Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
It's about the kids and what they want. Lavish? Like your hell hole in Vegas?

please don't talk about family.....a guy who finds out his dad died from the newspaper has no sense of family or any idea what family vacations are about.
Of course it is. It’s sad how you brainwash them in believing that vacations in the family truckster and staying in bug infested motels is the way millionaires do it.

I guess it’s all in the way you’re raised, if you don’t know anything different, you think it’s great. At least you’re continuing your family tradition.

Nothing to be ashamed of. I was poor once, then I grew up.

Maybe you’ll get there someday.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Of course it is. It’s sad how you brainwash them in believing that vacations in the family truckster and staying in bug infested motels is the way millionaires do it.

I guess it’s all in the way you’re raised, if you don’t know anything different, you think it’s great. At least you’re continuing your family tradition.

Nothing to be ashamed of. I was poor once, then I grew up.

Maybe you’ll get there someday.

You wouldn't understand because your sense of family is dropping your wife off at penny slots while you blow the rent on 10 dollar blackjack. You don't understand that people with money don't need lavish vacations when they have families. It's about being together and enjoying each other....if thats Virginia or Jersey or doesn't matter.

None of this you will grasp because you're old and miserable and whatever kids you have are long gone because they realized their father is a failure. And much like you did......they will find out about their dads demise thru a third or fourth party.

Ask yourself if your life has had a positive impact on others. You and I know the answer is no.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
You wouldn't understand because your sense of family is dropping your wife off at penny slots while you blow the rent on 10 dollar blackjack. You don't understand that people with money don't need lavish vacations when they have families. It's about being together and enjoying each other....if thats Virginia or Jersey or doesn't matter.

None of this you will grasp because you're old and miserable and whatever kids you have are long gone because they realized their father is a failure. And much like you did......they will find out about their dads demise thru a third or fourth party.

Ask yourself if your life has had a positive impact on others. You and I know the answer is no.

Strike a nerve did I? I only have I daughter but I’ll stack her up against anyone.

By the way, how many children do you have?

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Strike a nerve did I? I only have I daughter but I’ll stack her up against anyone.

By the way, how many children do you have?

A nerve? think someone like you can strike a nerve. That's funny.

Your daughter must be something.....considering you said a former First Lady, senator and Secretary of State didn't accomplish anything in her life. Was your daughter anointed Queen of England?

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
A nerve? think someone like you can strike a nerve. That's funny.

Your daughter must be something.....considering you said a former First Lady, senator and Secretary of State didn't accomplish anything in her life. Was your daughter anointed Queen of England?

I must have missed your answer.

How many children did you say you have?

New member
Oct 29, 2010
I must have missed your answer.

How many children did you say you have?

2.......I realize you're asking to set up something stupid to say.

Ive asked you several questions that you never answer so why do I answer yours.

Why did you lie about obamas birth certificate saying African American?

