Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


New member
Nov 10, 2010
[h=1]EXCLUSIVE: Shock poll shows Hillary is running BEHIND Republicans in battleground states as she prepares do-over for sputtering campaign with New York City speech[/h]

  • Pollsters contacted 1,618 active voters in Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Nevada, Ohio, and Virginia
  • Results put Hillary Clinton one point behind a 'generic' Republican in those critical 'swing' states that will determine the 2016 election
  • A majority of swing-state voters don't believe Hillary shares their values, and say they don't trust her
  • Real numbers may be even worse for her since the survey 'oversampled' Democrats and women
  • Survey was commissioned by conservative American Crossroads super PAC

As Hillary Clinton gears up to reboot her historic but underwhelming presidential campaign with a dramatic New York City speech on Saturday, poll numbers show she might need more than a Big Apple skyline to motivate voters next year in key swing states.

Polling data collected this month by Vox Populi Polling in the six battleground states most likely to determine the 2016 presidential election show that Clinton trails a generic Republican candidate by 1 percentage point overall.
The 46–47 showing for the former secretary of state is a departure from nearly every poll since March that asked voters to choose between Clinton and a specific GOP candidate. Only Jeb Bush, the former Florida governor, has posted a winning margin against Clinton, and that was a month ago in a Fox News poll.

Clinton's suddenly flagging performance in a hypothetical contest against a Republican – who is still unnamed – threatens to throw cold water on her big coming-out moment.
'Sure it's a challenge, and a big one,' a Democratic campaign consultant in New Hampshire told Daily Mail Online on background. 'I mean, look – we were hoping she'd run the table and lead wire-to-wire, but her negatives are high so it's going to be a long year-and-a-half.'
Clinton's negatives are indeed high. Fifty per cent of active voters in the swing states of Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Nevada, Ohio, and Virginia told pollsters that they have a negative impression of her. Just 42 per cent view her positively.

Similar numbers emerged on the question of whether voters see her as a sympathetic character who shares their values. Fifty-one per cent said no, compared with 42 per cent who said yes.

A majority of swing-state voters also have trouble trusting Clinton: Just 44 per cent said they do, while 51 per cent said they don't.

Clinton has so far run a campaign based on an apparent strategy of re-introducing herself to Americans as a politician who's independent of her husband, former president Bill Clinton, while studiously avoiding tough questions about the scandals that threaten to derail her.

Underlying that approach, according to a campaign source, is the hope that her status as the most prominent woman ever to run for the U.S. presidency will earn her enough votes on the margins of several demographic groups to propel her to the White House.

That's hardly a given, according to the Vox Populi poll: Just 33 per cent of swing-state voters – a much smaller group than those who say they'll vote for her – believe her gender will make them more likely to support her. Nearly half, 49 per cent, said it will make no difference at all.

The survey oversampled women, who made up 54 per cent of the respondents. Democrats, too, were over-represented compared with Republicans. In a more balanced 2016 electorate, Clinton's fortunes might be even worse.


New member
Oct 19, 2007
I can't figure out who's worse. Russ and his spammed articles or Superbeets and his spammed pictures/articles. This thread is nauseating to read or respond to. Get some control in here.

New member
Nov 10, 2010



SPUTTERING: The setup for Hillary's June speech at Texas Southern University shows that most of the 8,100-seat area was closed off for the event, leaving the impression that she can't fill a big room

Democrats are talking past that possibility, focusing on Hillary's status as a potential glass ceiling-breaker.
'Of course the woman thing is big this time,' the New Hampshire campaign consultant agreed on Friday. 'If there's a Madam President in 2017, it'll be Hillary.'
'The other woman in the field, Carly Fiorina – she's the only one who doesn't seem to realize she's running for vice president at this point.'
American Crossroads, a Republican-affiliated super PAC, commissioned the Vox Populi poll and shared the results exclusively with Daily Mail Online. More than 1,600 people were contacted for the poll.
'The fact that Hillary Clinton has such weak ballot support against a generic Republican this early shows how much trouble she is in,' said Ian Prior, the group's communications director.
'The fact is, people don’t trust her, they view her as out-of-touch, and it’s unlikely that she’s going to be able to hit the reset button on that well-deserved reputation before next November.'
Separately, the right-leaning group released research on Friday that described 1,500 interviews with voters in a larger group of states: Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Wisconsin.
President Barack Obama won 11 of those 12 states in 2012, but the news there for Hillary is grim: She trails an unnamed Republican opponent by five points, 47–42, in that poll.
'At 42% against a generic Republican, Hillary’s ballot score does not exactly ooze strength,' pollsters from Public Opinion Strategies and Axis Research wrote in a research memo.


