Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


New member
Jan 9, 2009
Are you aiming for an advanced degree in WRONG?

Even that is beyond his grasp lol. You are right these articles are well researched and the pursuit of Hillary and Bill's involvement in all of this stuff is going to be relentless by those who are motivated to do so. The Tard does not read these articles he is simply the guy who pulls the targets for shooters at the shooting range. He is not a deep thinker and drinks volumes of Kool Aid. He calls me a troll and basically I just post articles for view and anyone can draw their own conclusions. For the Tard his mind is set and he has no curiosity gene (kool aid destroys it lol). Anyone with an open mind can see what the Clinton's are all about. The rest of us are curious and these articles are full of things that should be investigated by the proper authorities. If the Clinton's were Republicans the Tard would be posting them not me. Like I always say, he does not get it and he never will.

New member
Jan 9, 2009


by JOHN NOLTE2 Jun 2015524

A CNN poll released Tuesday shows that Hillary Clinton’s favorability rating with the public is in a serious, measurable freefall. For the time since CNN began polling the former Secretary of State’s favorable rating in 2006, Clinton is underwater on this question, 46% – 50%.
That 46% represents an extraordinary 23 point plummet from September of 2011; a 21 point drop from November of 2012; an 11 point drop from one year ago; a 7 point drop from just two months ago when she still sat at a healthy 53% – 44%.
A full 54% of Independents view Clinton as unfavorable, only 41% disagree.
Much of course has happened since March, primarily the release of “Clinton Cash.” Authored by Breitbart News editor-at-large Peter Schweizer, “Clinton Cash” is a damning investigation into, among other things, all the shady financial dealings that entangle the Clinton Foundation and Hillary’s tenure as America’s Secretary of State.
There is also the matter of Clinton’s email scandal uncovered earlier this year by Congressman
Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC)

’s congressional inquiry into Benghazi. It was through that committee we learned Hillary violated State Department policy by using a private email address for official business — a private email that was also stored on her own private server. She has since deleted thousands of emails and refuses to turn the server over to a third party investigator.Although the mainstream media has in no way frenzied over these scandals in the same they would if Hillary were a Republican (the media would aggressively seek to disqualify the Republican), there has been a lot of media coverage, and these revelations are obviously taking a toll. And not just against Clinton’s overall favorable ratings.
When asked if Hillary “inspires confidence,” she is upside down 49% – 50%. Two months ago this number sat at a very healthy 58% – 42%. With Independents Clinton is upside down 11 points on this question, 44% – 55%.
On the hugely important question of Hillary caring “about people like you,” only 47% believe she does; a majority of 52% believe she doesn’t. In March the numbers were reversed at 53% – 45%. That’s a -13 point negative shift in just two months. With Independents the chasm on this question is a full 17 points, 57% – 40%.
Hillary is upside down a full 15% on the issue of trustworthiness, 42% – 57%. In March, she sat in positive territory on this question, 50%-49%. That’s a -16 point fall. With Independent voters, she is 24 points in the hole, 37% – 61%.
When it comes to Benghazi, the news only gets worse for the presumptive Democrat nominee. By a 20 point margin, voters are dissatisfied with Clinton’s handling of Benghazi, 38% – 58%. This is a -8 point fall from March when the numbers were a little better: 55% dissatisfied, 43% satisfied.
Only 41% of voters believe Republicans have gone too far in investigating Benghazi (down from 44% in March). A clear majority of 51% believe Republicans have handled the inquiry appropriately. This means that the coordinated campaign between the Obama White House, the Clintons, and the mainstream media to demonize the Benghazi inquiries have failed miserably.
Among Democrats, Clinton is still, by far, the top choice for the nomination. She sits at 60%, Biden at 14%, Sanders at 10%, O’Malley (who officially announced Saturday) at 1%.
Even among Democrats, though, Clinton has slipped. Just last month she sat at 69% against potential challengers in her own Party.
Since just last month, Republicans presidential candidates (and potential candidates) have gained considerable ground against Clinton, who looked unbeatable in April.
In parentheses are the numbers from April’s poll.
Clinton 51% – Bush 43% — (46% – 39%)
Clinton 49% – Rubio 46% — (55% – 41%)
Clinton 48% – Paul 47% — (58% – 39%)
Clinton 49% – Walker 46% — (59% – 37%)
Clinton 52% – Cruz 43% — (60% – 36%)

New member
Jan 9, 2009
By the way, Trey Gowdy is the fear factor supreme for Hillary. He will take his time and will do his thing when the time is right. Can't wait.