New member
Jan 9, 2009



The Associated Press

by MATTHEW BOYLE29 Aug 2015WOODBRIDGE, Virginia602

WOODBRIDGE, Virginia — Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, a 2016 GOP presidential candidate, stormed into the Commonwealth of Virginia on Saturday with a spring in his step heading into the next stages of the GOP presidential election.
Walker, who just scored key conservative Sen. Mark Obenshain to chair his Virginia campaign efforts, is the first presidential candidate on the GOP side this campaign cycle to make a stop in the all-important Prince William County, a swing county. Walker’s pickup of Obenshain, of course, is a direct contrast to former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush bringing aboard disgraced former House Majority Leader Eric Cantor on his campaign, a couple of blasts from the past up against two conservative stalwarts. Cantor is the only Majority Leader in the history of the United States of America to ever lose re-election in a primary, proving just how unpopular he is statewide in Virginia and in his old district, now represented by Rep. Dave Brat (R-VA).
Speaking before a crowd of a couple hundred at a PWC Young Republicans cookout at the county GOP headquarters, Walker lambasted the Washington establishment and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. He said Clinton’s email scandal should mean she is “disqualified” from being president. He joked, too, that the leftwing Occupy Wall Street movement didn’t start on Wall Street—it started on his street in Wisconsin. Most importantly, Walker—who did slip a little bit in some recent polls as businessman Donald Trump has risen to become the clear GOP frontrunner—appeared to have a renewed level of energy and seemed to be having fun.
After the speech, Walker stuck around to take pictures and chat with what seemed like every single person who came out to see him. He signed autographs, and listened to the voters about their concerns. He also hopped on one man’s oversized Harley Davidson motorcycle to take some pictures. Walker also did an exclusive sit-down interview with Breitbart News in the headquarters of the county GOP, an interview that is forthcoming.
“It’s great to be here at this time to say I’m Scott Walker, I’m running for president, and I’m asking for your vote here in the Commonwealth,” Walker opened his speech by saying, after thanking Obenshain for all his efforts on behalf of his campaign. “It’s actually great to be in this spot, because I was here back in your gubernatorial election helping—literally, right here—with many of you here, I appreciate that. We’re going to keep coming back to Virginia over and over and over again, from one end of the state to the other, because we know that Virginia is important not only at the beginning of the year in 2016, but we want to be back as your Republican nominee for president to win in Virginia in the fall of 2016 as well.”
Walker made a big pitch to conservatives and grassroots activists in Virginia and around the country.
“We need the grassroots,” Walker said. “We talked about winning three times in the last four years for governor. We won in a blue state, we won with incredible grassroots support. That starts with people getting out getting signatures to get on the ballot, then going out going door to door, neighbor to neighbor, going to folks tomorrow at church and elsewhere in next year’s elections and get that message out. We know building a grassroots organization is what it takes to win elections. I’m committed to that. In the last couple years, between the recall election in 2012 and the reelection in 2014 we made twice as many contacts in that two years than we had in the presidential election in 2012. So we know the grassroots can make a difference. We were the number one target in the country in 2012 during the presidential election, and last year during the reelection there was no bigger target when it came to governors, the United States Senate or the House of Representatives. The unions, the Obamas, the Clintons, everyone came into our state and you know what? We won again.”
Walker noted that he carried independents in Wisconsin by more than 11 points, and he said he believes that is because independents are concerned about the same thing GOP base voters are.
“They want leadership,” Walker said. “They want people to look them in the eye and tell them what they’re going to do and then go out and do it. Now, more than ever, America needs a leader in the White House who has been tested. We saw what happened in 2008 when America sent someone to the White House who had never run anything before, who had never had an executive position in government before. We see what an abysmal failure it’s been to the economy, to the size and scope of the government, to our standing in the world. Now more than ever we need a leader in the White House who has been tested. I’m going to tell you, ladies and gentlemen, I’ve been tested more than any candidate in this race. We have passed that test. We will stand up and fight and win for you, your family, your families’ way of life here in Virginia and across America every single day.”
The crowd went wild.
Walker cited several of the new Republican senators since the GOP took the majority—Sens.
Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR)

, Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC)

andSen. Joni Ernst (R-IA)

among them—and noted that they need a Republican who’s a “reformer” like him in the White House to help get things done that are positive so they can show the country “it’s not just about party; it’s about country, and if we can do that we can make this country great again.”“But it’s going to take a lot of work,” Walker said. “I’d love to have that head-to-head battle, I’d love to have that head-to-head battle with Hillary Clinton.”
Walker referenced his recent foreign policy speech at the Citadel in South Carolina and began laying out his vision on national security.
“When I was at the citadel and I was talking to about a thousand cadets, I pointed out in the real world—the world outside of Washington—you don’t get promoted to another job when you failed at the last one,” Walker said. “You get fired. Hillary Clinton failed at her job as Secretary of State. In fact, everywhere in the world that Hillary Clinton touched is more messed up today than when she and the president took office. In fact, people talk about this email scandal as if it’s about emails—it’s not about emails. It’s about national security. It’s about your security. It’s about my security. It’s about our children’s security. She put our national security at risk. She either violated the law which means it’s illegal, or she’s incompetent because she didn’t know what top secret or classified information was. Either way, that makes her disqualified to be President of the United States. We need someone who’s not intimidated to call her out on that or to call the media out on that or to call anybody in America out on that. You know I’m not intimidated. America is not intimidated—I’m not going to be intimidated.”
From there, Walker went through how he faced down the institutional left in Wisconsin.
“We took on 100,000 protesters,” Walker said. “My wife Tonette is here with me today—my boys and I and Tonette, we faced all the death threats against me, the threats against our family, the threats against our lawmakers. We dealt with 100,000 protesters who occupied our Capitol. The Occupy Wall Street movement didn’t start on Wall Street; it started on my street in Madison, Wisconsin. They retreated to Wall Street after they lost. For a while there was a point for about a month where 14 Senate Democrats in the minority decided to leave the state and go south into Illinois and go south to try to stop what we were doing to push reform. In the end, we prevailed. When it was all said and done, one of my good friends Congressman
Rep. Sean Duffy (R-WI)

