Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]�� Triggered Hillary�� Screwed Up Chance To Take On Alt-Right[/h]
Oct 30, 2006
With 75 days before voters pick their new president, email revelations are threatening to overtake Hillary Clinton’s campaign – with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange hurling another log on an already raging fire with a vow to release “significant” Clinton documents.

In an exclusive interview Wednesday night with Fox News’ Megyn Kelly, Assange was asked whether new information culled from Clinton emails would be released before the general election: “Yes, absolutely.”

Asked whether it could be an election game-changer, Assange told Kelly, “It depends on how it catches fire.”

Dana Perino, former White House press secretary under the George W. Bush administration and co-host of Fox News’ “The Five,” predicted Assange would release the files before the third presidential debate, since “it is the one everyone pays attention to.”

WikiLeaks is the same group whose leak of Democratic National Committee files caused havoc for the party on the eve of its July convention.

Clinton herself has tried to downplay the revelations to date, telling CNN there’s “a lot of smoke” but “no fire.”

But Assange’s threat amounts to one of several looming headaches for the campaign. The State Department is under court order to start reviewing thousands of additional emails for potential release. Clinton is expected to get a set of written questions on her email server soon from her arch-nemesis, the conservative D.C. group Judicial Watch.

Meanwhile, new revelations are surfacing regularly on the access that Clinton Foundation donors enjoyed with her State Department, fueling allegations of pay-to-play practices.

Donald Trump has seized on the last drip-drip of revelations.
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New member
Jan 9, 2009
Just a personal comment: I do believe that Trump does have the best interests of this country in mind. However, it is becoming more and more clear that Hillary's priorities are personally connected to donors to the Hillary Foundation. Is Trump a perfect candidate, who knows for sure but he is not politically connected and owes nobody nothing. He does not encourage huge campaign donors as does Hillary. The Clinton's have a terrible personal history of politically connected incidents that are almost all tied to their personal financial benefit. Do you really think anything they have to say is worth a few hundred thousand dollars? DC is in the same situation as are the Clintons as Lobbying is destroying what should be their main priority, that is doing what is in the best interest of the general public.

So if Hillary is elected and impeached the Dem's will still be in control. Wouldn't the VP step up? The airport meeting between the head of the DOJ and Bill is connected to this Administrations approach to the Clintons. For them it is more about their party than the Clintons but by giving their support by not pursuing what should be pursued they are showing how corrupt they are also. Justice is just a whisper in DC and it has nothing to do with elected officials, they get by with most anything. Over a long span of time going back to their time in Arkansas the Clinton's have prospered while "serving" the people......right. The Dem's were directly related to the KKK from the outset and Hillary tries to tie Trump to them. The liberal press suppresses the bad about the Clinton's. They spend more time on things Trump says than what Hillary and Bill have done over many years. Anyone who ignores the obvious about Hillary, Bill, and the Foundation is living in another world but in the end that world will do nothing but continue to deteriorate. So sad.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Hillary Clinton wears a catheter?

Posted on August 16, 2016 by Dr. Eowyn | 57 Comments

Remember these images of Hillary Clinton with those strange lumps on her back under her roomy, loose-fitting coat-jacket, which are suggestive of a defibrillator vest? (See “Strange bulges under Hillary’s coat suggest a defibrillator vest”)

Now a photo has cropped up, showing what appears to be a catheter beneath her pant leg.

The photo of Hillary at a campaign rally on August 10, 2016 in Des Moines, Iowa, was taken by Steve Pope of Getty Images. (Note: FOTM is publishing the Getty image under Section 107 of the US Copyright Law’s “fair use” of copyrighted material.)

Look at Hillary’s right thigh.

I cropped and enlarged her to get a better view of that right thigh. See that strange tube-shaped line running from her crotch, diagonally across her right thigh to above her right knee?

Sure looks like a Foley catheter:

From Wikipedia:

A Foley catheter (named for its designer, Frederic Foley) is a flexible tube passed through the urethra and into the bladder to drain urine. It is the most common type of indwelling urinary catheter.

The tube of a Foley catheter has two separated channels, or lumens, running down its length. One lumen is open at both ends, and drains urine into a collection bag. The other lumen has a valve on the outside end and connects to a balloon at the tip. The balloon is inflated with sterile water when it lies inside the bladder to stop it from slipping out. Foley catheters are commonly made from silicone rubber or natural rubber….

