Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


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Jan 9, 2009

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007

Is Khizr Khan really a broken hearted father?

Khizr Khan, the Muslim Gold Star father that the mainstream media and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton have been using to criticize Donald J. Trump, has deep ties to the government of Saudi Arabia—and to international Islamist investors through his own law firm. In addition to those ties to the wealthy Islamist nation, Khan also has ties to controversial immigration programs that wealthy foreigners can use to essentially buy their way into the United States—and has deep ties to the “Clinton Cash” narrative through the Clinton Foundation.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
^^^^^^^^very revealing article - good post

New member
Jan 9, 2009
July 31, 2016, 04:13 pm[h=1]Khizr Khan was tricked into smearing Donald Trump[/h]
By Charles Hurt, contributor
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Khizr Khan is a fine American and the father of a true American patriot. But now he is also everything that is wrong with American politics today.
It is not entirely his fault, though he has only himself to blame for allowing his dead son to be used for the most hideous of purposes and dragged through the gutter of nasty and dishonest partisan politics.

Khan and his wife took to the stage at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia last week to deliver an impassioned rebuke of Donald J.Trump that was universally celebrated by the media. Even Republican politicos swooned at the gambit. The Clinton campaign trotted out the Muslim couple because their son, Captain Humayun Khan, was killed by a car bomb in 2004 while guarding a base in Iraq.“If it was up to Donald Trump, he never would have been in America,” said Khan, sliding easily into the political tradition of lying and distorting the position of one’s opponent.
“Donald Trump consistently smears the character of Muslims,” he went on. “He disrespects other minorities, women, judges, even his own party leadership. He vows to build walls and ban us from this country.”
Despite all efforts by the media to distort Trump’s position about “banning” Muslims, he has made perfectly clear time and again that he does not want to ban all Muslims. He wants to simply perform thorough and complete background checks on all immigrants coming from countries presently in the grips of violent Islamic terrorism.
Yes, that means if you are a Muslim who wants to immigrate from Syria or Afghanistan, you are going to get a lot more scrutiny than if you are a Jew trying to immigrate from Canada. That is most unfortunate, but not nearly as unfortunate as innocents getting slaughtered by 10th Century savages killing in the name of Allah.
Anyway, this higher scrutiny should be no obstacle for the likes of Khizr Khan and his family, except for the additional hassle.
So, why would Khizr Khan choose to insert himself into politics and demean his son’s sacrifice by lying at a political convention on national television?
The answer is simple: He allowed himself to be tricked into it. And the Clinton campaign was all too eager to take advantage of him and his family and Capt. Khan and use them for their own political partisan purposes.
Stop for a moment and ask yourself how exactly the Clinton campaign arrived at the decision to trot out the Khan family in the middle of their highly-choreographed, exhaustively produced convention?
Were they just looking to give voice to the parents of a soldier? That would be a first. Did they want parents of anyone who had died abroad in the defense of their country? Gee, why not pick the parents of one of the fallen warriors who died defending the U.S. consulate in Benghazi? Oh, that’s right. They would have called Hillary Clinton a liar. Can’t have that.
No. Politicians like Hillary Clinton do not see people like Capt. Humayun Khan as a soldier who made the ultimate sacrifice on a foreign battlefield in defense of his country.
Politicians like Hillary Clinton see him only a demographic, a dispensable political pawn to be scooted around an electoral map, the way generals used to move armies across giant maps of the lands they were invading.
But instead of liberating Europe from evil fascists, politicians like Hillary Clinton use their long, worn croupier rakes to move their pawns about with the singular goal of advancing their own personal political careers.
To her, Capt. Khan is not a just soldier who died defending his country in a foreign land. First and foremost, to her, he is a Muslim of Pakistani heritage and therefore is a perfect political pawn for just the right situation.
For just about every American alive, Capt. Khan is an inspiring and unifying figure. To Hillary Clinton, he is a tool to be used to divide people. In her false promise of unifying America, she creates a national political Babylon. Her avaricious greed for more and more power knows no bounds.
It is an open secret in Washington that politics is the last bastion of rampant racial profiling. Both parties do it, but Democrats have taken it to a whole new scientific level.
Politicians like Hillary Clinton slice and dice people into racial and gender groups. Then they toot on all their little “dog whistles” to send all their little demographic pawns scurrying in various directions. That is how you wind up with Khizr Khan standing on stage beside his head-scarved wife, waving around the U.S. Constitution and distorting Donald Trump’s position on keeping radical Islamic terrorism at bay.
Perhaps a better testimony from Khizr Khan would have been for him to talk about how Hillary Clinton was in the U.S. Senate when she voted to invade Iraq. Years later, after that position became politically unpopular, she changed her mind and joined new political forces to vacate all the land across Iraq that so many great American patriots like Capt. Humayun Khan had died for.
It was her vote that sent Capt. Khan to his death. And then it was her decisions later to render that sacrifice worthless.
Try sticking that into your dog whistle and blowing it.

