Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton

Sep 21, 2004
Did you read the article? If this stuff gets classified now and not when they were sent or won't be a problem for her

I think that is the point, that it should have been marked classified, and it wasn't?

New member
Oct 29, 2010
I think that is the point, that it should have been marked classified, and it wasn't?

Seems much of this is nonsense. Vote against her policies if you don't like them but this never ending hunt is pointless. And although some like to post these polls that mean nothing.....she is still gonna be tough to beat.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
I think that is the point, that it should have been marked classified, and it wasn't?

How could they classify what she sent if they did not know she sent them. Duh The Tard doesn't get it and he never will.

Jul 4, 2012
Hillary Intentionally Originated And Distributed Highly Classified Information

A review of recently released e-mails shows that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton repeatedly originated and distributed highly classified national security information.

The IG already concluded 2 emails on Hillary's server were classified at the time they were sent


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Sources: Clinton email markings changed to hide classified info[/h]

By Catherine Herridge
Published September 01,

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Then-Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton hands off her mobile phone after arriving to meet with Dutch Foreign Minister Uri Rosenthal at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in The Hague, Netherlands. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite, Pool/File)

EXCLUSIVE: At least four classified Hillary Clinton emails had their markings changed to a category that shields the content from Congress and the public, Fox News has learned, in what State Department whistleblowers believed to be an effort to hide the true extent of classified information on the former secretary of state’s server.
The changes, which came to light after the first tranche of 296 Benghazi emails was released in May, was confirmed by two sources -- one congressional, the other intelligence. The four emails originally were marked classified after a review by career officials at the State Department. But after a second review by the department's legal office, the designation was switched to "B5" -- also known as "deliberative process," which refers to internal deliberations by the Executive Branch. Such discussions are exempt from public release.
The B5 coding has the effect, according to a congressional source, of dropping the email content "down a deep black hole."
According to recent congressional testimony, at least one of the lawyers in the office where the changes were made is Catherine “Kate” Duval, who now handles the release of documents to the Benghazi select committee and once worked for the same firm as Clinton's private attorney David Kendall.
Fox News is told there were internal department complaints that Duval, and a second lawyer also linked to Kendall, gave at the very least the appearance of a conflict of interest during the email review. A State Department spokesman did not dispute the basic facts of the incident, confirming to Fox News the disagreement over the four classified emails as well as the internal complaints. But the spokesman said the concerns were unfounded.
The whistleblowers told intelligence community officials that they did not agree with the B5 changes, and the changes had the effect of shielding the full extent of classified content on the server. The incident was referenced in a Washington Times report mid-August, but this is the first time fuller details have been available. Because the emails are now marked B5, or deliberative, it is impossible to know the content and relevance to the congressional and FBI investigations.

The internal State Department disagreement was so significant that it rose to the level of Under Secretary for Management Patrick Kennedy, who is deeply involved in the email controversy, as Clinton's server arrangement required his formal signoff or tacit approval. Asked who signed off on the private server on Tuesday, State Department spokesman Mark Toner said, "I personally don't know."
Conservative group Judicial Watch, which has more than a dozen civil suits in federal courts, is now seeking a deposition of Kennedy in a case scrutinizing Clinton aide Huma Abedin’s controversial status as a special government employee (SGE). “All these issues fall under his responsibility,” Judicial Watch investigator Chris Farrell said.
Asked to respond to the allegations, State Department spokesman John Kirby said, “the Department has complete confidence that its attorneys -- who are almost exclusively career Department lawyers -- perform to the highest professional and ethical standards, including in connection with the review and release of Secretary Clinton’s emails.” A State Department official added that the lawyers do not have the final say on the codes, emphasizing it is a “multi-step review.”
On the appearance of a conflict of interest, Kirby defended Duval as “an exceptional professional and has the Department's utmost confidence … No one at the Department should, in addition to this burden, have her integrity or her excellent work ethic impugned.” And on the connection to Clinton attorney Kendall, “the mere fact of working at a firm does not itself constitute a conflict of interest. This is a large firm, and we are not aware that any counsel working on Clinton-related matters at the Department did so prior to joining the Department.”
A search of this week’s 7,000-page release found 694 emails with the B5 coding, about 10 percent of the total.

