of course there is no god anybody with any common sense at all would see this I mean just try and think about this from a logical point of view its stupid.

I give religion maybe another hundred years or so before it basicly all gone in this part of the world I'm guessing a little longer over in mental land the mid east.

EV Whore
Apr 18, 2006
Stocks said:
God did not create man, man created god

Of course there is no god anybody with any common sense at all would see this I mean just try and think about this from a logical point of view its stupid.

I give religion maybe another hundred years or so before it basicly all gone in this part of the world I'm guessing a little longer over in mental land the mid east.

I basically agree there is no god but you come off as awful harsh. I would never call someone stupid for their beliefs.
Also, religion will never die. Some people NEED something to believe in. If it helps you be a better person and get through tough times I'm all for that.

Sep 20, 2004


1000 UNIT LOCK OF THE CENTURY......... BET THAT..... :pope:

Sep 20, 2004
<TABLE class=tborder id=post3027899 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=thead style="FONT-WEIGHT: normal">-2006, 06:58 PM <!-- / status icon and date --></TD><TD class=thead style="FONT-WEIGHT: normal" align=right> #23 </TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=alt2 width=175>HarryCaray<SCRIPT type=text/javascript> vbmenu_register("postmenu_3027899", true); </SCRIPT>
Cubs Fan...Bud Man

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</TD><TD class=alt1 id=td_post_3027899><!-- icon and title -->

<HR style="COLOR: #fdde82" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->Not really. I don't believe in God, but I don'd disbelieve in him. I would not make an argument that he does not exist.
It's not like leprachauns at the end of the rainbow. I DESBELIEVE in that, i.e., I would make an argument that leprachauns definitely do not exist.
That is not how I view the existence of God.

Here is my bottom line:
I don't know if he exists or not. I have no idea what happens to you after you die. And anyone who pretends they do, is foolish. Anyone who will tell you with a straight face that they know, FOR A FACT, what happens to you after you die, is... well, lets just say I don't understand how you could do that.

Sorry if that offends anyone.
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SEEK.... FIND....


New member
Sep 21, 2004
HarryCaray said:
I basically agree there is no god but you come off as awful harsh. I would never call someone stupid for their beliefs.
Also, religion will never die. Some people NEED something to believe in. If it helps you be a better person and get through tough times I'm all for that.

I meant the idea of god in general is stupid not your stupid if you believe in god.

About religion dying its probaly not gonna completely die not any time soon anyway but say 100 years from now your not gonna have a very high percent of people still going to church or even giving a shit about religion.

One other note on religion and stuff organized religion is the biggest scam of all time, my opinion on it is that organized religion was only created for money and power and thats it.

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