Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


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Jan 9, 2009



by JEFF POOR16 Jun 201510

On Monday’s broadcast of Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,”
Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY)

, a candidate for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination, said revelations that showed former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, had a potential conflict of interest involving a Canadian-based uranium company with mines in the United States and its sale to Rosatom, the Russian atomic energy agency, should disqualify her candidacy.Paul walked through the allegations detailed in “Clinton Cash” by Breitbart editor at large Peter Schweizer, and said that was what was behind Hillary Clinton’s lackluster polling data.
Partial transcript as follows:
SEAN HANNITY, host “Hannity”: Taking money, and then — if she took it but still took a principled stand, maybe you could give her a pass. I can’t find any instance where she has criticized the policies of these countries with these atrocious records. That to me is the — it seems like they bought her silence.
PAUL: And I think it’s even worse than that. We’re going to have a race to be commander-in-chief. Do we want her to be the commander-in-chief when she’s taken money from people who allowed — you know, she basically presided over the sale of a uranium company to the Russians while taking money from the shareholders of the uranium company. So I would think that that really should disqualify her from being a candidate.
HANNITY: You have a whole lot of reasons. The server would be another reason. The handling of Benghazi, or the $26 million the Clinton Foundation got in Sweden while they were petitioning her as secretary of state so that they can get an exemption and continue to trade and do business with Iran, while everybody else was, you know, living by the sanctions in place.
PAUL: And about this time…
HANNITY: They got this exemption.
PAUL: And about this time, I believe Bill Clinton gave a speech for that company and got about $700,000 while they were applying for an exemption from the sanctions against Iran. Something’s really fishy.
I think Bill Clinton also got money from a bank that was lobbying over the uranium deal. So there’s a lot going on here. There’s an endless supply of conflict of interest, and that’s why her numbers as far as honesty/dishonesty are upside down.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
You really are a troll. You are a loser top to bottom. You never address the issues you just Alinsky up. What a dumb ass.
You just keep posting spam and speculation. Same thing you wackos did with Obama....all of it ends up being untrue and you just move to the next bullshit story. You are 70 years some integrity

New member
Nov 10, 2010
[h=1]Hillary Clinton charged the Boys and Girls Club a massive fee to speak at a luncheon, then didn't interact with the underprivileged children the program helps[/h]
  • The $200,000 honorarium was the largest the Long Beach, California, organization had ever paid a public figure for an appearance
  • Normally, speakers donate much of that money back to the small, non-profit that has an annual operating budget of just $3 million
  • Former secretary of state redirected her check to the Clinton Foundation - which spends $8.1 million a year on travel alone
  • In 2007, when Bill Clinton headlined the event, he charged the group $150,000 and kept the money for himself
Hillary Clinton reportedly charged a Boys and Girls Club chapter $200,000 for an appearance, then left the premise without saying hello to children who benefit from the program.
The massive fee, which she donated back to her family foundation, was the largest the Long Beach, California, organization had ever paid a public figure for a speech, Politico reports.
By contrast, the club made $106,000 off the lunchtime, charity event - it's lowest yield in 25 years. A contributing factor to the diminished proceeds: Clinton's large entourage that took up seats that would have otherwise been sold to donors.




Hillary Clinton, pictured here on Monday at a forum, charged a Boys and Girls Club chapter $200,000 for a 2014 appearance, then reportedly left the premise without saying hello to children who benefit from the program



Clinton is pictured here at another Boys and Girls Club event in December of 2000 as the Senator-elect from New York. She was on hand to watch Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates, right, announces Microsoft's $100 million donation to the organization

The details of the 2014 closed-press event were published in a Politico report today that cites a volunteer with the group as the source of the unflattering information.
Normally, speakers donate much of their honorariums back to the small, non-profit that has an annual operating budget of just $3 million.
The former secretary of state redirected her check to the Clinton Foundation, which raked in $262 million in 2013, according to a Washington Post assessment released earlier this year following the group's latest disclosures.
That puts them in the 'top ranks' of non-profits when it comes to fundraising, expert Steven Lawrence of the Foundation Center told the Post.
That year, the global charity had an operating budget of nearly $84.6 million,CNN reported, with nearly 10 percent, $8.1 million, going toward travel and a sliver, $9 million, going to direct aid.
'It seems like the Clinton Foundation operates as a slush fund for the Clintons,' Bill Allison, a senior fellow at the Sunlight Foundation, a non-profit watchdog, told the New York Post in April.
Another oversight organization, Charity Navigator, has the Clinton Foundation on a watch list over its spending.

