Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


New member
Nov 10, 2010
Lt. Gen. Flynn: “Hillary Clinton Can’t Be Trusted To Serve The Best Interests Of All The American People If She’s Willing To Display This Much Contempt For Their Existence.”
“Hillary Clinton’s comments that half of Donald Trump’s supporters are ‘deplorable’ are personally insulting, and should serve as wake up call to the American people. As commander-in-chief, it’s the president’s responsibility to look out for and represent our nation’s armed forces. Hillary Clinton can’t be trusted to serve the best interests of all the American people if she’s willing to display this much contempt for their existence. This is just another item in a long list of scandals and lies that disqualify Hillary Clinton from being our president." – Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, USA (Ret.)

New member
Nov 10, 2010
“I Served My Country Honorably For 33 1/2 Years And Any Suggestion That I Or Any Of My Fellow Service Members Are Among The ‘Deplorables’ She Mentioned Is Completely Disgusting.” – Major General Richard Perraut

“When Hillary Clinton called half of Donald Trump’s supporters ‘deplorable,’ it was a shot at me and my fellow military leaders. Is it deplorable to work hard, support your family, and defend your country? I served my country honorably for 33 1/2 years and any suggestion that I or any of my fellow service members are among the ‘deplorables’ she mentioned is completely disgusting.” – Major General Richard Perraut, USAF (Ret.); Former Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of the Air Force, International Affairs

