Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


New member
Jan 9, 2009
Just a comment on something Hillary recently said:

She recently said that she only used one server “for convenience”. Really. Why would you mix your personal emails with government emails. I have separate servers for my personal emails and for my business emails. Why would I want to mix them together. And my emails are not classified much less top secret. Convenience has nothing to do with the responsibility involved in government security. It definitely is not an excuse to destroy any emails. The price you pay for using one server is that if you turn it over for whatever reason you should not be able to delete any messages, personal or governmental. She should have used two separate servers. Could the Clinton’s afford another server. Also is anyone permitted to use a government server for personal use? I have not seen any of this brought up.

Also if she turned the purchase of that server into the government as a reimbursable expense that alone should mean that she lost the right to erase any emails on that same server. At that point that server is government property and if that is the case she is tampering with evidence. She did not begin removing emails until the server was subpoenaed by the House committee.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]CNN National Security Analyst Unloads On Hillary Over Email Scandal: ‘I Wonder Whether She Is Capable Of Being President’ [VIDEO][/h]
Senior Editor

7:24 PM 08/15/2015​


Hillary Clinton’s email scandal should disqualify her from the Oval Office.
At least so says former CIA operative and CNN national security analyst Bob Baer, who is not known for being a political partisan.
“If this was on her server and it got into her smart phone, there’s a big problem there,” Baer said during an appearance on CNN International Saturday, noting that the sensitivity of the informationreportedly found on Clinton’s private server was likely more secret than what Edward Snowden pilfered.
“Seriously, if I had sent a document like this over the open Internet I’d get fired the same day, escorted to the door and gone for good — and probably charged with mishandling classified information,” Baer said.

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Hillary’s lame e-mail excuse: The server did it[/h]By Jonah Goldberg

August 14, 2015 | 8:48pm

Modal Trigger

Photo: AP

It happened sooner than even the doomsayers predicted. The era of artificial intelligence is here. A computer has become self-aware, a moral agent responsible for its own actions.
This breakthrough didn’t happen in Silicon Valley or at MIT. It happened, of all places, in Chappaqua, NY. And the person responsible isn’t even a computer scientist, but a lawyer and politician: Hillary Clinton.
Clinton’s critics say a lot of things about her, but who would’ve believed she was Skynet’s mother?
A little background. Clinton was forced to turn over her “home-brewed” e-mail server to the FBI this week, along with a flash drive unlawfully stored at her lawyer’s office.
The server and the drive are tangible evidence of Clinton’s decision to circumvent laws and procedures designed to preserve government records and keep classified information secret.
She says she never knowingly sent classified information, but Clinton leaves out that the whole reason federal officials are barred from using private servers is that such systems are invisible to the classification process.
The Clinton team claims it handed over the server voluntarily — a classic example of Clinton’s penchant for half-truths.
For months, they insisted they’d never turn it over. They caved because they had to. The decision was about as voluntary as a bank robber relinquishing his sack of cash to the cops at gunpoint.
Revealingly, many media reports say “the campaign” handed over the server.
But the campaign wasn’t in charge of the server — if it was, that’d be a whole other scandal. It was Clinton’s server, full stop. To say otherwise is to protect Clinton, the author of a book called “Hard Choices,” from her own hard choices.
Which brings us to that evil server.
The first rule of Clintonism is that someone else is always to blame.
That’s why the first iteration of Clinton’s defense was that evil Republicans were simply smearing her.
When that didn’t stick, Team Clinton expanded the indictment to include the partisan witch hunt by that famously right-wing organ the New York Times and two independent inspectors general (one at the State Department, the other for the intelligence community).
The reason the intelligence community’s IG referred the case to the Justice Department stems from the apparent fact that Clinton mishandled classified information, which she denied.
An investigation into a random sample of just 40 e-mails from a batch of more than 30,000 revealed that four contained classified information and at least two were “top secret.”
So now that the FBI and the Justice Department, both run by Obama appointees, are on the case, attacking the motives of inconvenient people no longer works. So the Clinton campaign has invoked a little-known codicil to the first rule of Clintonism: Blame an inanimate object.
The amazing thing is that this spin isn’t coming directly from the campaign but from the reporters covering it.
National Public Radio’s Tamara Keith reported Wednesday morning that the inquiry “isn’t targeted directly at [Clinton]” and is simply intended to determine whether the server was secure.
Business Insider reported that “Clinton’s private server is under investigation by the FBI, though Clinton is not a target of the investigation.”
Even the conservative Washington Free Beacon has fallen into using this locution, referring to the “private e-mail server being investigated by the FBI.”
McClatchy’s Anita Kumar, who helped break the story that two of the e-mails were top secret, felt compelled to step on her own scoop.
She said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” that “there are several investigations into her conduct, not into her, but into her use of personal e-mail and a personal server.”
Go ahead and try parsing the difference between an “investigation into her conduct” and an investigation “into her.”
Clinton, in violation of State Department rules, guidelines from the White House and all common sense, used her own unsecured stealth server. She sent classified material on it. But it’s the server that’s being investigated?
Hopefully the server will one day be able to testify on its own behalf: “I was just following orders.”
In fairness to the press, even the FBI is publicly toeing this line, saying that the investigation isn’t into Clinton.
But on background, federal officials sing a different tune. “It’s definitely a criminal probe,” a government source told The Post. “I’m not sure why they’re not calling it a criminal probe.”
I’ve talked to several lawyers who assure me that the FBI doesn’t conduct criminal probes into anthropomorphized IT equipment. The bureau does investigate criminal abuses of them — by people.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
"She says she never knowingly sent classified information, but Clinton leaves out that the whole reason federal officials are barred from using private servers is that such systems are invisible to the classification process."