In 2007, when Bill Clinton headlined the Boys and Girls Club's annual luncheon, he charged the group $150,000 and kept the money for himself, Politico found.
That compares to former Secretary of State Condolezza Rice, the 2009 guest, who asked for $60,000, most of which she donated back to the Boys and Girls Club.
Her event, which was open press, reportedly raised more than twice as much, $258,000, as Hillary Clinton's did. And she arrived early to tour the club's facilities and meet with disadvantaged youth who participate in the program.
'With Hillary, it was more businesslike,' the volunteer who spoke to Politico told the publication. 'She did acknowledge what we do for the community, but it felt like a little bit of hypocrisy because her speaking fee was higher than anyone we’ve ever had, and she didn’t donate anything back.'
The source said Hillary's behavior was 'a little less offensive' than 'writing a check to them and having them profit from it' the way Bill did- but it still 'felt more like a pay-to-play type thing.'
Bill Clinton recently estimated that he gives 10 percent of his paid speeches - 'a little more actually' to the charity, 'and Hillary gave even more of her paid speeches to the foundation.'
They set aside a combined $25 million in 2014 for themselves as income, financial records released by Hillary's presidential campaign last month, in line with federal election law, revealed.



Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is pictured here meeting with students at the Peninsula Boys and Girls Club in 2007. When she spoke to executives of the group in 2009 she asked for $60,000 and donated most of it back. She also arrived early to visit with program participants


Sep 21, 2004
Guesser is "hacking away" again. Who else would spend so much time on a "reporter" lol. Why talk about Hillary when we know he will not vote for her lol. It is ridiculous that he even posts on this thread if he is so emphatic about Hillary. Stories about Hillary and Bill abound, it is a never ending fountain of information that the Guessers of the world don't want to hear. Who elese would run down sources like Breitbart? His zipper is down and in fact always has been. Won't vote for Hillary lol. Only a hack attacks posters simply because they do not think like them. He doesn't trust her he says yet he does not trust anyone on the right. Really. Get real.
Someone who's sane and objective, Idiot. I'm not voting for Hillary, but that doesn't mean I take lock, stock, and barrel the stuff Loons like you, and Hacks like the Right Wing Nutcases you follow put out. When someone credible posts something credible that's negative about Hillary, I agree with it, sometimes I post it, and have in this thread and elsewhere. Brietbart, Daily Caller, etc are hacks with a POV, they aren't news sites. I agree with some stuff they post about her, usually because it's duplicated by credible sites. But some of it is silly nonsense, and you still don't get it and never will that it actually helps her.
Why wouldn't I talk about her, even though I'm not voting for her? There will be 20+ candidates I'm going to talk about that I won't be voting for.
Tell you what Russ. On Election day, G-d willing we're both alive and posting here, I will post a Picture of My Ballot showing you who I vote for, with proof that it's my ballot. Whatever Dollar amount you choose says it won't be Hillary, and when it's not, you Pay pal it to me. Deal???

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Someone who's sane and objective, Idiot. I'm not voting for Hillary, but that doesn't mean I take lock, stock, and barrel the stuff Loons like you, and Hacks like the Right Wing Nutcases you follow put out. When someone credible posts something credible that's negative about Hillary, I agree with it, sometimes I post it, and have in this thread and elsewhere. Brietbart, Daily Caller, etc are hacks with a POV, they aren't news sites. I agree with some stuff they post about her, usually because it's duplicated by credible sites. But some of it is silly nonsense, and you still don't get it and never will that it actually helps her.
Why wouldn't I talk about her, even though I'm not voting for her? There will be 20+ candidates I'm going to talk about that I won't be voting for.
Tell you what Russ. On Election day, G-d willing we're both alive and posting here, I will post a Picture of My Ballot showing you who I vote for, with proof that it's my ballot. Whatever Dollar amount you choose says it won't be Hillary, and when it's not, you Pay pal it to me. Deal???