Foley catheters are used during the following situations:

  • On patients who are anesthesized or sedated for surgery or other medical care
  • On comatose patients
  • On some incontinent patients
  • On patients whose prostate is enlarged to the point that urine flow from the bladder is cut off. The catheter is kept in until the problem is resolved.
  • On patients with acute urinary retention.
  • On patients who are unable due to paralysis or physical injury to use either standard toilet facilities or urinals.
  • Following urethral surgeries
  • Following ureterectomy
  • On patients with kidney disease whose urine output must be constantly and accurately measured
  • Before and after cesarean sections
  • Before and after hysterectomies
  • On patients who had genital injury
  • On anorexic patients who are unable use standard toilets due to physical weakness and whose urine output must be constantly measured
  • On patients with fibromyalgia who cannot control their bladder

A Foley catheter would explain why Hillary was late getting back to theDemocratic presidential debate on December 19, 2015, in Manchester, NH. After the ABC telecast returned from a commercial break, only two of the three participants were onstage — Bernie Sanders and Martin O’Malley. Missing was Hillary Clinton, who strolled in moments after the action resumed, repositioned her microphone and said “Sorry,” but did not explain her absence.

Hillary Clinton returns to NH debate after unexplained absence According to The Boston Globe, Hillary had gone to the ladies’ room during the commercial break. She even had a campaign employee on bathroom duty to make sure she could quickly get in and out of the restroom to return to the stage. But when the staffer let in O’Malley spokeswoman Lis Smith, instead of sharing the restroom with Smith, Hillary waited outside, which led to the delay returning to the debate.

Breitbart asks “Why would Clinton not share a bathroom with Smith?”

The answer: Because Hillary didn’t want Smith to see she was wearing a Foley catheter.

See also:


New member
Oct 29, 2010
Hillary Clinton wears a catheter?

Posted on August 16, 2016 by Dr. Eowyn | 57 Comments

Remember these images of Hillary Clinton with those strange lumps on her back under her roomy, loose-fitting coat-jacket, which are suggestive of a defibrillator vest? (See “Strange bulges under Hillary’s coat suggest a defibrillator vest”)

Now a photo has cropped up, showing what appears to be a catheter beneath her pant leg.

The photo of Hillary at a campaign rally on August 10, 2016 in Des Moines, Iowa, was taken by Steve Pope of Getty Images. (Note: FOTM is publishing the Getty image under Section 107 of the US Copyright Law’s “fair use” of copyrighted material.)

Look at Hillary’s right thigh.

I cropped and enlarged her to get a better view of that right thigh. See that strange tube-shaped line running from her crotch, diagonally across her right thigh to above her right knee?

Sure looks like a Foley catheter:

From Wikipedia:

A Foley catheter (named for its designer, Frederic Foley) is a flexible tube passed through the urethra and into the bladder to drain urine. It is the most common type of indwelling urinary catheter.

The tube of a Foley catheter has two separated channels, or lumens, running down its length. One lumen is open at both ends, and drains urine into a collection bag. The other lumen has a valve on the outside end and connects to a balloon at the tip. The balloon is inflated with sterile water when it lies inside the bladder to stop it from slipping out. Foley catheters are commonly made from silicone rubber or natural rubber….

Foley catheters are used during the following situations:

  • On patients who are anesthesized or sedated for surgery or other medical care
  • On comatose patients
  • On some incontinent patients
  • On patients whose prostate is enlarged to the point that urine flow from the bladder is cut off. The catheter is kept in until the problem is resolved.
  • On patients with acute urinary retention.
  • On patients who are unable due to paralysis or physical injury to use either standard toilet facilities or urinals.
  • Following urethral surgeries
  • Following ureterectomy
  • On patients with kidney disease whose urine output must be constantly and accurately measured
  • Before and after cesarean sections
  • Before and after hysterectomies
  • On patients who had genital injury
  • On anorexic patients who are unable use standard toilets due to physical weakness and whose urine output must be constantly measured
  • On patients with fibromyalgia who cannot control their bladder

A Foley catheter would explain why Hillary was late getting back to theDemocratic presidential debate on December 19, 2015, in Manchester, NH. After the ABC telecast returned from a commercial break, only two of the three participants were onstage — Bernie Sanders and Martin O’Malley. Missing was Hillary Clinton, who strolled in moments after the action resumed, repositioned her microphone and said “Sorry,” but did not explain her absence.

Hillary Clinton returns to NH debate after unexplained absence According to The Boston Globe, Hillary had gone to the ladies’ room during the commercial break. She even had a campaign employee on bathroom duty to make sure she could quickly get in and out of the restroom to return to the stage. But when the staffer let in O’Malley spokeswoman Lis Smith, instead of sharing the restroom with Smith, Hillary waited outside, which led to the delay returning to the debate.

Breitbart asks “Why would Clinton not share a bathroom with Smith?”

The answer: Because Hillary didn’t want Smith to see she was wearing a Foley catheter.

See also:


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

How many diapers will the crooked granny be wearing during the debates? Will she even show up for the debates?


