Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


Jul 4, 2012
Its so funny to see this womans attempt at charisma.

She is un electable. The republicans should just back off till the primary. Has there ever been a candidate with more skeletons?

She is the worst Presidential candidate since Dukakis. She may win, but she is a horrible candidate.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Its so funny to see this womans attempt at charisma.

She is un electable. The republicans should just back off till the primary. Has there ever been a candidate with more skeletons?
Sadly I disagree. The recent election in 08 and 12 are proof that it doesn’t matter what qualifications you have, it just matters that you say what the majority wants to here.

And it also doesn’t matter if you lie, the majority doesn’t know the difference.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Sadly I disagree. The recent election in 08 and 12 are proof that it doesn’t matter what qualifications you have, it just matters that you say what the majority wants to here.

And it also doesn’t matter if you lie, the majority doesn’t know the difference.

In 2008, Americans put their faith in a clueless, submissive, unvetted Alinskyite community organizer with ZERO life experience.

Now a corrupt closeted lesbo Alinskyite grandmother is the answer?

Or...maybe nobody gives a shit as long as the EBT system runs smoothly.

Once upon a time, firearms training was part of the school curriculum. Today it's "climate change" and "transgender studies"

Man is America in trouble.


Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007

5 takeaways from Clinton's relaunch rally.

1. The Democratic Party is moving left fast, and she knows she needs to move with it.

2. She’s doesn’t really mind that “Obama’s Third Term” talk after all.

3. Nobody expected her to talk about emails or the foundation. But she hardly even mentioned being secretary of state.

4. She’s 67 years old – deal with it.

5. The most popular lines were about social issues – LGBT marriage and women’s rights.

Here are the two lines that elicited the most enthusiastic reactions:

“We should ban discrimination against LGBT Americans and their families so they can live, learn, marry, and work just like everybody else.”

And: “We want higher pay for employees, equal pay for women.”

Wow! If we can just get those 2 things accomplished we’re out of the woods and on our way to utopia.

Whoda thunk it?

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
In 2008, Americans put their faith in a clueless, submissive, unvetted Alinskyite community organizer with ZERO life experience.

Now a corrupt closeted lesbo Alinskyite grandmother is the answer?

Or...maybe nobody gives a shit as long as the EBT system runs smoothly.

Once upon a time, firearms training was part of the school curriculum. Today it's "climate change" and "transgender studies"

Man is America in trouble.


There it is!
Jan 24, 2012
There it is!

Less than 20% of Americans rely on EBT, and a good percentage of them won't even consider voting in 2016. If she wins it's because the Republicans will again fail to get the suburban females on board. Why do you think she's hitting the equal pay drum? She knows middle aged white women will be a key demographic for her.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Less than 20% of Americans rely on EBT, and a good percentage of them won't even consider voting in 2016. If she wins it's because the Republicans will again fail to get the suburban females on board. Why do you think she's hitting the equal pay drum? She knows middle aged white women will be a key demographic for her.

Are you insinuating that middle aged white women are stupid?

Hillary Clinton has long positioned herself as a champion of equal pay for women. Ironically, new reports show that the former Secretary of State is, herself, part of the problem.

During her time in the U.S. Senate, Clinton paid women in her office 72 cents for each dollar paid to men, according to a report by Washington Free Beacon.

Analyzing data obtained from official Senate expenditure reports, Free Beacon concluded that the median annual salary for female staffers was $15,708.38 less than the median salary for men, between 2002 to 2008.

That’s about a 28 percent gender wage gap.

New member
Nov 21, 2013
Wow...had not considered until just now that the big Fail in our 21st century youth educational system is a lack of Firearm Training.

Thanks, Mark!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Are you insinuating that middle aged white women are stupid?

Hillary Clinton has long positioned herself as a champion of equal pay for women. Ironically, new reports show that the former Secretary of State is, herself, part of the problem.

During her time in the U.S. Senate, Clinton paid women in her office 72 cents for each dollar paid to men, according to a report by Washington Free Beacon.

Analyzing data obtained from official Senate expenditure reports, Free Beacon concluded that the median annual salary for female staffers was $15,708.38 less than the median salary for men, between 2002 to 2008.

That’s about a 28 percent gender wage gap.