Why do trolls always want to make bets etc, laughable. You admit Hillary cannot be trusted. All we are doing in this thread is expanding on that and using researched articles to back that up. What part of that don't you get. You are a troll and your troll instincts are to personalize. So you pick which sites are credible and which are not. That in itself is incredible. Why don't you start a thread pushing Democratic alternatives for Hillary instead of hanging around here doing your Alinsky thing. Every time you repeat my phrase "you don't get it and you never will" you make my day. I have gotten to you. Saying you will post your ballot is probably the stupidest thing I have ever read on this forum. Get real. What are you going to do use Vitard for a write in. Get a life. You are the sicko. Start the thread I suggested and gain some credibility otherwise just STFU. lol

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Hillary’s Spanish-Language Website Filled With Mistakes[/h]
Political Reporter

8:27 PM 06/15/2015​


The Spanish language version of Hillary Clinton’s campaign website is riddled with repeated paragraphs, awkward phrasing and omits a reference to her bipartisan record of working with Republicans.
A Spanish-speaking Daily Caller source walked us through the most glaring problems with the “En Espanol” version (accessible through a tab in the upper right-hand corner) of
“In 2000, Hillary was elected to the U.S. Senate, becoming the first woman senator from New York…She repeatedly worked across the aisle to get things done, including working alongside Republicans to expand TRICARE so that members of the Reserves and National Guard and their families could get better access to health care,” Clinton’s English language biography reads.
In the Spanish language version, that paragraph is needlessly repeated at the end of the biography, but the reference to working with “Republicans” is deleted.

Two other paragraphs are erroneously repeated: a graf about how she chose not to go to a big New York or Washington law firm after law school, and a graf about her commitment to public service.

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]The Kick-Off: Hillary Clinton The Bogus Women’s Advocate[/h]
The Daily Caller's Men's Fashion Editor

4:42 PM 06/15/2015​


Hillary Clinton unveiled the broad themes of her candidacy for president in an address on Roosevelt Island. Hillary, once one of the most polarizing figures in American politics, is running as an advocate for women and girls as well as an advocate for the poor while vowing to reign in the excesses of wealthy hedge funders and others on Wall Street.
These claims would be laughable if so many in the mainstream press didn’t buy this absurd narrative. Hillary Clinton is an advocate for women as long as you are not one of Bill Clinton’s rape victims, girlfriends or Vince Foster’s widow. If you were a woman who was one of Bill’s serial sexual assault victims you were vilified as a “slut,” “whore,” “bitch,” or “trash” by Hillary Clinton. There is also solid evidence that it was Hillary who engaged the heavy-handed private detectives who terrorized and silenced Bill’s victims lest they retard the Clintons’ grasp for power.

Hillary’s newfound advocacy for children probably does not include the 18 children murdered by federal agents in Waco Texas. Hillary Clinton’s handpicked Deputy Attorney General Webb Hubbell entered the command center to convey Hillary’s “go order.” The investigator for the House Committee that investigated the Waco incident wrote that Hillary Clinton had given the final order. Senator Arlen Specter who chaired a Senate investigation into the Waco killings said there was substantial testimony proving that Hillary Clinton, acting as a virtual co-president at that time, gave the order that resulted in the deaths of 18 children. Most of the victims of Hillary’s tragic command to begin the final assault on the Branch Davidians were women and children. Of the 76 people who were murdered at Waco on April 19, 1993, 46 were females, 28 were males and 2 were babies in the womb. Thirty people were under the age of 21 years; an astounding eighteen of the dead were children who were 8 years old or younger.
Hillary and her husband have lined their pockets with exorbitant speaking fees from the toast of Wall Street. A close and reasonable examination of these enormous fees provide strong circumstantial evidence that they are in fact payoffs related to official acts in the Secretary of State’s office.

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The Clinton Foundation, a slush fund for grifters and a holding pen for Clinton political operatives, has taken in millions from the very investment banks Hillary rhetorically vilifies. Goldman Sachs, ExxonMobil, Bank of America, Chevron, Citigroup, and Deutsche Bank AG have all chipped in. Why should we believe that Hillary will “rein them in”? The only thing she seems interested in reining in is their enormous speaking honorariums.

Lest anyone despair that the “child” Chelsea Clinton will get embroiled in this political crossfire, it is vital to recognize that Chelsea is now an adult and co-conspirator with her parents. NBC paid her $600 thousand for nothing when their parent company General Electric had a multi-million dollar defense contract on Secretary of State’s Clinton’s desk for approval. When Bill Clinton ended his controversial $2.2 million a year “government consulting” business affiliation, Chelsea Clinton demanded $30 million from the company and a 33 percent equity stake in the business. Like her mother, Chelsea is about the money.
The idea that Hillary Clinton or her husband have any understanding of working people or the poor is also laughable. Worth $200 million combined, Bill Clinton made $35 million while Hillary made $25 million last year. The Clinton Foundation provided $6.5 million in luxury travel for Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton. Hillary refuses to stay in any hotel that is not five-star or to fly in any aircraft that is less than a G-5. She lives in rarefied air rarely coming into contact with anyone other than servants or staffers. Hillary is in the one percent that is fueling her campaign for the White House.
Hillary and her handlers know they have a problem. Voters see Hillary as untrustworthy, dishonest, devious and conniving. They also correctly perceive her as haughty, arrogant, aloof and short-tempered. Americans are also about to learn she is physically abusive, foul mouthed and entitled. During Bill Clinton’s White House years White House staffers were instructed to look down and avoid her gaze if they encountered her in the halls. As Richard Nixon told me after meeting Hillary “She’s cold — cold as ice”.