(from the above)
Perhaps a better testimony from Khizr Khan would have been for him to talk about how Hillary Clinton was in the U.S. Senate when she voted to invade Iraq. Years later, after that position became politically unpopular, she changed her mind and joined new political forces to vacate all the land across Iraq that so many great American patriots like Capt. Humayun Khan had died for.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Muslim Dad Should Blame Hillary Clinton for Son’s Death[/h]


Alex Wong / Getty

by CHARLES HURT1 Aug 20161,967

[h=2]From The Hill:[/h]Khizr Khan is a fine American and the father of a true American patriot. But now he is also everything that is wrong with American politics today.
It is not entirely his fault, though he has only himself to blame for allowing his dead son to be used for the most hideous of purposes and dragged through the gutter of nasty and dishonest partisan politics.
[COLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8)]

Khan and his wife took to the stage at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia last week to deliver an impassioned rebuke of Donald J.Trump that was universally celebrated by the media. Even Republican politicos swooned at the gambit. The Clinton campaign trotted out the Muslim couple because their son, Captain Humayun Khan, was killed by a car bomb in 2004 while guarding a base in Iraq.

Perhaps a better testimony from Khizr Khan would have been for him to talk about how Hillary Clinton was in the U.S. Senate when she voted to invade Iraq. Years later, after that position became politically unpopular, she changed her mind and joined new political forces to vacate all the land across Iraq that so many great American patriots like Capt. Humayun Khan had died for.
It was her vote that sent Capt. Khan to his death. And then it was her decisions later to render that sacrifice worthless.
Read the full article here.

New member
Jan 9, 2009

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=3]ELECTION 2016[/h][h=1]CLINTONS' IRS CHICKENS COME HOME TO ROOST[/h][h=2]They once used agency to target enemies, now they’re under investigation[/h]Published: 6 days ago
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Some say an IRS investigation into the Clinton Foundation is just desserts – given the evidence the couple, when in the White House, used the nation’s most feared agency to target their political enemies and others who inconveniently crossed their paths in the 1990s.

The Daily Caller News Foundation reported Wednesday that IRS Commissioner John Koskinen referred congressional charges of Clinton Foundation “pay-to-play” activities to his tax agency’s exempt operations office for investigation.

The initiative is being led by Rep. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., who sent a letter she signed with 63 other Republicans to the IRS, FBI and Federal Trade Commission, charging the foundation is “lawless.”

Order your copy of No. 1 New York Times best-selling author Jerome Corsi’s newest blockbuster, “Partners in Crime: The Clinton’s Scheme to Monetize the White House for Personal Profit,” now in stock – weeks ahead of the official Aug. 2, 2016 release date – only at the WND Superstore!

The House Republicans received a reply from Koskinen on Monday, informing them that he has forwarded the information to the IRS Exempt Organizations Program in Dallas, the division of the IRS that regulates the operations of public foundations and charities.

The division was led by former IRS official Lois Lerner when hundreds of non-profit conservative organizations had their applications for tax-exempt status illegally obstructed.

Blackburn told The Daily Caller the IRS has a double standard because “they would go after conservative groups and religious groups and organizations, but they wouldn’t be looking at the Clinton Foundation for years.”

Peter Schweizer’s book “Clinton Cash” exposed the Clinton Foundation’s solicitation of donations from foreign entities who sought favors from the Hillary Clinton-led State Department. WND staff writer Jerome Corsi’s new book, “Partners in Crime: The Clinton’s Scheme to Monetize the White House for Personal Profit,” lays out the evidence for the crime of inurement, which is utilizing a tax-favored charity to enrich oneself.

Clinton history of using IRS on foes

As WND has reported, during Bill Clinton’s two terms in office, IRS audits were conducted against individuals and groups who caused problems for the administration. Several prominent conservative groups found themselves facing IRS audits following their criticism of the president and his policies.

Among them were Joseph Farah’s Western Journalism Center, which was targeted by the IRS for what was described by the agency as a “political audit” for investigating and exposing Clinton scandals during the presidential election year of 1996.

The grueling nine-month audit was eventually closed finding no wrongdoing. Farah used the opportunity to expose the pattern of IRS political abuse in the pages of the Wall Street Journal.

“As a prominent target of the Clintons’ use of the IRS to target their enemies while they were in the White House, I viewed with irony the news that their family foundation is now the target of probe,” Farah said.

