Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


Mar 6, 2005
I never posted a graph here before. How's BFL doing?

Of course I was 100 percent right with every poll in 2012 and I will be right again in 2016....because I'm almost always right.

Whenever you try to prove how smart you are, you only wind up exposing how little you understand. And therein lies the comedy.

Jul 4, 2012
This last article is exactly what I'm talking about with spam and dishonesty. Read the headline and then read the poll numbers.


Nothing in the article disproves or calls into question the headline, idiot.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Whenever you try to prove how smart you are, you only wind up exposing how little you understand. And therein lies the comedy.
I'm always right on these issues.... And you guys are always wrong.

Sep 21, 2004
I'm always right on these issues.... And you guys are always wrong.

True, and they also always pussies, as you always say. I offered a money bet for anything they want I'll prove I'm didn't vote for Hillary on election day. Very easy to prove. Terrorist Supporting and Kid Touching supporting POS, and Idiot Right Wing Blog Dot Connector run for the hills, as always. They always back down when they have to actually back what they say.

Sep 21, 2004
Another idiot response. I was born at night but it wasn’t last night.

The only way you won’t vote for Granny meaningless is if you don’t vote at all.

I know it, you know it, hell, the entire forum knows it.

Now I could call you all kind of things but I don’t need to show my distain for you. I’ll leave that to the other posters of which there are many.

Of course you are too chickenshit to back that lie, as always, when offered a chance to do so. Run away. The sickest of the sick, a Chickenshit, Terrorist Supporting, Kid Toucher supporting POS.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
True, and they also always pussies, as you always say. I offered a money bet for anything they want I'll prove I'm didn't vote for Hillary on election day. Very easy to prove. Terrorist Supporting and Kid Touching supporting POS, and Idiot Right Wing Blog Dot Connector run for the hills, as always. They always back down when they have to actually back what they say.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
Trolls do not address the issues much less a specfic thread. I challenged Guesser to start his own thread defending Hillary and Bill and their Foundation. Whiff. Can't be done. So they Alinsky up and if you Alinsky back they think they have accomplished something. Too funny although really pathetic. They probably can't even change a flat tire and they think they can fix this country. Anyone that does not acknowledge that this administration is the cause not the answer needs help, big time. They cannot connect dots because they cannot even see them through their tinted liberal glasses. Anyone who says they will not vote for Hillary and enters this thread doing the Alinsky thing is one sick dude. Either defend her or STFU. Instead just troll along.

New member
Jan 9, 2009




by IAN HANCHETT17 Jun 2015189

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC)

, Chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, said that Hillary Clinton told Sidney Blumenthal to keep the emails to her coming and that this proves Blumenthal’s correspondence with Clinton was not “unsolicited” on Wednesday’s “America’s Newsroom” on the Fox News Channel.Gowdy stated, “he [Blumenthal] was sending emails to Secretary Clinton far before the attack in Benghazi, all the way back to 2011. So, the whole lead-up to the attacks in Benghazi, Blumenthal was sending emails to Secretary Clinton that he never vetted, he doesn’t know anything about the sources. The memos were written by Tyler Drumheller, who may have had a financial interest. And anytime someone has a financial interest, then you need to look at the material, or their objective in the outcome, their interest in the outcome with scrutiny. She couldn’t do it and he couldn’t do it. So, how did they vet the information that was being passed on to our top diplomat?”
He added, regarding Clinton’s claims that the emails were “unsolicited,” “she and I have very different definition of the word ‘unsolicited.’ You’ll remember when she was asked, she said an old friend sent me unsolicited emails. Well, when you tell somebody to keep it coming or this is good stuff, or good work, then that tells me it wasn’t unsolicited. She flat out said ‘keep these coming.'”
Gowdy concluded, “In 2012, when he was working for the Clinton Foundation, he was planting negative stories about Mitt Romney and other Republicans. … He was emailing back and forth with Hillary Clinton about planting negative GOP stories in the throes of the 2012 presidential election.”

