Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


Oct 31, 2004
I'm going to throw out Al Gore.
Wild prediction he will enter the race

What do you know?
Just put it on CNN and I'm hearing Al Gore might be entering the race.

Oct 31, 2004
I actually said to my friend once that there is no way Brady would even notice the difference on ball pressure for such a small difference, then he sent me a link of Drew Brees on Conan O'brien and they gave him 4 or 5 different balls and said name the PSI and he named all of them correctly. I dunno if it was staged or not but it was pretty impressive.

Drew Brees is awesome like that

Oct 31, 2004
So what do we have to look forward to?

Rematch of Clinton/Bush or Gore/Bush

Just shoot me

Oct 31, 2004
2 weeks ago I would have voted the following people ahead of HC


If none of the above got nominated I was going to go HC

Now HC is completely out the running.

Oct 31, 2004
If it's sanders vs Cruz I could really see DT going 3rd party and actually winning .

This is some fascinating shit

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Hillary Clinton’s Hamptons Vacation[/h]She deserves it
BY: Andrew Stiles
August 14, 2015 11:38 am


Just an everyday beachfront mansion.

Hillary Clinton needs a vacation. The champion of everyday Americans will head to the Hamptons on August 21 for a two-week stay at an $18 million beachfront estate. The Clintons are reportedly shelling out $100,000 for the rental, which is a little less than 30-minutes worth of “work” on the speaking circuit. Everyday Americans, by comparison, spend an average of $1,145 per person on summer travel.
The Clintons stayed at the same property in 2014, when Hillary was photographed walking relatively unassisted on the beach. Hollywood producer and Democratic megadonor Harvey Weinstein owns the mansion next door. Chelsea and her husband, failed hedge-fund manager Marc Mezvinsky, will be joining the Clintons along with young Charlotte, a prominent American grandchild that has made Hillary think long and hard about what kind of world she wants to leave behind.
Hillary plans to think about the problems and concerns of people like you while attending fundraisers with the likes of fashion designer Tory Burch and Artie Rabin, co-owner of the Brooklyn Nets. Anthony Weiner’s brother will cater one of the events. As one source told the New York Post: “Hillary doesn’t want headlines saying, ‘Presidential hopeful kicking back in the Hamptons,’ so she’ll be busy while she’s there.” In addition to fundraising, she will presumably be following the latest developments in the press regarding the email scandal of her own making. Most Americans, meanwhile, support further investigation into to matter.
Hillary will also be keeping her eye out for any news as to whether Vice President Joe Biden, or even former Vice President Al Gore, will enter the race for the Democratic nomination. At this point, John Edwards may even be considering a run. Why the hell not? As Hillary’s recent troubles show, she is exactly the same candidate who Democrats rejected in 2008, the only difference being that a $50,000-per-week vacation is much less of a strain on the family budget following her multi-million dollar speaking haul.
Dealing with all the predictable antics of the campaign season—the partisan attacks, the barrage of questions about Donald Tump, the FBI investigations—can be stressful, especially for the elderly. Hillary deserves a few weeks of relaxation at venue that reflects her superior social and economic status. Give her a break.

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Oct 31, 2004
HC opened a snap chat account yesterday. Lol

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Majority of Battleground State Voters Less Likely to Vote for Hillary Clinton Because She Supports Iran Deal[/h]SHARE