"Clinton, in violation of State Department rules, guidelines from the White House and all common sense, used her own unsecured stealth server. She sent classified material on it. But it’s the server that’s being investigated?"

"I’ve talked to several lawyers who assure me that the FBI doesn’t conduct criminal probes into anthropomorphized IT equipment. The bureau does investigate criminal abuses of them — by people."

(from the above article)

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Number of Hillary Clinton’s emails flagged for classified data grows to 60 as review continues

Federal officials have known since May that Hillary Rodham Clinton’s State Department email included classified information, according to a report Thursday night by McClatchy News. (Associated Press) more >


[COLOR=#DDDDDD !important]
By John Solomon - The Washington Times - Sunday, August 16, 2015
While media coverage has focused on a half-dozen of Hillary Rodham Clinton’s personal emails containing sensitive intelligence, the total number of her private emails identified by an ongoing State Department review as having contained classified data has ballooned to 60, officials told The Washington Times.
That figure is current through the end of July and is likely to grow as officials wade through a total of 30,000 work-related emails that passed through her personal email server, officials said. The process is expected to take months.

The 60 emails are among those that have been reviewed and cleared for release under the Freedom of Information Act as part of a open-records lawsuit. Some of the emails have multiple redactions for classified information.

Among the first 60 flagged emails, nearly all contained classified secrets at the lowest level of “confidential” and one contained information at the intermediate level of “secret,” officials told the Times.
Those 60 emails do not include two emails identified in recent days by Intelligence Community Inspector General I. Charles McCullough III as containing “top-secret” information possibly derived from Pentagon satellites, drones or intercepts, which is some of the nation’s most sensitive secrets.
State officials and the intelligence community are working to resolve questions about those and other emails with possible classified information, a process that isn’t likely to be completed until January.

