Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Bill Clinton Received Millions From Sharia Law Teaching Firm[/h]SHARE

Bill Clinton / AP

BY: Jack Heretik
August 5, 2016 4:25 pm

Former President Bill Clinton received $5.6 million in fees from a Dubai-based firm that teaches Sharia law through a network of more than 100 schools worldwide.
Clinton served as the honorary chairman of the company GEMS Education from 2011 to 2014, the Daily Caller reported this week, citing Clinton’s federal tax returns.
GEMS Education teaches Sharia law in over 100 schools around the world, including in the Middle East, Asia, and Africa. One of the company’s schools, located in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, taught 1,600 students in 2013. Saudi Arabia is known for enforcing Wahhabism, a fundamentalist view of Islam that strictly adheres to Sharia law.
Sharia law is an Islamic legal system that many in the West believe violates human rights and represses women and various minority groups.
Clinton’s biggest single paycheck from GEMS Education was a $2.1 million sum from 2014.
The Clinton Foundation also received millions of dollars from the company, accumulating between $1 million and $5 million total. The parent company of GEMS Education, the Varkey Foundation, contributed between $250,000 and $500,000. In 2013 and 2014, GEMS Education was an official sponsor of the Clinton Global Initiative, a part of the Clinton Foundation.
The Daily Caller detailed how GEMS Education follows Sharia finance laws.
The company has raised funds through bonds and has openly broadcast its commitment to Sharia finance. In 2013, the company issued a $200 million bond prospectus and assured potential investors it relied on “Fatwa and Sharia” advisers to assure it was “compliant” with Sharia finance.
[Counterterrorism analyst Stephen] Coughlin said Sharia law on finance also includes money for “zakat,” a religious tax. “And if you read the law of zakat, one-eighth of that money goes to fund Jihad,” he says. “There are eight categories of zakat you must pay every year. And one of them is Jihad.”
“Why would Bill Clinton be participating in programs that teach Sharia in foreign countries where that is the specific objective of the Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS and al Qaeda?” Coughlin asked theDaily Caller in an interview.


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Sheriff David Clarke: Hillary Clinton a ‘Morally Bankrupt,’ ‘Pathological Liar’ — ‘Her Ethical Elevator Has No Bottom Floor’[/h]


Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

by JOHN HAYWARD5 Aug 2016385

[h=2]On Friday’s Breitbart News Daily with SiriusXM host Stephen K. Bannon, Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke stood firmly by his social-media assertion that “Mrs. Bill Clinton is too morally bankrupt, and does not have the integrity, nor character, to be President of the United States.”[/h]“You know, I sat up there watching, and this is kind of one of the talking points, that Donald Trump is unfit to be President of the United States,” Clarke said. “Obama said the other day, or a week ago or so, that Mrs. Bill Clinton is ‘the most qualified person ever to run for President.’ I’ll give him this: he’d know about being unqualified, because he became President as one of the most unqualified people ever to run for that office.”
“But I will say this as well about Mrs. Bill Clinton: the woman has no soul. The woman would sell her firstborn to become President of the United States. And I think that’s pathetic,” he said. “I’m afraid of people who thirst for political power so bad that they would do anything for it.”

Video: Obama says Hillary more qualified than himself, Bill Clinton

“This woman’s a pathological liar, she’s a straight-up liar. She lied to the families who had loved ones killed in Benghazi,” he charged. “She stood over their caskets — I can’t think of a more morally bankrupt thing to do than something like that. She lied about the secret server. She lied to Congress about turning over these emails.”
“James Comey confirmed, the director of the FBI, confirmed that she lied about the secret server and the destruction of emails. And she stood up, and looked Chris Wallace of Fox News in the eye, and said, ‘James Comey said I told the truth.’ He did not say that, and as a matter of fact, he said she was not truthful, which is a nice way in Washington of saying that somebody lied,” Clarke said.
“This woman is, like I said, morally bankrupt,” he stressed. “Her ethical elevator has no bottom floor. This shows you how fast, and how far, we’ve fallen as a country, that someone with her lack of character and integrity is actually within reach of the White House. You have got to be kidding me.”
Sheriff David Clarke’s website is, and he is also an active presence on Twitter under the handle @SheriffClarke.