Hillary Rodham Clinton / AP

BY: Morgan Chalfant
August 14, 2015 3:47 pm

A majority of voters in key battleground states are less likely to vote for Hillary Clinton in light of her vocal support for the Iran nuclear agreement.
According to a survey conducted by Vox Populi Polling, 54 percent of voters in Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Nevada, Ohio, and Virginia are at least somewhat less likely to cast a ballot for Clinton because she backed the nuclear deal, with 41 percent describing themselves as “much less likely” to vote for the Democratic presidential candidate.
Meanwhile, only 22 percent are at least someone more likely to vote for the former secretary of state in the wake of her support of the deal, while 20 percent said they believe that it makes no difference.
Hours after President Obama announced the finalized deal with Iran on July 14, Clinton labeled the agreement an “important step that puts the lid on Iran’s nuclear programs” following a closed-door meeting with Democratic House members to whom she stressed that the agreement is “worthy of support.”
Days later, however, Clinton admitted to a crowd of New Hampshire voters that she “absolutely” does not trust the Iranian regime.
Early polling indicates that Americans overwhelmingly oppose the nuclear deal by a 2-to-1 margin.
The survey, conducted between Aug. 9 and 10, indicates that Clinton faces generally negative views from voters in battleground states that would be key to her path to the presidency.
Fifty-seven percent of voters in these states harbor an unfavorable view of the former secretary of state and 60 percent distrust her as she continues to battlecontroversy surrounding her private email system.
Perhaps most illuminating, only 39 percent of battleground state voters said that they would lean toward voting for Clinton if the 2016 general election were held today. Fifty-three percent would instead favor an unspecified Republican nominee.

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Oct 31, 2004
I am 100% positive HC will not be the nomination.

Anyone what to bet me on that?

Oct 31, 2004
2 weeks ago I would have voted the following people ahead of HC


If none of the above got nominated I was going to go HC

Now HC is completely out the running.

Dont get me wrong. None of those names excite me like Romney did.
But I'm coming around on Rubio .

I donated real money to the Romney campaign and even went to some out of state rallies .

Dont feel that way about anyone this time

New member
Jan 9, 2009





Richard Ellis/Getty Images

by JOHN HAYWARD15 Aug 20152

Whoever told Hillary Clinton to handle her rapidly-evolving email scandal by joking about it is the worst political consultant in history.

