Ok Wolfie, you win. I now believe that we all evolved from
chimpanzees (or a common ancestor). And, chimps evolved
from a pile of goo. And the goo came from... oh wait, the Darwinists
don't want to argue about abiogenesis.
The evidence is so overwhelming everyone should believe in the
Excuse me while I go eat some bananas.
Since you have totally abandoned any remote trace you showed of a smart discussion........I can now openly say that I find it so very hard to believe that you have a degree in science (Then again, who knows what you define by science, you were not Bergman's classmate at some point right? ROFL)
I am glad that you are going to eat a banana, first of all they are good for you, second it probably came from Costa Rica and third, its the worst atheists nightmare
<embed id="VideoPlayback" style="width:400px;height:326px" allowFullScreen="true" src="http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docid=-4472004596147265716&hl=en&fs=true" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"> </embed>
btw, how can anyone have a discussion with you about the current theories of the emergence of life....if you don't even acknowledge that there is a problem with Bergman's position and the young earth. Starting right there.....you can dismiss without any explanation, any reference to chemistry/physics or anything even remotely linked......so you see....its totally useless to even start debating you on that issue