While I don’t think there’s any chance Barack Obama’s Treasury Department will punish breeches of the law involving the Democratic presidential nominee any more than the Obama Justice Department was ever going to find Hillary guilty of violations of national security, it still suggests how egregious their contempt is for the rules everyone else plays by,” he said.

In 2002, Judicial Watch – the watchdog group that had filed more than 50 legal actions against the Clinton administration and afterward found itself in the IRS’ cross-hairs – reported an IRS official admitted that the Clinton administration targeted its legal opponents with tax audits.

“What do you expect when you sue the president?” then-senior IRS official Paul Breslan asked Judicial Watch, which became a target of an audit in 1998 after it filed an impeachment report against Clinton.

Among the conservative groups targeted for audits were the Heritage Foundation, the National Rifle Association, Concerned Women of America, Citizens Against Government Waste, National Review, American Spectator (which was burglarized three times), the National Center for Public Policy Research, the American Policy Center, American Cause, Citizens for Honest Government, Progress and Freedom Foundation and David Horowitz’s Center for the Study of Popular Culture.

Internal White House memoranda released to congressional investigators showed that as early as December 1994, the Western Journalism Center was targeted by the Clinton administration for some kind of action.

An internal memo prepared that month by associate counsel Jane Sherburne, and released to congressional investigators in 1996, listed the group, and one of its reporters, Christopher Ruddy, as subjects of concern. Ruddy and the center had come to national attention because of ground-breaking investigative reporting on the mysterious death of White House deputy counsel Vincent Foster Jr. When an IRS field agent came knocking on the center’s door, he was open about the motivations for the audit:

“This is a political case, and the decision is going to be made at the national level,” he reportedly told the organization’s accountant.

Individuals singled out for audits during the administration included Clinton paramours Gennifer Flowers and Liz Ward Gracen, sexual assault accusers Paula Jones and Juanita Broaddrick, fired White House Travel Office Director Billy Dale and attorney Kent Masterson Brown. Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly, an outspoken Clinton critic, said he was audited three times during Clinton’s presidency.

Dick Morris, a former Clinton aide, told Matt Drudge on his Fox News TV show in 1999 that Senate impeachment investigators he met with feared retaliation by the Clinton administration – specifically in the form of audits by the IRS. Morris also said three veteran investigators with FBI, IRS and other law-enforcement experience expressed fear for their lives. The investigators asked Morris if he was afraid of testifying against Clinton and whether he knew about the “list of 25 people who have died in mysterious circumstances in connection with this investigation.”

“And one of them said I guarantee you that each of us will have an IRS audit when this is over,” Morris said. “He said, ‘I’m saving my receipts. I know that I am going to have an audit.’ And I said, ‘How does that work?’ And he said, ‘Well, the head of the IRS and Hillary are very good friends.'”

In the case of Paula Jones, the IRS leaked her confidential tax filings to the New York Daily News, which tried to show Jones was making a profit off her sexual harassment claims against Clinton. Jones was targeted for an income tax audit along with her husband, Stephen. The notice from the IRS arrived just five days after Jones rejected a settlement offer from the White House.

And when actress Liz Ward Gracen admitted to having a sexual relationship with Clinton, she revealed she was threatened with an IRS audit if she didn’t stay quiet about the affair.

The Clinton administration didn’t limit the IRS audits to only its most public critics.

In 1997, Californian Margie Gray sent an e-mail to Clinton. It wasn’t “threatening,” she told WND. “I just told him how sad it was that parents today are not able to say to their children, ‘Maybe someday you can be president.'” Why not? “Because he was immoral, unethical and dishonest.” Clinton had dishonored the office, she believed.

Less than a month later, Gray received a letter from the IRS claiming she owed $3,500 in interest since 1991 due to a “mistake” she had made on her personal income tax return for that year. There was just one problem: The Grays didn’t file separate returns; they filed jointly. She and her husband spoke with an accountant and an IRS employee about the matter.

“Neither of them could understand why the IRS would be writing to me since we only file jointly,” she said. “There were no mistakes in our return.” The Grays said they wrote the IRS a response to the notice but didn’t receive a reply.

Gray told WND she believed she was selectively targeted not only for her critical note to Clinton but for other political correspondence as well. After her retirement, the former San Francisco Bay Area businesswoman had become an Internet activist who spent “hours and hours” online every day, contacting public officials and urging their opposition to Clinton administration policies.

Gray’s experience was not unlike that of Patricia Mendoza, who “insulted” Clinton during a campaign stop in Chicago in July of 1996. Mendoza and her husband, Glenn, were attending a food festival when the president arrived.

