Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


New member
Oct 29, 2010
"don't seem to be much there...if anything"

OMG, you're such a fucking idiot. Keep hoping, and praying to your DNC idols.


More nothing from you. As if you can be objective on anything that involves democrats. You fucking idiots are making all kinds of claims and then will be crying like bitches when nothing comes of it.

Why has nothing happened yet? Where is law enforcement?

New member
Oct 29, 2010

Number of Clinton emails flagged for classified info hits 300 — and growing

THE NUMBER OF HILLARY CLINTON EMAILS flagged for potentially classified content has grown to more than 300, Fox News has learned –- with the potential to grow as officials scramble to screen the documents.

Potential classified information, retroactive classified, 300 out of 6,000.

This is why you fucking morons always look stupid.....let's see what comes of this.....right's just a lot of talk about very little.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Here is always the difference between people like me.....and people like you

if Hillary is busted for something and she's guilty.....then she had to pay for her crime. And I will say she deserves what she gets

if nothing comes of this

you numbskulls will be blaming the media, some massive cover up or some stupid bullshit. That's just who you people are.
Sep 21, 2004
Here is always the difference between people like me.....and people like you

if Hillary is busted for something and she's guilty.....then she had to pay for her crime. And I will say she deserves what she gets

if nothing comes of this

you numbskulls will be blaming the media, some massive cover up or some stupid bullshit. That's just who you people are.

No, the difference is, normal sane people realize that Hillary is a corrupt lying crook, guilty as hell. The evidence is overwhelming.

But, DNC worshiping libtards like you are blind to the obvious truth.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
No, the difference is, normal sane people realize that Hillary is a corrupt lying crook, guilty as hell. The evidence is overwhelming.

But, DNC worshiping libtards like you are blind to the obvious truth.

If the evidence was overwhelming she would be detained by now.....but of course it isn't.

You can't see that every candidate that rises to the level of president is a lying weasel. That includes the idiot you pull the lever for in 2016.
Sep 21, 2004
If the evidence was overwhelming she would be detained by now.....but of course it isn't.

You can't see that every candidate that rises to the level of president is a lying weasel. That includes the idiot you pull the lever for in 2016.

Lying is one thing, committing multiple felonies and lying to cover it up is another (while risking national security). Amazing you can't see the difference.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Lying is one thing, committing multiple felonies and lying to cover it up is another (while risking national security). Amazing you can't see the difference.

Multiple felonies? Has she been charged with anything yet?

if the accusations are against a dem you just buy it even if there has been no defense, no trial, no arrest, no this point we have conservative media reporting "possible" shit.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Lying is one thing, committing multiple felonies and lying to cover it up is another (while risking national security). Amazing you can't see the difference.

The tard has lost all credibility (as if there was any left to lose) on the Hillary fiasco. Had this been a Republican the Tard would have his own thread (not connecting the dots cause he doesn't know how) but just because it was a Republican. With that mind set he thinks anyone who is calls out Hillary is from his mind set. Thank got we let our curiosity be the spring board to obtaining facts etc. Facts mean nothing to the Tard. Alynsyite all the way lol.
Sep 21, 2004
Multiple felonies? Has she been charged with anything yet?

if the accusations are against a dem you just buy it even if there has been no defense, no trial, no arrest, no this point we have conservative media reporting "possible" shit.

Don't be obtuse troll-boy. You convicted Tom Brady and George Zimmerman on .01% of the evidence shown against Hillary, just sitting on your fat ass watching TV on day one.

Funny how that works?

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Don't be obtuse troll-boy. You convicted Tom Brady and George Zimmerman on .01% of the evidence shown against Hillary, just sitting on your fat ass watching TV on day one.

Funny how that works?

First off.....I'm in better shape than you will ever be.

Second......Brady was suspended by the NFL based on the evidence....and the evidence presented showed George Zimmerman was guilty....but much like OJ....he beat the charges. How has Zimmermam been doing the last few years? Yeah, I was right about that also.

If this was a and your spam trolling twin Russ.....wouldn't even mention it.

Aug 6, 2006
Don't encourage his spam. You know as well as I do Russ can't connect the dots with a map, gps and flashlight. Dude couldn't find his ass with a mirror.

You really think posting articles from breitbart, daily caller and drudge is connecting anything? When you get your articles from the sources you're gonna get the results you desire.

When you actually get past the headlines and read the articles......don't seem to be much there....if anything. That could change but right now this is a ton of speculation over low level documents

Please don't tell me my opinion. Both you and Russ are fine to post whatever you please. But back to the subject, whether you believe her to be clean or dirty the dealings of Hillary Clinton and the suspicions arising from them are not just Russ haphazardly trying to connect some dots. They are headline national news on a daily basis and the flames beneath her fat ass are getting so hot that one day she may blow a fart and herself to bits simultaneously. CNN and ABC World News Tonight with David Muir are not Breitbart.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Please don't tell me my opinion. Both you and Russ are fine to post whatever you please. But back to the subject, whether you believe her to be clean or dirty the dealings of Hillary Clinton and the suspicions arising from them are not just Russ haphazardly trying to connect some dots. They are headline national news on a daily basis and the flames beneath her fat ass are getting so hot that one day she may blow a fart and herself to bits simultaneously. CNN and ABC World News Tonight with David Muir are not Breitbart.

Yes, the conservative media has piled on so much that the mainstream has picked it up. Just wondering why the wheels of justice are turning so slowly......ya know.....with all this overwhelming evidence and slam dunk conviction.

I do enjoy reading these headlines and then reading the stories.....they are very far apart. Those dots don't connect.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Please don't tell me my opinion. Both you and Russ are fine to post whatever you please. But back to the subject, whether you believe her to be clean or dirty the dealings of Hillary Clinton and the suspicions arising from them are not just Russ haphazardly trying to connect some dots. They are headline national news on a daily basis and the flames beneath her fat ass are getting so hot that one day she may blow a fart and herself to bits simultaneously. CNN and ABC World News Tonight with David Muir are not Breitbart.

Scott how many time have you heard me say he doesn't get it and he never will. By the way I don't post from daily caller which shows you his lack dealing with facts. I quote from Washington Free Beacon instead. You are right even MSNBC is joining the club. Supporting Hillary is not supporting your party. The smartest thing Hillary could do is withdraw from the race and give the party that stood behind up until now a chance to get another candidate. She should sign something saying she will withdraw, never again hold public office, and plead out all she has done to avoid the ultimate penalties connected with what she has obviously done with the emails alone. She could plead ignorance and no one would doubt her lol.

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