Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Judicial Watch: New Documents Show Top Clinton Aide Alerted On Email Inquiry[/h]AUGUST 10, 2016
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State Department Alerted Clinton Aide Cheryl Mills of CREW’s ‘Significant FOIA’ Request for Clinton Email Accounts – IG Later Found ‘No Records Response’ Inaccurate and Incomplete
(Washington DC) – Judicial Watch today released 10 pages of new State Department records that include an email sent by State Department spokesman Brock Johnson alerting Cheryl Mills, Hillary Clinton’s then Chief of Staff, that a “significant” Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request had been made for records showing the number of email accounts used by then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
The documents were produced under court order in a March 2016, FOIA lawsuit against the State Department for all records “about the processing of a December 2012 FOIA request filed by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington [CREW]” (Judicial Watch, Inc. v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:16-cv-00574)). Earlier this year, the State Department Office of Inspector General concluded that the “no records response” sent in response to this request was “inaccurate and incomplete.”
The documents show that at 4:11 p.m. on December 11, 2012, several State Department officials, including Brock and the Director of the Office of Correspondence and Records of the Executive Secretariat (S/ES-CRM) Clarence Finney were alerted of the request seeking Clinton’s email addresses.
In an email exchange labeled “Significant FOIA Report” Brock alerts Mills about the FOIA request:
From: Johnson, Brock A
Sent: Tuesday, December 11 2012 05:39 PM
To: Mills, Cheryl D
Subject: FW: Significant FOIA Report
FYI on the attached FOIA request from:
  • Anne Weismann of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) requesting “records sufficient to show the number of email accounts of or associated with Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton, and the extent to which those email accounts are identifiable as those of or associated with Secretary Clinton.”
Mills later sends an email that acknowledges receipt and “thanks” Brock.
In January 2016 the State Department’s Office of the Inspector General (OIG) released a report titled “Evaluation of the Department of State’s FOIA Processes for Requests Involving the Office of the Secretary,” which highlighted systemic problems within the State Department’s FOIA processing practices that led to “inaccurate and incomplete” responses to records requests:
In December 2012, the nonprofit organization Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) sent a FOIA request to the Department seeking records “sufficient to show the number of email accounts of, or associated with, Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton, and the extent to which those email accounts are identifiable as those of or associated with Secretary Clinton.” On May 10, 2013, IPS [Information Programs and Services] replied to CREW, stating that “no records responsive to your request were located.” At the time the request was received, dozens of senior officials throughout the Department, including members of Secretary Clinton’s immediate staff, exchanged emails with the Secretary using the personal accounts she used to conduct official business. OIG found evidence that the Secretary’s then-Chief of Staff was informed of the request at the time it was received and subsequently tasked staff to follow up. However, OIG found no evidence to indicate that any of these senior officials reviewed the search results or approved the response to CREW. OIG also found no evidence that the S/ES [Office of Secretary and Executive Secretariat], L [Office of the Legal Adviser], and IPS staff involved in responding to requests for information, searching for records, or drafting the response had knowledge of the Secretary’s email usage. Furthermore, it does not appear that S/ES searched any email records, even though the request clearly encompassed emails.
On August 11, 2014, the Department produced to the House Select Committee on Benghazi documents related to the 2012 attack on U.S. facilities in Benghazi. The production included a number of emails revealing that Secretary Clinton used a personal email account to conduct official business. OIG discovered four instances, between July and September 2014, in which staff from L, A, or the Bureau of Legislative Affairs reviewed the CREW request and the Department’s May 2013 response, but the Department did not amend its response. L and A [Bureau of Administration] staff also told OIG that the Department does not customarily revise responses to closed FOIA requests. Nevertheless, during the course of this review, Department staff advised OIG of their belief that the Department’s response to CREW was incorrect and that it should have been revised to include the former Secretary’s personal email account used to conduct official government business.
When asked during her deposition by Judicial Watch about CREW’s FOIA request, Mills spent several minutes testifying she could not recall much of anything about the controversy, despite its recency:
Q Okay. Do you recall a FOIA request that came in from CREW that’s discussed in this document [a letter from Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA) inquiring about the handling of the CREW FOIA request]?
A I don’t recall the specific FOIA request in terms of what was in the request. But I’ve obviously seen references to this in the media since then.
Q Do you recall a FOIA request that came in relating to — when you were at the State Department, of course, relating to the e-mail accounts used by Secretary Clinton and records that would provide for what the e-mail address was?
A I don’t have a specific recollection of it. But I certainly have read in the media exactly what is in here. And so while it doesn’t necessarily refresh my recollection, I do know that this – obviously this matter took place.
Q Okay. Do you recall or did Brock Johnson bring this FOIA request to your attention?
A I don’t have a specific memory of that.
Q Did you ever – or did you speak with Heather Samuelson [State Department and Clinton attorney who handled Clinton emails] regarding the CREW request?
A I don’t have a memory of that.
In a separate lawsuit, Judicial Watch has requested permission from the court to depose Hillary Clinton, Mr. Finney, as well as the former Director of Information Resource Management of the Executive Secretariat (S/ES-IRM) John Bentel.
It is reported that CREW’s request followed the news that Lisa Jackson, Obama’s former top EPA official, used an alias email account for government business named after her dog.
“This is evidence that Cheryl Mills covered up Hillary Clinton’s email system. She was aware of the FOIA request about Clinton’s email accounts and allowed a response to go out that was a plain lie. And you can bet if Cheryl Mills knew about this inquiry, then Hillary Clinton did, too,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “This is all the more reason for Mrs. Clinton to finally testify under oath about the key details of her email practices.”

