Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


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Nov 10, 2010
[h=1]Let them eat chocolate! Clinton dodges questions from 'cooperative' reporters by offering them free sweets (and it's been 264 days since her last real press conference)[/h]
  • Reporters tried to ask Hillary Clinton questions during a campaign stop after Thursday's blistering anti-Trump speech in Nevada
  • She refused to engage them, saying instead that employees of the coffee shop she was visiting should give the journalists samples of chocolate
  • Clinton hasn't held a formal press conference since last December
  • One reporter who piped up that it seemed like a good time for a Q-and-A was met with laughter

Oct 30, 2006

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Jan 9, 2009
Hillary Defines The Enemy: You! Clinton Calls 31M Breitbart Readers ‘Racists,’ White Supremacists, Ku Klux Klan Members…

Yes there are between 5,000 and 8,000 KKK members TOTAL - about as small as it gets and zero influence on ;politics

New member
Jan 9, 2009
ASSANGE: ‘Most interesting and serious’ Hillary info yet to come

AUGUST 26, 2016

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange appeared on “Fox & Friends” on Friday morning and whet appetites with the revelation that the “most interesting and serious” information on Hillary Clinton is yet to come.

“What is the most shocking thing that you have found out about Hillary Clinton,” co-host Ainsley Earhardt asked Assange.
“Well, I think the most interesting and serious,” he said, pausing to choose his words carefully, “relate to upcoming publications we have.
“A variety of different types,” he continued. “But a lot of information that we have already published, I mean it may not be that apparent to most people who are sort of not specializing in your politics and national security,” he said.
He called it a “major failure” by Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders not to seize on Clinton’s claim that she’s qualified to run for president because of her judgement and experience in the State Department.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Pastor Mark Burns, who is black, from the Trump camp condemned the tactic:
Hillary Clinton and her campaign went to a disgusting new low today as they released a video tying the Trump Campaign with horrific racial images. This type of rhetoric and repulsive advertising is revolting and completely beyond the pale. I call on Hillary Clinton to disavow this video and her campaign for this sickening act that has no place in our world.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]EXCLUSIVE: Bill Clinton bombed Saddam to distract from the Monica Lewinsky scandal - what Huma Abedin's Muslim journal claimed about her boss's husband[/h]
  • Huma Abedin, Clinton's right-hand woman, was for 12 years the assistant editor of the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs
  • In 2002 the supposedly academic journal published claims by a Canadian law student about the 1998 bombing Bill Clinton ordered in Iraq
  • Sina Ali Musati claimed he did it as a distraction from the Monica Lewinsky scandal - which was then at its height
  • Clinton campaign claims Abedin was not involved in actually editing the magazine saying she was 'just on the masthead'
  • But did not explain how that squared with her being on the editorial board
  • Her mother is editor-in-chief and suggested U.S. was responsible for 9/11 while another article said Jews were 'adept' at influencing politics
PUBLISHED: 08:54 EST, 26 August 2016 | UPDATED: 09:16 EST, 26 August 2016

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An article in the Muslim journal where Huma Abedin was assistant editor claimed Bill Clinton bombed Saddam Hussein to deflect from his Monica Lewinsky affair.
The claim made made in an article published in the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, where Abedin was a member of the editorial board - the group of people who decide what is published in the academic journal.
It is the latest bombshell to emerge from the archives of the journal, whose editor-in-chief is Abedin's mother, Saleha Mahmood Abedin, an academic in Saudi Arabia.
Abedin, who is not an academic, has been Hillary Clinton's closest aide since spending time as an intern at the White House, at exactly the time the Monica Lewinsky scandal was unfolding.

Affair: Bill Clinton's 'not appropriate' relationship with Monica Lewinsky led to his impeachment - and as the House moved towards the articles, he ordered airstrikes on Iraq


Strike: An Arleigh Burke-class destroyer launches a Tomahawk cruise missile as part of Operation Desert Fox - which Abedin's journal says was ordered to distract from Bill Clinton's scandals


Address: Bill Clinton used an Oval Office address to tell the nation of the airstrikes on the Saddam regime, to degrade his alleged ability to produce weapons of mass destruction

But the version of events published in her journal is one which is unlikely to be embraced by the presidential candidate, and especially not by Bill Clinton.
It is outlined in a provocative article published in 2002, and headlined: 'Arab/Muslim 'Otherness': The Role of Racial Constructions in the Gulf War and the Continuing Crisis with Iraq.'
The article was written by Sina Ali Muscati who was the time described as a 'second year law student' at the University of Ottawa. His academic credentials were not declared.

