Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Clinton Data Went Unsecured For Over a Month After ‘Classified’ Data Discovered[/h]Timeline indicates data may have been unsecure for months


BY: Alana Goodman
August 27, 2015 5:00 am

A thumb drive containing Hillary Clinton’s State Department emails was not secured in a specially designated safe until over a month after it was publicly confirmed that her server contained classified information, according to a timeline laid out in a letter by her attorney this week.
In the letter, first reported by Politico, an attorney working for Clinton, David Kendall, indicated that he had copies of the emails as early as December 2014, raising concerns from congressional investigators and intelligence officials that they may have been stored in an unsecured manner for months.
While officials said in May that Clinton’s emails contained “now-classified” information, Kendall said the thumb drive was not moved to an officially secured safe in his office until July 8.
That was over a week after department officials “report[ed] discovering hundreds of potentially classified emails within the collection” according to a June 29 memo from the State Department and Intelligence Community inspectors general.
The Inspector General for the Intelligence Community said on Aug. 11 that the classified data on the server included at least two instances of “Top Secret” information that was allegedly classified at the time it was sent.
Kendall described the timeline in a letter to Sen. Charles Grassley (R., Iowa), the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, on Monday. The attorney was responding to questions from Grassley about when he received a security clearance that permitted him access to the emails. He said he received that clearance in November 2014.
“As I’m sure you’re aware, it was not until nearly six months [after December 5, 2014] that the first email in this group was retroactively classified as ‘Secret,’” wrote Kendall.
Kendall included a copy of a letter he wrote to Sen. Ron Johnson (R., Wis.), the chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee, earlier this month, in which he said that the State Department first installed a special safe in his law office to store the thumb drive on July 8. The drive was later moved to a secure Department of Justice facility on Aug. 6.
Kendall said he abided by all the preservation guidance he received from the Intelligence Community and State Department inspectors’ general offices. He also told Grassley that he had received two security clearances in the past few years—a “Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information” clearance from the Department of Justice in November 2013 and a “Top Secret” clearance from the Department of State in November 2014.
Grassley said on Monday that Kendall’s timeline raised concerns about whether the emails were adequately secured. He also questioned whether the attorney had the appropriate security clearance.
ince December 2014 it appears that in addition to not having an adequate security clearance, Mr. Kendall and Ms. Turner also did not have the appropriate tools in place to secure the thumb drives,” said Grassley in a letter to Secretary of State John Kerry.
“Even with the safe, there are questions as to whether it was an adequate mechanism to secure TS/SCI material.”
An intelligence official said it was concerning that the information was not stored from the beginning in a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility, a special safe installed under strict guidelines by federal security officials.
“This is a strange arrangement. Kendall needs to answer a lot of questions, and the first one would be ‘who told you to store this material in your office?’” said the intelligence official. “Your office is not a SCIF.”


Jul 4, 2012
Q Poll - When voters were asked the first word that comes to mind about Hillary, the top three were:
Liar 178
Dishonest 123
Untrustworthy 93


Jul 4, 2012
FZ, what is crazy is Biden polls below Hillary with Dems. They are such sheep that they don't care how despicable she is.

Sep 21, 2004
FZ, what is crazy is Biden polls below Hillary with Dems. They are such sheep that they don't care how despicable she is.


Yeah, it's just disgusting that she's even considered a Presidential candidate, and even more disgusting that the sheep on the left will
pull the lever for her, mindlessly. Guys like Vitterd wouldn't think twice about it.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Yeah, it's just disgusting that she's even considered a Presidential candidate, and even more disgusting that the sheep on the left will
pull the lever for her, mindlessly. Guys like Vitterd wouldn't think twice about it.

You would pull the lever for that right wing nut who shot up the movie theater.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Keep talking you dumb criminal hag...


Unbelievable … Hillary Clinton Just Compared Republicans/Americans To “Terrorist Groups”

Hillary Clinton gave a speech today where she literally compared Republicans to terrorists, claiming that she expects extreme rhetoric from terrorist on women, but not from Republicans who want to be president.

She claims that Rubio ‘brags’ about ‘denying pregnant women healthcare, abortions’ in instances of rape or incest. Are you kidding me?


Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Keep talking you dumb criminal hag...


Unbelievable … Hillary Clinton Just Compared Republicans/Americans To “Terrorist Groups”

Hillary Clinton gave a speech today where she literally compared Republicans to terrorists, claiming that she expects extreme rhetoric from terrorist on women, but not from Republicans who want to be president.