New member
Nov 10, 2010
[h=6]- SEPTEMBER 12, 2016 -[/h][h=1]IN NORTH CAROLINA, TRUMP DELIVERS REMARKS ON HILLARY CLINTON ‘DEPLORABLES’ ATTACKS[/h]Thank you. I am so thrilled to be back in the great state of North Carolina.
In 56 days, we are going to win this state – and we are going to win the White House.
But to do that you must get out and vote, and that means early voting which begins on October 20th.
This is our chance – our one chance – to fix our rigged system and create prosperity for each and every American.
Our vision of hope stands in stark contrast to my opponent’s campaign of hate.
Hillary Clinton has been running a hate-filled and negative campaign with no policy, no solutions, and no new ideas.
By contrast, I’ve been going around the country offering detailed plans for reform.
All of these reform plans are available on our website.
While my opponent slanders you as deplorable and irredeemable, I call you hardworking American patriots who love your country and want a better future for all of our people.
You are mothers and fathers, soldiers and sailors, carpenters and welders. You are Democrats, Independents and Republicans.
Above all else, you are Americans – and you are entitled to leadership that honors you, cherishes you and defends you.
Every American is entitled to be treated with dignity and respect in our country.
Whether you vote for me, or whether you vote for someone else, I will be your champion in the White House.
Hillary Clinton represents only the insiders, the donors and the special interests.
I will be speaking more about Hillary Clinton’s disqualifying remarks in a minute, but first let me invite onto the stage some people who can tell you themselves what they think of her spiteful comments.
I have some more thoughts on Clinton’s remarks I will be sharing momentarily, but first I want to tell you what I am going to do to make your life better.
We’ve outlined a detailed plan on trade, on immigration, on rebuilding the military, on changing our foreign policy.
I’ve delivered a plan on defeating Islamic terrorism, on reforming our tax code, on unleashing American energy, and on providing school choice to every disadvantaged child in America.
We’ve released policy after policy, solution after solution.
Every day, we are putting forward new ideas to make your life better.
The change will start right away, the moment I take my oath of office.
On my first day, we are going to immediately terminate every single unconstitutional executive order signed by President Obama.
Then, I am going to order a review of every single regulation issued over the last eight years. All needless, job-killing regulations will be cancelled. Millions of new jobs will come pouring in.
We are going to lift the restriction on American energy – this will create another half a million new jobs a year.
That’s just the beginning.
On my first day in office, I am going to ask Congress to send me a bill to immediately repeal and replace disastrous Obamacare – this will instantly save another 2 million jobs.
I am also going to propose a massive tax reduction to unleash prosperity in every city and state in our country.
On that first day, I am also going to instruct the Department of Commerce to immediately begin a review of all foreign trade practices that unfairly hurt American manufacturing. I will use every lawful Presidential power to achieve relief for our workers.
You can read the full 7-point trade plan on my website,
North Carolina has lost more than 4 in 10 manufacturing jobs since NAFTA. Bill Clinton signed it, and Hillary Clinton supported it.
Right here in Ashville, you’ve lost 1 in 5 manufacturing jobs since China joined the World Trade Organization – another Hillary-backed deal.
Hillary Clinton owes all of you an apology. And I think you’ll get that apology right around the same time Hillary Clinton hands over the 33,000 emails she deleted.
By the way, Hillary Clinton destroyed her emails after she received a congressional subpoena. They used a special software called bleach bit.
She even made her 13 different phones disappear – some of them were even destroyed with a hammer.
Hillary Clinton obviously had a whole lot to hide, including her pay-for-play scandals at Secretary of State.
Pay-for-play with UBS, with Russian Uranium, with contracts for her friends and family in Haiti.
Nothing is so dangerous to American Democracy as when a public official puts their federal office up for sale.
Hillary Clinton believes she is above the law.
She also believes that she is above all of you.
After months of hiding from the press, Hillary Clinton came out and finally told the world how she feels about the people of this country.
She said tens of millions of patriotic Americans belong in a “basket of deplorables.” She talks about people like they’re objects, not human beings.
She said half of our supporters are not even real Americans, and describes the other half as having run out of options – what she can’t understand or accept is that the great majority of this country now sees right through the lies and deceptions of a failed political establishment. They want change, they want justice, and they want a government that puts the American people first.
Whether our supporters have lost a job to a factory moved to another country, or whether they’re a captain in the police department, or a teacher at a local school, they are united by their deep and sophisticated understanding of how our political system has abandoned the people.
For those who have been hit by hard times, they understand better than anyone that it’s Hillary Clinton’s Wall Street agenda that has crushed the middle class of this country.
Hillary Clinton spoke with hatred in her heart for these working class Americans. She looks down on them – she looks down on all the people who make her life possible. She looks down on the carpenters, plumbers, electricians, lawyers and accountants. She looks down on the police officers, soldiers, and firefighters supporting our campaign.
She looks down on the people who cook her meals, drive her cars, and dig the coal that powers her electricity.
She called these Americans every name in the book – racist, sexist, xenophobic, Islamophobic – she said they were not even American.
Never in history has a major-party presidential candidate so viciously demonized the American voter.
She was attacking millions of moms and dads who love their children and want a better future for all Americans.
What should these parents tell their children about Hillary Clinton’s attacks?
To every kid in America tonight, I want you to know: your parents are working so hard to make your life better, and to make your country better – and if I get the chance, I will fight right alongside them to deliver a better future for everyone.
Clinton made her remarks at a high-dollar fundraiser in Wall Street. Her goal is simple: to bully the American voter out of voting for change.
The people who rigged the system want to keep things exactly as they are. They want to keep our terrible trade deals. They want to trap children in failing government schools. They want massive regulation to keep small businesses from being able to compete.
Hillary Clinton can never be President of this country. No one who has such a low opinion of the American people can ever be elected as their President.
Earlier today I had a chance to spend some time with some more of our most amazing Americans.
I spent the afternoon with the National Guard Association of the United States.
These are the heroes who rescue our people in disasters, and who fight our wars.
These heroes are a permanent testament to the courage and character of our nation.
We also honor and remember the lives of the service members who have made the ultimate sacrifice.
There is no greater love than the love shown by the men and women who have laid down their lives for this country and its people.
Our debt to them is eternal and everlasting.
One thing that we must do is to ensure that our men and women in uniform have the best equipment, resources and tools in the world.
We must provide them the best medical care while they serve, and the best medical care when they return home to civilian life.
The Veterans scandals that have occurred under this Administration – and that have been dismissed by my opponent – are a permanent stain on this government. It’s just one more way Hillary Clinton only looks out for herself.
We must take care of our Veterans. That includes giving Veterans the right to choose treatment at either a public VA facility, or the private doctor of their choice.
Just today we learned that the VA has violated a federal law by failing to make its performance records available to consumers.
The scandals never seem to end – but they will, when I’m elected President.
Nothing makes me more proud than to have the support of the men and women who hear the uniform.
We’ve received endorsements from 120 generals and admirals, these are the people who know how to keep our country safe.
Just today, I was profoundly humbled to gain the endorsement of 14 Medal of Honor recipients. I can’t even begin to say how much it means to me to have the support of these intrepid heroes.
Also, today, I was thrilled to announce that Ambassador R. James Woolsey, former head of the CIA, is now a senior advisor to our campaign.
We are on a mission of change.
That includes a new agenda for our inner cities.
The Democratic Party has run the inner cities for fifty, sixty, seventy years and more.
4 in 10 African-American children live in poverty, including 45% of those under the age of six.
2,900 people have been shot in Chicago since the beginning of the year.
For those suffering and hurting, I say: give Donald J. Trump a chance. I will fix it. What do you have to lose?
Let me also tell you what you have to gain: millions of new jobs, higher wages, and amazing schools.
I will fight for Detroit, for Chicago, for Baltimore, and for every neglected part of this nation – and I will fight to bring us all together as One American People.
Imagine what our country could accomplish if we started working together as One People, under One God, saluting One American Flag.
It is time to break with the bitter failures of the past, and to embrace a New American Future.
In this future, we will respect the dignity of all Americans – and that means great jobs, great schools, and great neighborhoods.
We will keep our children safe – which includes steadfast support for American law enforcement.
Jobs will return, prosperity will rise, and new factories will come rushing back to our shores.
Government corruption will end.
Honesty will be restored.
Republicans are the Party of Abraham Lincoln and, come November 8th, we will once again have a government of, by and for the people.
We Will Make America Prosperous Again.
We Will Make America Safe Again.
And Will Make America Great Again.
Thank you, and God Bless!