New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Emails Reveal Clinton Foundation Donors Asking State Department for Favors[/h]



by JEROME HUDSON10 Aug 20162,868

[h=2]A few months after Hillary Clinton took over as U.S. secretary of state in 2009, a longtime associate with connections to the Clinton Foundation insisted that her senior aides give a job to an unidentified male associate.[/h]“Important to take care of [name redacted],” Douglas Band, President Bill Clinton’s former right-hand man, wrote to Clinton aides Huma Abedin, Cheryl Mills, and Nora Toiv in an April 22, 2009, email.
“We have all had him on our radar,” Abedin responded. “Personnel has been sending him options.”

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The subject line on the email read “A favor…”
The email exchanged was uncovered by government watchdog group Judicial Watch, and was the result of a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit. It’s the latest example of the kind of cronyism that was rife at the State Department under Hillary Clinton’s watch.
Band served as a top aide to former President Bill Clinton and assisted in creating the Clinton Global Initiative. He is also a founding partner of Teneo, a global consulting firm that obtained approval from the State Department for a paid consulting arrangement between Bill Clinton and Band.
Teneo is the same firm where Mrs. Clinton longtime right-hand woman Huma Abedin worked as a senior adviser. Abedin was advising Teneo while working as a senior Clinton aide at the State Department.
While she was secretary of state, Hillary Clinton also handpicked Teneo co-founder and CEO Declan Kelly as her economic envoy to Northern Ireland.
In a separate email exchange, Band emailed Abedin and Mills requesting help connecting Clinton Foundation mega-donor Gilbert Chagoury with the State Department’s “substance person” on Lebanon affairs. Abedin later promised to contact the “substance person” about the request.
“This is very important,” Band replied, noting the urgency of the request.
Chagoury, of course, is the wealthy Nigerian-Lebanese businessman and longtime friend of former President Bill Clinton, whose worldwide exploits were heavily documented inThe New York Times bestselling book Clinton Cash, authored by Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large Peter Schweizer.
In 2000, Switzerland convicted Chagoury of money-laundering and “aiding a criminal organization in connection with the billions of dollars stolen from Nigeria during the [Sani] Abacha years” of military dictatorship, according to a PBS Frontline report. And despite Chagoury’s being put on the federal terrorist no-fly list, the Clinton Foundation accepted a $1 to $5 million donation from the nefarious figure. Chagoury’s company pledged $1 billion to the Clinton Global Initiative in 2009, the same year the Clinton Global Initiative awarded the Chagoury Group its annual prize for “sustainable development.”
“No wonder Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin hid emails from the American people, the courts and Congress,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a statement Tuesday.
Fitton asserted that Clinton and her aides violated ethics rules and may have broken the law.
“They show the Clinton Foundation, Clinton donors, and operatives worked with Hillary Clinton in potential violation of the law.”

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
A sob story for the ages.

The New York Times published a piece Wednesday detailing Bill and Hillary Clinton’s financial struggles in the 1980s — when the couple was making the equivalent of $144,000 today and had a nanny to care for their infant daughter.

In a piece titled “When Her Family Needed Money, Hillary Clinton Faced Stark Choices,” Amy Chozick writes that after Bill Clinton lost the Arkansas governor’s race in 1980, money troubled Hillary. She “worried about saving for Chelsea’s college, caring for her aging parents, and even possibly supporting herself should the marriage or their political dreams dissolve.”