Of course, the FBI agents investigating her are not laughing, and the intel community isn’t going to change its assessment of the damage she inflicted on national security for personal gain because she makes a few cracks about Snapchat to her supporters.
But that’s what she tried at the Wing Ding dinner in Iowa: “You may have seen I recently launched a Snapchat account. I love it: Those messages disappear all by themselves.”
What a knee-slapper! C’mon, Mrs. Clinton, tell us the one about how you set up your shadow email server because you didn’t want to carry two cell phones. That one always brings down the house!
She also tried blowing off the Benghazi investigation, which – along with lawsuits from citizen watchdog groups like Judicial Watch – is the only reason the American people learned about what she has done, in time to factor her reckless disregard for top-secret information into their voting decisions.
“Benghazi was a tragedy where four Americans died… but let’s be clear: Seven exhaustive investigations… have already debunked all of the conspiracy theories,” said Clinton, astranscribed by Politico. “It’s not about email servers either. It’s about politics.”
She even went as far as invoking the memory of the men she left to die in Benghazi, as if criticizing her was the equivalent of dishonoring their memories. “Here’s what I won’t do: I won’t get down in the mud with them… or dishonor the memories of those who died. I don’t pretend this isn’t about politics,” Clinton sneered.
Back here in the real world, the allegations she derides as “conspiracy theories” about Benghazi were confirmed by investigators, not “debunked.” She did indeed lie copiously about the reasons for the attack – literally right into the faces of the dead mens’ families – and she was responsible for the appalling lack of security that allowed Ambassador Christopher Stevens to walk into a terrorist beehive unprotected.
She’s also responsible for pushing Barack Obama into the disastrous Libyan war, which turned the country into a Mad Max wasteland where warlord gangs battle ISIS for territory, and is currently burying Europe over a flood of refugees, many of whom are drowning during their desperate attempts to cross the Mediterranean.
But a Clinton voter is someone who makes a point of not knowing such things, or does whatever is necessary to forget any inconvenient knowledge that slips into their noggins. Politico got quotes from a couple of them, saying the crowd gave Our Lady of the Cattle Futures a “rock-star reception”:
“I think it’s the other side trying to throw whatever at the wall and seeing what will stick, and then the news organizations having to have something to talk about all the time,” said Iowan Paul Stough, holding a plate of chicken wings and pulled pork at the famous concert hall Friday night. “I think mostly it’s: she’s the front-runner and the press in general likes to knock the front-runner down.”
[…] “I think Hillary’s going to be bogged down by a lot of this Benghazi stuff,” said JR Ankley, the former mayor of 300-person northern Iowa town called Marble Rock. “It’s the only game-plan Republican’s got.”
[…] “The email thing is a witch hunt and it won’t hurt her,” said John Stone, who’s the Cerro Gordo County Democratic chairman.
The funny thing about the level of delusion these people have forced themselves into is the notion that the media is trying to “knock Hillary down,” when they’ve been throwing themselves on top of these stories like live grenades for as long as they can.
A large percentage of mainstream media reporters, anchors, and editors are either Clinton donors or former employees of hers. To this day, they’re pumping every story full of boilerplate spin that sounds like it was written by Clinton’s campaign team and taped to the reporter’s computer monitor. Those who aren’t personally loyal to Hillary are terrified of getting the same treatment the New York Times got for crossing the Clinton syndicate and reporting she was under criminal investigation. (Yes, Clinton media drones, they are investigating her, not investigating her self-aware living supercomputer mail server, and yes, it’s a criminal investigation, because the FBI performs no other kind.)
The second funniest thing Clinton dead-enders are telling themselves is that the FBI, under Obama’s insanely politicized Justice Department, is a pack of Republican “witch hunters.”
It’s also funny to hear Clinton-bots talk about Republican “game plans” being deficient, when the only game plan left to Hillary Clinton involves harping on the Benghazi investigation, portraying herself as a victim, and stoking her followers’ visceral hatred of all things GOP. The investigation of Clinton’s clear violation of federal law might indeed be swayed by politics – it already has been, since anyone who wasn’t Democrat royalty would already have been indicted, and maybe worse – but it won’t be the kind of politics that involve rooms full of gullible donors yukking it up at Clinton’s corny jokes.
Some Clinton supporters evidently lap this stuff up, but there are lots of Democrats who will be made very nervous by the thought that Hillary thinks she can manage this story with the same old “Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy” bleating and arrogant dismissal of the facts. Hardcore supporters laugh, but she needs more than hardcore supporters to win the nomination, and she’s losing just about everyone else in the Democrat Party, even when the chief alternative currently available is an unelectable socialist.
And hey, guys, just a little reminder: Hillary Clinton was already a lousy candidate sinking in the polls before the current scandal broke. Her violation of national security standards has only been an established fact for a couple of weeks, and we only found out she compromised Top Secret intel a few days ago, but she’s been sliding in the polls for months – that’s why she had to pretend her campaign was launching for the first time at least twice.
Also, while Hillary regales you at campaign dinners with nonsense about how she’s voluntarily committed to transparency, remember the only reason these scandals are breaking huge in July and August of 2015 is that she dragged her feet and stonewalled for years, in defiance of State Department instructions, federal subpoenas, judicial orders, and pure common sense.
The timing of this scandal is entirely, solely due to Hillary Clinton’s fabulously poor decision-making skills. Is that really what even dyed-in-the-wool Democrats are looking for in a chief executive?

The funny thing about the level of delusion these people have forced themselves into is the notion that the media is trying to “knock Hillary down,” when they’ve been throwing themselves on top of these stories like live grenades for as long as they can.
from the above:


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Jan 9, 2009



Sean Rayford/Getty Images

by PATRICK HOWLEY14 Aug 20151,061

[h=2]As questions mount about whether or not the information on Hillary Clinton’s private email server could have been stolen by foreign spies, new details are coming to light about the firm that stored her server.[/h]The company that was responsible for storing Clinton’s server exchanged “confidential information” with other tech firms across the country, in an “open book”-type relationship.
Platte River Networks of Denver, Colorado held on to Clinton’s private email server from her State Department tenure for more than two years, from 2013 to this week. The company gave the server to the FBI after the feds visited the company’s headquarters. Platte River has claimed that Clinton’s server, which it obtained in 2013 from Clinton’s home in New York, no longer had any information on it, but the server reportedly did have Clinton’s emails on it at one time while it was in Platte River’s possession.
So how well does Platte River Networks hold on to sensitive information?
The company, which was once sued for allegedly stealing the phone numbers of top White House military advisers, has an “open book” relationship with partner firms when it comes to storing information.
Platte River Networks is part of the VentureTech Network, which consists of about 500 tech firms all over North America. When it comes to “SLA’s,” or “service-level agreements” (i.e. contracts with customers) Platte River shares business relationships and information with other firms in the network.
“We’ve shared SLA’s with other partners which has been really helpful,” Platte River vice president David DeCamillis said in a 2012 promotional video. “The fact that a company — even, potentially, a competitor but they’re in different markets so not really – are willing to share their SLA’s and other confidential information, you know, it’s almost like an open book, is amazing. And I’ve actually taken bits and pieces of different SLA’s to help improve ours. And I’ve shared ours with other vendors as well, or other partners as well. So that’s been really beneficial.”