A truly great political reporter is a born skeptic. Constantly being fed a narrative by campaign operatives, a solid political reporter takes it with a grain of salt, taking the time to examine actions and history as well as current rhetoric. Not so Amy Chozick of the New York Times.
Spoon fed by the Clintons, Chozick reports in a front page story “It took a long time for Hillary Rodham Clinton to fully understand the story of her mother’s devastating childhood. But now, four years after her death, Dorothy’s story is forming the emotional foundation of her daughter’s campaign for President.” Chozick fairly gushes. The mother narrative is a contrived and scripted political device being used to shield Hillary from her long record of abuse and exploitation of women and children but Chozick refuses to examine any narrative but the one supplied by Hillary’s handlers.

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Yes, Hillary Clinton Emphasized Gender During Failed 2008 Campaign[/h]New York Times complained that Hillary's incessant sales pitch as "first woman nominee" had "tarnished" campaign
BY: Andrew Stiles
June 16, 2015 5:00 am


Failed candidate Hillary Clinton. (AP)

During her second official campaign launch over the weekend, Hillary Clinton made the case for her candidacy by reminding voters that while she may be very old, she is also a woman.
“I may not be the youngest candidate in this race, but I will be the youngest woman president in the history of the United States,” she said to raucous applause.
Vox called it the “best” and “most important” line in Clinton’s speech. Why? Because “it said so much about the difference between this campaign and the one she lost in 2008.”
This has, for some reason, become the conventional wisdom among the reporters following Clinton’s campaign: Clinton didn’t really emphasize her gender in 2008, but she’s going to this time around. APreported that Clinton kicked off her 2016 campaign (for the second time) “with an enthusiastic embrace of her potential to become the first woman to win the White House.” Vox‘s Jonathan Allen wrote:
Clinton advisers believe one of the biggest mistakes she made in 2008 was ignoring the appeal of the historic nature of her candidacy for the presidency. Barack Obama gave voters a chance to break new ground. Now, Clinton’s making an explicit appeal to women, as well as to men who see value in breaking the glass ceiling of the Oval Office.
So, at the very least, it’s the storyline Clinton aides are pushing to reporters. But did Clinton really “ignore the appeal of the historic nature of her candidacy for the presidency” during her failed run in 2008? It doesn’t take much Googling to suggest that this might be a bit of an overstatement.
During a Democratic primary debate on Jan. 15, 2008 (the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.), former NBC News host Brian Williams asked Clinton about the at-times racially tinged nature of her campaign against Barack Obama, including the controversial remarks BET founder Bob Johnson, a Clinton supporter, made about Obama’s youthful experiences with drugs.
In response, Clinton said she agreed with Obama that “neither race nor gender should be a part of this campaign,” before proceeding to, rather abruptly, remind everyone that she is a woman [emphasis added].
It is Dr. King’s birthday. The three of us are here in large measure because his dreams have been realized: you know, John, who is, as we know, a son of a mill worker and, you know, really has become an extraordinary success; Senator Obama, who has such an inspirational and profound story to tell America and the world; I, as a woman who is also beneficiary of the civil rights movement and the women’s movement and the human rights movement. And the Democratic Party has always been in the forefront of that.
Two weeks later, in a debate sponsored by CNN, Hillary was asked about the late Senator Ted Kennedy’s endorsement of her opponent, Barack Obama. She quickly changed the subject to how great it would be for America to elect the first woman president.
CLINTON: Well, I have the greatest respect for Senator Kennedy and the Kennedy family. And I’m proud to have three of Senator Robert Kennedy’s children, Bobby and Kathleen and Kerry, supporting me. But what I this is…
What I think is exciting is that the way we are looking at the Democratic field, now down to the two of us is, is we’re going to get big change. We’re going to have change. I think having the first woman president would be a huge change for America and the world.
During her closing statement at an NBC News debate on Feb. 26, 2008, Clinton emphasized the hell out of her gender:
You know, obviously I am thrilled to be running, to be the first woman president, which I think would be a sea change in our country and around the world, and would give enormous … you know, enormous hope and, you know, a real challenge to the way things have been done, and who gets to do them, and what the rules are.
But don’t take my word for it. The New York Times editorial board, which endorsed Hillary in January 2008, did not seem to think she was “ignoring the appeal of the historic nature of her candidacy” at the time. Quite the opposite, in fact:
By choosing Mrs. Clinton, we are not denying Mr. Obama’s appeal or his gifts. The idea of the first African-American nominee of a major party also is exhilarating, and so is the prospect of the first woman nominee. “Firstness” is not a reason to choose. The times that false choice has been raised, more often by Mrs. Clinton, have tarnished the campaign.
Perhaps the Times editorial board has to be even more critical of Hillary now that she has decided to base her campaign on this tarnishing concept. In any event, the Clinton campaign’s preferred narrative here seems to be a bizarre rewriting of history that doesn’t really serve any purpose. On the other hand, “Hillary vows to emphasize gender again” sounds pretty pathetic.


Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Same deal as Russ, you terrorist supporting, kid touching supporting POS. Except with you, a mod has to be a go between, as I wouldn't want a sicko like you to have any info. Deal, Pussy?

Another idiot response. I was born at night but it wasn’t last night.

The only way you won’t vote for Granny meaningless is if you don’t vote at all.

I know it, you know it, hell, the entire forum knows it.

Now I could call you all kind of things but I don’t need to show my distain for you. I’ll leave that to the other posters of which there are many.

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Jan 9, 2009
[FONT=Verdana,Sans-serif]Bush says Clinton failed as secretary of state[/FONT]

Jun 16, 6:32 PM (ET)

[FONT=Verdana,Sans-serif](AP) Protesters stand in front of the Derry Opera House in Derry, N.H., Tuesday, June 16,...
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DERRY, N.H. (AP) — Newly declared Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush is fast out of the gate when it comes to criticizing Hillary Rodham Clinton, the Democratic front-runner.
In his New Hampshire debut as an official candidate, Bush commended Clinton as tough and smart Tuesday but labelled her record as secretary of state "a complete failure" and said she didn't accomplish much as a New York senator before that.
As a presidential candidate, Clinton has run a cloistered operation with limited opportunities to face questions from the press, he said. "It's ridiculous."
The former Florida governor made the comments in an interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity that could be overheard by those at a town hall event that followed.
[FONT=Verdana,Sans-serif](AP) Leah Wolczko stands in front of the Derry Opera House in Derry, N.H., Tuesday, June...
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Appearing without a tie or jacket at the town hall that followed, Bush appeared relaxed and sounded confident and engaged as he took questions for just over an hour. He voiced his conviction that, as president, he could help the country achieve 4 percent annual growth, which many economists consider unrealistic."The future can be extraordinary for this country," he told the crowd.
Bush, as he's done before, assigned responsibility to Clinton for what he regards as President Barack Obama's misbegotten foreign policy.
Republicans in Congress have gone after Clinton the most sharply for her handling of the deadly attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya. But even apart from that, Bush said in the Fox interview, she was engaged in diplomacy that failed to reset relations with Russia and shrank U.S. commitments abroad.
On so-called enhanced interrogation techniques used during his brother's administration that some have equated to torture, Bush said they were appropriate at the time but are no longer necessary.
[FONT=Verdana,Sans-serif](AP) Republican presidential candidate, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush speaks toy voters at...
Full Image
After months of testing the waters, there were signs that Bush was still getting used to being a candidate. After answering his last question, Bush thanked the crowd for coming — but then interrupted his applause because he forgot to ask for something."I totally blew it," he said. "This is my first day, so I'm a rookie at this, and running. I want your vote."
New Hampshire, which has a history of backing more moderate Republican candidates, is seen as an important state for Bush. But it has also proven a difficult win for his family. In 2000, his brother, George W. Bush, lost the state to John McCain. His father stumbled when he competed for the first time in 1980 as well.
Still, he told reporters he plans to return often.
"This is my kind of campaigning," he said through an open SUV window before driving off. "I'll be here a lot."½a0}
Bush is among the top candidates in a Republican race that now has a dozen notable figures, with more to come. Donald Trump entered the contest Tuesday.