She claims that Rubio ‘brags’ about ‘denying pregnant women healthcare, abortions’ in instances of rape or incest. Are you kidding me?

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

At this point what’s another lie?

Jul 4, 2012
Inside Democratic Party, growing concerns about Clinton

MINNEAPOLIS As Democratic Party insiders gather for their summer meeting, there is a growing undercurrent of concern whether Hillary Clinton would be the party’s strongest candidate to keep the White House next year.
They still like and mostly support her. But many are increasingly questioning her handling of official emails while Secretary of State and her response to the furor over it. Some worry about her ability to connect with voters. And all this is aggravated by Vice President Joe Biden and his supporters stepping up their soundings on whether to mount a challenge.

The controversy over Clinton’s email “muddles the thinking of a lot of people,” said Alexandra Rooker of West Sacramento, vice chair of the state party in California.

“The email issue is affecting her campaign,” said Nancy Jacobson, a member of the Democratic National Committee from Orlando, Florida. She urged Clinton to offer an explanation with “simplicity and clarity.”


Read more here:


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Pro-Life Group Castigates Hillary for ‘Terrorist’ Comparison[/h]Dannenfelser: ‘Doubling down’ on abortion will not win Clinton votes


BY: Bill McMorris
August 27, 2015 5:15 pm

A major pro-life group criticized Hillary Clinton for comparing opponents of abortion to terrorists on Thursday.
“Now, extreme views about women, we expect that from some of the terrorist groups,” the former secretary of state and Democratic presidential candidate said at a rally in Ohio on Thursday. “We expect that from people who don’t want to live in the modern world. But it’s a little hard to take coming from Republicans who want to be the President of the United States. Yet, they espouse out of date and out of touch policies. They are dead wrong for 21st-century America. We’re going forward. We’re not going back.”
Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the pro-life Susan B. Anthony List, called the comparison “outrageous,” given that nearly half of all Americans identify as pro-life.
“Hillary Clinton’s outrageous comparison of pro-life Americans to terrorists is a slap in the face to every American—whether Republican or Democrat, woman or man—who value the gift of life and support commonsense limits on abortion. She is shockingly out of touch,” she said in a release.
Abortion has been the center of attention throughout the summer after undercover videographers began releasing footage of top Planned Parenthood officials and doctors harvesting and selling baby organs to researchers. The Center for Medical Progress videos feature abortionists discussing ways to harvest organs more efficiently, as well as how to “line item” body parts, in order to maximize prices.
Clinton was initially silent on the videos, but later she told a New Hampshire newspaper that she found the images “disturbing.” She later backtracked from that position and began using her support for late-term abortion to attack the Republican field, which is almost universally pro life.
“Over the last few weeks, America’s eyes have been opened to the pain that Planned Parenthood, a top Clinton ally, inflicts on the vulnerable. Graphic undercover videos have revealed Planned Parenthood’s practice of harvesting and vivisecting unborn children and then profiting off of their organs. Rather than defaming compassionate, sensible Americans who want to stop this horror, Clinton ought to be distancing herself from the abortion business,” Dannenfelser said.
CMP footage also revealed that abortionists and organ peddlers are fond of Clinton. Cate Dyer, the CEO of StemExpress, a group that partnered with about 100 Planned Parenthood clinics to buy and sell baby organs to researchers, told investigators that she keeps an autographed photo of Clinton on her desk.
““I’m a huge Hillary fan … she’s getting elected this time. It’s a done deal as far as I’m concerned,” she said in footage obtained exclusively by the Washington Free Beacon.
The Clinton campaign has collected about $10,000 from Planned Parenthood employees—20 times higher than the rest of the crowded 2016 field combined. A spokesman did not respond when theWashington Free Beacon asked him whether the Democratic frontrunner planned on returning the money. Clinton hired the daugher of Cecile Richards, Planned Parenthood’s president, for a high-ranking post in Iowa. On Tuesday, she hired a former Planned Parenthood official to lead her outreach to the Asian community.
Dannenfelser said that Clinton’s support for late-term abortions, including the now-illegal practice of partial-birth abortion, could prove an electoral liability. Voters overwhelmingly support bans on late-term abortion. Almost every GOP candidate has endorsed a 20-week ban on abortion, which every Democratic candidate opposes. That reform has received support from nearly 60 percent of the population with women approving of the limit at a higher rate than men, according to multiple polls.
“Doubling down on her support for unlimited abortion on demand, up until the moment of birth, paid for by taxpayers, will not win voters to Clinton’s cause,” Dannenfelser said.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
A major pro-life group criticized Hillary Clinton for comparing opponents of abortion to terrorists on Thursday.
“Now, extreme views about women, we expect that from some of the terrorist groups,” the former secretary of state and Democratic presidential candidate said at a rally in Ohio on Thursday. (from the above)