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]These Hillary Clinton Emails Raise Troubling Questions[/h]Memory problems continue to haunt prominent grandmother
BY: Andrew Stiles
September 1, 2015 2:15 pm



Emails released by the State Department on Monday raise troubling questions about former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her ability to lead the country and make it great again. Clinton, who will celebrate her 68th birthday next month, has been known to make embarrassing memory-related gaffes, and had trouble remembering the things she said and did as secretary of state, the emails show.
In an email dated November 13, 2010, Hillary asked a State Department aide whether she gave an interview to a certain Lebanese newspaper, apparently after reading about it in her daily press briefing. In fact, the interview occurred just three days earlier, on November 10.

Months earlier, Hillary emailed another aide to express concern about a Tavis Smiley column in USA Today. The aide responds that Hillary actually discussed the issue in question during a recent sit-down interview with Smiley, but Hillary does not seem to remember the discussion at all.

The Free Beacon is simply asking questions about the troubling questions raised by these emails


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Jan 9, 2009



Robyn Beck/AFP/Getty

by PATRICK HOWLEY1 Sep 2015758

Hillary Clinton’s secret email network crashed in 2010, and the email help-desk at the State Department dismissed the problem as unimportant because they didn’t know that she used a private email address to run the nation’s foreign policy.
Clinton’s private email went down in February 2010, causing confusion for her and her top aide Huma Abedin, according to a new set of highly-redacted Clinton emails released by the State Department Monday night.
Clinton received a routine message from a State Department computer staffer who clearly didn’t know that was the Secretary’s email address The message had told Clinton that some of the HDR22 messages were being flagged with “fatal errors.”
Clinton forwarded the message to Abedin, asking what was going on.
“Ur email must be back up!!,” Abedin said excitedly. “What happened is judith sent you an email. It bounced back. She called the email help desk at state (I guess assuming u had state email) and told them that. They had no idea it was YOU, just some random address so they emailed. Sorry about that. But regardless, means ur email must be back! R u getting other messages?”
“I’ve gotten some messages from yesterday – how about you?” Clinton replied.
“Nothing,” replied Abedin on her State Department account.
In another email from that same month, Clinton made sure to differentiate between Abedin’s State Department email account and her account when figuring out how to reply to different people.
“[Please] give her Huma’s State email” Clinton told aide Cheryl Mills, referring to a staffer for British official Catherine Ashton.
The new emails show Clinton and her advisers cleverly manipulating transparency guidelines.
“Well, that is certainly worthy of being top secret,” Clinton told a staffer in February 2010, referring to a Tony Blair statement about an initiative to establish a two-state solution with regard to Israel and Palestine. An exchange between Clinton and Blair’s wife Cherie regarding a potential conversation with the Qatari royal family was marked “Confidential

Jul 4, 2012
Bullshit articles!!

[h=1]Clinton, using private server, wrote and sent e-mails now deemed classified[/h]
While she was secretary of state, Hillary Rodham Clinton wrote and sent at least six e-mails using her private server that contained what government officials now say is classified information, according to thousands of e-mails released by the State Department.

Hillary specifically said "there was no classified material"

New member
Jan 9, 2009
I still cannot believe that something I brought up earlier in this thread has never been covered by any journalists etc. I still say that if Hillary turned the cost of that server(s) in on an expense report and was compensated accordingly then that was not a personal server it was a government server. I think that should be cleared up but we can all see that the State Dept is an obstacle when protecting one of their own. The politics in all of this is not that "just" Republicans want this issue out there. It is also political because the party in power does not want this issue out there.

No one can believe that any emails sent during the Benghazi tragedy and anything after that referencing what happened should not have been classified. Oops they were destroyed because they were not officially classified at the time even though nobody knew Hillary was sending or receiving on her own personal server. Whatever.

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Jan 9, 2009
Clinton, using private server, wrote and sent e-mails now deemed classified

Hillary Clinton e-mail dump: Gefilte fish and 2016 politics
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The State Department released more than 7,000 pages of e-mails sent or received by Hillary Clinton as part of an ongoing probe into her private e-mail server. The Post’s Anne Gearan discusses their content and what these releases mean to Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign. (Julie Percha/The Washington Post)

