I agree with you. There is a lot more hell to pay in the economy, in the markets, and in the kitchens of many millions of Americans.
But what "truth" are you not getting at the daily (sometimes twice daily) White House press conferences?
They are managing this thing on the fly. EVERYTHING is a moving target. There was no ramp up period. The Government cannot solve all issues for all of our lives with one swipe of a glittering wand. The CDC and HHS are government agencies. They are showing us how cumbersome and unprepared they are for this virus. Did you expect anything different?
If you are paying attention to all the press conferences (I've watched most either in real time or video) you would know that the White House is reacting to the virus and the information that is currently available (in this country and in other countries) about the virus and its spread. There is no textbook to pull out to get answers to the occurring or expected problems. Heck, we're not even clear about what problems are expected from the virus.
In the mean time the approach for dealing with this, pretty much sanctioned by all levels of Government from local to Federal, is shutdowns. The degrees vary from town to town and state to state.
I have said many times on this board that they will / are creat(ing) many more VERY serious problems than they are correcting. The domino effect has just begun. Wait a month or three. Like I said above, things are not static. They are moving and moving fast.
Our job as investors is to discern where we can advantage from the moving information. Don't expect a roadmap or blame the people at the White House. This is the most complicated situation we will ever witness in our lifetimes. The answers are not apparent or easy. That is precisely why the markets are so volatile. Don't blame the White House unless you can tell us what they can do better to attack the problems.
My position has always been to let the virus take it's natural course. But save the economy. That is save businesses, jobs, and portfolios. There are a few others here who share that position but we do so under derision.
Think for yourself (or us collectively) because the answers are just not apparent.
I think the bigger you are the less nimble you are. Federal government fits this description. For the most part every press conference the President paints a picture than sounds where better than reality.
As we get to smaller government like the states I think they are smaller and more nimble.
Let me give you an example: Trump maybe a week or so said anyone who wants a test can get the test. He keeps saying the same thing.
Yesterday the governor of our state had a press conference and said I dont care what the president said it is wrong. We cant get test kits and we currently cant get 1,700 test processed because they dont have the supplies to finish the test.
Another example is the availability of mask. Just say there are not enough and we are doing everything possible to increase that so you wont here some hospital saying they cant gets masks. On the masks. The government has a stock pile of those in storage. Why not say we are going to issue 1/2 of those the the areas with the highest infections right now and replace them as the supply increases.
Lastly until about two days ago Trump downplayed the virus and called it a hoax at a rally about a month ago.....then yesterday he started saying he knew all along it was going to be a panademic problem. If you knew why didn't you take simple actions like getting masks and ventilators made.
The test itself has been a disaster. I looked up the company making ventilators thinking investment. They have 25 employees. How many can they possible make in a month or two? Not like they are 3m making masks. The list goes on. Local news has report after report that there are not medical equipment or test available.
If Washington will have a million mask for their hospitals on Friday...say Friday and meet the schedule. Dont say Friday and it is a month later.
Things are changing quickly and you wont make all good decisions. Just tell it like it is. Today again at his press conference his big ass ego felt bruised. He blamed the states. Are you kidding me. If there were ventilators, masks and other supplies to be bought we have a billion surplus.....our state could write the check and would.
I told a coworker 3 years ago (and he is a republican although that shouldnt matter). I said Trump has for his whole life been an egotistical liar. The problem with that is that if something really important were to happen and he stands in front of you and tells you something.....you wont know if he is telling the truth based on his past. That guy came up to me Friday and reminded me of what I said. He said it is so true. I have no trust in anything he says.
Done with my rant...feel a little better....I believe our governor or when other governors speak that they are telling me the truth....I dont believe our President.