The couple “stretched their finances to afford” a $112,000 home — the same as buying a $345,000 house today — that was “one of the smallest houses on the block.” “The sprawling estate of Winthrop Rockefeller, the celebrated former governor, was so close that it practically cast a shadow on the Clintons’ grassy backyard,” the Times bemoans.

Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton became a partner at the Rose Law Firm — a job she had for 15 years, but, as the Times notes, is not listed in her biography on her campaign website. Bill was making $55,000 a year “serving counsel” at the Wright, Lindsey & Jennings law firm.

In 1978, during his first term as governor and while she was at the law firm, the couple made a combined salary of $51,000 — the same as making $186,000 today.

Then when Bill ran for president in 1992, the couple claimed a combined income of $297,177 on their tax returns — or half a million dollars today.

“When we moved into the White House, we had the lowest net worth of any family since Harry Truman,” Mr. Clinton said.

But don’t worry: Terry McAuliffe, who is now the governor of Virginia, assured the Clintons he would pay the million-dollar mortgage on their $1.7 million, 11-room house in New York when they moved out of the White House.


Woe was us!
Oct 30, 2006
[h=5]Donald J. Trump[/h]7 hrs ·

BREAKING: Crooked Hillary Clinton put the State Department up for sale, with top aides pulling strings and doing favors for fat-cat donors to the Clinton Foundation:

Emails reveal Hillary’s shocking pay-for-play scheme
Hillary Clinton put the State Department up for sale, with top aides pulling strings and doing favors for fat-cat donors to the Clinton Foundation — including a shady billionaire, according to smok…


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Hillary Clinton Wore Shoes That Cost $775 on the Campaign Trail[/h][h=2]Shoes cost more than the average American makes in a week[/h]SHARE

Hillary Clinton / AP

BY: Ali Meyer Follow @DJAliMeyer
August 10, 2016 3:56 pm

Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton woreshoes that cost $775 while on the campaign trail on Wednesday while touring Des Moines, Iowa.
She arrived at the Raygun shirt store in Des Moines in hand-stitched rainbow striped calfskin shoes made by designer Salvatore Ferragamo, which can be purchased hereon sale for $542.
Clinton was gifted a shirt that said “America: Hill Yes” as she touted her commitment to young entrepreneurs and small businesses at the event,according to ABC News.
These shoes cost more than the average American makes in a week. “According to the most recent data from the U.S. Census Bureau, the average yearly income of a person in the United States as of 2013 was $28,155, meaning that each American earns an average of $2,346.25 per month, or $586.56 weekly,” a previous Washington Free Beacon analysis states.
Clinton has previously worn expensive items such as a $7,497 Giorgio Armani jacket that she wore during her primary victory speech in New York.
Additionally, Clinton has gone to Bergdorf Goodman to get her haircut, which usually charges $600. “The salon charges $600 for a haircut and an additional $600 for color, meaning that patrons could pay as much as $1,200 for one appointment,” the Free Beacon previously reported. “In July, Clinton took a trip to see salon owner John Barrett for a cut, shutting down a section of Bergdorf Goodman where staff closed off an elevator bank so the former secretary of state could ride alone.”


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]‘Clinton Cash: A Graphic Novel’ Sells Out in a Single Day; #5 on Amazon Bestsellers List[/h]



by JEROME HUDSON10 Aug 20162,440

[h=2]The graphic novel inspired by the New York Times bestselling investigative blockbuster Clinton Cash has entered a second printing just 24 hours after its official launch and now stands at #5 on the Amazon bestsellers list.[/h]Clinton Cash author and Breitbart Senior Editor-at-Large Peter Schweizer told Fox & Friends that the graphic novel conveys the fact-based reporting in his book “in a way that makes it accessible to people who don’t have time to sit down and read a serious nonfiction book.”
Like the New York Times bestselling book and documentary film it’s based on, Clinton Cash: A Graphic Novel, adapted by Chuck Dixon and Brett R. Smith, follows the shady connections and dealings between the Clinton Foundation donors, paid speeches given by Bill Clinton, and actions approved by the U.S. State Department while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State.

Video: Clinton: Clearly Some Changes to CGI If Hillary Wins

“I think millennials love this sort of approach because it’s humorous. They put in humor. It’s a lot of great visual images,” Schweizer said of the book.
“Stunningly illustrated, hilariously retold, and inspired by the blockbuster book that reshaped the contours of the presidential election, Clinton Cash: A Graphic Novel brings to life Hillary and Bill’s brazen plot to fleece the planet for maximum profit,” publisher Regency said in a release.