“You suck, and those boys died,” Patricia Mendoza shouted, referring to a June 1996 truck-bombing at a U.S. barracks in Saudi Arabia that killed 19 American servicemen.

The Mendozas were escorted away by Secret Service agents. Charges filed against the couple for unruly behavior were later dismissed by a county judge. However, a month following Patricia Mendoza’s protest shout, Glenn received a letter from the regional IRS office in Kansas City saying he owed $200 in back income taxes. The agency demanded immediate payment or his property would be seized.

“We never had any problems with the IRS,” Glenn told the media. “We’re not big executive types. I’m not a millionaire. We don’t make enough money to attract the IRS.”

After the Mendozas’ attorney telephoned the IRS, the agency said there had been a “computer error” and dropped the case.

WND also reported on the case of Chuck Harder, the former talk-radio personality and founder of Peoples Network Inc., a 501c3 tax-exempt foundation, who endured an audit for more than 18 years. Within days of Clinton’s election to the presidency, Harder was slapped with the IRS audit that his accountant called “harassment” and that over nearly two decades of pressure effectively stripped the microphone from Harder’s hands.

“PNI has been fighting a politically motivated IRS audit started by Hillary Clinton in 1993,” Harder told WND in 2010. “They sicced the IRS on us. They couldn’t finish the job in time (for the 1996 election), so in ’96 they sicced [a lawsuit filed by the United Auto Workers labor union] on us. They want to destroy Chuck Harder – and they’re doing a pretty good job.”

In 1992 the Peoples Network Inc. published a newspaper, the News Reporter, which had a circulation of about 40,000. In Harder’s words it was a “feisty little independent paper” that was too feisty for the incoming administration.

“We were doing a lot of muckraking, and I know we hit the radar screen at the DNC,” Harder told WND. “We looked not only into George Bush’s dirty laundry, but Bill Clinton’s. We wrote a series of articles prior to the election about Whitewater and the strange deaths near Mena Airport. We also called attention to his sexual encounters.”

A 1996 survey by the Washington Times could not identify a single liberal public policy organization that had been audited during the entire Clinton administration.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Whahhabis for Bubba

EXCLUSIVE: Bill Clinton Got Millions From World’s Biggest Sharia Law Education Firm

Posted By Richard Pollock On 10:06 PM 08/03/2016 In | No Comments

Former President Bill Clinton collected $5.6 million in fees from GEMS Education, a Dubai-based company that teaches Sharia Law through its network of more than 100 schools in the Middle East, Asia and Africa, according to a Daily Caller News Foundation investigation.

The company’s finances strictly adhere to “Sharia Finance,” which includes giving “zakat,” a religious tax of which one-eighth of the proceeds is dedicated to funding Islamic jihad.

The company also contributed millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation.

The former president served as honorary chairman for GEMS Education from 2011 to 2014, according to federal tax returns he filed with his wife, 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

His biggest paycheck from the closely-held company — which is incorporated in the Cayman Islands — was in 2014 when he pocketed $2.1 million. It is unclear if Bill received income from the Middle Eastern firm in 2015, since Hillary has not yet released her tax return for that year.

Sharia law is the Islamic religious legal system that many in the West see as intolerant of human rights and other religions, as well as violating the rights of women and gays. Sharia law is considered by Muslims to be superior to all secular authorities. Islamic jihadis regularly call for the imposition of Sharia law and want to impose it on the West.

GEMS boasted in a 2013 bond prospectus that it is the “only foreign group approved for educational services in Saudi Arabia.” The GEMS facilities in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, taught 1,600 students in 2013.

Saudi Arabia is where Wahabism, the strictest form of Sharia, is observed. The Middle Eastern kingdom bars women from driving cars, requires women to wear the strictest form of the hijab, which covers everything but the eyes and hands. Gay men and women are persecuted in Saudi Arabia.

GEMS distributed a job notice in 2014 for a director of “Islamic and Cultural Studies” for its campuses in the Saudi Kingdom. The skills for the position included proficiency in Sharia to help develop a curriculum. The company also acts as an educational consultant in Egypt, Jordan, and Libya.

Clinton’s relationship with the Sharia-oriented education firm drew critical reviews from anti-terrorism experts.

“Why would Bill Clinton be participating in programs that teach Sharia in foreign countries where that is the specific objective of the Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS and al-Qaeda,” asked counter-terror analyst Stephen Coughlin in an interview with TheDCNF.

GEMS is one of the most dominant educational programs in the Middle East, with 51 separate schools operating in the region. Globally, the for-profit company claims that 250,000 students are learning under its program in 170 countries.