That will be right around the time Mrs. Clinton is slated to face voters in the Iowa caucuses in her bid for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination.
As the number of suspect emails grows and the classification review continues, it is clear that predictions contained in a notification Mr. McCullough sent Congress this summer is likely to hold true: Mrs. Clinton’s personal emails likely contained hundreds of disclosures of classified information.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
Now here is a dot the libtards want to forget.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said on Tuesday she made a mistake when she claimed she had come under sniper fire during a trip to Bosnia in 1996 while she was first lady.
In a speech in Washington and in several interviews last week Clinton described how she and her daughter, Chelsea, ran for cover under hostile fire shortly after her plane landed in Tuzla, Bosnia.
Several news outlets disputed the claim and a video of the trip, showed Clinton walking from the plane, accompanied by her daughter. They were greeted by a young girl in a small ceremony on the tarmac and there was no sign of tension or any danger.
"I did make a mistake in talking about it, you know, the last time and recently," Clinton told reporters in Pennsylvania where she was campaigning before the state's April 22 primary. She said she had a "different memory" about the landing.
"So I made a mistake. That happens. It proves I'm human, which, you know, for some people, is a revelation."

New member
Jan 9, 2009
^^^^^^So that proves she is human huh. Caught lying is nothing new for Hillary, and in fact she often makes stuff up. Look how long she clung to that story and look at all the evidence that proved she made that story up. The email/server and Benghazi alone prove that Hillary not only avoids the truth she makes things up also. She admitted she made a mistake by making up the Boznia story but she blames the emails and Benghazi on politics. People are not shooting at her lol, they are merely connecting the obvious dots around her. She ran for cover in Boznia.....right. Hillary does not know when to run for cover she just blames everyone else. Boznia does not prove she is human, it proves she is a liar.

Oct 31, 2004
CNN National Security Analyst Unloads On Hillary Over Email Scandal: ‘I Wonder Whether She Is Capable Of Being President’ [VIDEO]

Senior Editor

7:24 PM 08/15/2015​


Hillary Clinton’s email scandal should disqualify her from the Oval Office.
At least so says former CIA operative and CNN national security analyst Bob Baer, who is not known for being a political partisan.
“If this was on her server and it got into her smart phone, there’s a big problem there,” Baer said during an appearance on CNN International Saturday, noting that the sensitivity of the informationreportedly found on Clinton’s private server was likely more secret than what Edward Snowden pilfered.
“Seriously, if I had sent a document like this over the open Internet I’d get fired the same day, escorted to the door and gone for good — and probably charged with mishandling classified information,” Baer said.

Read more:

Im honestly shocked this is not a bigger story.

I know it's a big story but I think this is worse then Watergate.
I really do.

That fact that she is still campaigning is shocking to me

New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]MSNBC Blasts Clinton’s Entire Email Response: Bad Jokes, Delayed Cooperation, Partisan Blame Games[/h]

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Im honestly shocked this is not a bigger story.

I know it's a big story but I think this is worse then Watergate.
I really do.

That fact that she is still campaigning is shocking to me

[h=1]Bob Woodward: Clinton emails 'reminds me of the Nixon tapes'[/h]

8/17/15 7:50 AM

Bob Woodward: Clinton Emails Remind Me of the Nixon Tapes
Daily Surge
[COLOR=#DDDDDD !important]

Veteran Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward on Monday compared the email controversy engulfing Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton to the downfall of President Richard Nixon.
On MSNBC's "Morning Joe," Woodward, who through his reporting helped break open the Watergate scandal, said it's at least suspicious that Clinton's emails from her tenure as secretary of state were wiped away from a server she owned privately.
"Follow the trail here," Woodward said. "There are all these emails. Well, they were sent to someone or someone sent them to her. So, if things have been erased here, there's a way to go back to these emails or who received them from Hillary Clinton. So, you've got a massive amount of data in a way, reminds me of the Nixon tapes: Thousands of hours of secretly recorded conversations that Nixon thought were exclusively his."
News broke earlier this year that Clinton relied on a private email address and server, rather than a government-owned one, when she served at the State Department. Subsequent reports said that she received classified and top secret information through that system. Federal officials have since taken Clinton's server and are continuing an investigation into whether its security was compromised.