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Nothing Trump Says Matters as Much as What Hillary Did[/h]



by JOEL B. POLLAK10 Aug 2016126

[h=2]The media largely ignored the fact that the father of the Orlando terrorist was placed behind Hillary Clinton Tuesday at a campaign rally, but also endorsed her and her gun control policies. Instead, they obsessed about a joke Donald Trump made during a rally, hinting at gun owners resisting efforts to confiscate their weapons under a Clinton administration.[/h]It was the latest Trump media frenzy, and an example of the double standard: what Trump says is treated worse than what Clinton does.
The media have a left-wing bias because they share the left’s utopianism, and because most journalists entered the profession to “change the world.” But the way that bias operates has not been adequately discussed.

Video: What Is Boosting Clinton's Poll Standing?

Comedian Evan Sayet notes that the modern left-winger rejects adulthood and romanticizes the narcissistic socialism of kindergarten. What that means for media bias is that Republicans are cast in the role of censorious parents, while Democrats are the rebellious, romantic teenagers.
As “parents,” Republicans are the constant targets of resentment — but are also expected to pay for what Democrats want to buy. If they disagree, it is because they are unfair. And they are never allowed to deviate from the principles they preach.
The Democrats, on the other hand, are rewarded for utopian dreams, however unrealistic. Their excesses are always excused; in fact, they are celebrated when they break the rules. And when they govern, they are never held responsible for their failures.
Trump upsets all of that because he is the rare parent who lives like a teenager. He does what he wants — and says whatever he feels. He is highly successful, both as a businessman and a father, because he takes his ambitions and responsibilities quite seriously. But — perhaps because he is a former Democrat — he refuses to be square.
That is what irritates the media, and the conservative NeverTrump faction. Both constantly cite what Trump says, and constantly ignore what Hillary Clinton does.
Those conservatives who still support Trump — who understand the basic calculus that winning is always better than losing, and that any third-party vote effectively helps Hillary — are understandably frustrated at the media bias on display.
But that bias is to be expected: the media were vicious towards the moderate John McCain and the patrician Mitt Romney. And if, as some argue, Trump’s running mate were to take over, the media would treat Mike Pence with the same hyper-partisan disdain.
The obvious way out of this rigged game is to change the rules, to reset the expectations for Trump’s behavior. Of course he is going to say outrageous things. What is even more outrageous is the way people over-react — like the feminists accusing him of inciting violence against women, or the Harvard Republicans accusing him of “poisoning our children.”
Words matter — but they should matter on both sides. And what matters most are Hillary Clinton’s record of failure in high public office, and her lies about the same. Dare the media to look away.

New member
Aug 28, 2012
Forget the medical records, or tax returns on Hillary... Im actually interested in what she said in those Wall Street speeches. Was it motivational, or was it some pay to play thing... would be good to know.

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Nov 10, 2010



The latest national polling has Hillary Clinton only ahead of her rival Donald Trump by three points, while a number of surveys had her ahead by double-digits last week


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Hillary Clinton-Linked Company: Our Alleged Payments To ISIS Are Under ‘Review’[/h]


Joe Raedle/Getty Images

by PATRICK HOWLEY11 Aug 2016650

[h=2]Hillary Clinton sat on the board of a Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) partner that is under investigation amid accusations that it supplied funds to the Islamic State during negotiations with the terrorist group.[/h]A French company accused of sending payments to ISIS confirms to Breitbart News that Clinton served as a board member of the company, and that the company partnered with the Clinton Global Initiative as recently as 2014. Financial records show that the company donated between $50,001 and $100,000 to the Clinton Foundation, according to the Donald Trump campaign.
The company LaFargeHolcim, known as LaFarge, is a cement company that is in hot water following reports that it did business with ISIS.

Video: Hillary Clinton Warns Companies About 'Inversions'