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Comic Book Writer Chuck Dixon: ‘Clinton Cash: A Graphic Novel’ Details Bill and Hillary’s ‘Shocking Repeated Pattern of Outrages’[/h]



by DAN RIEHL5 Aug 2016Washington, DC157

[h=2]On Friday’s Breitbart News Daily on SiriusXM, comic book writer Chuck Dixon discussed his new graphic novel based on the bestselling book Clinton Cash by Peter Schweizer and the documentary filmof the same name.[/h]Dixon told SiriusXM host Stephen K. Bannon Friday that Clinton Cash: A Graphic Novel“was a story that needed to be told, and I thought I could bring my talents to bear to reach a larger audience in new media.”
Dixon’s background includes significant work on Batman titles for DC Comics:

Video: Opinion Journal: Hillary’s Top-Secret Email Evasions

Chuck Dixon is a comic book writer best known for his long runs on several Batman titles in the 1990s for DC Comics. Throughout his prolific career, Dixon has written for “Evangeline” (Comico Comics), “The Savage Sword of Conan, The Punisher War Journal” (Marvel Comics), “Robin, Nightwing, Detective Comics” (DC Comics), and “Simpsons Comics” (Bongo Comics). Dixon worked closely with Robert Jordan on the graphic adaptation of “New Spring” and with Jordan s [sic] estate on The “Eye of the World” graphic novel.
Dixon described the behavior of Bill and Hillary Clinton detailed in the novel a “shocking repeated pattern of outrages.” He said, “There’s a pattern to their behavior that’s undeniable.”
He also cited the oft-reported “Haiti situation, where they took advantage of a horrible, horrible natural disaster in a country that was already a terrible place with poverty and crime, and they made money off it.” He asserted, “They made money for themselves. They made money for their friends — and without any regard to actually improving the situation there.”
While Dixon thinks the graphic novel format will have mass appeal, he also believes it may be especially appealing to a younger demographic.
Oct 30, 2006
Senator Tom Cotton was on “Face the Nation” today and said that the Iranian nuclear scientist who was recently executed by Iran as a spy was discussed by Hillary and her staff on her unsecured email system.
This man’s body was returned to his mother with rope burns on his neck.
Remember, as we remember the death of a man who was willing to put his life on the line for the U.S. and for world peace, Hillary Clinton, as Secretary of State, said she never sent or received ANY classified emails.

BREAKING - Hillary's Email Delivers it's First Dead U.S. Spy [VIDEO]
Senator Tom Cotton today said that the Iranian nuclear scientist who was…



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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Cotton: Clinton discussed executed Iranian scientist on email[/h]

8/7/16 12:30 PM




Nuclear Scientist Executed In Iran For Spying For U.S.
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Hillary Clinton recklessly discussed, in emails hosted on her private server, an Iranian nuclear scientist who was executed by Iran for treason, Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., said Sunday.
"I'm not going to comment on what he may or may not have done for the United States government, but in the emails that were on Hillary Clinton's private server, there were conversations among her senior advisors about this gentleman," he said on "Face the Nation." Cotton was speaking about Shahram Amiri, who gave information to the U.S. about Iran's nuclear program.
The senator said this lapse proves she is not capable of keeping the country safe.
"That goes to show just how reckless and careless her decision was to put that kind of highly classified information on a private server. And I think her judgment is not suited to keep this country safe," he said.
Subscribe today to get intelligence and analysis on defense and national security issues in your Inbox each weekday morning from veteran journalists Jamie McIntyre and Jacqueline Klimas.​

The revelation could cause further political damage to Clinton, who was already on the defensive Sunday after commenting oddly last week that she had "short-circuited" in a statement related to her honesty about the email scandal.
Republican nominee Donald Trump seized on the statement toquestion her mental stability.
Iran confirmed on Sunday that Amiri had been hanged for treason. He was convicted of spying charges in a death sentence case that was upheld on appeal, according to the Associated Press.
"This person who had access to the country's secret and classified information had been linked to our hostile and No. 1 enemy, America, the Great Satan" a spokesman for the Iranian judiciary said. "He provided the enemy with vital and secret information of the country."
His body was returned to his mother with rope marks around the neck.