Outside of the Middle East and North Africa, GEMS operates schools in Kenya, Uganda, Southeast Asia, and the United Kingdom.

GEMS even has two “international” schools in Chicago.

At the GEMS Jumeirah Primary School in Abu Dhabi, the website promotes Islam as a central tenet of its curriculum. “Our aim is teach all Muslim students the pillars of Islam, Islamic faith and morals, enabling them to efficiently apply them to their lives. To increase the knowledge of Islam we share with the children, the stories of prophets, manners of living a Muslim’s life, the five pillars of Islam.”

The Dubai firm has donated between $1 million and $5 million to the Clinton Foundation, according to the foundation website. GEMS was an official sponsor of the 2013 and 2014 Clinton Global Initiative. Its Indian-born CEO Sunny Varkey attended both years.

And the Varkey Foundation, named after the CEO, contributed $250,000 to $500,000 to the foundation.

Varkey publicly claimed Bill was the “honorary chairman” of the his foundation. But Bill and Hillary report in their joint federal tax returns the annual payments came from the for-profit GEMS Education company.

The company has raised funds through bonds and has openly broadcast its commitment to Sharia finance. In 2013, the company issued a $200 million bond prospectus and assured potential investors it relied on “Fatwa and Sharia” advisers to assure it was “compliant” with Sharia finance.

Coughlin said Sharia law on finance also includes money for “zakat,” a religious tax. “And if you read the law of zakat, one-eighth of that money goes to fund Jihad,” he says. “There are eight categories of zakat you must pay every year. And one of them is Jihad.”

Two of the banks — Emirates NB and Noor Bank — provided critical loans to GEMS in August, 2015, and were also accused of conducting illicit banking deals with Iran.

In a June 9, 2009, diplomatic cable made public by WikiLeaks, U.S. Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates Richard G. Olson slammed one of the lenders, Emirates NB Bank.

Olson told the Department of State that Under Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Stuart Levey “pointed out that Dubai-based Emirates NBD appears to remain out-of-step with other major international financial with respect to its sizable Iranian exposure.”

Olson reported the Emirates NBD Chairman “Ahmed al Tayer erratically dismissed Under Secretary Levey’s concerns about doing business for Iran with a mix of hostility, remorse and assurances of submission.”

Noor Bank, another bank which provided GEMS with financing, helped Iran process foreign currency receipts. MarketWatch reported that in 2012 “Dubai’s Noor Islamic Bank had been a primary conduit for returning foreign-currency oil receipts to Iran.”

GEMS is owned exclusively by billionaire Varkey and his family. Four of the five directors are Varkey family members.

The Varkey Group Ltd, the parent company of GEMS, and its shares are held “in a trust by a private trust company for the benefit of the members of the Varkey family,” according to the 2013 bond prospectus. Varkey’s net worth is estimated at $2.1 billion.

All of the Varkey group’s activities appear to be transacted by MaplesFS, the largest law firm in the Cayman Islands.

As stated by GEMS in its prospectus, “Under existing Cayman Islands laws will not be subject to taxation in the Cayman Islands.” It also tells potential investors, “The Cayman Islands currently have no income, corporation or capital gains tax and no estate duty, inheritance or gift tax.”

Bill has been a frequent visitor to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and the trips often deal with money. As previously reported by TheDCNF, shortly after leaving the White House, Bill pocketed $15 million in an investment deal with the Dubai Investment Group that included as his business partner, the country’s authoritarian ruler, Sheikh Mohammed bin-Rashid al-Marktoum.

Bill also collected $500,000 for a single speech he delivered in Abu Dhabi in 2011. He was paid by the UAE’s royal family. The United Arab Emirates is a monarchy where no elections are held and human rights abuses, especially of foreign laborers, are rampant.

TheDCNF contacted the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation about the GEMS Education relationship, but received no response.
TheDCNF also reached out to GEMS in Dubai but there was not reply by press time.

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New member
Jan 9, 2009
I have been looking for remarks by Hillary related to the recent Iran prisoner/ransom deal. She should be all over the headlines supporting Obama and her old State Dept. If she does not back Obama on this why should he back her. She has been pretty quiet as far as I can see. If someone can find any comments she has made I would love to see them. What's 400 milllion when you owe trillions.....right.

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Jan 9, 2009
21 most consequential Clinton scandals, ranked from most important

Illustration on Hillary Clinton’s historical/political baggage by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times more >

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By THE WASHINGTON TIMES - - Monday, October 12, 2015
1. Monica Lewinsky: Led to only the second president in American history to be impeached.
2. Benghazi: Four Americans killed, an entire system of weak diplomatic security uncloaked, and the credibility of a president and his secretary of state damaged.
3. Asia fundraising scandal: More than four dozen convicted in a scandal that made the Lincoln bedroom, White House donor coffees and Buddhist monks infamous.