New member
Jan 9, 2009
^^^^^meanwhile our boy Gowdy is doing his job and will out Hillary for what she is. Just a matter of time. That guy could be President some day.

Sep 21, 2004
Trolls do not address the issues much less a specfic thread. I challenged Guesser to start his own thread defending Hillary and Bill and their Foundation. Whiff. Can't be done. So they Alinsky up and if you Alinsky back they think they have accomplished something. Too funny although really pathetic. They probably can't even change a flat tire and they think they can fix this country. Anyone that does not acknowledge that this administration is the cause not the answer needs help, big time. They cannot connect dots because they cannot even see them through their tinted liberal glasses. Anyone who says they will not vote for Hillary and enters this thread doing the Alinsky thing is one sick dude. Either defend her or STFU. Instead just troll along.

Idiot, why would I start a thread defending her or Bill and the Clinton Foundation, when I'm not defending her, nor the foundation? Maybe you could ask someone who defends that to start such a thread, if there is anybody. You can't seem to get it through your Senile, Allinsky addled brain that posting from the slanted, wingnut websites you and your ilk constantly cite, when you attack her, with the same old, same old nonsense, actually will help her with the people she's gonna need to win the election.

New member
Jan 9, 2009






by JOHN NOLTE17 Jun 2015331

[COLOR=#DDDDDD !important]

Hillary’s tactical move to the hard left, and ongoing refusal to address the myriad of questions surrounding her conduct as Secretary of State– as it pertains to Benghazi, her emails and the Clinton Foundation — appear to be taking a heavy toll on her standing in three crucial swings states.
In Ohio and Pennsylvania, Clinton sits in the low 40s and is losing to a Republican. In Florida, she is just 3 points ahead of her closest challenger, and sits at just 47%.
A Quinnipiac poll, released Wednesday morning, shows that Clinton’s ratings for honest and trustworthy are in the negative by some very large margins. Florida: 51-43%; Ohio: 53-40%; Pennsylvania: 54-40%.
The poll looked at a potential match-up between Clinton and a number of GOP contenders in the three states.
Of note in Ohio is not just where some of the GOP contenders sit now but how they have surged over the last few months:
Ohio governor John Kasich beats Clinton in the Buckeye State by a healthy 47-40% margin.
Walker is within 4 points, behind just 44-40%. The Wisconsin governor was down 11 points in March.
Rubio is behind 3 points, 45-42%. The Florida Senator was down 9 points in March and ties with Clinton in a PPP poll taken earlier this month.
Bush is behind by only 1 point, 42-41%. He was down 9 points in March.
Paul is tied with Clinton in Ohio, 43-43%, and in a recent PPP poll is up +3%, 41-44%. Just three months ago, Clinton was dominating Paul in Ohio by double-digit margins.
Rubio is behind Clinton 47-44%. In the Real Clear Politics poll of polls, in his home state, Rubio is less than a half-point behind Clinton.
Clinton bests Bush 46-42%. In the poll of polls, however, he down only -1%.
In the must-win Sunshine State, the rest of the field trails from -7% (Paul) to -11% (Christie, Cruz, Huckabee).
Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY)