By Carol D. Leonnig and Rosalind S. Helderman September 1 at 8:36 PM
While she was secretary of state, Hillary Rodham Clinton wrote and sent at least six e-mails using her private server that contained what government officials now say is classified information, according to thousands of e-mails released by the State Department.
Although government officials deemed the e-mails classified after Clinton left office, they could complicate her efforts to move beyond the political fallout from the controversy. They suggest that her role in distributing sensitive material via her private e-mail system went beyond receiving notes written by others, and appears to contradict earlier public statements in which she denied sending or receiving e-mails containing classified information.
The classified e-mails, contained in thousands of pages of electronic correspondence that the State Department has released, stood out because of the heavy markings blocking out sentences and, in some cases, entire messages.
The State Department officials who redacted the material cited national security as the reason for blocking it from public view.
Clinton, who is seeking the Democratic presidential nomination, was one of about four dozen State Department officials whose e-mails were redacted because of national security concerns, according to a Washington Post review. Those officials included top aides such as Jake Sullivan and Cheryl Mills, some of whom would be likely to fill out senior roles in a Clinton administration. All told, 188 of the e-mails the State Department has released contain classified material.
Catch up on the controversy and read the e-mailsVIEW GRAPHIC

The extent of the redactions in e-mails sent by Clinton and others, including ambassadors and career Foreign Service officers, points to a broader pattern that has alarmed intelligence officials in which sensitive information has been circulated on non-secure systems. Another worry is that Clinton aides further spread sensitive information by forwarding government e-mails to Clinton’s private account.
But it also highlights concerns raised by Clinton and her supporters that identifying classified material can be a confusing process, and well-meaning public officials reviewing the same material could come to different conclusions as to its classification level.

Clinton’s use of a private e-mail server has become an issue for her campaign.
The intelligence community’s inspector general had previously identified four e-mails out of a sample of 40 that had been sent on her server and contained classified information, including two that involved top-secret information. In those cases, however, people who have reviewed the e-mails said that Clinton did not write them.
The FBI is investigating whether Clinton’s e-mail setup may have compromised national security information. Officials have said that Clinton is not a target of the inquiry.
Nick Merrill, a Clinton campaign spokesman, said the heavy redactions in some of Clinton’s e-mails had been expected.
“This has been the case in previous releases and may well be the case in subsequent ones,” he said. “It is not surprising given the sheer volume of intelligence community lawyers now involved in the review of these e-mails.”
Takeaways from Hillary Clinton’s private e-mails

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Clinton has come under fire for using a private e-mail during her time as secretary of state. The e-mails are being screened and released in batches. Here are some things we’ve learned from them.

Merrill pointed to “competing assessments among the various agencies about what should and shouldn’t be redacted.”
State Department spokesman John Kirby said that “classification is not always a black-and-white, binary judgment. Responsible people can draw different conclusions.”
But the presence of classified information in e-mails Clinton wrote appears to contradict her assurances that she sent no such material.
“I have said repeatedly that I did not send nor receive classified material, and I’m very confident that when this entire process plays out that will be understood by the everyone,” she said last week during a Democratic Party meeting in Minneapolis. She said that government officials may now be making different determinations after the fact, but “it does not change the fact that I did not send, nor receive, material marked classified.”
In December 2014, Clinton turned over to the State Department more than 30,000 e-mails she had sent and received during her tenure as secretary. The agency is reviewing and preparing them for public release. A judge has ordered the department to release the e-mails on a rolling basis, completing the process by January. The State Department said Monday that it has released about 25 percent of the archive.

The sensitivity of the redacted information in Clinton’s e-mails is not publicly known. Government officials who have seen some of the correspondence say the conversations are generally benign. Some discuss classified programs or topics that have become well-known through public reporting, said the officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe classified information.
One e-mail Clinton wrote in October 2009 was addressed to former senator George J. Mitchell (D-Maine), who was a special envoy for peace in the Middle East. The entire message, as released by the State Department, is blacked out and tagged with a designation noting that the information was classified. The only part now public is Clinton’s opening: “George . . . .”
Another note went from Clinton to Melanne Verveer, who was ambassador for global women’s issues, on Dec. 9, 2010. It was entirely withheld from release. The subject line reads, “Re: latest . . .,” with the rest redacted, making it impossible to discern the topic of the exchange.
Like other e-mails, it was withheld based on State Department reviewers’ conclusion that it contained “foreign government information” and “foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States, including confidential sources.”
The e-mails offer hints that Clinton aides were attuned to the need to handle some information with care in more secure settings.
Sullivan e-mailed Clinton a day before Christmas Eve in 2010, for instance, referring to “some interesting reports from the Pal side” that had been passed along from a State Department diplomat, presumably referring to Palestinians. Sullivan suggested a discussion “if you have a moment to talk secure.”
Some of the classified e-mails were written by top aides, as well.
Sullivan in a December 2010 note described for Clinton the results of two phone calls — one in which Vitaly Churkin, Russia’s representative to the United Nations, called a top State Department official. The details provided by Sullivan, a campaign adviser widely considered a potential national security adviser if Clinton is elected, were withheld from public view.