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Audio: Clinton Foundation Head Accused Clintons of ‘Paranoia’[/h]SHARE


BY: Alana Goodman
June 17, 2015 2:00 pm

Clinton Foundation head Donna Shalala privately expressed concerns about Bill and Hillary Clinton’s mental state in the mid-1990s, saying they had become “paranoid” and fixated on “right-wing conspiracies,” according to previously unpublished audio recordings obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.
In 1994, four years before Hillary Clinton said a “vast right-wing conspiracy” was trying to take down her husband’s presidency, top aide Shalala said this theory was already embraced by the Clintons.
“They’ve become paranoid. Paranoia. Thinking people are out to get them, this right-wing conspiracy stuff,” said Shalala, who was the head of Health and Human Services during the August 1994 interview.

Shalala was recently appointed president of the Clinton Foundation.
The tapes are part of a series of interviews with Hillary Clinton and top aides, conducted by the late Pulitzer Prize winning reporter Haynes Johnson and obtained by the Free Beacon from the Wisconsin Historical Society on the University of Wisconsin campus.
Some segments of the interviews are transcribed in Johnson’s 1996 book The System, written with David Broder, which gives a meticulously reported account of the 1990s health care debate. However, many of the quotes in the book are not attributed to the aides by name.
The recordings provide additional insight into how Hillary Clinton was affected by her unsuccessful push for health care reform, one of the highest-profile battles of her time in the White House.
Aides feared at the time that Hillary Clinton had become “paranoid,” “burnt out,” and prone to angry outbursts, according to the tapes.
“[The Clintons are] feeling sorry for themselves. They talk about [conspiracies] all the time,” said Shalala. “That there really is a conspiracy out there to get us. That we don’t have a chance, people don’t understand how much good we’ve done. Our message isn’t getting across because these people are beating us up.”
Shalala said documents about supposed right-wing conspiracies were also being distributed to White House staffers.
“There is a feeling in the White House, and I don’t know whether it’s [James] Carville or [Paul] Begala or who’s giving them the materials,” said Shalala. “But sitting on the desks of their staff there’s these materials on this right-wing conspiracy.”
The remark was a rare acknowledgement by a close aide that there were reservations about the Clintons’ “right-wing conspiracy” theory within their inner circle. The quote was not attributed to Shalala in Johnson’s book. However, the audio recording and an interview transcription do include her name and are open to the public.
Since leaving the White House, Hillary Clinton has been dogged by accusations that she has an insular leadership style and lacks transparency, although aides deny that her approach is driven by “paranoia.”
At a Clinton Global Initiative conference last year, a New York Times reporter said a Clinton press handler trailed her throughout the event, even following her into the restroom.
More recently, Clinton came under fire for using a private email server to conduct State Department business. The former secretary of state eventually turned over a collection of emails to the State Department, but the full server was “wiped clean,” according to her attorney.
In 1995, the Clinton White House drafted what became known as the “Conspiracy Commerce Memo,” which purported to show how negative stories about the Clintons’ filtered into the mainstream media from conservative outlets and talk radio. The existence of the memo was reported in 1997, but it was not published in full until earlier this year.
Hillary Clinton appeared to reference this theory during one August 1994 interview with Johnson.
“You’ve got a well-organized right-wing media operation, everything from talk radio, radical right religious broadcasting, the Wall Street Journal editorial page, the Washington Times, which are advocacy journalists,” said Clinton.
“And then you’ve got respectable mainline journalists basically in a kind of either-or, even-handed mode, you don’t have any counterbalance to this incredible 24-hour a day hate that is being spewed out.”
Clinton blamed this “right-wing media operation” for fueling public opposition to health care reform—which peaked when the First Lady was heckled by hundreds during her July 1994 speech in Seattle.
She said the protesters were recruited by a “[Rush] Limbaugh clone” on local radio and that the backlash against her health care plan was “fueled by abortion, gays, and guns.”

Clinton also said she was physically frightened, and that police “took some pretty tough guys with automatic weapons and assault weapons out of that crowd.”
The Associated Press reported at the time that police detained one man at the rally who was carrying two unspecified guns, but he had a permit to carry and no charges were filed.
According to Clinton, widespread unemployment made people vulnerable to the “right-wing media operation,” which she compared to the anti-Semitic provocations of radio host Father Charles Coughlin.
“Take a place like Washington [State]. How many out-of-work loggers are there?” said Clinton. “How many out-of-work fishermen because we’re depleting the salmon in their rivers? I have a lot of sympathy. What I don’t like is it’s just like [Father] Coughlin or any other demagogue.”