PHOTOS: The most consequential Clinton scandals — in order

4. Hillary’s private emails: Hundreds of national secrets already leaked through private email and the specter of a criminal probe looming large.
5. Whitewater: A large S&L failed and several people went to prison.
6. Travelgate: The firing of the career travel office was the very first crony capitalism scandal of the Clinton era.

7. Humagate: An aide’s sweetheart job arrangement.
8. Pardongate: The first time donations were ever connected as possible motives for presidential pardons.
9. Foundation favors: Revealing evidence that the Clinton Foundation was a pay-to-play back door to the State Department, and an open checkbook for foreigners to curry favor.
10. Mysterious files: The disappearance and re-discovery of Hillary’s Rose Law Firm records.
11. Filegate: The Clinton use of FBI files to dig for dirt on their enemies.
12. Hubble trouble: The resignation and imprisonment of Hillary law partner Web Hubbell.
13. The Waco tragedy: One of the most lethal exercises of police power in American history.
14. The Clinton’s Swedish slush fund: $26 million collected overseas with little accountability and lots of questions about whether contributors got a pass on Iran sanctions.
15. Troopergate: From the good old days, did Arkansas state troopers facilitate Bill Clinton’s philandering?
16. Gennifer Flowers: The tale that catapulted a supermarket tabloid into the big time.
17. Bill’s Golden Tongue: His and her speech fees shocked the American public.
18. Boeing Bucks: Boeing contributed big-time to Bill; Hillary helped the company obtain a profitable Russian contract.
19. Larry Lawrence: How did a fat cat donor get buried in Arlington National Cemetery without war experience?
20. The cattle futures: Hillary as commodity trader extraordinaire.
21. Chinagate: Nuclear secrets go to China on her husband’s watch.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
Do any of Trump's remarks come close to this resume'.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Daily Caller: Bill Clinton Got Millions from World’s Biggest Sharia Law Education Firm[/h]


Joe Scarnici/Getty Images

by BREITBART NEWS4 Aug 2016272

[h=2]Richard Pollock reports at the Daily Caller:[/h]Former President Bill Clinton collected $5.6 million in fees from GEMS Education, a Dubai-based company that teaches Sharia Law through its network of more than 100 schools in the Middle East, Asia and Africa, according to a Daily Caller News Foundation investigation.
The company’s finances strictly adhere to “Sharia Finance,” which includes giving “zakat,” a religious tax of which one-eighth of the proceeds is dedicated to funding Islamic jihad.
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The company also contributed millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation.
The former president served as honorary chairman for GEMS Education from 2011 to 2014, according to federal tax returns he filed with his wife, 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.
His biggest paycheck from the closely-held company — which is incorporated in the Cayman Islands — was in 2014 when he pocketed $2.1 million. It is unclear if Bill received income from the Middle Eastern firm in 2015, since Hillary has not yet released her tax return for that year.
Sharia law is the Islamic religious legal system that many in the West see as intolerant of human rights and other religions, as well as violating the rights of women and gays. Sharia law is considered by Muslims to be superior to all secular authorities. Islamic jihadis regularly call for the imposition of Sharia law and want to impose it on the West.
GEMS boasted in a 2013 bond prospectus that it is the “only foreign group approved for educational services in Saudi Arabia.” The GEMS facilities in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, taught 1,600 students in 2013.
Saudi Arabia is where Wahabism, the strictest form of Sharia, is observed. The Middle Eastern kingdom bars women from driving cars, requires women to wear the strictest form of the hijab, which covers everything but the eyes and hands. Gay men and women are persecuted in Saudi Arabia.
GEMS distributed a job notice in 2014 for a director of “Islamic and Cultural Studies” for its campuses in the Saudi Kingdom. The skills for the position included proficiency in Sharia to help develop a curriculum. The company also acts as an educational consultant in Egypt, Jordan, and Libya.
Clinton’s relationship with the Sharia-oriented education firm drew critical reviews from anti-terrorism experts.
“Why would Bill Clinton be participating in programs that teach Sharia in foreign countries where that is the specific objective of the Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS and al-Qaeda,” asked counter-terror analyst Stephen Coughlin in an interview with TheDCNF.
GEMS is one of the most dominant educational programs in the Middle East, with 51 separate schools operating in the region. Globally, the for-profit company claims that 250,000 students are learning under its program in 170 countries.
Outside of the Middle East and North Africa, GEMS operates schools in Kenya, Uganda, Southeast Asia, and the United Kingdom.
GEMS even has two “international” schools in Chicago.
At the GEMS Jumeirah Primary School in Abu Dhabi, the website promotes Islam as a central tenet of its curriculum. “Our aim is teach all Muslim students the pillars of Islam, Islamic faith and morals, enabling them to efficiently apply them to their lives. To increase the knowledge of Islam we share with the children, the stories of prophets, manners of living a Muslim’s life, the five pillars of Islam.”
The Dubai firm has donated between $1 million and $5 million to the Clinton Foundation, according to the foundation website. GEMS was an official sponsor of the 2013 and 2014 Clinton Global Initiative. Its Indian-born CEO Sunny Varkey attended both years.
And the Varkey Foundation, named after the CEO, contributed $250,000 to $500,000 to the foundation.
Varkey publicly claimed Bill was the “honorary chairman” of his foundation. But Bill and Hillary report in their joint federal tax returns the annual payments came from the for-profit GEMS Education company.
The company has raised funds through bonds and has openly broadcast its commitment to Sharia finance. In 2013, the company issued a $200 million bond prospectus and assured potential investors it relied on “Fatwa and Sharia” advisers to assure it was “compliant” with Sharia finance.
Coughlin said Sharia law on finance also includes money for “zakat,” a religious tax. “And if you read the law of zakat, one-eighth of that money goes to fund Jihad,” he says. “There are eight categories of zakat you must pay every year. And one of them is Jihad.”
Read the rest here.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]‘Clinton Cash’ Exposes the Clintons’ Past – and the Obamas’ Future[/h]