In several exchanges, Verveer forwarded Clinton accounts of confidential reports from Foreign Service officers giving updates from their posts. She shared long notes from the U.S. ambassador to Bangladesh describing what he learned in a private dinner with senior officials in that country amid a major embezzlement scandal. Most of those messages were redacted.
“Maybe more than you want to know,” Verveer writes Clinton in one note titled, “Re: dinner with Gowher.” The reference is to Gowher Rizvi, international affairs adviser to Bangladesh’s prime minister.
Verveer, now the director of a women’s institute at Georgetown University, did not respond to messages seeking comment.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
I often use the phrase "you can't make this stuff up." I went back through this thread and focused on pictures of Hillary. You simply cannot make those facial expressions up either. They were not posed. Many of those pictures show her looking very scary. Just wondered if anyone else has noticed that also. I see facial expressions as a direct link to what someone thinks and how they feel. It is hard to disguise facial expressions especially in certain pressure situations. I think Hillary's facial expressions show her for what she is. Many times facial expressions are more revealing than words.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Facial expression now? Lmao.....any public figure you can get a terrible facial expression from depending on when the picture is taken. My god Russ .....give it the fuck up you right wing lunatic.
Oct 30, 2006
Facial expression now? Lmao.....any public figure you can get a terrible facial expression from depending on when the picture is taken. My god Russ .....give it the fuck up you right wing lunatic.
You're the one who brought up Cruz looks like a grown up Eddie Munster which he does so what's the diff the D?

New member
Oct 29, 2010
You're the one who brought up Cruz looks like a grown up Eddie Munster which he does so what's the diff the D?

Thats what Cruz actually looks like.....spammer Russ is talking about facial expressions.....not even close to the same thing.

Jul 4, 2012
Just a reminder what stupid is

Hahahahaha. Not again. The same old fool doing the same shit.

Let me me clue you in Russ.....when you only use right wing fringe websites for your info.....the dots are only gonna connect one way.

You are such a sheep.

^The reporting on this matter started with the New York Times

Lmao. Walter and Russ on overload spam. Nobody is buying the lies....just like they didn't buy the spam lies in 2008 and 2012.

Conservatives are the dumbest people on the planet.

^No actual “lies” are named. In fact, Hillary Clinton had classified material on her email system. She lied.

Lol. I am enjoying watching these guys trip over each other while they post duplicate articles. If the right wing machine would put this kind of effort into running a national campaign the right way..they could win but instead they spend all their resources getting the loony base all riled up with articles filled with lies that nobody cares about.

“nobody cares about”
Laugh until you cry funny. This guy is a dumb fuck of epic proportions.

Lol. Same shit just a different year. They just keep making claims that get proven false. Don't know when these idiots are gonna learn.

“false” Hilarious.

Every spam article you the very definition of what a troll does. You are very stupid.

^Notice the intellectual depth on the topic here.

Russ in full spam mode. What a troll

^Total projection.

You and the conservative media have the same idiotic information that most people with a brain can see is more partisan nonsense. Spamming the world with lies will not make it true.

The “conservative media” includes NYT, Washington Post, ABC News, Associated Press, etc. In fact, Hillary Clinton had classified material on her email system. She lied. Just think dumb fuck, you’ve been more wrong on this topic than you were on the Walker Recall.

Russ The Troll Daily Routine:

wake up
check spam email
repost spam at rx

repeat daily. Soooooooo alinsky.

Total projection. Every post this illiterate idiot has made in this thread has been fact free and borderline lunatic.

" I post articles and let the readers decide" ---Russ the troll

lmao. All bias right wing website and spam articles. Too funny.

NYT, Washington Post, ABC News, Associated Press, McClatchy and NBC have been referenced. This idiot is so dumb he his cartoonish replies programmed into his phone.

Russ the troll and his daily spam.

Keep obeying your masters sheep boy!!!

Look at how fucking dumb these posts are. They are beyond parody.