New member
Nov 10, 2010
[h=6]- SEPTEMBER 12, 2016 -[/h][h=1]​CLINTON CAMPAIGN IN CHAOS[/h]
“Weekend Of Brutal Press Coverage” … “Arguably The Shakiest 48 Hours Of Her General-Election Campaign” … “A Horrible, Terrible, No Good, Very Bad String Of Days”

Business Insider
Headline: “Hillary Clinton 'On Defense' After Disastrous 72 Hours Of Campaign”
(Business Insider, 9/12/16)

Politico’s Glenn Thrush, Kenneth P. Vogel And Annie Karni: “Arguably The Shakiest 48 Hours Of Her General-Election Campaign…” “The incident comes after two weeks of tightening polls that have seen Trump close to within striking distance nationally and in some battleground states and capped off what was arguably the shakiest 48 hours of her general-election campaign that began when she called Trump supporters ‘deplorables,’ a rare gaffe by a fastidiously stage-managed candidate.” (Politico, 9/12/16)
USA Today Headline: “For Hillary Clinton, Some Terrible Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Days” (USA Today,9/12/16)
Time Headline: “Hillary Clinton’s Bad Weekend Highlights Election’s Unpredictability” (Time, 9/11/16)
Politico Headline: “Axelrod Rips Clinton For 'Unhealthy' Obsession With Privacy”(Politico, 9/12/16)
Time’s Philip Elliott: “Weekend Of Brutal Press Coverage…” “The weekend of brutal press coverage and then her health incident are, to be sure, just one moment in this campaign.” (Time, 9/11/16)
Washington Examiner’s T. Becket Adams: “Some In Media Saying Democratic Operatives Are Seriously Worried About Clinton's Ability To Continue Campaigning.” “The collapsing episode this weekend, which was captured on video, has some in media saying Democratic operatives are seriously worried about Clinton's ability to continue campaigning.” (Washington Examiner, 9/12/16)
Time’s Zeke Miller: “It Was A Rough Weekend For Democratic Nominee Hillary Clinton…” “It was a rough weekend for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, who on Friday cast ‘half’ of Donald Trump’s supporters as belonging to a ‘basket of deplorables’ of -ists and -phobes.” (Time, 9/12/16)
USA Today’s Susan Page: “For The Democratic Presidential Nominee, It Has Been What The Children's Book Might Have Called A Horrible, Terrible, No Good, Very Bad String Of Days.” (USA Today, 9/12/16)
Wall Street Journal’s Peter Nicholas And Janet Hook: “An Unwelcome Distraction For A Campaign Facing A Tightening Of Polls In Recent Weeks.” “The diagnosis, coupled with a remark by Mrs. Clinton lateFriday criticizing some Trump supporters as a ‘basket of deplorables,’ is an unwelcome distraction for a campaign facing a tightening of polls in recent weeks.” (Wall Street Journal, 9/12/16)
The Associated Press’ Lisa Lerer: “The Incident Compounds An Already Difficult Stretch For Clinton…”“The incident compounds an already difficult stretch for Clinton as the presidential race enters its final stretch.”(The Associated Press, 9/12/16)
McClatchy DC Headline: “Hillary Clinton's Deplorable Weekend” (McClatchy DC, 9/12/16)

