The first thing I notice here is that this guy didn't come in flaming CRIS. He E-mailed the Shrink, and Sting. They chose to post it on their forums.
Secondly, as stated before, anyone who has given you $1,000,000 in action over five years (If in fact that's all true) is a great customer and deserves the benefit of the doubt in a dispute. Thoose that don't beleive he could have $1,000,000, do the math. 1K per day in action over a year is how much? Over five years is? He never said he sent a million, he said he had wagered that amount.
Lastly, I think that maybe Gary could have phrased a couple of things better. For example...In Re: Taking the play on paper (Common unwritten industry policy). Instead of "HE REFUSED", or "You know why", = "We used to do that at times, but unfortunately we're longer able too sir, I apologize for the inconvenience.". "He told me he didn't want me to make this a drawn out issue and I should take the 100 Bonus Play" = "I want to get this cleared up for you ASAP, what do you think would be a fair compensation?" "If you say no he said, I can't make any guarantees that I can offer this to you again" = "Let me speak to the GM tomorrow, and see how we can resolve this sir". It sounds like it was late when Gary spoke to this customer, maybe he was tired or having a bad day? CRIS continues to be strong.....Real strong.