Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


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Jan 9, 2009
3 Big Reasons Hillary Clinton Should Never Be President


By Ted Rall
Wednesday Nov 13, 2013 · 10:58 AM CST

Share this artiZero Accomplishments. Bad for Women. And She's Dumb.
"Hillary Clinton remains the most formidable presidential nomination frontrunner for a non-incumbent in the modern era," Harry J. Enten writes in The Guardian. It's not just Brits. "Since leaving Foggy Bottom," Linda Killian waxed in The Atlantic, "she has positioned herself as an icon of women's empowerment. That makes another White House run even more important and likely."
Please stop the Hillary puffery. The last thing the country needs is a Hillary candidacy — much less another President Clinton.
PrezHill would be bad for America, awful for Democrats and downright deadly to progressives — especially feminists. (She may know that herself; it may explain her reluctance to prepare for a 2016 run.)
Here, in an easy clip-and-take-to-the-primaries nutshell, is the non-vast-rightie-conspiracy case against Hillary:
1. Zero record of accomplishment.
Since 2009 we've seen what happens when we elect a president with charisma but minus a resume: weakness, waffling, national decline. Obama's signature/single accomplishment, the Affordable Care Act, embodies design-by-committee conception and autopilot execution.
Hillary's admirers have conflated her impressive list of jobs with actually having gotten things done. When you scratch the surface, however, it's hard to avoid the conclusion that the woman has done little more than warm a series of comfy leather desk chairs. How has this career politician changed Americans' lives? Not in the least.
No doubt, Hillary knows her way around the corridors of power: First Lady, Senator from New York, presidential candidate, Secretary of State. Nice resume, but what did she do with all her jobs? Not much.
First Lady Ladybird Johnson led a highway beautification campaign that literally changed America's landscape for the better. Betty Ford courageously exposed herself as an alcoholic, serving as a role model by publicly seeking treatment. In terms of achievement, Hillary Clinton's political life peaked in 1993 with "HillaryCare," a botched attempt at healthcare reform that failed because no one, including liberals, agreed with the core mission of what liberal Democratic Senator Robert Byrd called "a very complex, very expensive, very little understood piece of legislation": federal subsidies for wildly profitable private insurance corporations (sound familiar?).
After sleazing her way into the Capitol as an out-of-state carpetbagger — New Yorkers still remember — Senator Clinton wiled away the early 2000s as a slacker Senator. This, remember, was while Bush was pushing through his radical right agenda: the Patriot Act, wars, coups, drones, torture, renditions and so on.
While Bush was running roughshod, Hillary was meek and acquiescent.
Clinton's legislative proposals were trivial and few. Her bargaining skills were so lousy that she couldn't find cosponsors for her tiny-bore bills — even fellow Democrats snubbed the former First Lady on stuff like increasing bennies for members of the Coast Guard. "Senator Clinton is right when she claims to be the experienced candidate," Adam Hamft wrote for HuffPo during the 2008 primaries, "although it's not the experience she would like us to believe. It's a track record of legislative failure and futility."
Hillary cheerleaders brag that she logged nearly a million miles of air travel as Secretary of State. "She reminded the world that Woody Allen was right even when it comes to diplomacy: 80 percent of success really is simply showing up," Megan Garbercheered in The Atlantic (what is it about that rag and Hillary?).
What success?
The best case I could find for Hillary as kickass StateSec comes courtesy of PolicyMic, which I hope is on her payroll given how much they suck up to her. An article titled "5 Top Highlights in Hillary Clinton's Secretary of State Tenure" cites "People-to-People Diplomacy" (all that travel), "The Importance of Economics" ("helping U.S. companies win business overseas"), "Restoring American Credibility" ("outreach to [the military junta in] Burma," "brokering a ceasefire between Hamas and Israel," and "coordination with Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi will likely give the U.S. greater leverage to pursue a robust peace process in 2013" — but "likely" didn't pan out…why doesn't Mo return my calls anymore?).
"Rock star diplomat," as The New York Times Magazine called her? Hardly.
As Stephen M. Walt notes in Foreign Policy, "she's hardly racked up any major achievements…She played little role in extricating us from Iraq, and it is hard to see her fingerprints on the U.S. approach to Afghanistan. She has done her best to smooth the troubled relationship with Pakistan, but anti-Americanism remains endemic in that country and it hardly looks like a success story at this point...She certainly helped get tougher sanctions on Iran, but the danger of war still looms and there's been no breakthrough there either…Needless to say, she has done nothing to advance the cause of Israeli-Palestinian peace or even to halt Israel's increasingly naked land grab there." (Talks with Iran began after Clinton quit.)
Yeah, she's been busy. But she has little to show for her time in office — she works dumb, not smart. At least with Obama, 2008 voters saw potential. Hillary has had 20 years to shine. If she hasn't gotten anything accomplished in all that time, with all that power, why should we think she'll make a great president?
2. She's a terrible role model for women.
A woman president is two centuries overdue. It's embarrassing that we're behind such forward-looking nations as Pakistan in this respect. But our first female leader should not be Hillary Clinton.
I'm not rehashing the oft-stated argument that she should have divorced Bill post-Monica: I'm 99% sure they have an open marriage and anyway, the monogamist demand that jilted spouses DTMFA because, just because, is stupid.
The real issue is that Hillary married her way into power. Sorry, Hillarites: there is nothing new here, no cracked glass ceilings. Owing everything you have to your husband is at least as old as Muriel Humphrey, who succeeded Senator Hubert after he died in 1978. In a nation with more than 150 million women, it ought to be possible to find a president who got there on her own merits.
Remember, it's not like Hillary did much with the remarkable opportunities she was given.
3. She's kind of dumb.
In 2003, Senator Clinton cast the most important vote of her life, in favor of invading Iraq. Not only was it morally unconscionable — Bush ginned up the war from thin air, Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 and there was neither evidence nor proof that Saddam had WMDs — her war authorization vote was politically idiotic.
Hillary lost the 2008 Democratic nomination to Obama (who, though voting six times for war funding, and not in the Senate in 2003, had criticized that "dumb war") due to that vote.
Though Clinton has never apologized for pandering to post-9/11 yellow-ribbons-all-over-the-car militarism (which is also stupid), her lame excuses in 2008 (she claimedshe "thought it was a vote to put inspectors back in" even though it was called the "Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002") indicate that she knew she'd blown it.
Also, the fact that she thought anyone would buy such ridiculous lies further indicates less than awesome intelligence.
Let's give Hillary the benefit of the doubt: we'll assume she wasn't so breathtakingly stupid as to think invading Iraq was moral or legal. Even so, her pandering betrays poor political calculus.
It should have been obvious — it was to me — that the U.S. would lose in Iraq. Given Clinton's options at the time (run for president a year later in 2004, reelection in 2006, or 2008), she was an idiot to think that her vote to authorize what would soon turn into an unpopular war wouldn't decimate her support among the Democratic party's liberal antiwar base.
Having a cynical political operator as president is bad. But I'll take a smart cynic over a dumb panderer.
(Ted Rall's website is Go there to join the Ted Rall Subscription Service and receive all of Ted's cartoons and columns by email.)