Key role: Huma Abedin, like her sister and brother, was a member of the editorial board of the journal and therefore responsible for selection what was published

Muscati wrote about the 1991 conflict and its aftermath, which saw Saddam Hussein remain in power throughout the 1990s, despite being bombed twice - in 1996 and in December 1998.
'The crisis with Iraq has also probably benefited Clinton, serving as a good deterrent of attention from personal crises, such as his campaign funding scandals, legislative failures, or the Monica Lewinsky affair,' he said.
'By occasionally bombing Iraq in the name of humanity, at least, he has been able to look strong and presidential.'
Clinton's bombing of Iraq in December 1998 was widely mocked as 'Monica's war'.
He ordered four days of strikes by bombers and cruise missiles at the height of his impeachment trial, brought in the wake of his admission that he had had a 'not appropriate' relationship with Monica Lewinsky.
The strikes - known as Operation Desert Fox- were ordered the day after the House of Representatives issued a report accusing the president of 'high crimes and misdemeanors' and ended on the day the articles of impeachment were passed.
Previous strikes in 1996, Operation Desert Strike, were ordered during a campaign finance scandal.
Among the other allegations leveled in the article are claims that the Gulf War of 1991 was driven by a desire for profits and political gain, with the U.S. government and media glossing over the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis who were 'demonized' and 'characterized as subhuman'.
The article claimed that President George HW Bush, who ordered the invasion by a U.S.-led coalition force, saw his support rating jump nearly 90 per cent following the war. In fact he was voted out of office after his first term.

Dictator: Iraq's dictator Saddam Hussein was the target of the 1998 Operation Desert Fox. The journal's article also claims that the U.S. should not have backed Kuwait when he invaded it in 1990


Same roles: Both Huma and her sister Heba Abedin were assistant editors at the journal, while their brother Hassan was associate editor.


At her side: Huma Abedin with Hillary Clinton. The journal, where hse was on the editorial board before she was appointed as Clinton's top aide, has opposed women's rights and blamed the US for 9/11

The 2002 article claimed that hundreds of thousands of Iraqis died 'directly from the war, from subsequent civil strife, or from the American and British enforced UN sanctions'.
It goes on: 'Following the Gulf War, Iraqi rebellions publicly urged by the then President [HW] George Bush, but which received no American support, led to tens of thousands more Iraqis killed or made homeless by their army, almost under the noses of retreating American troops.
'Subsequent sanctions have led to even more Iraqi deaths, including over 600,000 Iraqi children alone.'
The journal article said that Iraqis were viewed with a 'racist outlook' and described in the media, by the U.S. government and military in terms including 'cockroaches' and 'barbaric', pitting Muslims and Arabs as evil against a humanitarian Western force.
The article also questioned the motives behind the 1991 Gulf War – suggesting that the real reason was to protect American access to Middle Eastern oil and not for the liberation of Kuwait, as the U.S. government had claimed.


'Indeed, it seems that had Iraq not been an Arab and Muslim country occupying huge oil reserves, the Gulf War would have been unacceptable,' it reads.
In the article's view, 'Saddam Hussein seems to have paid a great service to the West.'
'Gulf oil reserves were brought under greater Western control, the glory of American military might was assured, lucrative arms sales increased, and Western leaders were popularized.
'Moreover, the costs fell mainly on the Iraqi people, who were largely the ones to pay the price of blood.'
The article openly accused the U.S. of double standards in claiming that Saddam Hussein was a 'brutal aggressor' for invading its neighbors – while the U.S. had been condemned by the United Nations for its own invasions of Grenada and Panama in the 1980s.
'In fact the Panama invasion claimed between 1000 and 4000 lives, making it even bloodier than Iraq's invasion of Kuwait,' according to the article.
The article also appeared to defend Saddam's decision to invade: 'Kuwait's economic policies were far more damaging to Iraq than Panama's were to the US.'
It also questioned why the U.S. ignored what it claimed was the historical conflict between Iraq and Kuwait to serve its own ends – and why America would take the side of Kuwait in the first place.

Hillary pictured with Saleha Mahmood Abedin, mother of Huma, at a women's college in Jeddah in 2010. She remains editor-in-chief of the journal

'Another purported objective of the war, preserving peace and liberty in Kuwait, makes little sense. Kuwait is a dictatorship with a poor human rights record. It abolished its parliament shortly before the Iraqi invasion to become an absolute monarchy, leaving little freedom to defend there.'
The article also alleged further hypocrisy on the part of the U.S. and Israel who had focused on Arab/Muslim conflict when they 'have done nothing' to restore the Palestinian rights demanded by the UN Security Council.
It also criticized U.S. journalists who 'frequently refer to occupied Palestinian land as 'disputed' territory, as US diplomats do'.
The article suggests that the American people were hoodwinked into supporting war with Iraq due to the media and were 'convinced that Saddam Hussein posed a serious threat'.
At the time of publication, Abedin was an aide to Clinton, who was then the junior senator for New York.
That same year Clinton voted in favor of giving her husband's successor, George W Bush, authority to declare war on Hussein. Clinton has also been consistently pro-Israel.