[h=2]When it comes to Sanders, the press just cares about the size of his rallies[/h]By Becket Adams
08/16/15 12:01 AM

"It's extraordinary," Woodward said. "Again, it's the volume: 60,000 emails and Hillary Clinton has said 30,000 of them, half, were personal and they were deleted. Who decided that? What's on those emails? I would love to have all 60,000, read them. It would be a character study about her personal life and also what she did as secretary of state. And step back for a moment. The big question about Hillary Clinton is, who is she? Is she this secretive hidden person or is she this valiant public servant? Look at those 60,000 emails and you're going to get some answers."
Woodward added, "This has to go on a long long time; the answers are probably not going to be pretty."
Clinton maintains her status as the national front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, though her favorability ratings has declined since the news about her emails broke.

Aug 6, 2006
Bob Woodward: Clinton emails 'reminds me of the Nixon tapes'

8/17/15 7:50 AM

Bob Woodward: Clinton Emails Remind Me of the Nixon Tapes
Daily Surge
[COLOR=#DDDDDD !important]

Veteran Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward on Monday compared the email controversy engulfing Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton to the downfall of President Richard Nixon.
On MSNBC's "Morning Joe," Woodward, who through his reporting helped break open the Watergate scandal, said it's at least suspicious that Clinton's emails from her tenure as secretary of state were wiped away from a server she owned privately.
"Follow the trail here," Woodward said. "There are all these emails. Well, they were sent to someone or someone sent them to her. So, if things have been erased here, there's a way to go back to these emails or who received them from Hillary Clinton. So, you've got a massive amount of data in a way, reminds me of the Nixon tapes: Thousands of hours of secretly recorded conversations that Nixon thought were exclusively his."
News broke earlier this year that Clinton relied on a private email address and server, rather than a government-owned one, when she served at the State Department. Subsequent reports said that she received classified and top secret information through that system. Federal officials have since taken Clinton's server and are continuing an investigation into whether its security was compromised.

When it comes to Sanders, the press just cares about the size of his rallies

By Becket Adams
08/16/15 12:01 AM

"It's extraordinary," Woodward said. "Again, it's the volume: 60,000 emails and Hillary Clinton has said 30,000 of them, half, were personal and they were deleted. Who decided that? What's on those emails? I would love to have all 60,000, read them. It would be a character study about her personal life and also what she did as secretary of state. And step back for a moment. The big question about Hillary Clinton is, who is she? Is she this secretive hidden person or is she this valiant public servant? Look at those 60,000 emails and you're going to get some answers."
Woodward added, "This has to go on a long long time; the answers are probably not going to be pretty."
Clinton maintains her status as the national front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, though her favorability ratings has declined since the news about her emails broke.

Without he and Bernstein "connecting the dots" and keeping the story hot Watergate would have fizzled out.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Without he and Bernstein "connecting the dots" and keeping the story hot Watergate would have fizzled out.

Exactly - you have to connect the dots and then take it to the next level. DC leveled out a long time ago lol. No one in DC wants the dots connected any more. That is what makes Trey Gowdy the perfect one to take it to the next level. No one wants to be questioned by that guy. He not only connects the dots, he fills them in.

New member
Oct 29, 2010

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Without he and Bernstein "connecting the dots" and keeping the story hot Watergate would have fizzled out.

Don't encourage his spam. You know as well as I do Russ can't connect the dots with a map, gps and flashlight. Dude couldn't find his ass with a mirror.

You really think posting articles from breitbart, daily caller and drudge is connecting anything? When you get your articles from the sources you're gonna get the results you desire.

When you actually get past the headlines and read the articles......don't seem to be much there....if anything. That could change but right now this is a ton of speculation over low level documents
Sep 21, 2004
Don't encourage his spam. You know as well as I do Russ can't connect the dots with a map, gps and flashlight. Dude couldn't find his ass with a mirror.

You really think posting articles from breitbart, daily caller and drudge is connecting anything? When you get your articles from the sources you're gonna get the results you desire.

When you actually get past the headlines and read the articles......don't seem to be much there....if anything. That could change but right now this is a ton of speculation over low level documents

"don't seem to be much there...if anything"

OMG, you're such a fucking idiot. Keep hoping, and praying to your DNC idols.


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