Note this was written in 2013


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Jan 9, 2009
Iowa Women Back Trump, Bash ‘Deceptive’ Hillary Clinton: ‘It’s All About Her’




by ALEX SWOYER27 Aug 2016Des Moines, iA76

DES MOINES, Iowa — Iowa Sen. Joni Ernst, the first woman combat veteran elected to the U.S. Senate, railed against Hillary Clinton during her second annual Roast and Ride on Saturday.

“She has failed us,” Ernst stated. “She has failed members of our military. She is not fit to be our Commander in Chief.”
“It’s all about her when it should be all about you,” Ernst declared to more than 1,800 Republican supporters.

Several Hawkeye state women who attended Ernst’s event told Breitbart News the reason they can’t support Clinton — the first female presidential candidate from a major party — is because they think she’s deceptive.
“She’s obviously in it for herself as her history proves,” Deb Banwart from Northwest Iowa explained.
Banwart said she wants people to vote by what the candidates have done — not what they say they’ll do. She stressed that she doesn’t want a career politician to be elected President of the United States.
Jodie McGuire from Bettendorf, Iowa supports Donald Trump over Clinton “because he is telling the truth.”
Like McGuire, Patty Thompson from Jefferson, Iowa told Breitbart News that she opposes Clinton because the former secretary of state doesn’t tell the truth, describing her as “very dishonest and deceptive.”
In a recent CBS News / YouGov poll, 69 percent of Iowa voters said they don’t believe Clinton tells the truth. However, Trump didn’t score much better, as 62 percent said they didn’t think he told the truth.
National polls have suggested Trump is facing an uphill battle to win over female voters ahead of the general election.
The Washington Post recently reported that over the past year, 65 percent of females who were questioned in Washington Post-ABC polls said they hold an “unfavorable” view of the New Yorker. In mid-July, that number stood at 69 percent.
“No candidate has won the presidency — or even come close — with so little support from women since before 1980,” the Post noted.
However, Kellyanne Conway, Trump’s new campaign manager, is hoping to change women’s minds about the Republican nominee, pointing out that “a critical mass of women have not said they’d vote for Hillary Clinton.”
Cindy Hoffman, who also attended the Roast and Ride at the Iowa State Fairgrounds, said the wall is a big reason she supports Trump. “He’s going to fix everything.”
Hoffman added she doesn’t like Clinton because she’s a “career politician” and “working for herself and her friends.”
“She should go to prison,” Hoffman stated. “She’s a liar.”
Athena Cole, a Republican activist and volunteer in Iowa, likes that Trump doesn’t pander to certain demographics.
“I think he will bring back an efficiency in the government,” Cole explained. “He doesn’t pander and I appreciate that about him” unlike Clinton, she added.
Oct 30, 2006
She faithfully obeys his every command...