leads Clinton 45-44%.Rubio beats Clinton 44-43%.
Just 17 days in, June has been a tough month for Clinton. While she still leads in most states and in most national polls, her lead is slipping — in some cases drastically As of now, Clinton is not just a sinking ship, she is the only ship Democrats have. All of their eggs are in the Clinton basket and her tactical attempt to stop taking on water by avoiding media questions is obviously not working.
If Clinton thought she could hide and wait out the Clinton Foundation scandals, she was wrong. If Clinton thought she could hurl hard-left red meat from behind a wall of advisors and flacks, she was wrong.
If you click the links provided above, you will not just see a number of Republican candidates rising, Hillary’s numbers are sinking. She has a poll floor well below that of President Obama, and we still don’t know what that floor is.
Everyone in America knows Hillary Clinton. She’s the closest to a non-incumbent incumbent we have seen in a presidential since Richard Nixon in 1968. Opinions of Clinton are formed and hardened. Therefore, anything below 47% to 50% is big trouble, and in some cases she is in the low 40s.
Also nipping at Clinton’s heels is Bernie Sanders, the self-proclaimed Socialist competing for the Democrat nomination. Against Clinton, Sanders is down only -10%, 41-31% Last month, Clinton was ahead +44% in NH.
Sanders is really coming on; drawing big crowds and almost certainly making other Democrats second-guess their decision to stay out of the race.
On the GOP side, overall, at least in these three states, Rubio is the strongest against Clinton.
Democrats are too invested in Clinton to publicly panic …. now.
That won’t last if this trend continues.


Sep 21, 2004






by JOHN NOLTE17 Jun 2015331

[COLOR=#DDDDDD !important]

Hillary’s tactical move to the hard left, and ongoing refusal to address the myriad of questions surrounding her conduct as Secretary of State– as it pertains to Benghazi, her emails and the Clinton Foundation — appear to be taking a heavy toll on her standing in three crucial swings states.
In Ohio and Pennsylvania, Clinton sits in the low 40s and is losing to a Republican. In Florida, she is just 3 points ahead of her closest challenger, and sits at just 47%.
A Quinnipiac poll, released Wednesday morning, shows that Clinton’s ratings for honest and trustworthy are in the negative by some very large margins. Florida: 51-43%; Ohio: 53-40%; Pennsylvania: 54-40%.
The poll looked at a potential match-up between Clinton and a number of GOP contenders in the three states.
Of note in Ohio is not just where some of the GOP contenders sit now but how they have surged over the last few months:
Ohio governor John Kasich beats Clinton in the Buckeye State by a healthy 47-40% margin.
Walker is within 4 points, behind just 44-40%. The Wisconsin governor was down 11 points in March.
Rubio is behind 3 points, 45-42%. The Florida Senator was down 9 points in March and ties with Clinton in a PPP poll taken earlier this month.
Bush is behind by only 1 point, 42-41%. He was down 9 points in March.
Paul is tied with Clinton in Ohio, 43-43%, and in a recent PPP poll is up +3%, 41-44%. Just three months ago, Clinton was dominating Paul in Ohio by double-digit margins.
Rubio is behind Clinton 47-44%. In the Real Clear Politics poll of polls, in his home state, Rubio is less than a half-point behind Clinton.
Clinton bests Bush 46-42%. In the poll of polls, however, he down only -1%.
In the must-win Sunshine State, the rest of the field trails from -7% (Paul) to -11% (Christie, Cruz, Huckabee).
Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY)

leads Clinton 45-44%.Rubio beats Clinton 44-43%.
Just 17 days in, June has been a tough month for Clinton. While she still leads in most states and in most national polls, her lead is slipping — in some cases drastically As of now, Clinton is not just a sinking ship, she is the only ship Democrats have. All of their eggs are in the Clinton basket and her tactical attempt to stop taking on water by avoiding media questions is obviously not working.
If Clinton thought she could hide and wait out the Clinton Foundation scandals, she was wrong. If Clinton thought she could hurl hard-left red meat from behind a wall of advisors and flacks, she was wrong.
If you click the links provided above, you will not just see a number of Republican candidates rising, Hillary’s numbers are sinking. She has a poll floor well below that of President Obama, and we still don’t know what that floor is.
Everyone in America knows Hillary Clinton. She’s the closest to a non-incumbent incumbent we have seen in a presidential since Richard Nixon in 1968. Opinions of Clinton are formed and hardened. Therefore, anything below 47% to 50% is big trouble, and in some cases she is in the low 40s.
Also nipping at Clinton’s heels is Bernie Sanders, the self-proclaimed Socialist competing for the Democrat nomination. Against Clinton, Sanders is down only -10%, 41-31% Last month, Clinton was ahead +44% in NH.
Sanders is really coming on; drawing big crowds and almost certainly making other Democrats second-guess their decision to stay out of the race.
On the GOP side, overall, at least in these three states, Rubio is the strongest against Clinton.
Democrats are too invested in Clinton to publicly panic …. now.
That won’t last if this trend continues.