SISTERHOOD OF THE TRAVELING PANTSUITS: Clinton will hit the reset button on her presidential campaign on Saturday in New York City


Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
I can't figure out who's worse. Russ and his spammed articles or Superbeets and his spammed pictures/articles. This thread is nauseating to read or respond to. Get some control in here.

Well you certainly know what to do. Get some self control.



New member
Nov 29, 2006
Russ1945, so far you have been called "Old Fool", "A Sheep", "Alinsky", "Poor Russ", "Cocksucker", "Conspiracy Theorist", "Funny Dude", "Old Dude", "Old Coot" and "Delusional Fool."

Typical of liberals! Attack the messenger when they can't defend the message.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Clinton's campaign set aside this area for overflow. Here it is 20 min to speech:


OOH RAH! What a crowd.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
I can't figure out who's worse. Russ and his spammed articles or Superbeets and his spammed pictures/articles. This thread is nauseating to read or respond to. Get some control in here.
Pretty sick isn't it? Double spam now.

They actually are now posting articles that hillary is trailing a "generic republican". Hahahaha. Once they out a name they repubs fall 8-10 points. They did this with Obama. Absolute morons.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Attay boy dave007....join the spam army with an article from that very fair and balanced

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Attay boy dave007....join the spam army with an article from that very fair and balanced

OK. Here’s a different source. One I’m sure you’ll find credible.

It’s not a hell of a lot different than Breitbart.

From the NYTimes. The bastion of Conservatism.

Mrs. Clinton laid out specific policies she would push for, including universal prekindergarten, paid family leave, equal pay for women, college affordability and incentives for companies that provide profit-sharing to employees. She also spoke of rewriting of the tax code “so it rewards hard work at home” rather than corporations “stashing profits overseas.” She did not detail how she would achieve those policies, or what the costs might be.

Like I said. Meaningless.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
I'm gonna say this simple for you Dave

listen to me from now on. I know a lot more than you.

You look dumb trying to branch out on your own. Just listen and follow have to be tired of being wrong. Enough is enough.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
I'm gonna say this simple for you Dave

listen to me from now on. I know a lot more than you.

You look dumb trying to branch out on your own. Just listen and follow have to be tired of being wrong. Enough is enough.

The Dunning-Kruger effect... stupid people are more confident in their dumb beliefs than smart people. And if you think about it, that makes sense, because they are too dumb to understand that they are in fact sketchy ass creepers. Dumb people have it easy, smart people have to think too much and question too much.


"…And here’s the kicker; across every test, the students at the bottom end of the bell curve held inflated opinions of their own talents, hugely inflated. In one test of logical reasoning, the lowest quartile of students estimated that their skills would put them above more than 60% of their peers when in fact they had beaten out just 12%. To put that misjudgement in perspective, it’s like guessing that this piece of music [music for 5 seconds] lasted nearly half a minute.Even more surprisingly, the Dunning-Kruger effect leads high achievers to doubt themselves, because on the other end of the bell curve the talented students consistently underestimated their performance. Again to the test of logic; those topping the class felt that they were only just beating out three-quarters of their classmates, whereas in reality they had out-performed almost 90% of them.
The verdict was in; idiots get confident while the smart get modest, an idea that was around long before Dunning and Kruger’s day. Bertrand Russell once said, ‘In the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.’ From his essay ‘The Triumph of Stupidity’, published in 1933."

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
I'm gonna say this simple for you Dave

listen to me from now on. I know a lot more than you.

You look dumb trying to branch out on your own. Just listen and follow have to be tired of being wrong. Enough is enough.


New member
Oct 29, 2010
The Dunning-Kruger effect... stupid people are more confident in their dumb beliefs than smart people. And if you think about it, that makes sense, because they are too dumb to understand that they are in fact sketchy ass creepers. Dumb people have it easy, smart people have to think too much and question too much.


"…And here’s the kicker; across every test, the students at the bottom end of the bell curve held inflated opinions of their own talents, hugely inflated. In one test of logical reasoning, the lowest quartile of students estimated that their skills would put them above more than 60% of their peers when in fact they had beaten out just 12%. To put that misjudgement in perspective, it’s like guessing that this piece of music [music for 5 seconds] lasted nearly half a minute.Even more surprisingly, the Dunning-Kruger effect leads high achievers to doubt themselves, because on the other end of the bell curve the talented students consistently underestimated their performance. Again to the test of logic; those topping the class felt that they were only just beating out three-quarters of their classmates, whereas in reality they had out-performed almost 90% of them.
The verdict was in; idiots get confident while the smart get modest, an idea that was around long before Dunning and Kruger’s day. Bertrand Russell once said, ‘In the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.’ From his essay ‘The Triumph of Stupidity’, published in 1933."

Yeah, at this point I'm trying to help dave. Think about his last few years here. Lost a year long ban bet to me, Caught lying about obamas birth certificate, caught lying about ISIS being in Mexico, supported terrorists killing dems, defending a child molestor and now he's joining the loon spammers in posting bullshit articles about Hillary.