......... when Soros speaks, Clinton listens. A separate email released by WikiLeaks shows Soros giving what read like step-by-step instructions to then-Secretary of State Clinton on how to deal with unrest in Albania in early 2011, including a list of people who should be considered as candidates to become an official mediator sent to that country. Days later, the EU dispatched one of the people on Soros' list.
PEOPLE....We are now in the critical home stretch of this election campaign and the outcome could be the most devestating thing to ever happen to our great and beloved nation. A Hillary win and 4 or 8 more years of control by Soros and other very DARK FORCES will change the fabric of our country in horrible ways that we may never recover from.
I sincerly believe that Donald Trump can win and maybe win BIG....but he needs our help.
The powers behind the Hillary Machine are experts in PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE and they are using it with great sucess thus far. They have managed to in large part turn all the worst Hillary negatives onto Trump and make them stick. Nothing could be further from the truth.
They have been able to BRAINWASH all of their followers into becoming deaf, dumb and blind sheep who simply refuse to acknowledge all the horrible Hillary shortcomings and outright crimes.
We must focus on her greatest vulnerabilities such as THE EMAILS....THE CLINTON FOUNDATION....BENGHAZI. ...her round the click Muslim Brotherhood supporting handler HUMA ABEDIN...her PATHOLOGICAL LYING...and INTENSE CORRUPTION...and most importantly that she is TOTALLY OWNED BY EVIL DARK FORCES..most notably GEORGE SOROS.
We must try very hard to tear the blinders off of the Hillary supporters by POUNDING these points into their brainwashed skulls every day....over and over and over again.
TRUMP may be far from perfect but he is our best and only hope for the future of our beloved country.

The Bizarre Media Blackout Of Hacked George Soros DocumentsScandal: Leaked documents released a few days ago provide juicy insider details of how a fabulously rich businessman has been using his money to influence elections in Europe, underwrite an extremist group, target U.S. citizens who disagreed with him, dictate foreign policy, and try to sway a Suprem

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Jan 9, 2009

By Sean Braswell

  • [*=center]


Because if Hillary had not failed the biggest test of her life after law school, she might not have been a Clinton.

The first time Bill Clinton proposed to Hillary Rodham was at twilight in England’s romantic Lake District in the spring of 1973. She declined.
The couple had recently graduated from Yale Law School and were at a crossroads in their two-year relationship. While the spurned Bill returned home to teach at the University of Arkansas and prepare to run for office, Hillary moved to Cambridge, Massachusetts, and rented a room near Harvardto study for the bar exam and begin work for Marian Wright Edelman at the Children’s Defense Fund.
Hillary loved Bill but could not imagine herself making a life in his home state of Arkansas. Though she had grander ambitions, she still felt pulled in two directions. And then she got a nudge in what proved to be the right direction from an unexpected source: the biggest failure of her young life — one that she kept secret from friends and the public for 30 years, and that would have historic implications as well.
The sky was the limit, or perhaps Arkansas was.
Like her Rhodes scholar boyfriend, Hillary had been a politically minded overachiever for years. The Illinois native and former Goldwater girl had become a Democrat at Wellesley College during the late 1960s and enjoyed her first taste of national fame when she delivered the commencement address at the school’s graduation — one of several student addresses featured in the June 1969 issue of Life magazine. After Yale, the sky was the limit, or perhaps Arkansas was.
As legendary Washington Post reporter Carl Bernstein chronicles in A Woman in Charge, there were plenty of reasons for Hillary to avoid Arkansas. For one, moving there would mean she’d likely have to take a teaching job like Bill or work at a local law firm — not exactly her life’s ambition. Her friends thought she was crazy to even consider it, and Bill’s mother, Virginia, who had met Hillary in New Haven, was not a big fan of hers. Bill had always dated flashier women, including a former Miss Arkansas, and Virginia was not convinced that Ms. Rodham was good enough for her son.