Anyone who believes in a concept as absurd as 'equal pay' is a total moron who should automatically be disqualified from any job that requires honesty and leadership.

Liberalism: the world as it should be, rather than simply how it is.
Jan 24, 2012
Are you insinuating that middle aged white women are stupid?

Hillary Clinton has long positioned herself as a champion of equal pay for women. Ironically, new reports show that the former Secretary of State is, herself, part of the problem.

During her time in the U.S. Senate, Clinton paid women in her office 72 cents for each dollar paid to men, according to a report by Washington Free Beacon.

Analyzing data obtained from official Senate expenditure reports, Free Beacon concluded that the median annual salary for female staffers was $15,708.38 less than the median salary for men, between 2002 to 2008.

That’s about a 28 percent gender wage gap.

I'm a believer that the majority of the American public is stupud. Middle aged, young, old, white, purple, yellow, male, female, transgender, etc. I am equal opportunity in that sense. We are a country of morons.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
I'm a believer that the majority of the American public is stupud. Middle aged, young, old, white, purple, yellow, male, female, transgender, etc. I am equal opportunity in that sense. We are a country of morons.

Well, yeah... but this wasn't always the case.

1912 Eighth-Grade Exam Stumps 21st-Century Test-Takers

There was a time when people saw the world as it is, rather than through these modern bullshit social contracts and frames the radicals have imposed on us.

There are always outliers to everything, even in the animal kingdom, but social engineers driven by ideology lack the objectivity and reason to experiment with human nature.

"We are a country of morons" -- Mantis (History of 'progressivism' 101)

Mantis, get off the fence. When one side is completely insane, there is no "middle ground"

"Hillary for president!" :smoking::ohno:face)(*^%
Jan 24, 2012
Well, yeah... but this wasn't always the case.

1912 Eighth-Grade Exam Stumps 21st-Century Test-Takers

There was a time when people saw the world as it is, rather than through these modern bullshit social contracts and frames the radicals have brainwashed us with.

There are always outliers to everything, even in the animal kingdom, but social engineers driven by ideology lack the objectivity and reason to experiment with human nature.

Mantis, get off the fence. When one side is completely insane, there is no "middle ground"

"Hillary for president!" :smoking::ohno:face)(*^%

What am I on the fence about? I will not vote for Hillary. I've said that before. I do not want Hillary to be president. I will also not vote for Huckabee, Cruz, Santorum or Trump. The fact that I don't agree with you or like your candidate does not mean I'm on the fence. I voted for Romney. I actually really liked Romney. I was a huge Huntsman fan. That's not fence sitting, that just means I'm not a far right wing guy.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
What am I on the fence about? I will not vote for Hillary. I've said that before. I do not want Hillary to be president. I will also not vote for Huckabee, Cruz, Santorum or Trump. The fact that I don't agree with you or like your candidate does not mean I'm on the fence. I voted for Romney. I actually really liked Romney. I was a huge Huntsman fan. That's not fence sitting, that just means I'm not a far right wing guy.

Romney and Huntsman don't stand for anything except their own self adulation and faux-bipartisanship.

Ditch the distracting personality contests and focus on timeless principles for a change.

Fence-sitting is anything but productive.


Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
I'm a believer that the majority of the American public is stupud. Middle aged, young, old, white, purple, yellow, male, female, transgender, etc. I am equal opportunity in that sense. We are a country of morons.

This may comes as a surprise to you (or maybe not) but I agree with you.

That is the only reason Granny meaningless has a chance to be the next POTUS.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007

One of the remarkable things about Hillary Clinton's tenure as secretary of State is how much worse it keeps getting now, two years after she left office.

This spring, Americans learned that Clinton used a private email system to conduct all official State business, probably violating the law; that Clinton was receiving and sharing advice on Libya from Sid Blumenthal, who at the time had business interests in that country, with top officials; and that foreign and corporate interests were making large donations to the Clinton Foundation and paying Bill Clinton handsomely for speeches at the same time they were lobbying the State Department for favors.

Now comes news that officials at the State Department's inspector general's office removed damning passages from an audit that highlighted some major problems within the agency. The audit, published shortly before Clinton left the Obama administration, might have been very embarrassing for Clinton if it had been published in the unexpurgated form that has since emerged.

