Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Obama Won’t Say if Clinton Jeopardized National Security With Private Email[/h]SHARE

BY: David Rutz
July 27, 2016 8:06 am

President Obama wouldn’t say in an interview airing Wednesday if he felt Hillary Clinton had jeopardized national security with her private email conduct, at one point brusquely saying he didn’t want to re-litigate the matter.
Clinton was not indicted for her reckless handling of classified material and her continued, now-refuted insistence that she never sent such information over the server. However, FBI Director James Comey slammed her for being “extremely careless” and presiding over a State Department that did not take classified material seriously enough.
“Can you still, as we sit here today, say she didn’t jeopardize national security information?” NBC host Savannah Guthrie asked.
Obama sighed.

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“I don’t want to characterize any further what the FBI Director said,” Obama said. “I think he was comprehensive, unusually so, about how they arrived at the decision. I think Hillary’s acknowledged that she made a mistake.”
He bristled at the idea of her engaging in “criminal activities,” taking exception to the rhetoric at the Republican National Convention that included chants of “lock her up.” Bernie Sanders supporters have also cried she should be imprisoned at the Democratic National Convention, however.
“Folks are rough on Hillary Clinton in ways that, even as somebody who’s had my share of getting whacked in the public eye, I’m surprised by sometimes, and I don’t think it’s fair,” Obama said.
“But it’s not just her political opponents who are saying that this was wrong. You have the FBI Director saying it was extremely careless,” Guthrie said. “The director did say a reasonable person should know.”
Obama, sounding testy, said he didn’t want to “re-litigate this.”
“I can say with confidence that Hillary Clinton was an outstanding secretary of state, that she helped to make this country safer, that if she made mistakes, they were not ones that were intended to in any way compromise American security,” he said.


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Jan 9, 2009
No mention of Isis yet at the DNC - I figured Bill would at least give us the is is once again.

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Jan 9, 2009
President Obama and Secretary Clinton fail to recognize we live in a world where religious and political fanatics are actively plotting to harm U.S. citizens at home and abroad. Instead of investing in measures to secure our nation's borders, they have openly and actively pursued what Secretary of State John Kerry called a "borderless world." Americans need to ask themselves: Do we want to risk the safety and security of our family, businesses and communities on the dangerous and extreme policies supported by the ACLU, American Friends Service Committee, and other ideological extremists?

To our deep dismay and concern, the Clinton Immigration Plan embraces and expands the Obama policies that created the "Era of No Consequences." These policies fueled the illegal immigration crisis and drug epidemic that victimized entire cities and destroyed families. Those that were hardest hit by these policies included minorities, single mothers, existing lawful resident aliens, and others who had to compete for services and charities that were overwhelmed by the massive influx of illegal aliens.

Read the whole article:

Border Patrol Hillary Warning...

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Clinton Ally, Lawmaker Rejects U.S. Funding for Israeli Security Needs[/h][h=2]Duckworth opposes helping Israel protect against terrorism[/h]SHARE

Tammy Duckworth / AP

BY: Adam Kredo
July 28, 2016 2:45 pm

PHILADELPHIA—A Democratic lawmaker scheduled to address the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia on Thursday evening has come out against U.S. funding for critical Israeli security needs, sparking criticism about her commitment to joint U.S.-Israeli efforts to fight terrorists.
Rep. Tammy Duckworth (D., Ill.), a House Armed Services Committee member and Hillary Clinton ally, told observers that U.S. funding for Israel’s missile defense systems is not the “best solution.”
Duckworth’s criticism of longstanding U.S. funding for Israeli security needs drew criticism from pro-Israel congressional advocates who have sought for years to ensure the Jewish state can defend against attacks by rogue terror groups such as Hezbollah and Hamas.
The comments come as criticism of Israel has emerged as a centerpiece of the Democratic convention. One lawmaker compared Jewish Israeli settlers to “termites” earlier this week, and protesters on the streets of Philadelphia have burned the Israeli flag.
“Oftentimes the best path to a security is peace,” Duckworth said at an event sponsored by J Street, a Middle East advocacy group known for its criticism of Israel. “Sometimes the best solution is not more weapons; sometimes the best solution is actually entering negotiations and find a way to work together in peace.”