The obstacles blocking health care reform took a deep emotional toll on the First Lady, according to Clinton aide Robert Boorstin.
“She’s a much sadder person than she was when she started this job,” Boorstin said in another taped interview. “As she’s gotten more sad she’s gotten sharper at times.”
“She’s always had a very caustic edge to her, but it’s even gotten sharper, that edge,” he added. “It’s razor sharp now.”
During the interview, Johnson asked if Clinton ever “flipped out” at the staff.
“Yeah, but verbally. It’s sad,” said Boorstin.
He recounted a time when Clinton instructed the staff to go after Jim Cooper, the Democratic congressman whose own health care reform proposal posed a major threat to Clintons’ plan at the time. The Clintons made Cooper one of the main bogeymen of their health care push, along with the insurance companies.
“She did Jim Cooper in front of us. Then she instructed us to go and get him, basically,” said Boorstin. “We were in her office in the West Wing and there were seven or eight of us around the table, and basically, I don’t know what happened, I guess she had a bad meeting with him.”
“She just got this kind of evil look,” Boorstin continued. “And she said we got to do something about this Cooper bill. We’ve got to basically kill it before it goes any further. And [one aide] suggested he fly down to Tennessee and plant some stories. And then we put a couple people on the radio down there from here to be up on the plan.”

While he said Hillary Clinton’s outbursts were not as severe as her husband’s, she was sharper and more scathing.
“I’ve seen her lose it, she gets caustic,” said Boorstin. “That’s really what happens to her, when she loses it around a group of us. She gets dismissive. She gives you the look of death basically, like you’re an idiot. You know how some people can just tell you that with their eyes.”
Boorstin told the Free Beacon that these incidents had to be placed in the context of the broader health care debate at the time.
“Imagine that you’re a Democrat in the White House and you’ve poured your guts and heart into developing a health care plan. Now imagine there are three Democratic members of Congress [including Cooper] who would have none of it, and who each, for reasons they believed, and ego, were pressing separate plans,” said Boorstin.
“It was a pretty frustrating situation. How do you think the White House feels right now about trade? When their plan is being balked by their own party? People like Cooper were completely off the reservation. And obnoxious and self-righteous about it.”
Shalala said in the tapes that Clinton went through other changes during the health care fight, and by the summer of 1994 was “numb at this point.”
“She’s tired, she’s exhausted,” said Shalala. “Burnt out on the issue.”
The Clinton Foundation, the Clinton campaign, and Shalala did not return a request for comment.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Hillary Clinton Dominates The Pack … In Fake Twitter Followers[/h][h=2]What's the biggest difference between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump's Twitter followers? His are real.[/h]
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When it comes to fake Twitter followers, Hillary Clinton is winning the presidential race by a landslide. Clinton has more fake followers and a higher ratio of bogus Twitter fans than any of the other main 2016 presidential contenders, a Vocativ analysis shows.
On the other end of the scale, the candidates with the lowest percentage of fake Twitter followers are Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders. Contrary to what one might guess from his reputation for extravagant self-promotion, Trump’s 2.6 million Twitter followers are 90 percent real people. Only 311,388 were deemed fake by the analysis using the tool TwitterAudit.
Bernie Sanders was tied for the highest ratio of authentic followers—90 percent of his 300,000-plus followers are real people. Then comes Gov. Jeb Bush with 89% of his followers registering as real. On the bottom of the Twitter list is Clinton, with a whopping 35 percent of her 2.3 million Twitter followers coming up as fake.

TwitterAudit, a social media analysis tool, says on its website that it judges a Twitter account’s authenticity based on its number of tweets, the date of its last tweet and the ratio of its followers to friends. The fake Twitter accounts can be bots, which are accounts run by automated software programming. They can also be accounts created by real people but with an agenda of spreading political advertisements. But under both scenarios, they are certainly not a genuine measure of candidate popularity.