Platte River did not immediately return a request for comment.

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Jan 9, 2009



Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images

by JOHN SEXTON14 Aug 2015136

The State Department sent a safe to Hillary Clinton’s lawyer in early July in an effort to ensure a thumb drive containing classified emails was being stored securely. The unusual move by State came to light Friday, more than a week after the drive itself was turned over to the Department of Justice.
McClatchy reports that evidence of classified information on Hillary’s personal email sever first turned up in May, earlier than previously known. A debate ensued between the Inspector General for the Intelligence Community and the State Department about whether the material, including copies of Hillary’s emails on a thumb drive kept by her attorney, were properly secured. It is not known what, if any, security precautions were taken between May and July, but in early July the State Department became concerned enough that it delivered a safe to Kendall’s office.
The State Department has previously mentioned that it had physically verified the security of the thumb drive in Kendall’s office, but never mentioned providing a safe. On July 30th, about a week after word of the thumb drive’s existence became public knowledge, a State Department spokesman told Politico, “We’ve provided the lawyers with instructions regarding appropriate measures for physically securing the documents and confirmed via a physical security expert that they are taking those measures.”
Nearly a week later, State spokesman Mark Toner again noted that State had sent a security expert to Kendall’s office. He told CBS News, “We simply cleared the site where they’re being held, made sure that it was a secure facility, and capable of holding what could be classified material.” Again, there was no mention of State providing a safe in which to keep the thumb drive.
Throughout this time the State Department has firmly denied that any material on Hillary’s server was classified at the time it was generated. But two Inspectors General–for State and for the Intelligence Community–have been equally firm in saying some of the emails were classified “when they were generated.”
State’s decision to deliver the safe to Kendall’s office in July could be seen in one of two ways: as an admission by the Agency that there is indeed classified material on the drive, despite what its spokespeople have said publicly, or as an effort by State to placate the Inspectors General.
Earlier this week, Senator Chuck Grassley published a letter from the Intelligence Community Inspector General which indicated that two emails in Hillary’s inbox had been judged to contain Top Secret information. Shortly afterwards, Hillary announced that she had agreed to turn over her email server, which had been wiped clean and was sitting in a data center in New Jersey.
McClatchy reports that the thumb drive in Kendall’s possession was actually turned over on August 6th, a day after stories indicated the FBI was seeking to verify the security of the drive. It’s not clear what prompted the decision to take the drive at that time or why the FBI waited another week to collect the server.
There is no word on whether the State Department has retrieved its safe from Kendall’s office.

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Jan 9, 2009



Paul J. Richards/AFP/Getty Images

by PATRICK HOWLEY14 Aug 2015561

One of the federal prosecutors who helped bring down former general David Petraeus is now leading the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email use.
Of the two prosecutors in the Department of Justice’s National Security Division tasked with investigating Clinton’s emails, one of them worked on the Petraeus case, according tothe Washington Post. Petraeus, pled guilty to giving his biographer and mistress classified information.
Clinton’s lawyer, David Kendall, has turned over thumb drives containing Clinton’s emails from her tenure as Secretary of State. The thumb drives are now in the possession of the Department of Justice, which is just one part of an inter-agency government task force, including the FBI, that is investigating Clinton’s emails.
Clinton also turned over her private email server itself, which had been in the possession of an obscure Denver-based tech firm called Platte River Networks. As Breitbart News reported, Platte River Networks shared confidential information with tech firms across the country and Canada in an “open book”-type relationship with other companies.

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