New member
Nov 10, 2010
[h=6]- SEPTEMBER 12, 2016 -[/h][h=1]GENERAL BELL STATEMENT ON CLINTON’S ‘BASKET OF DEPLORABLES’ INSULT[/h]New York, NY - Retired four-star U.S. Army General Burwell B. Bell, who was among 120 retired flag officers who endorsed Donald J. Trump for president last week, released the following statement on Hillary Clinton’s ‘basket of deplorables’ insult:

"Hillary Clinton's assertion that half of Donald Trump's supporters are in a 'basket of deplorables' is an insult to millions of American citizens and illuminates a dangerous movement and trend in the Democratic Party. For the past several years both President Obama and now Hillary Clinton have chosen to divide Americans into often times fictitious and mean-spirited groups, and then demonize those groups in order to isolate them while energizing the Democratic base. To demonize any American citizen is painful and inappropriate. Even the governor of Virginia, a Democrat, has decided to ensure convicted felons have the right to vote. Mrs. Clinton, in demonizing and marginalizing American citizens your conduct is shameful.

"I spent 39 years of my adult life defending all Americans. I deeply resent Mrs. Clinton's demonizing nearly a full quarter of the entire American electorate. Candidates should articulate policy perspectives and not divide Americans in an effort to conquer millions of our citizens.

"And yes I strongly support Donald Trump as our next President. But, I am also a strong independent. Indeed, over the years I have voted for several Democratic Presidential candidates including President Obama during his first Presidential race. Now I can only vote for Donald Trump. He is by far America's best choice. Donald Trump is reaching out to all our citizens in an effort to reestablish 'America First' policies, while making America great again. This is our future. Ms. Clinton is our past." - General Burwell B. Bell, US Army (Ret.)

New member
Jan 9, 2009

from the above:

Dr. Orient referred to reports that Clinton has a blood clot near her brain, noting that anti-coagulant medication prevents clots from spreading, rather than dissolving those which already exist.
“Does she have a residual problem getting blood out of her head, which causes high pressure on your brain?” Dr. Orient asked.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
van/Getty Images

Hillary Clinton's newest book is a certifiable flop by the publishing industry's standards, The New York Timesreports. Stronger Together sold only 2,912 copies in its first week of sales according to Nielsen BookScan, which charts about 80 percent of nationwide physical book sales. By comparison, Clinton's 2014 memoir Hard Choices, which also didn't meet expectations, sold over 85,000 copies in its first week, and Clinton's 2003 memoir, Living History, sold six times as many copies as Hard Choices.