gave me a great bumper sticker. It said ‘One Walker Beats 14 Runners.’”

New member
Jan 9, 2009



Reuters/Kevin Lamarque

by JORDAN SCHACHTEL29 Aug 2015Washington, DC6,774

[h=2]Hillary Clinton’s campaign tried to defend her controversial top staffer, Huma Abedin, after Donald Trump called Abedin’s husband–the disgraced former Congressman Anthony Weiner–a “perv” and a “sleazebag.”[/h]Trump also suggested that Abedin, the daughter of Islamic supremacists — is a security risk.
But Hillary’s defense consisted mostly of an effort to change the subject. “Donald Trump has spent the summer saying offensive things about women, but there is no place for patently false, personal attacks towards a staff member,” said Hillary’s press secretary Nick Merrill.
Clinton’s statement also tried to stigmatize public debate about Abedin’s actions. Trump “should be ashamed of himself, and others in his own party should take a moment to stand up to him and draw the line for once. It’s embarrassing to watch frankly,” she said.
Clinton is surrounded by a protective clique and “Huma now is one of the people,” Trump explained during a speech in Massachusetts on Friday.

“Who is Huma married to? One of the great sleazebags of our time, Anthony Weiner, did you know that? She’s married to Anthony Weiner,” Trump said, before pretending to use an imaginary cell phone in mocking Weiner, who preyed on women using his Twitter account.
The late Andrew Breitbart, who founded Breitbart News, played a central role in exposing Weiner’s activities online. In 2011, Mr. Breitbart first revealed that the former New York Congressman was sending women (with whom he was having online relationships) pictures of his private parts over the internet. Weiner defended himself by smearing Breitbart’s journalism and on multiple occasions accused Breitbart of lying. In June 2011, however, Weiner admitted his guilt during a press conference and then resigned from Congress.
But Trump extended his criticism by suggesting that Abedin is a security risk in an office which ignored rules intended to shield top-secret emails from foreign spies. FBI officials are now investigating Hillary’s office to see if her deliberate use of a non-government email system carelessly revealed top secrets to foreign spies.
“So Huma is getting classified secrets,” said Trump. “She’s married to Anthony Weiner, who is a perv… Now these are confidential documents… and guess what happens to Anthony Weiner? A month ago, I see he went to work for a public relations firm. Do you believe it? Now if you think that Huma isn’t telling Anthony, who she is probably desperately in love with in fairness to Anthony, because why else would she marry this guy. Could you believe it?”
Abedin “is married to a bad guy. I’ve known Anthony Weiner for a long time. I knew him before he got caught with the bing bing bing,” he said regarding Weiner’s infamous usage of social media. “He was a bad guy then. It turns out, he was a really bad guy.”

Sep 21, 2004
Huma isn’t telling Anthony, who she is probably desperately in love with in fairness to Anthony, because why else would she marry this guy