New member
Jan 9, 2009




by JOHN NOLTE17 Jun 2015246

[COLOR=#DDDDDD !important]

Hillary’s tactical move to the hard left, and ongoing refusal to address the myriad of questions surrounding her conduct as Secretary of State– as it pertains to Benghazi, her emails and the Clinton Foundation — appear to be taking a heavy toll on her standing in three crucial swings states.
In Ohio and Pennsylvania, Clinton sits in the low 40s and is losing to a Republican. In Florida, she is just 3 points ahead of her closest challenger, and sits at just 47%.
A Quinnipiac poll, released Wednesday morning, shows that Clinton’s ratings for honest and trustworthy are in the negative by some very large margins. Florida: 51-43%; Ohio: 53-40%; Pennsylvania: 54-40%.
The poll looked at a potential match-up between Clinton and a number of GOP contenders in the three states.
Of note in Ohio is not just where some of the GOP contenders sit now but how they have surged over the last few months:
Ohio governor John Kasich beats Clinton in the Buckeye State by a healthy 47-40% margin.
Walker is within 4 points, behind just 44-40%. The Wisconsin governor was down 11 points in March.
Rubio is behind 3 points, 45-42%. The Florida Senator was down 9 points in March and ties with Clinton in a PPP poll taken earlier this month.
Bush is behind by only 1 point, 42-41%. He was down 9 points in March.
Paul is tied with Clinton in Ohio, 43-43%, and in a recent PPP poll is up +3%, 41-44%. Just three months ago, Clinton was dominating Paul in Ohio by double-digit margins.
Rubio is behind Clinton 47-44%. In the Real Clear Politics poll of polls, in his home state, Rubio is less than a half-point behind Clinton.
Clinton bests Bush 46-42%. In the poll of polls, however, he down only -1%.
In the must-win Sunshine State, the rest of the field trails from -7% (Paul) to -11% (Christie, Cruz, Huckabee).
Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY)

leads Clinton 45-44%.Rubio beats Clinton 44-43%.
Just 17 days in, June has been a tough month for Clinton. While she still leads in most states and in most national polls, her lead is slipping — in some cases drastically As of now, Clinton is not just a sinking ship, she is the only ship Democrats have. All of their eggs are in the Clinton basket and her tactical attempt to stop taking on water by avoiding media questions is obviously not working.
If Clinton thought she could hide and wait out the Clinton Foundation scandals, she was wrong. If Clinton thought she could hurl hard-left red meat from behind a wall of advisors and flacks, she was wrong.
If you click the links provided above, you will not just see a number of Republican candidates rising, Hillary’s numbers are sinking. She has a poll floor well below that of President Obama, and we still don’t know what that floor is.
Everyone in America knows Hillary Clinton. She’s the closest to a non-incumbent incumbent we have seen in a presidential since Richard Nixon in 1968. Opinions of Clinton are formed and hardened. Therefore, anything below 47% to 50% is big trouble, and in some cases she is in the low 40s.
Also nipping at Clinton’s heels is Bernie Sanders, the self-proclaimed Socialist competing for the Democrat nomination. Against Clinton, Sanders is down only -10%, 41-31% Last month, Clinton was ahead +44% in NH.
Sanders is really coming on; drawing big crowds and almost certainly making other Democrats second-guess their decision to stay out of the race.
On the GOP side, overall, at least in these three states, Rubio is the strongest against Clinton.
Democrats are too invested in Clinton to publicly panic …. now.
That won’t last if this trend continues.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
This last article is exactly what I'm talking about with spam and dishonesty. Read the headline and then read the poll numbers.

The amazing stupidity of Russ the troll is mind boggling.

Stop posting articles about polls you do not understand. You same nitwits did this in can you possibly repeat the same exact thing again?

being the smartest guy in the room has its drawbacks. Starting to get tired of correcting you fools.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
This last article is exactly what I'm talking about with spam and dishonesty. Read the headline and then read the poll numbers.

The amazing stupidity of Russ the troll is mind boggling.

Stop posting articles about polls you do not understand. You same nitwits did this in can you possibly repeat the same exact thing again?

being the smartest guy in the room has its drawbacks. Starting to get tired of correcting you fools.

How the fuck would you know?

You voted for this guy twice.


Mar 6, 2005
Stop posting articles about polls you do not understand.

Are you serious? You do this all of the time! You're too stupid to even understand the most basic graphs put in front of you, not to mention the ones you post and base your opinions on. Clown. :):)

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Are you serious? You do this all of the time! You're too stupid to even understand the most basic graphs put in front of you, not to mention the ones you post and base your opinions on. Clown. :):)
I never posted a graph here before. How's BFL doing?

Of course I was 100 percent right with every poll in 2012 and I will be right again in 2016....because I'm almost always right.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
How the fuck would you know?

You voted for this guy twice.


i know because I'm brilliant when it comes to polls and reading their meanings and understanding how they translate into votes....and you're stupid.

You numbskulls will look dumb again and then repeat it again in's a disease.

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