New member
Oct 29, 2010
Joe.....remember when you posted an article titled:

"does Obama have aids".....lmao. When will you ever learn? Conspiracy Joe in full desperation mode!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Ummm, the crooked cackling communist cu*t can't even make it up the stairs or get into a car without assistance.


"excellent health!!"



Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
US: Clinton Calendars Won’t Be Released Until after Election. Surprise!

WASHINGTON (AP) — Seven months after a federal judge ordered the State Department to begin releasing monthly batches of the detailed daily schedules showing meetings by Hillary Clinton during her time as secretary of state, the government told The Associated Press it won’t finish the job before Election Day.

The department has so far released about half of the schedules. Its lawyers said in a phone conference with the AP’s lawyers that the department now expects to release the last of the detailed schedules around Dec. 30, weeks before the next president is inaugurated.

The AP’s lawyers late Friday formally asked the State Department to hasten that effort so that the department could provide all Clinton’s minute-by-minute schedules by Oct. 15. The agency did not immediately respond.

Maybe Assange can help them out. )^&&

New member
Jan 9, 2009

New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Clinton Has Had More FBI Interrogations Than Press Conferences This Year[/h][h=2]Democrats would be up in arms if the circumstances pertained to anyone other than Hillary[/h][FONT=&quot]By Michael Sainato07/05/16 12:00pm



Hillary Clinton speaks in Los Angeles on June 28 in Hollywood, California. (Photo: Mike Windle/Getty Images for Beautycon)

There has arguably never been a presidential candidate in modern history with more aversion to the press than Hillary Clinton. So far this year, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee has coasted through the primaries without holding a single press conference—the last was on December 4, 2015. In fact, Hillary Clinton has had more interrogations with the FBI than press conferences in 2016—a historic achievement that Democrats would be up in arms if the circumstances pertained to anyone other than Clinton.
The First Amendment, protecting freedom of speech, is fundamental to democracy, yet Clinton has consistently, throughout her career, blocked press access. Emails obtained by the Associated Press reveal calculated efforts on behalf of Clinton’s staff to script remarks and plant softball questions at campaign events.
“While it’s not unusual for campaigns to plan detailed appearances,” the APreported, “the exchanges preview the kind of image-control apparatus that could be deployed in a Clinton White House, including attempts to steer conversations with her audiences.” The report illuminates what millions of voters already know about Hillary Clinton: her campaign manufactures deception, consistently pandering to whichever demographics she is soliciting, while shielding herself from unfavorable exposure.

Clinton’s career has long benefited from manipulating press relationships. In February 2016, Gawker reported findings from a Freedom of Information Act request in which Clinton’s spokesperson, Phillipe Reines, withheld a copy of a speech Clinton was giving. Reines agreed to release the speech to a writer for The Atlantic only under certain conditions—including a promise not to say he was blackmailed into making particular edits. The same emails obtained through the FOIA request show Politico’s Mike Allen agreeing to interview Chelsea Clinton under the conditions the coverage would remain positive.
It has been suggested that the only reason Clinton wouldn’t run for president in 2016 is her fear of and scorn for the media, stemming from the Clintons’ initial experiences in the White House. “Back in the mid-1990s, Bill Clinton relied on a series of Machiavellian spin doctors to keep the press at bay. With the Clinton White House, the modus operandi was to stonewall as long as possible, lie if necessary—or just out of habit—and turn questions around on the questioners,” wrote Jonathan Allen in 2015 for Vox.
Hillary Clinton has employed similar tactics in 2016, avoiding the press as much as possible. This was initially facilitated by Clinton’s 2008 campaign co-chair, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who, as current DNC chair, strategically scheduled debates to limit Clinton’s exposure. While mainstream media was entranced by Donald Trump and a crowded Republican Primary, Clinton’s presumed coronation in the Democratic primary was virtually unchallenged by mainstream media pundits. When Bernie Sanders’ campaign began noticeably picking up momentum, Clinton recoiled even further into secrecy.
On June 2, Politico reported, “a New York Magazine blog post with the headline ‘Stop bugging Hillary Clinton about giving a press conference’ was heavily edited and softened because the ‘headline and force of the opinion overstepped the mark,’ according to a spokesperson for the magazine.” The article was stripped of any criticism toward Clinton and instead defended her aversion to press conferences as a positive trait.

The most damaging tensions between the press and Clinton campaign have stemmed from the FBI and Department of Justice investigation into hercontroversial use of a private email server during her service as secretary of state. Although Clinton dismissed the issue in the primaries, in recent months the investigation has debunked her defense. The latest revelations leave Clinton and her staff with nowhere to run, beyond pleading the fifth in hopes they can downplay the inquiries long enough to secure a victory in the general election.

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