Huma have her Papers b4 or after marriage :103631605

New member
Jan 9, 2009



ABC via YouTube/ Rising Response

by MIKE FLYNN29 Aug 2015887

[h=2]The 2008 Democrat nomination was permanently reshuffled when Barack Obama beat Hillary Clinton in the Iowa Caucus. Obama’s win surprised pundits at the time, but a new poll from Bloomberg/Des Moines Register suggests another Hillary defeat is possible. This potential upset is being broadcast five months early.[/h]In the new survey, Hillary has the support of just 37 percent of likely Democrat caucus voters. Sanders has nearly doubled his support, garnering 30 percent in the poll. Vice President Joe Biden, who is not a candidate, earns 14 percent support.
Without Biden in the race, his supporters break a little more than evenly for Hillary, putting her just 8 points ahead of Sanders, 43-35 percent. In May, Hillary had just under 60% of the vote, while Sanders had just 16 percent.
“It looks like what people call the era of inevitability is over,” Ann Selzer, whose firm conducted the poll. “She has lost a third of the support that she had in May, so any time you lose that much that quickly, it’s a wake-up call.”
Seltzer has been polling Iowa caucus-goers for decades and has one of the best records of predicting the outcome of the vote.
It should be noted that this survey comes after Hillary has blanketed the Hawkeye State with an expensive ad buy highlighting her biography and her political record. Hillary’s drop in the poll reflects a challenge for candidates as well known as Clinton. Voters already have pretty firm perceptions of Hillary and are somewhat immune from the impact of extensive ad buys.
No other Democrat candidates have been advertising in Iowa and Hillary’s ad buy was more than all the Republican candidates combined. It has to worry Democrat observers that a nearly saturating ad buy can’t stem defections from Hillary.
Sanders, a quirky, aging socialist from New England isn’t, on paper, the kind of candidate who would ignite the more resonant voters in Iowa. Seltzer observed, however, that Sanders makes voters “feel good about being a Democrat.”
In many ways, the rise of Sanders is a mirror reflection of the Republican voters’ dissatisfaction that is propelling Donald Trump in the GOP nomination contest. The entire voting public, at both ends of the political spectrum, are rebelling against the national parties’ candidates.
In an age of great anxiety, status quo is anathema to voters.
The Sanders threat for Hillary is also beginning to look like a replay of 2008. In that election, Obama overwhelmed Hillary with support of young, liberal voters who participated in their first caucus. Sanders trounces Hillary, 50-27%, among caucus-goers under 45. He leads self-described liberals by 5 points and beats Hillary by 12 points among Democrats who plan to participate in the caucuses for the first time.
There is a glimmer of hope for Hillary, though. Just over 60 percent of potential Democrat caucus-goers don’t think the email scandal surrounding Hillary is important. That said, she still only gets 37 percent support.
If Democrats start worrying about the email scandal, the floor could drop out from under Hillary very quickly.

New member
Jan 9, 2009

Sources: Hillary Clinton Has Hush-Hush Deal With Huma Abedin To Keep Weiner Limp

Education Editor

9:00 AM 06/27/2014​


In a bitterly disappointing turn of events, it appears that Carlos Danger won’t be campaigning anywhere near presumed 2016 Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton or beclowning himself and his wife, Huma Abedin, anytime soon.
Abedin, a longtime Clinton aide, and Clinton have struck a “secret deal” that will keep Abedin’s husband, Anthony Weiner, miles away from the limelight while Clinton plots her path to the White House, reports the New York Post’s Page Six.
Weiner, a former member of the House of Representatives, resigned in disgrace in June 2011 after he sent dirty texts to one and possibly more women including a 21-year-old female co-ed in Seattle who received a photo of his erect penis inside his boxer shorts. (RELATED: #Weinergate: Married Congressman’s Twitter Account Shares Lewd Photo)
In 2013, Abedin’s husband and the father of her child tried to run for mayor of New York City but dropped out after another scandal came out involving Weiner using the alias “Carlos Danger” with his new sexting partner, 22-year-old Sydney Leathers. (RELATED: Sydney Elaine Leathers Is A Terrible Ex-Girlfriend To Anthony Weiner)

Aides to Hillary Clinton have demanded that Weiner “stay out of public life for two years” and “avoid causing any further embarrassment to Huma or Clinton,” an unnamed source told Page Six.
“He has been put on notice by Clinton aides to keep a low profile and remain out of sight and out of trouble.”
A spokesman for the former Secretary of State told the world-famous gossip section that the purported three-way compact involving Clinton, Abedin and Weiner is “1,000 percent absurd.”
The proof may be in the political pudding, however, as Abedin has shown up without her husband at a number of public events recently including this month’s Gordon Parks Foundation Awards Dinner.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
Huma isn’t telling Anthony, who she is probably desperately in love with in fairness to Anthony, because why else would she marry this guy

Huma have her Papers b4 or after marriage :103631605

You are referring to Carlos Danger (his online name) lol. Both women with a history of cheating husbands, you can't make this stuff up.