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Duckworth’s comments have been interpreted as a shot at a bipartisan effort to ensure that Israel receives full funding from the United States for its security needs. The pro-Israel effort is being spearheaded by Sens. Kirsten Gillibrand (D., N.Y.) and Mark Kirk (R., Ill,), whom Duckworth is seeking to unseat in November. At least 35 senators from both parties have lent their support to the effort.
“These joint U.S.-Israel programs continue to yield critical defense capabilities that protect Israel from missile and rocket threats from as near as the Gaza Strip and Lebanon to as far as Iran,” the senators wrote in a letter to the chair and vice chair of the Senate subcommittee on defense appropriations, which was also backed by Sens. David Vitter (R., La.), David Perdue (R., Ga.), Charles Schumer (D., N.Y.), and Tim Kaine (D., Va.), who was selected as Clinton’s vice presidential running mate.
“As you know, investments over the years in U.S.-Israeli missile defense programs have saved the lives of countless civilians from indiscriminate rocket and missile attacks,” the letter states.
Kirk told the Free Beacon that Duckworth’s stance is not supported by the majority of Congress.
“This administration repeatedly ignored Iran’s illegal missile launches and threats against Israel in order to protect the flawed Iran nuclear deal,” Kirk said. “The bipartisan majority of the United States Senate agrees with the American people in favor of Israel missile defense to protect innocent people against terrorist rocket and missile attacks.”
Kevin Artl, a spokesman for the Kirk campaign, told the Washington Free Beacon that Duckworth is embracing fringe policies in order to ingratiate herself with the most liberal wing of the Democratic Party.
“Another reckless and irresponsible foreign policy position by Duckworth who is clearly kowtowing to her top financial contributors at the J Street PAC,” Artl said. “What is becoming abundantly clear is that Duckworth’s national security views are being driven by those who fill her campaign coffers.”
Duckworth has been a vocal supporter of the Iran nuclear agreement, which paved the way for Tehran to access billions of dollars in once-frozen assets.
One top official with a prominent pro-Israel organization described Duckworth’s position as dangerous to Israel’s security and the Democratic Party’s support for Israel.
“Hezbollah has 150,000 rockets and missiles pointed at Israeli civilians and Duckworth is trying to prevent the Israelis from being able to defend themselves against these weapons,” said the source. “This position is so fringe it’s even to the left of President Obama, who regardless of his differences with the Israeli government, has always been clear that the United States must always ensure that the Israelis have what they need to defend themselves.”


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]IRS Will Investigate Clinton Foundation ‘Pay-to-Play’ Corruption Accusations[/h]SHARE

Hillary Clinton / AP

BY: Natalie Johnson
July 28, 2016 12:54 pm

The IRS confirmed it would investigate accusations of corrupt “pay-to-play” practices at the Clinton Foundation brought by over 60 Republican lawmakers who asked the agency to review potential “public corruption” in the organization.
In a July 22 letter, IRS Commissioner John Koskinen wrote to Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R., Tenn.), who is leading the probe, saying he had referred the congressional charges to the agency’s Exempt Organizations Program based in Dallas, the Daily Caller first reported this week.
Blackburn joined 63 other Republican House members demanding in a letter to Koskinen, FBI leaders, and the Federal Trade Commission earlier this month that the agencies probe the Clinton Foundation. The lawmakers charged that IRS filings “portray a lawless ‘pay-to-play’ enterprise that has been operating under a cloak of philanthropy for years and should be investigated.”
“The Clintons have used their foundation to personally enrich themselves at the expense of American foreign policy,” Blackburn said in a statement Tuesday. “At a minimum, the Foundation’s tax-exempt status needs to be reviewed and revoked immediately.”
Koskinen’s response came to Congress on Monday, the first day of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, where Hillary Clinton was officially coronated as the party’s presidential nominee.

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An unnamed Clinton Foundation source rejected media reports that the letter implied the IRS was deploying an investigation.
“Nowhere does this letter say that there’s an investigation, or that the IRS is even considering an investigation,” the source told Fox News.
The agency said in a statement that the IRS “receives referrals from a variety of sources” and refers those referrals “to the appropriate area for consideration.” The agency did not comment specifically on the Clinton Foundation case, citing privacy protections.
The Hill reported:
The lawmakers … expressed concerns in their letter about the fact that Laureate International Universities has donated to the foundation and an entity run by Laureate’s founder received millions of dollars in grants from the U.S. Agency for International Development while Hillary Clinton was secretary of State. They also are concerned that the chairman of a uranium-mining company donated money to the foundation, and Clinton was among the Obama administration officials who approved the company’s sale to the Russian government.
A Clinton campaign spokesman called the allegations “another baseless political attack from House Republicans.”

Oct 30, 2006
"By far the most amazing convention of all time. There could not have been a more inclusive group of people brought to the stage. There has never been a more amazing group of performers. Or speakers. Black speakers. Illegals. Vets. A little people. Moms of criminals. Moms of police officers. A whole slew of high level democratic politicians, who all represent different segments of our population whos most gifted asset was there ability to speak and create emotion. It was all so carefully crafted and incredibly presented. They even remembered to bring in some flags. But you can also bring a whole slew of make-up artists, and you can paint that in to a beautiful picture. Put on the most amazing lipstick. But it is still the most lying, corrupt bitch to walk the planet. LOCK HER UP....."