He's yet another guy that's been wrong for 5+ would think he would just start listening to people that have been right here for years.......I would say it must be pride but that can't be it.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
Yeah, at this point I'm trying to help dave. Think about his last few years here. Lost a year long ban bet to me, Caught lying about obamas birth certificate, caught lying about ISIS being in Mexico, supported terrorists killing dems, defending a child molestor and now he's joining the loon spammers in posting bullshit articles about Hillary.

He's yet another guy that's been wrong for 5+ would think he would just start listening to people that have been right here for years.......I would say it must be pride but that can't be it.

Hahaha, yea... we'll never understand what it's like to be dumb. But there are some serious psychological problems with these dumb righties. Being wrong actually produces the opposite effect it does to smart people, they become even more confident in their beliefs rather than question them. When a smart person is wrong they analyze why they were wrong and try to figure out how to not be wrong in the future. Dumb people when they are wrong, they believe even more strongly that they are right to overcompensate for them being dumb. Their defense mechanism to being dumb is to actually become dumber.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Yeah, at this point I'm trying to help dave. Think about his last few years here. Lost a year long ban bet to me, Caught lying about obamas birth certificate, caught lying about ISIS being in Mexico, supported terrorists killing dems, defending a child molestor and now he's joining the loon spammers in posting bullshit articles about Hillary.

He's yet another guy that's been wrong for 5+ would think he would just start listening to people that have been right here for years.......I would say it must be pride but that can't be it.

And as usual you’re failing. Just like Granny meaningless.

Your posts are worthless and much like Michael Sam you have a small dick.

The fact that you manage to exist baffles me.

And go ahead and ask me how I know you have a small dick.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Hahaha, yea... we'll never understand what it's like to be dumb. But there are some serious psychological problems with these dumb righties. Being wrong actually produces the opposite effect it does to smart people, they become even more confident in their beliefs rather than question them. When a smart person is wrong they analyze why they were wrong and try to figure out how to not be wrong in the future. Dumb people when they are wrong, they believe even more strongly that they are right to overcompensate for them being dumb. Their defense mechanism to being dumb is to actually become dumber.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
And as usual you’re failing. Just like Granny meaningless.

Your posts are worthless and much like Michael Sam you have a small dick.

The fact that you manage to exist baffles me.

And go ahead and ask me how I know you have a small dick.
You talk about dick a lot.

I know you've seen your share of small dick.....those poor neighborhood kids. Keep supporting pedophiles you sick fuck.

New member
Nov 10, 2010
[h=1]Millionaire Hillary launches campaign do-over with 'slightly more arrogant Woodstock' rally on New York City island as she promises to look out for ordinary Americans' pocketbooks – but the 'overflow' crowd zone is left EMPTY[/h]
  • New York City rally brings people from several states to watch Clinton reboot her campaign after two months in low gear
  • Speech emphasizes economic issues and puts Hillary on the hot seat as she suffers wealthy, elitist image
  • Clinton is setting herself up as Obama's heir apparent
  • 'She's earned it,' one attendee said Saturday; 'All those campaigns, all that travel at the State Department. All that putting up with Bill'
  • Smaller than expected crowd chanted 'Hillary! Hillary!' as audience overflow area with giant screen sat unused
  • Crowd count was 5,500 in a New York City metroplex with 8.4 million – barely more than the 5,000 Bernie Sanders drew in Burlington, Vermont, which is home to just 42,000
  • Clinton's ubiquitous armored van, dubbed 'Scooby,' made an appearance as her motorcade made its way across the only drivable bridge connected to Roosevelt Island


A sunny day helped Hillary Clinton draw an audience of about 5,500 to a speech meant to reboot her presidential campaign on Saturday in New York City.
She spoke about a liberal wish-list of policies that will form the framework of what she hopes will be a more successful presidential run than the one she waged in 2008.
Cheers and applause interrupted her nearly 100 times. Her campaign made sure to mark each one in a transcript it distributed an hour later.
But the crowd itself was barely larger than the group who showed up on May 26 to hear Democratic socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders launch his campaign in sleepy Burlington, Vermont, a town of barely 42,000.
A massive overflow area with a Jumbotron screen sat unused as only a minuscule fraction of the New York City metroplex's 8.4 million Americans took the subway ride for the event.
Campaign aides put a sunny spin on the embarrassment, claiming that they stopped distributing tickets three days ago amid massive demand.
As the thousands began streaming into Roosevelt Island's Four Freedoms Park, Andrew Moran looked at the building sea of Starbucks cups and iPhones and grinned.
'This is a slightly more arrogant Woodstock,' said Moran, a college student in the city.


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