Family: Huma Abedin is married to disgraced sex pest congressman and failed would-be New York mayor Anthony Weiner

The journal is heavily associated with the Abedin family.
The editorial board - the group who decided on the contents - included Huma's mother as editor-in-chief, her brother Hassan as associate editor and her sister Heba as another assistant editor.
The Clinton campaign did not respond to a request for comment on Abedin's role at the journal or whether she was paid for her position.
Huma Abedin was listed on the journal's masthead for more than a decade after she joined Clinton's team in 1996, rising from White House intern to one of the presidential nominee's closest confidantes.
She is a likely pick for chief of staff in a Clinton administration.
Abedin, who is married to disgraced congressman Anthony Weiner, who is Jewish, has denied having a working role on the Journal of Minority Muslim Affairs.
Her name first appeared on the magazine in 1996 and was dropped in 2008 around the time she went to work for Clinton at the State Department.
'My understanding is that her name was simply listed on the masthead in that period. She did not play a role in editing at the publication,' a Clinton spokesman told the New York Post earlier this week.
That claim appears contradicted by her presence on the editorial board. Abedin herself rarely makes public statements, although she used an interview with Vogue - whose editor Anna Wintour is a vocal Clinton supporter - to speak of her Muslim faith and fluency in Arabic.
The Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs' contents often appear to be at odds Clinton's avowed positions on feminism, homophobia and Middle Eastern policy.

An earlier article published in the academic Islamic journal also alleged that there were deep ties between the upper echelons of U.S. politics and pro-Israeli, Jewish-Americans, suggesting that Jewish people have been able to 'work the system' and are 'greatly aided by the American memory of the Holocaust' and Israel serving as America's ally in the Middle East.
And in the wake of 9/11, Abedin's mother, who has been accused of espousing the views of the Muslim Brotherhood through the publication, wrote an editorial suggesting that the U.S. bore responsibility for al-Qaeda's attack.

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Jan 9, 2009

Hillary has shown her support for the Israelis on countless occasions, so being seen photographed (smiling) with the man viewed as the father of Palestinian revolution is not in her best interest.

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Officially In The Republican Crosshairs[/h]
This picture will haunt Hillary forever with Republican voters. Not that they would EVER vote for her anyway, but it sure gives them the ammunition they need for their hate-filled agenda.

Jul 4, 2012
Judge orders search of new Clinton emails for release by September 13

A U.S. judge ordered the State Department on Thursday to release by Sept. 13 any emails it finds between Hillary Clinton and the White House from the week of the 2012 attack in Benghazi, Libya, among the thousands of additional emails uncovered by federal investigators.

The order came after the Federal Bureau of Investigation gave the department a disc earlier this month containing 14,900 emails to and from Clinton and other documents it said it had recovered that she did not return to the government.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Hillary will never talk about cutting taxes and red tape and helping small businesses. Let me take you back to 1993, when Hillary was secretly crafting the government takeover of the U.S. health-care system. When it was pointed out to her the devastating consequences some of her plans would have for small businesses, she famously screeched: “I can’t be responsible for every under-capitalized entrepreneur in America.”

Those 10 words say more about her utter contempt for the free market than any 10 words she has ever spoken. Spoken spontaneously, without scripting, they revealed the true Hillary.

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Nov 10, 2010
“Last Year When Clinton Was Asked About Wiping Her Email Server, She Joked, ‘Like With A Cloth Or Something?’ It Turns Out Now That BleachBit Was That Cloth.”- BleachBit

BleachBit Stifles Investigation Of Hillary Clinton
Press Release
August 26, 2016
Click To Read
The IT team for presidential candidate Hillary Clinton used the open source cleaning software BleachBit to wipe systems "so even God couldn’t read them," according to South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy on Fox News.
Perhaps Clinton's team used an open source application because, unlike proprietary applications, it can be audited, like for backdoors. In response to the Edward Snowden leaks in 2013, privacy expert Bruce Schneier advised, "Closed-source software is easier for the NSA to backdoor than open-source software," in an article in which he stated he also uses BleachBit. Ironically, Schneier was writing to a non-governmental audience.
@ThreatcoreNews compared the situation to the 18 minutes of audio erased from tapes from President Richard Nixon's Oval Office.
Last year when Clinton was asked about wiping her email server, she joked, "Like with a cloth or something?" It turns out now that BleachBit was that cloth.
Click Here To Read The Full Release


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Nov 10, 2010
If Hillary Clinton Really Wanted The “Public To See (Her) Email,” Why Did She Use A Special Tool Designed To Make Email Recovery Impossible?