New member
Jan 9, 2009
^^^^the article above is well worth viewing if not copying "Arkansas Connections"
Oct 30, 2006
All you Hillary supporters I wonder how proud you were when the medal of honor soldier was booed and backs were turned to him at the DNC. Or when the police officer asked for a moment of silence to honor police and people yelled black lives matter. It made me sick I can not believe you would vote for her. Trump for president

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]The Hillary Mystique[/h][h=2]Column: The weakest part of the Democratic Convention was its presidential nominee[/h]SHARE

Hillary Clinton / AP

BY: Matthew Continetti
July 29, 2016 12:26 am

The weakest part of the 2016 Democratic National Convention was the speech delivered by the party’s nominee for president. Four nights of impressive stagecraft and at times moving rhetoric preceded Hillary Clinton’s paint-by-numbers, plodding address. It lacked the passion of Michelle Obama’s or Bernie Sanders’s speeches, had nothing of Joe Biden’s instinctual feel for middle-class language and anxieties, did not achieve the valedictory heights of Barack Obama’s appearance. Clinton did not speak from the political center, as Michael Bloomberg did, nor has she experienced loss like that of the Khan family, whose son was killed in battle in Iraq. Like many of the speakers at the convention, Clinton attacked Donald Trump. But her criticisms of the Republican nominee were not novel, or funny, or memorable.
He never appeared on stage, but Trump had a starring role at the DNC. Not only because the election has become a referendum on his personality, his issues, his methods, his supporters, his connections, but also because fear of Trump unifies a divided coalition. The 2016 primary exposed a fissure in the Democratic party between liberalism and radicalism. It was clear from the boos and tears of the convention that the chasm has not been bridged. As long as the central question in American politics is the future of Donald Trump, Democrats will be able to minimize their differences in pursuit of a common goal. But what happens after the Trump question is decided?
Trump also supplies Hillary Clinton with something she desperately needs: an argument for her campaign. She has tried various slogans, settling most recently on “Stronger Together.” It’s a platitude—and not an especially exciting one. The Democrats recycled lines from conventions past, including si se puede, which was chanted during vice presidential nominee Tim Kaine’s goofy and disappointing remarks. Is Clinton running for President Obama’s third term, or as a “change maker”? Is she the candidate of Bernie Sanders or of General John Allen?

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And what makes Clinton a change maker, anyway? Her health care plan was a failure. She may have supported the children’s health insurance bill, but it was Ted Kennedy and Orrin Hatch who moved it through Congress. I am happy she worked with Chuck Schumer to appropriate federal money for New York after 9/11, but is that really such an accomplishment? The country was ready to do almost anything that was asked of it after the terrorist attacks. Clinton supported interventions in Iraq and Libya that, to put it mildly, did not go as planned. She lost the nomination to Obama in 2008 and would have lost it again this year to either Joe Biden or Elizabeth Warren. She lied repeatedly to the public about the contents, security, and reason for her private email server. Even her supporters concede that she has a penchant for secrecy and a suspicion of outsiders that could hamper her ability to govern. The Hillary mystique is her inflated and undeserved reputation for competence. She is her own worst enemy. Ironically, the same could be said of her opponent in this odd and dispiriting presidential election.


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Jan 9, 2009
Watch ‘Clinton Cash’ This Weekend on One America News Network




by JEROME HUDSON29 Jul 2016290

One America News Network is airing the explosive documentary film Clinton Cash this Saturday and Sunday at 5 pm EST, making the 105-minute film that exposes the alarming pattern of corruption at the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation available to a wider audience.

“Whether your political views lean to the right or left, there’s nothing worse than politicians that abuse their power for personal gain,” One America News Network President Charles Herring told Breitbart News in an email.
“Too many times we’ve seen elected officials take a position on an issue that isn’t based on fundamental values or what’s good for the people, but rather what will line their own pockets,” Herring said. “Pay to play arrangements in our government need to be highlighted by media. We’re pleased to bring Clinton Cash to our viewers who can decide for themselves the value of this program.”
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The motion picture adaptation of the groundbreaking New York Times bestselling book Clinton Cashwas directed by M.A. Taylor and was written and produced by Danny Fleutte and Breitbart News Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon. The film exposes the record-high speaking fees to Bill Clinton and donations to the Clinton Foundation from foreign contributors, which coincided with favors for those closest to the Clintons and their foundation donors while Hillary Clinton served as Secretary of State.
“The Clinton Cash documentary has been viewed over 1.6 million times in the first week of its global online premiere and was the #1 trending story on U.S. Facebook during the first three days of the Democratic National Convention,” Fleutte told Breitbart News. “It’s rewarding to see One America News Network recognize the public’s appetite for this documentary film that took thousands of hours of investigative research.”
One America News took to social media to promote the airing of Clinton Cash.
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Viewers can watch Clinton Cash on One America News Network on AT&T U-Verse TV channel 208/1208, Verizon FiOS TV channel 116/616, , Frontier Communications ch. 116/616, CenturyLink PRISM TV ch. 208/1208, GCI Cable ch. 64, Consolidated Communications, Duncan Cable, Buckeye CableSystems, GVTC and numerous additional video providers.
One America News Network provides national and international news 24 hours a day, seven days a week, offering 21 hours of live news coverage plus two nightly, political talk shows — The Daily Ledger and Tipping Point. Additional information is available

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