New member
Jan 9, 2009



AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall

by PATRICK HOWLEY31 Aug 20151,191

[h=2]Hillary Clinton’s private email server was housed at the same physical location and on the same network as an email server used and operated by the Clinton Foundation, Breitbart News has exclusively learned.[/h]Records reveal that Hillary Clinton’s private server shared an IP address with her husband Bill Clinton’s email server,, and both servers were housed in New York City, not in the basement of the Clintons’ Chappaqua, New York home.
Web archives show that the Web address was being operated by the Clinton Foundation as of 2009, when Hillary Clinton registered her own server.
Numerous Clinton Foundation employees used the server for their own email addresses, which means that they were using email accounts that, if hacked, would have given any hacker complete access to Hillary Clinton’s State Department emails, as well.
The bombshell revelation raises new concerns about the possible illegality of Hillary Clinton’s private email use. The former Secretary of State is under federal investigation for potentially violating the Espionage Act by allowing people without a security clearance to access classified information. The fact that Hillary was sharing an email network with a private foundation means that people without a security clearance almost certainly had physical access to her server while she was working at the State Department.
Here’s what we know:
The Servers Have The SAME IP Address
Hillary’s server and the Foundation-run email server have exactly the same IP address, and the same SSL certificate (which an organization purchases for an email server to verify its trustworthiness). and both have an IP address of, according to an SSL Certificate Checker.
The two servers both have that same IP address,, according to DNS records. (Here are records for Hillary’s server, and here are records for Bill’s server).
Both servers have the same IP address, according to another independent Internet records database,
The fact that both of these email servers have the same IP address means that they were operating on the same network, and sharing physical space. A computer expert tells Breitbart News that the servers were probably operating on the same machine. It is also possible that they were operating on different machines on the same network, which still means that the machines would have to be close enough to exist in the same physical location.
President Clinton’s server was created in 2002, while Hillary’s was created in 2009, which means that Hillary’s server was simply added to Bill’s Foundation-run server network.
They Had The SAME IP Address When She Was Secretary of State
Hillary’s server and Bill’s Foundation-run server also shared a different IP address during her tenure as Secretary of State.
From September 8, 2009 until June 24, 2011, Bill Clinton’s Foundation-run server had an IP address of, according to DNS records.
Hillary’s server had the same exact IP address,, from the dates May 21, 2010 until October 21, 2010, according to DNS records.
Their Shared IP Address Can Be Traced to Midtown Manhattan
A geographical search for the IP address that both servers shared at registration traces to Midtown Manhattan, according to three different databases:, which locates a Midtown latitude/longitude point,, which also gives a Midtown latitude/longitude point, and
Clinton Foundation headquarters are currently located at 1271 6th Avenue in Midtown. Bill Clinton’s office is at 55 West 125th Street
The Denver-based firm Platte River Networks told Breitbart News that it physically moved Hillary Clinton’s private email server out of the basement of her Chappaqua home in 2013. But the Clintons could have moved the server from Manhattan to Chappaqua before Platte River got there.
Clinton Founation Employees Had email addresses
The employees who have used email addresses included former Bill Clinton right-hand man Doug Band, as well as Justin Cooper, a Hillary aide who has worked with the Foundation, Terry Krinvic, Laura Graham, and John Zimmerebner.
Was Chelsea Clinton On The Server?
The email server for, which is no longer active, resolves, according to DNS records. Wikileaks confirms that server was used by Chelsea Clinton employees.
Hillary Even Admitted That She Used Her Husband’s “System”
“Well the system we used was set up for President Clintons office and it had numerous safeguards it was on property guarded by the Secret Service and there were no security breaches, so I think that the use of that server which started with my husband proved to be effective and secure,” Hillary Clinton said in a March 2015 press conference.
Clinton has not returned to that talking point since.
The Clinton Foundation and Hillary Clinton’s campaign did not return requests for comment by press time.