Really - how about people who work for the Government or hold public office should be honest and straight forward. She is officially losing it and it is there for all to see. Oh well, what difference does it make anyway lol. She is her own worst enemy and the fact that she can look straight into the camera and tell lie after lie tell us all we need to know. She can't even manage her own marriage and she thinks she can managae this country. Whatever. If only they could abort her run for POTUS. Never mind I guess that is happening and it is a form of self abortion.

Jul 4, 2012
Feel the panic:

[h=1]Hillary Clinton’s Handling of Email Issue Frustrates Democratic Leaders[/h]
Interviews with more than 75 Democratic governors, lawmakers, candidates and party members have laid bare a widespread bewilderment that Mrs. Clinton has allowed a cloud to settle over her candidacy — by using a private email server in the first place, since it was likely to raise questions about her judgment, and by not defusing those questions once and for all when the issue first emerged in Mar

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]STATE DEPARTMENT[/h][h=1]Source: FBI ‘A-team’ leading ‘serious’ Clinton server probe, focusing on defense info[/h]

By Catherine Herridge, Pamela Browne
Published August 28,

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An FBI "A-team" is leading the "extremely serious" investigation into Hillary Clinton's server and the focus includes a provision of the law pertaining to "gathering, transmitting or losing defense information," an intelligence source told Fox News.
The section of the Espionage Act is known as 18 US Code 793.
A separate source, who also was not authorized to speak on the record, said the FBI will further determine whether Clinton should have known, based on the quality and detail of the material, that emails passing through her server contained classified information regardless of the markings. The campaign's standard defense and that of Clinton is that she "never sent nor received any email that was marked classified" at the time.
It is not clear how the FBI team's findings will impact the probe itself. But the details offer a window into what investigators are looking for -- as the Clinton campaign itself downplays the controversy.
The FBI offered no comment.
A leading national security attorney, who recently defended former CIA officer Jeffrey Sterling in a leak investigation, told Fox News that violating the Espionage Act provision in question is a felony and pointed to a particular sub-section.

"Under [sub-section] F, the documents relate to the national defense, meaning very closely held information," attorney Edward MacMahon Jr. explained. "Somebody in the government, with a clearance and need to know, then delivered the information to someone not entitled to receive it, or otherwise moved it from where it was supposed to be lawfully held."
Additional federal regulations, reviewed by Fox News, also bring fresh scrutiny to Clinton's defense.
The Code of Federal Regulations, or "CFR," states: "Any person who has knowledge that classified information has been or may have been lost, possibly compromised or disclosed to an unauthorized person(s) shall immediately report the circumstances to an official designated for this purpose."
A government legal source confirmed the regulations apply to all government employees holding a clearance, and the rules do not make the "send" or "receive" distinction.
Rather, all clearances holders have an affirmative obligation to report the possible compromise of classified information or use of unsecured data systems.
Current and former intelligence officers say the application of these federal regulations is very straightforward.
"Regardless of whether Mrs. Clinton sent or received this information, the obligations under the law are that she had to report any questions concerning this material being classified," said Chris Farrell, a former Army counterintelligence officer who is now an investigator with Judicial Watch. "There is no wiggle room. There is no ability to go around it and say I passively received something -- that's not an excuse."
The regulations also state there is an obligation to meet "safeguarding requirements prescribed by the agency." Based on the regulations, the decision to use a personal email network and server for government business -- and provide copies to Clinton attorney David Kendall -- appear to be violations. According to a letter from Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, Kendall and his associate did not have sufficient security clearances to hold TS/SCI (Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information) contained in two emails. Earlier this month, the FBI took physical custody of the server and thumb drives.
Fox News was first to report, Aug. 19, that two emails -- from aides Huma Abedin and Jake Sullivan -- with classified information kick-started the FBI probe, a point not disputed by the Clinton campaign.
The CFR also require a damage assessment once a possible compromise has been identified "to conduct an inquiry/investigation of a loss, possible compromise or unauthorized disclosure of classified information."
Farrell said, "There is no evidence there has been any assessment of Mrs. Clinton and her outlaw server."
Citing the ongoing investigation, a State Department spokesman had no comment, but did confirm that Clinton's immediate staff received regular training on classification issues.
Clinton told reporters Friday that she remains confident no violations were committed.
"I have said repeatedly that I did not send nor receive classified material and I'm very confident that when this entire process plays out that will be understood by everyone," she said. "It will prove what I have been saying and it's not possible for people to look back now some years in the past and draw different conclusions than the ones that were at work at the time. You can make different decisions because things have changed, circumstances have changed, but it doesn't change the fact that I did not send or receive material marked classified."
The Clinton campaign did not provide an on-the-record comment on the matter when given questions by Fox News.