New member
Jan 9, 2009


by ALEX SWOYER2 Jun 2015Washington, DC68

Support for Democratic presidential candidate and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is tanking, as more and more independents along with people from her own party are finding Clinton to be untrustworthy, according to both a CNN/ORC poll andWashington Post–ABC News poll.
The CNN/ORC survey finds more people view Clinton unfavorably than at any point since 2001.
“While Clinton remains strikingly dominant in the Democratic field, the poll shows that her numbers have dropped significantly across several key indicators since she launched her campaign in April,” the news network reports.
In March, only 47 percent of people said they thought Clinton was dishonest and untrustworthy, but now that is up to 57 percent, according to the new poll. Less than half of those surveyed said they think Clinton cares about them.
“Much of Clinton’s fade is attributable to shifts among independents, but she’s also losing some ground among her own partisans,” noted CNN. “Her support in the Democratic nomination contest has dropped 9 points since April, and though more than 8-in-10 Democrats said they thought she was honest and trustworthy earlier this year; now, just 73% say so.”
Although Clinton is still the leading Democrat candidate, she has lost her lead in match ups against top Republican candidates. “In general election match-ups, Clinton now runs about even with
Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY)

, Scott Walker and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)

, while she continues to top Bush and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)

by a significant margin,” CNN reported.One surprising result from the poll shows that former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush has somewhat successfully separated himself from his brother’s presidency. Only about half of the people surveyed said they think he is “a lot like his brother,” but 56 percent say his connection to two former presidents would make them unlikely to vote for Bush.
Clinton’s falling support cited in the CNN/ORC poll is echoed in a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.
The Washington Post reported Clinton’s “personal attributes continue to erode in the wake of stories abut fundraising practices at the Clinton Foundation and her use of a personal e-mail server while at the State Department.”
According to the Washington Post-ABC News poll, Clinton’s favorability rating is the lowest it’s been since she ran for president the first time in 2008.
“Today, 41 percent of Americans say she is honest and trustworthy, compared with 52 percent who say she is not – a 22-point swing in the past year,” noted the Post.
The Post-ABC News poll shows Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and
Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY)

as the top Republican candidates.In contrast, the CNN/ORC poll did not find a clear Republican frontrunner.
“The group of seven that have come to dominate most polling on the race hold the top of the charts in this poll,
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)

and Jeb Bush leading the pack with Mike Huckabee, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)

, Ben Carson and Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY)

all in the hunt,” reported CNN.Although Clinton became an official candidate in early April, she is holding an official rally and formal announcement in New York next week.
ABC affiliate WMUR, reported a campaign official said Clinton plans to “lay out her view of the challenges facing this country and her vision and ideas for moving the country forward.

New member
Jan 9, 2009

The Associated Press

by LEE STRANAHAN2 Jun 201515

Author and Former Clinton Administration Secretary of Labor Robert Reich launched an attack piece in Salon titled Texas Officials Are A Disaster In Their Own Right, going after Texas politicians, including potential Hillary Clinton Presidential rival
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)

.Reich’s general theme is that politicians who don’t tow the liberal big government line on issues are hypocritical when asking that Federal tax money gets returned to their state in the form of disaster relief.
Reich begins insulting anyone who expressed concern over the planned Jade Helm 15 military exercises as “nut cases” and saying:
Texas’s governor, Greg Abbott added to that particular outpouring of paranoia by ordering the Texas State Guard to monitor the military exercise. “It is important that Texans know their safety, constitutional rights, private property rights and civil liberties will not be infringed upon,” he said.
Rather than the plain text reading that Abbott’s statement shows a concern for Texas citizen’s rights, Reich draws his own conclusion: “In other words, he’d protect Texans from this federal plot.”
Reich apparently missed the concern over Jade Helm coming from the left, including this article from Counterpunch called Why Are So-Called Progressives Defending Special Ops Training? It is enough for Reich to merely lob ad hominem attacks when the targets are Texas conservatives.
What really gets Reich’s goat is that historically independent Texas distrusts the Federal government. Reich cites recent polls that showed 57 percent of Texans view the Feds unfavorably and then launches into a dishonest attack on the recent request for federal disaster relief after floods devastated parts of the state. Reich writes:
Texas dislikes the federal government so much that eight of its congressional representatives, along with Senator
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)