SHOT – In March 2015 Clinton Said She Wanted “The Public To See My Email”:
In March 2015 Clinton Took To Twitter To Announce She Wanted “The Public To See My Email” And Called On “State To Release Them.” “She took to Twitter late Wednesday to personally weigh in for the first time on the email controversy that has enveloped her in the past few days. ‘I want the public to see my email. I asked State to release them. They said they will review them for release as soon as possible,’ she wrote.” (Alex Seitz-Wald, “Hillary Clinton: ‘I Want The Public To See My Email’,” MSNBC, 3/4/15)
CHASER – Yesterday It Was Announced That Clinton Used A Special Email Tool To Prevent The Recovery Of Her Emails:
Yesterday Rep. Gowdy Announced Clinton Used BleachBit To Delete Her Emails, A “Special Tool” Designed To “Prevent Recovery” Of Her Deleted Files. “Hillary Clinton’s lawyers used a special tool to delete emails from her personal server so that ‘even God can’t read them,’ House Select Committee on Benghazi Chairman Trey Gowdy said on Thursday. Gowdy (R-S.C.) said the use of BleachBit, computer software whose website advertises that it can ‘prevent recovery’ of files, is further proof that Clinton had something to hide in deleting personal emails from the private email system she used during her tenure as secretary of state.” (Louis Nelson, “Gowdy: Clinton Used Special Tool To Wipe Email Server,” Politico, 8/25/16)
Rep. Gowdy: “You Don’t Use BleachBit For Yoga Emails Or Bridemaids Emails. When You’re Using BleachBit, It Is Something You Really Do Not Want The World To See.”(Louis Nelson, “Gowdy: Clinton Used Special Tool To Wipe Email Server,” Politico, 8/25/16)

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Nov 10, 2010
A New Study Shows Clinton’s Tax Policies Will Lead To A Net Loss Of 211,000 Jobs And Reduce Real GDP By 0.9 Percent
The Economic Effects Of The Clinton Tax Proposal
The Beacon Hill Institute And NCPA
August 22, 2016
Click Here To Read
“As currently presented, the Clinton tax proposals would increase taxes on high-income earners, reduce the exceptions to the corporate income tax, and increase estate taxes, in an effort to raise more revenue and bring greater equity to the current U.S. tax system. According to our NCPA-DCGE model, the plan would generate $615 billion in revenue over 10 years, with most of that increase coming from the federal personal income tax. The cost to the economy would be a net loss of 211,000 jobs by 2026, and a reduction in real GDP of 0.9 percent.”
Click Here To Read The Full Study

FLASHBACK – The Non-Partisan Tax Foundation Says Clinton’s Plan Will Cost Jobs And Shrink The GDP:
According To Analysis By The Tax Foundation, Clinton’s Tax Proposals Would “Reduce The Economy’s Size By 1 Percent.” “According to the Tax Foundation’s Taxes and Growth Model, Hillary Clinton’s tax plan would reduce the economy’s size by 1 percent in the long run.” (Kyle Pomerleau and Michael Schuyler, “Details And Analysis Of Hillary Clinton’s Tax Proposals,” Tax Foundation, 1/26/16)
According To Analysis By The Tax Foundation, Clinton’s Tax Proposals Would Result In “311,000 Fewer Full-Time Equivalent Jobs.” “The plan would lead to 0.8 percent lower wages, a 2.8 percent smaller capital stock, and 311,000 fewer full-time equivalent jobs. The smaller economy results from somewhat higher marginal tax rates on capital and labor income.” (Kyle Pomerleau and Michael Schuyler, “Details And Analysis Of Hillary Clinton’s Tax Proposals,” Tax Foundation, 1/26/16)
According To Analysis By The Tax Foundation, Clinton’s Tax Proposals Would “Lead To 0.8 Percent Lower Wages. “The plan would lead to 0.8 percent lower wages, a 2.8 percent smaller capital stock, and 311,000 fewer full-time equivalent jobs. The smaller economy results from somewhat higher marginal tax rates on capital and labor income.” (Kyle Pomerleau and Michael Schuyler, “Details And Analysis Of Hillary Clinton’s Tax Proposals,” Tax Foundation, 1/26/16)
When Accounting For The Economic Impact Of Clinton’s Plan, Clinton’s Tax Proposals Would Reduce American’s After-Tax Incomes By An Average Of 1.3 Percent. “On a dynamic basis, the plan would reduce after-tax incomes by an average of 1.3 percent. All deciles would see a reduction in after-tax income of at least 0.9 percent over the long-term. Taxpayers that fall in the bottom nine deciles would see their after-tax incomes decline by between 0.9 and 1 percent.(Kyle Pomerleau and Michael Schuyler, “Details And Analysis Of Hillary Clinton’s Tax Proposals,” Tax Foundation, 1/26/16)
American’s That Are In The Bottom 90% Of Taxpayers Would See A Reduction In After-Tax Income Of At Least 0.9 Percent Over The Long-Term. “On a dynamic basis, the plan would reduce after-tax incomes by an average of 1.3 percent. All deciles would see a reduction in after-tax income of at least 0.9 percent over the long-term. Taxpayers that fall in the bottom nine deciles would see their after-tax incomes decline by between 0.9 and 1 percent.(Kyle Pomerleau and Michael Schuyler, “Details And Analysis Of Hillary Clinton’s Tax Proposals,” Tax Foundation, 1/26/16)