I feel bad for their families who had to endure these whack jobs....can't imagine what they've been put through. I'm sure many of them have multiple ex wives and had falling outs with their kids.....once these kids get out into the world and interact with normal people they figure out how fucked up their upbringing was.

Thankfully you don’t actually have any children. Your almost 6,000 posts here since the SuperBowl and embarrassing lack of reading ability and critical thinking would make any children dumber in your presence. Added to the fact that you live off the government, they would grow up as 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] generation welfare recipients. Thankfully your imaginary children didn’t get to see you screeching here Easter morning about a poster who no longer posts here or your epic loser 36 posts until 11 pm on the 4[SUP]th[/SUP] of July. Imagine how proud those kids would be?

Anyway, there is no longer any point in quoting his remaining 70 posts in this thread as they are all the same dumb shit.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Lying Acebb in full meltdown mode again. Poor old lonely guy. No friends or family.....and a losing mush.


did you accept the bet yet? Lmao

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Acebb: that is why I have him on ignore. He brings nothing to the table not even a chair lol. Threads like this simply bring out the troll in him. He doesn't get it and he never will.

New member
Jan 9, 2009




by BEN SHAPIRO2 Sep 2015207

[h=2]This week, the State Department released the latest tranche of Hillary Clinton emails from her time as Secretary of State. Unsurprisingly, the emails reportedly contained few revelations, since Clinton deleted 30,000 of them and wiped her server before turning it over to the authorities.[/h]But they did contain a few nuggets of interest: the State Department tech department had no clue Hillary was using a private email server or personal email address; Hillary liked to correspond with out-of-government players like former Clinton hit man Sidney Blumenthal, particularly on critiques of people like Speaker of the House
Rep. John Boehner (R-OH)