, opposed disaster relief for the victims of Hurricane Sandy – adding to the awkwardness of their lobbying for the federal relief now heading Texas’s way.
Reich wants to paint Republicans — Texans specifically — as cruel, heartless hypocrites and turns a blind eye to the wasteful, irrelevant spending that Democrats (and a few Republicans) snuck into the Hurricane Sandy bill.
The real reason that over thirty GOP Senators, including Cruz, actually opposed the Hurricane Sandy bill was not cruelty or opposition to fair Federal help. The opposition was based on the fact that the huge relief bill was packed with more pork than you would find in a warehouse full of jalapeño cheddar sausage.
As Breitbart News reported after the Hurricane Sandy bill passed:
On Friday, the U.S. Senate passed a $60.4 billion bill that contains expenditures for areas that were unaffected by the storm, including $2 million roof repairs for Smithsonian Institution museums, $150 million for Alaskan fisheries disasters, and $58 million in taxpayer dollars to plant trees on private property in areas where Sandy never touched down. Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) attempted to remove the $150 million fisheries “pork” spending from the bill, but his amendment was defeated.
Finally, Reich turns to climate change and launches into
Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX)

for calling United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change as “more political than scientific.”Even though Reich admits he can not prove any connection between this latest round of Texas weather and the Democrat’s current trope on climate change, he doesn’t hesitate to mention it anyway.
Given this, you might also think Texas would take climate change especially seriously. But here again, there’s cognitive dissonance between what the state needs and how its officials act.
It’s notable that Reich would talk about topics like hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance, since this is the same Robert Reich who recently wrote the following about his former boss Bill Clinton’s wife Hillary Clinton, without any apparent irony:
Hillary Clinton should make the moral case about power: for taking it out of the hands of those with great wealth and putting it back into the hands of average working people.
The Clinton’s combined net worth is estimated to be over $100,000,000.


New member
Oct 29, 2010
Are you aiming for an advanced degree in WRONG?
I've been nothing but right here for years....I mean you would literally have to bring in the worlds best private investigators to find something in this sub forum that I've been wrong about.

I mean, Russ actually is saying he posts these articles for people to draw their own conclusions. Has there ever been a less self aware man than russ1945.

You can back up this bullshit till your blue in the face but until there is actually proof of something....and not right wing motivated proof....I will continue to laugh at this spam. This shit makes super beets stuff look good

New member
Oct 19, 2007
I've been nothing but right here for years....I mean you would literally have to bring in the worlds best private investigators to find something in this sub forum that I've been wrong about.

I mean, Russ actually is saying he posts these articles for people to draw their own conclusions. Has there ever been a less self aware man than russ1945.

You can back up this bullshit till your blue in the face but until there is actually proof of something....and not right wing motivated proof....I will continue to laugh at this spam. This shit makes super beets stuff look good

Hahahaha, I just find it funny how they act like we haven't seen their garbage for the past 6 years. They're always wrong, we always tell them they're wrong, and they continue to be wrong. Just really dumb people. They have absolutely nothing of substance on Hillary.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Hahahaha, I just find it funny how they act like we haven't seen their garbage for the past 6 years. They're always wrong, we always tell them they're wrong, and they continue to be wrong. Just really dumb people. They have absolutely nothing of substance on Hillary.
I would have thought after 2012 they would just shut up and listen to what we're trying to tell them. Instead they are going back to the same losing playbook.

They tried this in 2012....this is how republicans run their campaigns. They filter out all their garbage spam to their moron foot soldiers who are too old to go outside....they find their marks and plow them with hit pieces in hopes they will spread them around. Dems just go to dem and get them to the polls. That's why they win national elections now. Russ is being used by republicans and he doesn't even know it. He has no clue he's being used as a sheep.

They are on their next step right now which are polls. Have seen the new Hillary unfavorable polls the sheep are now posting? They did that to Obama in 2012.....didn't work. They are too stupid to understand that unfavorable doesn't translate into voting against her.

If you remember many of these same idiots were posting how a "generic republican" was even with Obama in the polls....they pointed to that is a victory....they didn't know that once you give a republican a name....they drop 10 points immediately. Lol.

They can beat hillary but simply not smart enough to do it. They need Rubio or it will be a bloodbath for them again

New member
Oct 19, 2007
I would have thought after 2012 they would just shut up and listen to what we're trying to tell them. Instead they are going back to the same losing playbook.