Hillary Rodham Clinton as a Wellesley College senior, May 31, 1969.

But after Hillary rejected his proposal in England, Bill was able to talk her into visiting Arkansas that summer … and into taking the Arkansas bar exam. Still, when Bill and Hillary parted after her brief stay in Arkansas, Bernstein writes, “their situation seemed totally unsettled.”
After sitting for the Arkansas bar exam, Hillary, along with 816 other aspiring lawyers, took the District of Columbia’s bar exam in July 1973. Passing that test was the No. 1 prerequisite to securing a decent legal job in the nation’s capital. Hillary then started her job at the Children’s Defense Fund, which she loved. Living alone in Cambridge, and without Bill, was hard, though. Hillary spent most of her salary, she later admitted, on telephone calls. “Despite the satisfaction of my work,” Clinton reflects in her autobiography, Living History, “I was lonely and missed Bill more than I could stand.”
Then, in early November, Hillary received shocking news: She had failed the D.C. bar exam. A full two-thirds of the test’s takers had passed, many of them with a far less impressive educational pedigree than hers. “For the first time in her life, she had flamed out,” writes Bernstein, “spectacularly, given the expectations of others for her.”

The future Mrs. Clinton was hardly the first person, or future leader, to fail a major examination. A Harvard Law School grad, and future first lady, named Michelle Robinson, failed her first attempt to pass the Illinois bar exam. Two future California governors, Pete Wilson and Jerry Brown, fared no better with the California bar. Winston Churchill famously failed the entrance examination to Britain’s elite Sandhurst military academy … twice.
“[M]y heart was pulling me toward Arkansas,” Clinton reflects in Living History. “When I learned that I passed in Arkansas but failed in D.C., I thought maybe my test scores were telling me something.” Northeastern University professor Daniel Urman doubts that the failure was a “deal breaker” for her move to Arkansas and that Clinton’s reading it as a sign probably stems in part from a “motivated retelling of history.” Still, it’s hard not to conjecture what turn her life — and history — might have taken had she passed the D.C. exam.
A few weeks after the bad news, Bill came to visit Hillary in Boston and the two spent time exploring the city and planning their future. He had rented a small house on 80 secluded acres outside of Fayetteville and was eager for her to join him. Which she did, taking up her own post at the University of Arkansas in 1974 after several months in D.C. working on the Senate’s impeachment inquiry staff tied to the ongoing Watergate scandal. In 1975, she finally said yes to a subsequent proposal from Bill, and the two were married in Fayetteville. Hillary would keep her exam failure hidden, however, even from close friends, for the next three decades until she mentioned it, almost in passing, in Living History. The bottom line, as she would write: “I knew I was always happier with Bill than without him.”


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Jan 9, 2009
State finds 30 deleted Clinton emails on Benghazi

8/30/16 12:58 PM

State Department attorneys said Tuesday the agency had discovered 30 Benghazi-related emails among the records recovered from Hillary Clinton's private server.
A judge asked the agency to hasten its review of the documents in preparation for release to Judicial Watch, the conservative-leaning group that filed the Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.
The emails were included among the roughly 15,000 emails FBI agents said they pulled from Clinton's server in the course of a year-long probe.
Others were deleted beyond recovery after the Democratic nominee's team used a digital tool called BleachBit to scrub the hardware that was eventually confiscated by law enforcement agents.
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Agency lawyers said during the hearing Tuesday before Judge Amit Mehta of U.S. District Court that they had not yet determined how many of the Benghazi-related emails had already been disclosed in the batch of 55,000 pages of emails Clinton turned over in late 2014.
Judicial Watch attorneys had asked the State Department to examine the deleted records in order to determine whether any fell under to its FOIA request for emails that mentioned Benghazi.
The discovery of 30 such emails is significant because Clinton has repeatedly assured the public, Congress and FBI agents that she turned over all work-related communications in late 2014.

Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, noted on Tuesday that the State Department had asked for 30 days to review the new records before releasing them to the group.

The lawsuit is one of several filed by Judicial Watch in pursuit of records related to Clinton's tenure.
In a separate case, the group sent Clinton 25 written questions about her decision to set up a private email network. Her responses, which she must submit within 30 days, will be considered sworn testimony by the court.
It is unclear how many emails were deleted beyond recovery by Clinton's team when they applied BleachBit to her server system. She claimed during a press conference in March 2015 that she "chose not to keep" roughly 30,000 emails she had deemed personal in nature.
But FBI Director James Comey said last month that his agents had pulled thousands of work-related records from the server, raising questions about how she determined which records to disclose and which to delete.

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