New member
Nov 10, 2010
Will Secretary Clinton Release A Full Accounting Of All Donations To The Clinton Foundation (And Affiliated Groups) Prior To The Election?

QUESTION OF THE DAY: “Secretary Clinton, when you were being confirmed as Secretary of State, you promised to fully disclose all donations to the Foundation and its related charities. You have still yet to release a full accounting of the charitable contributions for the Clinton Health Access Initiative, an adjunct of the Clinton Foundation, so that the American public can determine for themselves any conflicts of interest. Will you promise to release a full accounting of these contributions before the election?” – Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani

Clinton Violated Her State Department Memorandum Of Understanding To Report All Donors To The Clinton Foundation:

In December 2008 The Clinton Foundation Signed A Memorandum Of Understanding Promising “To Report Its Donors.” “To allay those concerns, the foundation signed a memorandum of understanding with Obama’s presidential transition team in December 2008. Under the terms of that agreement, the foundation promised to report its donors in order to avoid the appearance of conflict of interest.” (Jon Greenberg, PolitiFact, 7/7/16)

Reuters Headline: “Exclusive: Despite Hillary Clinton Promise, Charity Did Not Disclose Donors” (Jonathan Allen, “Exclusive: Despite Hillary Clinton Promise, Charity Did Not Disclose Donors,” Reuters, 3/19/15)

In 2010, The Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) Became A Separate Legal Entity From The Foundation But Was Still Subject To The Disclosure Agreement. “CHAI was spun off as a separate legal entity that year, but the officials acknowledged it still remains subject to the same disclosure agreement as the foundation.” (Jonathan Allen, “Exclusive: Despite Hillary Clinton Promise, Charity Did Not Disclose Donors,” Reuters, 3/19/15)

Reuters Found That The Foundation’s “Flagship Health Program” Stopped Making Annual Donor Disclosures In 2010. “But in a breach of the pledge, the charity’s flagship health program, which spends more than all of the other foundation initiatives put together, stopped making the annual disclosure in 2010, Reuters has found.” (Jonathan Allen, “Exclusive: Despite Hillary Clinton Promise, Charity Did Not Disclose Donors,” Reuters, 3/19/15)

NOTE: It Has Been 265 Days Since Clinton Has Held A Press Conference. (The Washington Post, Accessed 8/26/16)

New member
Nov 10, 2010
[h=2]EXCLUSIVE: Bill Clinton bombed Saddam to distract from the Monica Lewinsky scandal - what Huma Abedin's Muslim journal claimed about her boss's husband[/h]
Huma Abedin, vice-chair of the Clinton campaign, was on the editorial board of the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs when it published the claim about Bill Clinton using 1998 airstrikes as a distraction. Huma and her sister Heba Abedin (bottom right) were assistant editors of the journal, and named as members of the editorial board, which is responsible for selecting what is published. The article about Iraq suggested that Operation Desert Fox, in December 1998, targeted the regime of Saddam Hussein (top right) because the scandal surrounding Bill Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinsky (left) was at its height.


Aug 6, 2006
Heba is hotter than Pippa!

Up Goes Little Scottie


DOWN Goes Little Scottie


Little Scottie DISAPPEARS

New member
Jan 9, 2009

I wonder why. LOL

All they want is for her to win the election and even if she gets impeached the Dem's will still have control of the Federal Gov. What is shows is how corrupt the Dem's are in running DC now and that it will continue. The request was made last January.

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