“The mentioned review is still ongoing,” LaFargeHolcim told Breitbart News, referring to an internal audit that the company launched to investigate its own conduct regarding ISIS.
The Canary reported:
An investigative report by the French daily Le Monde revealed in June that the corporation, the world’s leader in construction materials, had paid taxes to Isis middlemen, as well as other armed groups in Syria, to protect its cement business operations in the country.
But the Le Monde story only covered a fraction of the revelations. Previous investigations by Zaman al-Wasl, an independent news outlet run by elements of the Syrian opposition, revealed that Lafarge had even regularly bought oil from Isis.
Al-Wasl’s original investigation, which Le Monde appears to have borrowed from considerably, was published in February, and based on internal documents and emails from the company. Al-Wasl reported that the CEO of Lafarge Cement Syria, Frederic Jolibois, had personally instructed his firm to make payments to Isis.
“Lafarge participated in the 2014 conference of the Clinton Global Initiative as one of many other participants. The participation was in the context of an affordable housing commitment (10,000 microcredits). This commitment was achieved and the partnership was not renewed,” LaFargeHolcim told Breitbart News.
“Hillary Clinton was on the Board of Directors of Lafarge North America for a short time (1990 – 1992) and left it almost 25 years ago,” the company stated.
So what exactly was LaFargeHolcim doing with the Clinton Foundation? Let’s turn to a September 23, 2014 press release. The press release made it clear that LaFarge was very excited to be joining the Clinton group (emphasis their own):
On the 23rd of September Eric Olsen, Executive Vice-President Operations, represented our Group at the Annual Meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative, which Lafarge recently joined. On this occasion, Eric Olsen announced a strong commitment: by the end of 2015, we aim to reach a run rate of 10,000 microfinance housing projects per year, positively affecting the lives of 80,000 people…
…Over the past two years, we have developed a unique portfolio of affordable housing solutions in different regions of the world, includingmicrofinance for affordable housing, slum renovation, earth-cement solutions and social housing.
So did they build 10,000 houses? Not quite.
A “microfinance housing project,” or “microcredit,” is actually a loan of indeterminate value given out in poor areas. LaFarge, through the Clinton Global Initiative, was handing out these small loans in Third World countries, but the company’s press release doesn’t say where.
According to
“Microcredit is used to describe small loans granted to low income individuals that are excluded from the traditional banking system. It is part of the larger microfinance industry, which provides not only credit, but also savings, insurance, and other basic financial services to the poor. The term ‘micro’ stems from the relatively small amounts of money that are being borrowed or saved.”
The company’s press release touted a Twitter hashtag campaign called #LaFarge10khomes to promote the initiative, but the campaign consisted of five tweets all on the same day: September 23, 2014.
The Canary quotes an American Spectator article from 1996 reporting that La Farge helped funnel weapons to Saddam Hussein during Clinton’s tenure:
“provided key services for the covert arms export network that supplied Saddam Hussein. To prevent exposure of that secret supply line, and collateral damage to Hillary Clinton – who joined Lafarge board in 1990, just as the arms pipeline was being shut down… the Justice Department was told to bury the investigation… But investigators from other US government agencies who worked on the case say they were ‘waved off’ whenever they got too close to exposing the direct involvement of the intelligence community in the arms export scheme.”
Clinton campaign spokesman Nick Merrill did not provide comment on the candidate’s relationship with LaFarge for this report.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
I think it has become very apparent how important Fox News is and always has been If nothing else it gives people an alternative to the politically correct approach that the major networks and the other cable news sources take. They are basically a chorus that simply repeat the same lines over and over and are in fact usually out of tune. Fox asserts that it is fair and balanced. To say the least they are more fair and balanced than all the lame streamers combined.

I think it is hilarious that so many libtards on this forum alone are anti-Fox. That tells you all you need to know. That means they are lame stream supporters plain and simple. Can you imagine if the Orlando killer’s dad had been sitting behind Trump at one of his rallies. Headline city. As I have said before, the lame stream focuses more on what Trump says than on what Hillary does and has done in the past.

The bottom line is that Fox does present the other side when necessary and does allow liberals air time to defend their side. Now it will be Fox against the lame stream when it comes to focusing on the Clinton Foundation and Hillary’s State Dept. It is pretty obvious and can be documented with a minimum effort. Of course the recent airport get together with Bill and the head of the DOJ has nothing to do with any of this…….right.
If any or all of this had been done by a Republican the lame stream would be calling for justice. Justice is justice that is plain and simple. Hillary withheld and destroyed emails and obviously many of them connected the dots between the Clinton Foundation and the State Department. Truth is a sidebar for the lame stream. I admire Fox for showing things for what they are. Without Fox it would be basically impossible to get the other side of a story that needs focus.

I wish Will Rogers was still around. Guys like that had a perspective that exceeded politics but focused on what needed focus. The Clinton Foundation only gives 10% of it’s income (reported income that is) and does not qualify as a legitimate charity. It’s foreign connections are as political as it gets and the dots to the State Department are there for all to see. I hope Fox is joined with others to press an investigation into the Foundation. The transparency that Obama promised is a joke, it is not transparent it is invisible.

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