They tried this in 2012....this is how republicans run their campaigns. They filter out all their garbage spam to their moron foot soldiers who are too old to go outside....they find their marks and plow them with hit pieces in hopes they will spread them around. Dems just go to dem and get them to the polls. That's why they win national elections now. Russ is being used by republicans and he doesn't even know it. He has no clue he's being used as a sheep.

They are on their next step right now which are polls. Have seen the new Hillary unfavorable polls the sheep are now posting? They did that to Obama in 2012.....didn't work. They are too stupid to understand that unfavorable doesn't translate into voting against her.

If you remember many of these same idiots were posting how a "generic republican" was even with Obama in the polls....they pointed to that is a victory....they didn't know that once you give a republican a name....they drop 10 points immediately. Lol.

They can beat hillary but simply not smart enough to do it. They need Rubio or it will be a bloodbath for them again

Hahaha! So true. They even did this before the 2008 elections, nonstop Obama conspiracies from the past 6 years that have all failed as we said they would fail. It's just hilarious that they keep on listening to the same bull shit expecting a different result. I'm pretty sure that's the definition of insanity.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Hahaha! So true. They even did this before the 2008 elections, nonstop Obama conspiracies from the past 6 years that have all failed as we said they would fail. It's just hilarious that they keep on listening to the same bull shit expecting a different result. I'm pretty sure that's the definition of insanity.
Russ just posted an article about a former Clinton labor secretary bashing Ted Cruz. In what world does this matter? So Hillary is responsible for every word of someone who worked in the Bill Clinton administration 20 years ago? Huh?

and this isn't trolling or spam???? Hahahaha. Ok.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
Russ just posted an article about a former Clinton labor secretary bashing Ted Cruz. In what world does this matter? So Hillary is responsible for every word of someone who worked in the Bill Clinton administration 20 years ago? Huh?

and this isn't trolling or spam???? Hahahaha. Ok.

Hahaha, at least Mantis called him out for it saying it's stuff that no one cares about come election time.

But unfortunately I spent the time reading one of his dumbass troll articles and sure enough I realize why I don't read 99% of his shit. It was a story about Hillary's brother wanting to do some housing project in Haiti through the Clinton Foundation and get a decent paycheck for it. There was absolutely nothing wrong with it, but on top of it not being wrong, the Clinton's never even chose the project and it never went through and her brother received $0 for it, lmao!!! But apparently that was some dot they were connecting about how Hillary is corrupt. It's just frikkin hilarious! I might have to read more from time to time just for fun.

But it is 100% trolling and spam, the Republicans just are too cowardly to call out their own.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007

Women love Hillary?

Hillary Clinton had trouble attracting high-powered women to a New York talk hosted by Silda Wall Spitzer two weeks before her campaign officially kicks off. Sources said that after ticket sales fizzled for an intimate, $2,700-per-person, “just for women” meeting on Monday, the event was thrown open to men at the 11th hour, and the deadline extended to buy tickets.

The “Conversation With Hillary Clinton” event at Midtown law firm Akin Gump was originally aiming to attract 125 women. An email invitation seen by Page Six said the event is “just for women.” But by Friday, “They’d only sold 50 tickets, so they threw it open to men,” a source said. “Ticket sales were supposed to close at 10 a.m. Sunday, but the hostesses were working the phones and pushed the deadline till Monday.”


New member
Oct 19, 2007
AK connected some dots today. Let's just say, I'm 99% sure I know who you are! Be afraid...

Aug 6, 2006
But it is 100% trolling and spam

How many threads with the same 7 post backnforth between you and Vitterd with zero substance?
You calling someone a troll is like the Phillies telling the Rockies they suck.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
How many threads with the same 7 post backnforth between you and Vitterd with zero substance?
You calling someone a troll is like the Phillies telling the Rockies they suck.

I have not read any of the last posts by the trolls but if nothing else this thread has exposed them for what they are. They cannot stand the fact that I Alinsky back at them. They can dish it out but they can't take it. It is a waste of time to even attempt to approach them on an intellectual level. Their zippers are down just like Obama's. You can point that out to them all day long and they will never acknowledge it. As far as Hillary goes transparency simply mean people are beginning to see right through her and see her for the tragedy that she is. Trey will eat her for lunch and if she does not testify or takes the fifth when and if they call her then she will be exposed once and for all. She allowed her Ambassador to die after ignoring his requests for more and better security and then bailed on him in his time of need. Trey knows how and he knows when to pull the plug on her. Can't wait.

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