by LISA DE PASQUALE5 Aug 201615

[h=2]No doubt, you’ve seen the documentary or read Peter Schweizer’s Clinton Cash. The latest edition, Clinton Cash: A Graphic Novel (Yes, it’s all still true.), should be the final nail in the Clintons’ overflowing coffin of corruption. The book brought the evidence, and the movie has been watched more than two million times. The graphic novel, now available at Amazon and other retailers, brings the story of corruption to life by delving into the Clintons’ systematic and lucrative schemes with fantastic art and a huge dose of humor.[/h]Chuck Dixon and Brett R. Smith tell the story of Clinton Cash in a completely new, compelling way. It’s a testament to how powerful a message can be when backed with A-list talent. Everyone involved on the creative team has worked in the comic book industry for years, including the big two. Marvel and DC Comics. In addition to Smith and Dixon, others on the creative team include Sergio Cariello, Don Hudson, Graham Nolan, Paul Rivoche and Taylor Esposito. Be sure to see their bios at the end of the book and support their other works. You’ll be blown away by their experience and be grateful they had the courage to work on this project.
Clinton Cash: A Graphic Novel begins in Haiti, where the Clinton Family Foundation used the tragedy of a severe earthquake in 2010 to make millions for themselves and their friends. It’s particularly effective to open with this story because it underscores that behind the profits made by the Clintons are people who are left shattered in their wake – a familiar thread in all of the Clinton scandals.

Video: Obama and daughters purchase prose and ice pops

The story of the Clinton Foundation’s scheme in Haiti is dubbed “Disaster Capitalism.” With phony promises to reform Haiti, the Clintons and their colleagues began an elaborate pay-for-play from corporations. Some had no experience in the industry of work they were paid millions to do, and they had no oversight. For example, “In December 2010, Bill and Hillary approved a ‘new settlement program’ of permanent homes. Two years later, only 900 of the contracted 15,000 homes had been completed.”
Embedded in the devastating facts are moments of wit from adaptors Dixon and Smith, like the line that the abandoned model homes only ended up providing “shelter for squatters and the occasional goat.”
In addition to the graphic novel medium, the humor is one of the most important aspects of the book. It makes the true story of the Clintons’ corruption accessible to those who don’t follow politics aside from SNL “Weekend Update” and other pop culture-filtered political news. You can safely give this book to your apolitical friends and family members. Do it before November.
Of course, Clinton Cash: A Graphic Novel isn’t just entertaining and an indictment of the Clintons. It’s a crystal ball into Barack and Michelle Obama’s post-presidential life. In May, it was revealed that the Obamas will be staying in D.C. after vacating the White House. They’ll be leasing a nine bedroom house owned by former Clinton press secretary Joe Lockhart. From CNN:
The Lockhart house is an 8,200-square-foot brick Tudor, and might cost $22,000 a month to rent, according to an estimate on the real estate website Zillow. It is currently valued at $7 million, according to D.C. tax assessments. It has a generous living room and dining room, a finished downstairs family room/media room, and an au-pair suite, which could be useful to the Obama family since First Lady Michelle Obama’s mother has been living with the family for years.
When I attended an event for women writers at the White House back in March, Michelle Obama said that she would continue her work on her Let’s Move and school lunch campaign after they leave the White House. She said that the program is in more than 20,000 schools and continues to grow. To the right of the podium was a poster of logos from corporate sponsors that rivaled a NASCAR race. You can bet some entity will be created so they can continue to dine at that trough.
As for President Obama, one can imagine him making millions in speech fees on the topic of race relations. Hmm, if only that were a hot topic in the news.
In short, Clinton Cash: A Graphic Novel isn’t just a handbook for keeping the Clintons out of the White House, but a tool to fight the Obamas’ continued efforts to bamboozle the country they were never proud of until it made them millionaires.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton invoked the “cone of friendship silence” when she was asked about the most meaningful conversation she’s had with a black friend.
The question was asked by ESPN’s Kevin Merida during Clinton’s appearance at the National Association of Black Journalists on Friday.