New member
Jan 9, 2009



AP Photo/David Goldman

by BREITBART NEWS31 Aug 2015273

WASHINGTON (AP) — The State Department will release roughly 7,000 pages of Hillary Clinton emails Monday, including about 150 emails that have been censored because they contain information that is now deemed classified.
Department officials said the redacted information was classified in preparation for the public release of the emails and not identified as classified at the time Clinton sent or received the messages. All the censored material in the latest group of emails is classified at the “confidential” level, not at higher “top secret” or compartmentalized levels, they said.
“It’s somewhere around 150 that have been subsequently upgraded” in classification, State Department spokesman Mark Toner told reporters.
Still, the increasing amounts of blacked-out information from Clinton’s email history as secretary of state will surely prompt additional questions about her handling of government secrets while in office and that of her most trusted advisers. The Democratic presidential front-runner now says her use of a home email server for government business was a mistake, and government inspectors have pointed to exchanges that never should have been sent via unsecured channels.
Toner insisted that nothing encountered in the agency’s review of Clinton’s documents “was marked classified.”
Government employees are instructed not to paraphrase or repeat in any form classified material in unsecured email.
Monday evening’s release will amount to more pages of email than released in the previous three months combined. Once public, it will mean roughly a quarter of all of the correspondence Clinton qualified as “work emails” has been published. Clinton provided the State Department some 30,000 pages of documents late last year, while deleting a similar amount from her server because she said they were personal in nature.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]MEDIA BUZZ[/h][h=1]Tone-deaf journalism: Media give Hillary a pass on ‘terror’ tactic[/h]

By Howard Kurtz
Published August 31,

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Journalists are much like firefighters, swinging into action when disaster strikes.
And when the flames of intolerance break out, we usually try to douse them (though some in the opinion-mongering business have been known to pour kerosene on the fire). We generally call out incendiary rhetoric, or at least spark a debate on whether a public figure has gone too far in using harsh language.
That’s exactly what did not happen in the case of Hillary Clinton.
There has been no shortage of inflammatory words in this campaign. Donald Trump stirred a furor by referring to some Mexican immigrants as rapists, and that’s still being debated.
When Mike Huckabee said President Obama, through his Iran deal, would “take the Israelis and march them to the door of the oven,” there was a media uproar over his invoking the Holocaust.
When Jeb Bush repeated the phrase “anchor babies,” which Trump had invoked in the argument over birthright citizenship, reporters pressed him on whether he was using an offensive term.

But then there was Hillary’s speech the other day in Cleveland:
"Now, extreme views about women, we expect that from some of the terrorist groups, we expect that from people who don't want to live in the modern world, but it's a little hard to take from Republicans who want to be the president of the United States."
That’s right, the Democratic presidential front-runner compared her GOP rivals to savages who bomb innocent people and cut off people’s heads.
This was a scripted line, not some off-the-cuff gaffe. Clinton knew what she was doing: trying to make some news—and change the subject from the email controversy that has her sinking in the polls—by being over the top.
If it works for Trump, she may have figured, why not me?
After all, the point of using questionable rhetoric is that when the media pounce, they are playing on your turf, spotlighting the underlying issue—in this case women’s rights—that you are pushing.
So here’s how the media reacted:
On ABC’s “World News Tonight”: “Tough talk. Hillary Clinton on the attack…In the swing state of Ohio, Hillary Clinton coming out swinging, comparing Republicans to terrorists on women’s issues.”
On “NBC Nightly News,” “Clinton goes on the offensive.”
The New York Times ran a 7-paragraph item online.
The Washington Post framed it as “a significant escalation of her rhetoric about GOP positions on abortion that her campaign sees as a major vulnerability in the general election.”
Okay. Now just imagine that Trump or Ted Cruz or Rand Paul had likened Hillary or Obama to terrorists.
They would not be described by the media as engaging in tough talk. Or going on the attack. Or exploiting a major vulnerability in the opposition. The New York Times would find space in the paper, right on the front page. MSNBC would go crazy.
The only issue would be whether the Republican went too far, beyond the bounds of political decency.
Maybe some reporters think her charges against the GOP aren’t that far off the mark.
Now some of these news organizations did quote GOP critics. Trump called Hillary’s comment “a disgusting statement” in a call to MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough, a Republican who did condemn the remarks.
Carly Fiorina told Fox News the comments were “outrageous” and “over the line.”
But that is framing the flap as a she said/he said story. Most of the media didn’t make Hillary’s language the issue, or brushed off the story.
I’m not one who says the mainstream media are in bed with Clinton. They have been very rough on her over the private email server, a story broken by the New York Times. Same thing with the Clinton Foundation controversies. The tension is palpable at some of her press conferences.
There’s nothing wrong with Hillary or any other politician talking tough. But when it comes to political language, all candidates have to be held to the same standard. And in this case, the press has been tone-deaf