If you can actually connect the dots in those latest polls, there is one clear winner who is trending up, and another who should be very optimistic. Lets see if Allinsky can figure it out.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
If you can actually connect the dots in those latest polls, there is one clear winner who is trending up, and another who should be very optimistic. Lets see if Allinsky can figure it out.
Hillary hasn't spent a dime yet, hasn't done a thing yet....and she's still ahead. Stop trying to read the aren't smart enough. This is 2012 all over again.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Idiot, why would I start a thread defending her or Bill and the Clinton Foundation, when I'm not defending her, nor the foundation? Maybe you could ask someone who defends that to start such a thread, if there is anybody. You can't seem to get it through your Senile, Allinsky addled brain that posting from the slanted, wingnut websites you and your ilk constantly cite, when you attack her, with the same old, same old nonsense, actually will help her with the people she's gonna need to win the election.

You don' get it and you never will. Why troll a thread? If you think stuff like this is helping her then you have overdosed on kool aid. What a loser. I feel sorry for you actually. If you think this stuff is nonsense then you need help. You say you cannot trust her but you do not trust anyone who attacks her on a solid basis. She will do herself in when all is said and done. You think she is the only Democratic hope and you support her for that reason and yet stupidly announce you will not vote for her. What an idiot. Just because I am older than you I am senile, laughable. A troll is a troll and we all recognize you for what you are. Your ass is much larger than your brain and you bare it constantly lol.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Tokens are a spamming troll and this entire thread is what Alinsky preached.

You are very uneducated.

Sep 21, 2004
You don' get it and you never will. Why troll a thread? If you think stuff like this is helping her then you have overdosed on kool aid. What a loser. I feel sorry for you actually. If you think this stuff is nonsense then you need help. You say you cannot trust her but you do not trust anyone who attacks her on a solid basis. She will do herself in when all is said and done. You think she is the only Democratic hope and you support her for that reason and yet stupidly announce you will not vote for her. What an idiot. Just because I am older than you I am senile, laughable. A troll is a troll and we all recognize you for what you are. Your ass is much larger than your brain and you bare it constantly lol.
Allisnsky, I DON'T support her, Maroon.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Then why do you troll this thread dumb ass. Who is your choice if not her. Enlighten us please lol. Why aren't you pushing for someone else, because you want a Dem come hell or high water. You are the imbecile and you can't even spell moron. What a loser.

Sep 21, 2004
Then why do you troll this thread dumb ass. Who is your choice if not her. Enlighten us please lol. Why aren't you pushing for someone else, because you want a Dem come hell or high water. You are the imbecile and you can't even spell moron. What a loser.

Can't spell moron. :):) I even give this idiot the Bugs Bunny Graphic. Are his eyes senile also?
I've already said I would support any of the other named Dem candidates, and Webb or Biden if they get in and win the nomination. And I'd support Kasich, and possibly Rand if he stands firm on his current military thoughts, over Hillary in a General election. If someone else gets in as the R, I'll vote 3rd/4th party. Repeated it over and over, but you are too senile to get it.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Can't spell moron. :):) I even give this idiot the Bugs Bunny Graphic. Are his eyes senile also?
I've already said I would support any of the other named Dem candidates, and Webb or Biden if they get in and win the nomination. And I'd support Kasich, and possibly Rand if he stands firm on his current military thoughts, over Hillary in a General election. If someone else gets in as the R, I'll vote 3rd/4th party. Repeated it over and over, but you are too senile to get it.

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