Also from the Washington Examiner
[h=2]Kaine, Clinton differ on legal authority for Islamic State war[/h]By Jacqueline Klimas
08/07/16 5:18 PM

It would appear possible that discussion on an unclassified — and quite possibly hacked — email system about a person who was hanged as a spy will have a chilling effect on others who might want to engage in espionage for the United States.
Amiri disappeared while on a religious pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia in 2009, but he then resurfaced a year later in the U.S., where he visited the Iranian interest section of the Pakistani embassy and demanded to be sent home to Iran. While Amiri told reporters that he was held against his will by both the Saudis and the Americans, U.S. officials said he was receiving millions of dollars for information he provided about Iran's nuclear program.
The scientist shows up in Clinton's emails back in 2010, just nine days before he returned to Iran.
"We have a diplomatic, 'psychological' issue, not a legal one. Our friend has to be given a way out," the email by Richard Morningstar, a former State Department special envoy for Eurasian energy, read, according to the Associated Press. "Our person won't be able to do anything anyway. If he has to leave so be it."
Cotton Sunday also accused the Obama administration of "working like a gun cartel" by sending $400 million to Iran in what many regard as ransom for hostages.

Also from the Washington Examiner
[h=2]Psychiatric association chief: Get Trump off your couch[/h]By Jacqueline Klimas
08/07/16 4:53 PM

Hillary Clinton's vice presidential running mate Tim Kaine described the payment as "appropriate."

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Dec 4, 2014
As Tammy Bruce correctly pointed out recently, there are very good reasons to worry about the health of Hillary Clinton and her ability to discharge the duties of office, should she be elected president. Just this week, she appeared in public looking like death warmed over.
Can you imagine the press & GOP hysteria if Trump showed up at a public event looking like a zombie? But when it comes to Hillary, all we hear are crickets.
The image [below] is from a public statement she made [Wednesday] addressing national security in Virginia. Which means her appearance is not the result of being caught by paparrazi early in the morning, after stumbling outside, half-asleep after a bout with the flu.

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]National Fraternal Order of Police: Hillary Clinton ‘Snubbed Us’[/h]


Win McNamee/Getty Images

by AWR HAWKINS7 Aug 2016116

[h=2]The National Fraternal Order of Police (NFOP) says Hillary Clinton’s campaign has made it clear that she will not be seeking an endorsement from them this presidential election cycle.[/h]NFOP president Chuck Canterbury said he was “disappointed and shocked” that Clinton “declined” to even return a questionnaire which had been sent to her campaign. The only other candidate he can remember not returning the questionnaire was John Kerry in 2004.
According to The Hill, Canterbury said, “It sends a powerful message.” He added, “You would think with law enforcement issues so much in the news that even if she had disagreements with our positions, that she would’ve been willing to say that.”

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Clinton spokesman Jesse Ferguson played down Clinton’s “snub” of the NFOP, saying:
Throughout her career, Hillary Clinton has been committed to our law enforcement officers. As she said from the beginning of her campaign, across the country, police officers are out there every day inspiring trust and confidence, honorably doing their duty, putting themselves on the line to save lives.
She believes we must work together to build on what’s working and to build the bonds of trust between police and the communities they serve — because we are stronger together.
The NFOP “represents 335,000 members.” Canterbury said the group is meeting with Donald Trump to discuss a possible endorsement of the Republican candidate.

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Jan 9, 2009
Meanwhile, an email sent out by the Communist Party USA over the weekend had this to say: “The 2016 elections are in full swing. Many of our districts and clubs and members are actively participating in the campaign to strike a blow to the extreme right and defeat Donald Trump and other down ballot GOP extremists. If you’re not yet involved, there are many ways to get connected with labor and our allies, especially in the key battleground states and in targeted congressional and state legislative races. But no matter where you live you can be part of this exciting election. We can defeat Trump, oust right-wing majorities in Congress and statehouses while also building powerful labor-led people’s movements, advancing a progressive agenda and political independence at the grassroots. We have some great tools, beginning with People’s World daily (sic) Marxist analysis.”

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