Stronger Together is co-authored by Clinton's running mate, Tim Kaine, and "presents [their] agenda in full, relating stories from the American people and outlining the Clinton/Kaine campaign's plans on everything from apprenticeships to the Zika virus," the Amazon description says. One
Amazon reviewer remarked that Stronger Together was "far more interesting than I'd thought this book would be," giving it five stars. Most negative reviews were about the candidate, and not the book itself.

To promote the book, Clinton will "do a series of Stronger Together speeches over the course of the next several weeks," said campaign spokesman Jennifer Palmieri.
Jeva Lange



New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Hillary’s Deplorables: 7 Foreign Dictators and Anti-LGBT Nations Hillary Bagged Millions From[/h]



by JEROME HUDSON14 Sep 20162,546


[h=2]When Hillary Clinton described half of the Americans supporting Donald Trump as a “basket of deplorables” made up of “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic” people, she opened herself up to criticism about her own “deplorables”: The repressive regimes that gave millions to the Clinton Foundation, many of those high-dollar donations flooding in while Clinton was serving as Secretary of State.[/h]From despots looking to gain legitimacy on the international stage to oil-rich oligarchs, Hillary Clinton’s family foundation took money from the worst of the worst and countries with horrific human rights records.
Below is a list of Hillary Clinton’s Deplorables.

Video: The Key Players in the Clinton Emails

Algeria donated $250,000 to $500,000 to the Clintons
Gays and lesbians found guilty of “homosexual acts” can face imprisonment in Algeria. Hillary Clinton’s State Department chided the north African nation for its human rights violations, but that didn’t stop her family foundation from accepting a major donation from the Algerian Embassy.
Saudi Arabia donated up to $50 million to the Clintons
Saudi Arabia’s horrid human rights is no secret. In fact, Hillary Clinton’s Sate Department criticized the Arab nation for its “lack of equal rights for women and children” and said human trafficking and violence against women are “common” in that country. Nevertheless, the Clinton Foundation has accepted tens of millions of dollars from Saudi Arabia over the years.
Anti-LGBT Russia: Bill Clinton earned $500,000 for a speech in Moscow paid for by a Kremlin-backed bank
As first documented in Clinton Cash, the former president bagged $500,000 for a single Moscow speech paid for by a Russian investment bank that had ties to the Kremlin.
“Why was Bill Clinton taking any money from a bank linked to the Kremlin while his wife was Secretary of State?” asks the New Yorker. Russia is renowned for it’s open hostility to LGBT people. According to Human Rights Watch, Russia’s anti-gay propaganda law, passed in 2013, “openly discriminates against LGBT people, legitimizes anti-LGBT violence, and seeks to erase LGBT people from the country’s public life.”
United Arab Emirates donated up to $11.5 million to the Clintons
The tiny Arab nation was ripped by Hillary Clinton’s State Department for its many human rights abuses, including the government’s interference “with privacy and to restrict civil liberties, including usage of the Internet.” Despite reports of public floggings and a ban on “all sexual acts outside of heterosexual marriage,” the Clinton Foundation still accepted millions from the UAB.
The Nation of Brunei donated $1,000,000 to $5,000,000 to the Clintons
Hillary Clinton’s troubled charity was taking in millions of dollars in contributions from the nation of Brunei, all while her State Department was citing the tiny Asian country for a multitude of human rights abuses, including, “restrictions on religious freedom; exploitation of foreign workers; and limitations on freedom of speech, press, assembly … and discrimination against women.”
Kuwait donated $5,000,000 to $10,000,000 to the Clintons
This oil-rich nation was also reprimanded by Hillary Clinton’s State department for its various “human rights problems.” And Kuwait’s policy to imprison gays for up to seven years notwithstanding, the Clinton Foundation still accepted its major donation.
Qatar donated $1,000,000 to $5,000,000 to the Clintons
According to Qatar’s penal code, the penalty for the crime of homosexual sex is up to seven years in prison. The Arab nation also has “continuing human rights concerns,” according to a report released by Hillary Clinton’s State Department. Those human rights restrictions include “freedom of religion … trafficking in persons … legal, institutional, and cultural discrimination against women limited their participation in society.”

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