That Hillary presided over State when the whitewashing took place is one example of how her public service there could become a liability for her in the coming presidential election. Scandals aside, it's not as if Clinton achieved much in her four years at Foggy Bottom. She closed no signature deals, presided over no landmark treaties and introduced no new foreign policy doctrines. Her accomplishments were so small and few in number that when Bloomberg's Mark Halperin asked a focus group of Iowa Democrats to name one, most were stumped.

The hits just keep coming.
Jan 24, 2012
This may comes as a surprise to you (or maybe not) but I agree with you.

That is the only reason Granny meaningless has a chance to be the next POTUS.

Most of the idiots are too concerned with being entertained by the Kardashians or NFL to even consider voting.

New member
Nov 10, 2010
EXCLUSIVE: The day Hillary’s team booted me off the bus: ‘The Clinton's campaign wants to control which reporters can come along for the ride. Today it was supposed to be me - but at the last minute I was shut out. That's NOT okay'


riving through New Hampshire in the rain without knowing where you're headed is an unnerving experience, but that's where I found myself this morning after Hillary Clinton's staff said I wouldn't be allowed to do my job reporting on her campaign.
At the Clinton camp's request, a group of journalists set up a traveling 'pool' so a single print reporter can be everyone's eyes and ears at events where a room is too small to fit a crush of questions from a larger group.
Plus it saves more than a dozen news organizations the expense of having to be on the campaign trail every time Clinton decides to speak.
On Monday I was the designated 'pooler,' tasked by this informal group of my colleagues with going to two events in New Hampshire.
I landed at the Manchester, N.H. airport well after midnight, thanks to a lengthy flight delay in Washington. A message was waiting for me from one of the reporters who has the thankless task of coordinating the pool with the Clinton campaign.


Iron fist: At the Clinton camp's request, a group of journalists set up a traveling 'pool' so a single print reporter can be everyone's eyes and ears at events where a room is too small to fit a crush of questions from a larger group. But the Clinton campaign decided to overrule today's designated 'pooler' David Martosko


New member
Nov 10, 2010

Locked out: The Clinton campaign denied access to the designated print pool reporter David Martosko (right)


There was a problem: Hillary's press staff said wasn't welcome, and they decided it at the last minute.
The pool was asked to send a different reporter. It was too late to substitute someone else in the Live Free or Die state at that point, so I said I'd show up anyway.
Six hours earlier I had received emails from two different Clinton media liaisons – including the former secretary of state's traveling press secretary, Nick Merrill – telling me where to show up and when.
So what happened? That's the nagging question.
Monday morning I showed up at 7:45 in a parking lot where I was to hop on a Clinton campaign van for a drive to the town of Rochester, where the first event would be.
A very junior staffer told me I couldn't climb aboard: I wasn't 'on the list.'
No matter – I'm paid to chase stories, not to take no for an answer. I got back in my rental car and followed them to Rochester.
On the way, I spoke with Merrill for 10 minutes. He gave me a handful of reasons for the sudden rug-pulling.
At first it was because the campaign didn't want some foreign press outlets participating in the pool when others were giving them 'blowback' about being shut out of events when space is limited.
OK, so is owned by the Daily Mail newspaper from England but the US content is not EDITED by that newspaper, it is edited in New York and currently has nearly 200 employees growing at about 50% a year – and more US online readers than every big city newspaper in America other than the New York Times.


The Clinton campaign hired two passenger vans to drive reporters to Rochester, NH on Monday morning but refused to let me board them, saying I wasn't approved to attend the morning event

(The traveling press pool welcomes all credentialed outlets, whether they're from the U.S. or Antarctica. The Guardian and AFP, from the UK and France respectively, are already part of it.)
Perhaps they realized that wasn’t going to fly because next they claimed the campaign was trying to follow the example of the White House pool, and by that standard we should have been excluded.
( is part of what's called the 'supplemental' White House pool. Although our excellent White House correspondent, Francesca Chambers, has the same permanent credentials as her counterparts at The New York Times, the Associated Press and CNN.)
Ultimately, Merrill said they just wanted time to figure things out. Just enough time, I thought, for me to leave New Hampshire.
The bottom line is that for whatever half-baked reason, the Clinton campaign has decided that it wants to control which reporters, from which news organizations, can come along for the ride and report their impressions of what’s going on.
That's not okay. It's the kind of thing that raises questions about transparency and launches let-them-eat-cake metaphors.
The Clinton campaign asked the press to set up the pool. But just like the White House pool – which is run by the White House Correspondents Association, not the Obama administration – Merrill and his team don't get to pick and choose who's on duty.
(That's decided by a rotating schedule.)
I showed up in Rochester on Monday morning, found the YMCA where the Clinton event was being held, and walked through the front door. A Secret Service agent wouldn't let me go any further.