Clinton invoked the names of many of her African American women friends on her campaign, including one of her best friends in college, but did not answer the question.

“Oh my gosh, well I could tell you that I am blessed to have a crew of great friends,” she said.

Clinton said that her back friends had both chastised her in conversations and even “tried to expand my musical tastes.”

“I’m going to respect the cone of friendship silence, but please know I’ve got a lot of great friends who have given me so much more,” she said.

Of course you have sweetie.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Hillary Clinton, Racist: Her Top 5 Worst Comments (in Public)

Associated Press

by JOEL B. POLLAK9 Jun 2016949

Hillary Clinton has made Donald Trump’s remarks about a federal judge, among others, the basis for a campaign accusing him of being a racist. It is worth visiting Clinton’s own history of making racially offensive comments for political gain.

1. “Hard-working white Americans” prefer her to Obama. In May 2008, Clinton told the USA Today that while Obama was leading the delegate race, she still had a broader political base. Unfortunately, she made that claim in explicitly racial terms, citingan Associated Press poll “that found how Senator Obama’s support among working, hard-working Americans, white Americans, is weakening again, and how whites in both states who had not completed college were supporting me.”

2. “Colored People’s Time.” Clinton appeared alongside left-wing New York City mayor Bill de Blasio at the annual Inner Circle Dinner this year, and joined in a racist joke based on a stereotype that black people are late for everything:

Clinton: I just have to say thanks for the endorsement, Bill. Took you long enough. [Laughter]

De Blasio: Sorry Hillary, I was running on C.P. time. [Audience gasps]

Host: I don’t like jokes like that.

As Mediate later noted, the cable news networks mostly ignored the racist joke.

3. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. wasn’t really THAT great. As she struggled to stop the Obama insurgency in the 2008 Democratic primary, Clinton tried to diminish Obama’s credentials as a “community organizer,” which had led some to draw connections between him and Dr. King. Clinton argued that it was really a professional politician, President Lyndon Johnson, who made the difference: “Dr. King’s dream began to be realized when President Johnson passed the Civil Rights Act”

4. “Ah don’t feel no ways TAHHHHHRD.” Clinton, like Vice President Al Gore, and indeed like President Obama himself, has a tendency to imitate what she believes to be an African-American accent when she speaks before black audiences. Obama, who grew up in Hawaii, at least has some cultural competence and experience, honed through practice in inner city Chicago. Clinton manages to sound condescending every time — most notoriously in this cringe-worthy clip from 2008.

5. Obama’s “slumlord,” and “super predators.” Losing traction in 2008, Clinton belatedly attacked Obama’s connection to fraudster and fundraiser Tony Rezko: “I was fighting against those [Reagan] ideas when you were practicing law and representing your contributor, Rezko, in his slum landlord business in inner city Chicago,” she said in a South Carolina debate. The remark was described as racist by Obama fans — as was her 1996 term for chronic criminals, “super predators.”

Bonus: The photograph at top came from the Clinton campaign in 2008 (though not from Clinton herself.) Obama campaign manager David Plouffe called “the most shameful, offensive fear-mongering we’ve seen from either party in this election.

Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News. His new e-book, Leadership Secrets of the Kings and Prophets: What the Bible’s Struggles Teach Us About Today, is on sale through Amazon Kindle Direct. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
This thread might beat the BFL landslide thread for biggest fail. What a massive fail!! Biggest fail thread is this or hypocrisy thread. It's a close race.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
My all time favorite:

"A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee." -- Bill Clinton on Obama in 2008

After Ted Kennedy passed over his wife for the coffee fetcher, Slick Willie had this to say:

"The only reason you are endorsing him is because he's black. Let's just be clear."


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