New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Anthony Weiner’s Brother Catered a Clinton Fundraiser This Weekend[/h]SHARE

Anthony Weiner/ REUTERS/Mike Segar

BY: Brent Scher
August 31, 2015 12:38 pm

Hillary Clinton spent part of her busy fundraising weekend in the Hamptons eating food cooked by the brother of “perv” Anthony Weiner, who has been called “one of the great sleazebags of our time.”
Jason Weiner, executive chef of the Almondrestaurants in New York City and the Hamptons, provided the catering for an event held by entertainment lawyer Elliot Groffman on Sunday, according to a Politico report.
The Weiner family ties to the Clintons are well known. Anthony Weiner is married to one of Clinton’s closest advisers, Huma Abedin. Their wedding ceremony was officiated by former President Bill Clinton.
This is not the first contribution made by the Weiner family to Clinton’s campaign. Official campaign filings disclosed that $500 worth of office furniture had been given to the campaign by Anthony Weiner as an in-kind contribution.
Weiner’s marriage to Abedin survived his sex scandal in 2011, in which he was caught sending sexual pictures to one of his Twitter followers. In 2013, he was caught sexting with multiple girls under the alias of “Carlos Danger.”
Sydney Leathers, a main target of Weiner’s sexual advances, says Jason Weiner attempted to strong-arm her into keeping quiet about her relationship with Weiner so that he could run for Mayor.
A close friend of Leathers told the New York Post that Jason Weiner contacted her to “see if she was going to be a problem.”
“My impression was that he was trying to smooth her out, make sure there weren’t going to be any issues,” said the friend. “I got the impression that Weiner and his brother were going around trying to find out if there was anyone who needed to be neutralized.”
Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump called Anthony Weiner a “psychologically disturbed … perv” and said he is “one of the great sleazebags of our time.”
Despite accepting help from the Weiners, the Clinton campaign returned contributions made by porn mogul Larry Flynt.


New member
Oct 29, 2010
More Hillary emails released. They talk about Jewish fish.

Lmao. Nothing was marked classified at time of sent and received. connecting these dots Russ? Lmao
Sep 21, 2004
More Hillary emails released. They talk about Jewish fish.

Lmao. Nothing was marked classified at time of sent and received. connecting these dots Russ? Lmao

Classified data grows in Clinton emails

In this photo taken Aug. 27, 2015, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton speaks in Cleveland. The State Department is expected to release roughly 7,000 pages of former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s emails later Monday, including about 150 ... more >


By Stephen Dinan and S.A. Miller - The Washington Times - Monday, August 31, 2015
The Obama administration is increasingly finding classified information in former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s emails, declaring secret material in nearly 3 percent of the batch released late Monday night.
That is up from just 1.7 percent of the emails in the previous releases and raises questions about whether the new set of emails is more troublesome or whether the administration is being more strict after repeated warnings by watchdogs that Mrs. Clinton’s messages contain matters that should not be made public.

All told, the government redacted parts of at least 125 messages because of secrecy out of 4,348 emails released Monday, as the State Department rushes to comply with a judge’s order that all 30,000 of Mrs. Clinton’s messages from her time as secretary be made public.