Jul 4, 2012

Hillary Clinton Defends Bill Clinton's 'Unusual' Paid Speech Vetting Requests

ABC News first reported today that Bill Clinton sought approval from White House staff for two speeches involving repressive regimes -- North Korea and Congo. New State Department emails showed the requests came from one of Clinton’s aides at his foundation -- including Cheryl Mills, Hillary Clinton’s chief of staff at the time -- and were sent to State Department officials.
The emails included details for the Congo speech, but the nature of the North Korea event was unclear. The email suggested the invitation for the North Korea event may have come from Hillary Clinton's brother, Tony Rodham.

These champions of the oppressed are getting speech offers from people who hang gays and treat women like chattel.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
How do you alienate the population?

A day after Hillary Clinton compared GOP candidates to terrorists, she has suggested an opponent’s plan to deport illegal immigrants is reminiscent of the Nazis.

At a press conference Friday in Minneapolis, Hillary was asked how she planned on dealing with the 11 million undocumented immigrants in the U.S. “I’m glad you asked me that,” Hillary replied. Without offering any plan of her own, she immediately attacked a GOP rival’s plan to deport illegal immigrants.

“I find it the height of irony that a party which espouses small government would want to unleash a massive law enforcement effort– including perhaps National Guard and others–to go and literally pull people out of their homes and their workplaces,” Hillary explained. Then she added an image which evoked the Nazis: “Round them up, put them, I don’t know, in buses… boxcars, in order to take them across our border.”

The picture Clinton paints of placing people in boxcars is a potent one because, during World War II, Jews were forced into boxcars and transported to Nazi concentration camps as part of Hilter’s final solution. Clinton’s choice of the words appears extemporaneous but not accidental. She mentions buses then pauses and adds “boxcars,” rather than simply saying “trains.”

Classless bitch.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
How do you alienate the population?

A day after Hillary Clinton compared GOP candidates to terrorists, she has suggested an opponent’s plan to deport illegal immigrants is reminiscent of the Nazis.

At a press conference Friday in Minneapolis, Hillary was asked how she planned on dealing with the 11 million undocumented immigrants in the U.S. “I’m glad you asked me that,” Hillary replied. Without offering any plan of her own, she immediately attacked a GOP rival’s plan to deport illegal immigrants.

“I find it the height of irony that a party which espouses small government would want to unleash a massive law enforcement effort– including perhaps National Guard and others–to go and literally pull people out of their homes and their workplaces,” Hillary explained. Then she added an image which evoked the Nazis: “Round them up, put them, I don’t know, in buses… boxcars, in order to take them across our border.”

The picture Clinton paints of placing people in boxcars is a potent one because, during World War II, Jews were forced into boxcars and transported to Nazi concentration camps as part of Hilter’s final solution. Clinton’s choice of the words appears extemporaneous but not accidental. She mentions buses then pauses and adds “boxcars,” rather than simply saying “trains.”

Classless bitch.

The word boxcar means natzi? You are still a fucking moron. Is this like "what difference does it make" meant it didn't matter to her that people died? You interpret stuff like a retarded person.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
The word boxcar means natzi? You are still a fucking moron. Is this like "what difference does it make" meant it didn't matter to her that people died? You interpret stuff like a retarded person.

Much like Hillary you’re consumed by your ego.

Isn’t it anout time to round up your tribe for another lavish vacation in the family truckster?

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Much like Hillary you’re consumed by your ego.

Isn’t it anout time to round up your tribe for another lavish vacation in the family truckster?

It's about the kids and what they want. Lavish? Like your hell hole in Vegas?

please don't talk about family.....a guy who finds out his dad died from the newspaper has no sense of family or any idea what family vacations are about.

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