Clinton's Secret Service detail drove her to New Hampshire in the famous 'Scooby' van, dropping her off Monday morning for a forum on early childhood education – which was forbidden to cover


He sent me to another door, where the agent in charge of Clinton's protection detail heard who I work for and said, 'Oh. No.' I was sent back to door number one.
The first agent called a campaign staffer, and then told me that a final decision had been reached: I couldn't come in.
He also told me that for security reasons, I couldn't walk down the hall to use the bathroom.
'Hit the woods,' was his advice.
The question remains: Why?
As well as its huge US audience, has a larger online audience than any other English-language newspaper in the world. More than 225 million unique visitors come to our website every month. Every political campaign worth its salt should welcome a news organization of our size and influence to show up, kick the tires and report what's going on.
Smaller outlets, too, including those with foreign ownership, should be welcome. Candidates and their handlers shouldn't have a say.
I suspect the decision has little to do with where my employers are from, and a lot to do with how we cover the news. doesn't hire stenographers. We chase stories aggressively. We don't pull punches. As a British-owned outlet, we don't institutionally have a dog in the U.S. election fight.
We genuinely haven’t already decided which candidates we want to see get the nominations or which party’s candidate eventually win.
We tell it as we see it – without fear and without favor to any side.
Two days ago, after Clinton delivered a speech in New York City to re-launch her campaign, I tweeted my view of scribes who 'reported exactly, and only, what the campaign wanted them to.' I don’t believe in coincidences.
I've followed Clinton's motorcade as it sped past a small New Hampshire airport, drove all the way to Boston, and deposited her on a large jet that had First Class seats.
I got on the plane and watched her in a Washington, D.C. airport, asking her the campaign’s first questions about the Benghazi terror attack. She met me with stone silence.
After a Clinton photo-op at a bakery in April, I reported that the kitchen staff didn't want to come out and shake her hand.
The nature of Clinton's very first small-scale event in Iowa – an intimate and apparently unscripted coffee-shop meet and greet – was called into question after I spoke to an attendee who said all of Clinton's table-mates were vetted and driven there by a political operative.
I get it: This kind of reporting doesn't make the Clinton campaign's favorite outlet.
In the land of the free press, it's the journalists acting on behalf of readers – not the politicians acting in their own self-interest – who get to decide what's important and who's hiding the ball. We have to show up to get these stories. They can’t be covered via Google. And that’s why controlling who shows up is the equivalent of torching the free press.


Via email and telephone calls, I've heard from about 50 political journalists today, including some from nearly every major news brand I can think of.
No one who spoke to me thinks Clinton has a leg to stand on.
Journalists who do this job every day know the stakes: If we're going to elect a president who believes she's above meaningful scrutiny this early in the campaign, just imagine what things might be like in the West Wing in 2017.
That goes for everyone on the Republican side of the ledger too. (Welcome to the race, Jeb! And it’s your turn tomorrow, Mr. Trump.)
At dinnertime I headed to Monday's other 'pooled' press event, a Clinton keynote speech at the Manchester City Democratic Committee's annual dinner commemorating Flag Day.
They shut me out again, meaning that fewer people will learn what she has to say. That's ridiculous. And fans of the First Amendment may as well switch out that flag for a white one.
A press aide told me: 'You're not on the pool list so you need to leave.'
Daily Mail Online has reached out to Nick Merrill, spokesman for Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign more than a half-dozen times today and have yet to hear back.


New member
Nov 10, 2010

Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Rodham Clinton talks with Tracy Gerhardt, and her shy five-year-old daughter Addison, after speaking to supporters during a campaign house party in Burlington, Iowa.

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