(Blumenthal called Boehner “louche, alcoholic, lazy, and without any commitment to any principle,” a largely-accurate but not entirely free-of-irony description coming from Blumenthal); and more classified emails Hillary has denied ever sending or receiving.It’s no shock that Hillary’s emails contain no smoking gun; that’s the point of spoliation of evidence. What’s more interesting is the cast of characters surrounding Lady Hillary in this latest Shakespearian drama. As Obi Wan Kenobi might put it, you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. America must be cautious.
Sidney Blumenthal. Hillary’s emails contain an inordinate amount of correspondence with Sidney Blumenthal. Blumenthal began as a “journalist” – he wrote for The Washington Post, The New Yorker, and The New Republic, among other publications. Like other mainstream media journalists, he fell head over heels for the Clintons after covering them during their first term, then joined the second Clinton administration as a special assistant to Bill. According to media reports, Blumenthal smeared Monica Lewinsky in an attempt to prevent her from damaging his boss; he also attempted to sue Matt Drudge for libel and tried to smear independent counsel Kenneth Starr.
Blumenthal was so dirty – connected to so many shady lobbying groups – that the Obama administration rejected him as an adviser for Hillary’s State Department. But that didn’t stop Hillary from using him for advice. According to the Associated Press, “During Clinton’s years as secretary of state, Blumenthal offered a flood of intelligence and advice to his former boss, sending near-monthly missives about the growing unrest in Libya to the personal email account she continued to use as a government employee.”
Blumenthal frequently sent articles from his radically anti-Semitic son, Max Blumenthal, to Hillary as well. The younger Blumenthal has compared Israel and Nazi Germany and likened Israeli activity to Kristallnacht and the concentration camps. Max’s article on The Innocence of Muslims, the YouTube video Hillary blamed for the Benghazi attacks, went directly to Hillary via Sidney.
It wasn’t just advice and random political thoughts, either. In the context of those emails, Blumenthal allegedly lobbied on behalf of foreign-security contractors in Libya – groups with which he had a financial relationship, as National Review reported:
A May 2011 e-mail shows Blumenthal working to secure $60,000 from longtime Clinton operative Cody Shearer in order to send four Osprey security contractors into Libya. By August, Osprey had signed a contract with the Libyan National Council, which took over the country following the Gaddafi regime’s collapse.
Hillary told the media that she only corresponded with Blumenthal because “I have many, many old friends, and I always think it’s important, when you get into politics, to have friends you had before you were in politics…I’m going to keep talking to my old friends, whoever they are.” But she’s only known Blumenthal in the context of politics. And hit men come in useful more often than not.
Cheryl Mills. Hillary’s top aide has said she didn’t have a personal email address on Hillary’s private server, but media reports have disagreed. Mills is a longtime Clinton hatchet woman – she was Hillary’s chief of staff and White House counsel during Bill’s impeachment. She also allegedly destroyed emails on behalf of the Clintons back then.
As Paul Sperry reports, Mills told Commerce Department employees not to turn over documents related to Bill and Hillary selling seats on trade junkets for campaign cash; she was called “loathsome” by US District Judge Royce Lambert for failing to protect 1.8 million Clinton emails under subpoena at the time. Sperry also notes that Mills “‘concealed’ so many subpoenaed emails and other documents detailing allegedly illegal fundraising activity between the White House and the Democratic National Committeee…that staff lawyers for the House Government Oversight Committee in 1998 sent a criminal referral to the Justice Department demanding federal prosecutors charge Mills with obstruction of justice and perjury.”
Mills hit the news again in 2012, when Hillary put her in charge of document production for all issues related to Benghazi. According to deputy ambassador to Libya Gregory Hicks, Mills told him to stonewall Congressional investigators. And as Sperry concludes, “Mills negotiated the weak conflict-of-interest rules for disclosing foreign donations to the Clinton Foundation with the Obama administration.”
Huma Abedin. Abedin is perhaps Hillary’s closest adviser, and had an email address on Hillary’s private server. The wife of penis-texter Anthony Weiner, Huma has long stood by Hillary’s side. Hillary’s State Department even granted Abedin unique status when it came to conflicts of interest: as Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) pointed out earlier this year, the State Department gave Abedin the green light to work for Teneo, a firm that lobbies the government for contracts – even as she worked for Hillary. Abedin didn’t disclose her financial arrangements with Teneo on financial reports. She also worked as a consultant to the Clinton Foundation while working for the State Department. Melanie Sloane of ethics group CREW explained to The New York Times, “If she was being held out as a deputy chief of staff, it would be highly unusual for her to be a part-time employee or a consultant. Being a deputy chief of staff at the State Department is generally considered more than a full-time job.”
And then there are Abedin’s controversial family ties. Andrew McCarthy of National Review pointed out in 2012 that Abedin’s mother is a top figure with the Muslim Brotherhood female division and works with more than one terrorist-connected group. Abedin’s father is also closely tied to the Muslim Brotherhood, and Abedin herself edited a journal founded by an al-Qaeda financier, according to Robert Spencer. Abedin has always been considered a close adviser to Hillary on Middle East affairs.
Philippe Reines. Reines has been Hillary’s longtime press aide. He recently made theheadlines after the State Department told Gawker that it had no records of exchanges between the notoriously hotheaded Reines and journalists; just a few weeks ago, the State Department handed over some 18,000 such emails. Reines’ brusque manner has drawn scrutiny before: he once told a reporter to “f*** off” (so much for Donald Trump’s supposed brutality with regard to Jorge Ramons!) and recently sent an email copying various members of the media and ripping media coverage of his email account. Even Politico finds Reines off-putting:
Still, one wonders whether such an aggressive spokesperson — Reines is and will always be a Clinton spokesperson, even if that is not his official title — is beneficial to the Hillary Clinton 2016 campaign….stories about angry emails with expletives and name-calling — who says “lying liar pants on fire”? — may reinforce some voters’ worst fears about the Clinton brand of petty, bullying politics.
Hillary has put together quite the charming team: the sleazebag smear artist with the radical politics and corrupt ties; the hatchet woman allegedly willing to destroy anything and anyone to help her boss; the top aide with troubling ties; and the press agent from hell. No wonder Hillary’s campaign is on the upswing.