SEE ALSO: Hillary Clinton bows to left, takes swipe at Wall Street

The latest release is already proving to be awkward for Mrs. Clinton, who is seeking the Democratic presidential nomination.
“This is a very big deal,” Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump said in a Twitter message.
The latest batch still centers on Mrs. Clinton’s early years in office in 2009 and 2010, and details her communications with top personal aides and world leaders. Her political opponents are scouring the data to try to get more insight into her policy stances and actions while she was the top U.S. diplomat.
More pointedly, all sides will be scrutinizing the redactions of classified email to try to gauge what types of secret information she was handling on her email server, which she kept at her home in New York, rather than relying on the secure system that officials said she should have been using to comply with open-records laws and to maintain security.
State Department spokesman Mark Toner insisted that none of the information in Mrs. Clinton’s latest batch of emails was marked classified at the time it was sent or received by her.
He said all the classifications have been made in the past month as officials review the messages for release.
“That’s our estimation right now,” he said. “Our goal is to look at this stuff, look at these emails, make a decision on whether we redact, upgrade the classification, and then publish them.”
He declined to issue a ruling as to whether the administration thinks Mrs. Clinton followed the law in handling classified information at the time.
“I’m just not going to answer that question. It’s not our goal; it’s not our function,” he said.
The latest batch of classified emails is in addition to more than 60 messages in the previous releases that have redacted secret information, marked in the documents as “Class: Confidential.”
That works out to classified information in about 1.7 percent of Mrs. Clinton’s previous messages, compared with 2.8 percent now.
What that rate means is in the eye of the beholder, said Greg Valliere, chief political strategist for Potomac Research Group, an independent polling and consulting firm in Washington.

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Oct 29, 2010
Classified data grows in Clinton emails

In this photo taken Aug. 27, 2015, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton speaks in Cleveland. The State Department is expected to release roughly 7,000 pages of former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s emails later Monday, including about 150 ... more >


By Stephen Dinan and S.A. Miller - The Washington Times - Monday, August 31, 2015
The Obama administration is increasingly finding classified information in former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s emails, declaring secret material in nearly 3 percent of the batch released late Monday night.
That is up from just 1.7 percent of the emails in the previous releases and raises questions about whether the new set of emails is more troublesome or whether the administration is being more strict after repeated warnings by watchdogs that Mrs. Clinton’s messages contain matters that should not be made public.

All told, the government redacted parts of at least 125 messages because of secrecy out of 4,348 emails released Monday, as the State Department rushes to comply with a judge’s order that all 30,000 of Mrs. Clinton’s messages from her time as secretary be made public.

SEE ALSO: Hillary Clinton bows to left, takes swipe at Wall Street

The latest release is already proving to be awkward for Mrs. Clinton, who is seeking the Democratic presidential nomination.
“This is a very big deal,” Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump said in a Twitter message.
The latest batch still centers on Mrs. Clinton’s early years in office in 2009 and 2010, and details her communications with top personal aides and world leaders. Her political opponents are scouring the data to try to get more insight into her policy stances and actions while she was the top U.S. diplomat.
More pointedly, all sides will be scrutinizing the redactions of classified email to try to gauge what types of secret information she was handling on her email server, which she kept at her home in New York, rather than relying on the secure system that officials said she should have been using to comply with open-records laws and to maintain security.
State Department spokesman Mark Toner insisted that none of the information in Mrs. Clinton’s latest batch of emails was marked classified at the time it was sent or received by her.
He said all the classifications have been made in the past month as officials review the messages for release.
“That’s our estimation right now,” he said. “Our goal is to look at this stuff, look at these emails, make a decision on whether we redact, upgrade the classification, and then publish them.”
He declined to issue a ruling as to whether the administration thinks Mrs. Clinton followed the law in handling classified information at the time.
“I’m just not going to answer that question. It’s not our goal; it’s not our function,” he said.
The latest batch of classified emails is in addition to more than 60 messages in the previous releases that have redacted secret information, marked in the documents as “Class: Confidential.”
That works out to classified information in about 1.7 percent of Mrs. Clinton’s previous messages, compared with 2.8 percent now.
What that rate means is in the eye of the beholder, said Greg Valliere, chief political strategist for Potomac Research Group, an independent polling and consulting firm in Washington.

Did you read the article? If this stuff gets classified now and not when they were sent or won't be a problem for her

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