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Jan 9, 2009




by JOHN HAYWARD2 Sep 2015847

[h=2]The instructions from Team Clinton to the media in advance of the latest email dump were clear; you can almost imagine what the directives looked like. Trivialize this, make fun of the whole thing, spotlight amusing things said in some of the messages, build a “woman balancing work and home life” narrative to create sympathy between Madame Clinton and female voters.[/h]Clinton’s media was happy to oblige. ABC News, which sees fit to employ Clinton operative George Stephanopoulos as a “journalist” – and lets him handle coverage of the very same Clinton Foundation he donated to! – didn’t cover the new email revelations at all on Tuesday night, even though they teased the release earlier in the day. NBC News claimed the new emails revealed “a secretary of state who was deeply engaged in the minutia of diplomacy and fascinated by Washington intrigue.”
MSNBC took a stab at justifying Clinton’s outrageous breach of national security protocols by saying the funny/embarrassing tidbits from the latest release demonstrated that the Clintons were right to keep their correspondence shielded from “enemies” they “feel are embedded all around them.”
“Hillary Clinton’s emails illustrate the difficulties of achieving work-life balance,” argued the Huffington Post, going for the soft-focus approach. Newsweek took top propaganda honors by misinforming its readers that Clinton voluntarily released all these emails to “help alleviate tensions” (no, she was dragged kicking and screaming into doing this, fighting it like a wildcat every step of the way) and sifted through the new release to find the “silliest” emails for a top-five list of comedy “gems.”
Somehow Newsweek missed the knee-slapper where Hillary compromised classified satellite intelligence on North Korean nuclear weapons.
As the Washington Times reported (while our mighty Mainstream Media was busy tittering over what Sid Blumenthal said about
Rep. John Boehner (R-OH)

), this is one of those emails that caught the inspector general’s eye, was stripped of its classification markings manually by someone at the State Department, and somehow flew across the “air gap” that’s supposed to make it impossible to compromise classified material by emailing it directly to an unsecured system like Clinton’s.The individual who carried it across the “air gap” knew it was classified with 100 percent certainty, and willfully removed the designations and codes marking it as such. That individual is a criminal under federal law, and should do hard time when his or her identity is discovered by the FBI.
The Washington Times details two reasons why intelligence sources are deeply concerned about the North Korean nuclear email:
First, spy satellite information is frequently classified at the top-secret level and handled within a special compartment called Talent-Keyhole. This means it is one of the most sensitive forms of intelligence gathered by the U.S.
Second, the North Koreans have assembled a massive cyberhacking army under an elite military spy program known as Bureau 121, which is increasingly aggressive in targeting systems for hacking, especially vulnerable private systems. The North Koreans, for instance, have been blamed by the U.S. for the hack of Sony movie studios.
Allowing sensitive U.S. intelligence about North Korea to seep into a more insecure private email server has upset the intelligence community because it threatens to expose its methods and assets for gathering intelligence on the secretive communist nation.
One of these intelligence community sources complained to the Washington Times about “a certain nonchalance at Mrs. Clinton’s State Department” with regard to electronic security, even as the government deals with one spectacular hacker raid after another.
Some of the other “hilarious” emails exposed in the new dump have Clinton not only encouraging her staff to partake of that “nonchalance” and send sensitive material to her personal address, but actively berating at least one of them for his reluctance to do so. There are exchanges where her aides try to explain the importance of keeping classified information secure to Her Regal Majesty, who finds the whole subject annoying.
And while Big Media’s army of fact-checkers was busy searching for comedy gems in the 7,000 emails that dropped this week, Sean Davis at The Federalist noticed that many of the messages contained information that was “born classified” – indisputably classified at the time Hillary sent or received them, under a 2009 executive order signed by President Obama, contrary to Clinton’s repeated false claims that none of her emails included information that was marked classified at the time she handled it. Some of these emails had to be redacted in their entirety before they could be released to the public.
And yes, Hillary Clinton originated at least six emails containing classified information, contrary to her spin that she was just a helpless unwitting recipient of material others should be blamed for compromising.
Not only did Clinton ignore Obama’s executive order, she also ignored the President’s specific instructions not to bring her henchman Sidney Blumenthal into the State Department. The Wall Street Journal notes that the new emails show that Blumenthal had a “large role” and “outsize position” in the Secretary of State’s operation… which makes a liar of Hillary Clinton yet again, because back when a panicked Blumenthal gave the House Benghazi Committee some emails they were never supposed to see, Clinton ran around telling everyone he was just an old pal that sent her crazy stuff from time to time, and she didn’t pay much attention to his unsolicited advice. Some of the new emails show Clinton was sending classified information to Blumenthal and other private citizens.
But please, Clinton media, tell us some more about how these emails are funny and charming, how they illustrate the difficulty of a being a working mom and Having it All with only an eight-figure fortune and a vast army of taxpayer-funded aides to help the poor lady get by. While we’re on that subject, how come so many of these funny little irrelevant personal messages are among the emails she decided to save, when she supposedly deleted half of her subpoenaed email trove because it contained only irrelevant personal messages?

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