Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


New member
Jan 9, 2009
You cite as a source hundreds of different times. You said Gowdy was gonna prove Benghazi bullshit. You keep posting articles with headlines that don't match the story. Please tell us again about a frank Luntz focus group member.

You are desperate and pathetic and you haven't connect a dot on Obama or Hillary in 8 thankful most of people here are as dumb as you.

You really are stupid. Breitbart is as good of a source as any liberal publication. You think Benghazi is a done deal.....absurd. Who cares about Frank Luntz???? Polls in general are a joke any more. It is you who cannot connect a dot....on anyone much less Hillary. She has been caught lying numerous times and you give her a pass. As far as being dumb goes you take the cake. You don't get it and you never will. Just wait until they focus on the Clinton Foundation and connect the dots to Hillary as Sec of State. It is all on hold right now but it will all come out in the end.
There are more dots connected to Hillary than anyone can possibly count but the bottom line is you have to be intelligent to make the connections and have good old common sense. That leaves you out for sure.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
You really are stupid. Breitbart is as good of a source as any liberal publication. You think Benghazi is a done deal.....absurd. Who cares about Frank Luntz???? Polls in general are a joke any more. It is you who cannot connect a dot....on anyone much less Hillary. She has been caught lying numerous times and you give her a pass. As far as being dumb goes you take the cake. You don't get it and you never will. Just wait until they focus on the Clinton Foundation and connect the dots to Hillary as Sec of State. It is all on hold right now but it will all come out in the end.
There are more dots connected to Hillary than anyone can possibly count but the bottom line is you have to be intelligent to make the connections and have good old common sense. That leaves you out for sure.
Breitbart is a bigger hack than you.....which is almost impossible. Benghazi is done.....Hillary stomped that out when she bulldozed Trey Gowdy thru the congress hardwood floors.

now you're on to Clinton foundation?? Lmao.....nothing will come of it because there is nothing.....just your wishful thinking and bullshit sources.

You still have not connected one dot.....not one. You're dave007 level stupid and that guy is retarded.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]EXCLUSIVE – Bolton: FBI Will ‘Explode’ If Hillary Not Indicted Over Email Scandal Due to Politics[/h]


AP Photo

by BREITBART NEWS20 Mar 20165,778
[h=2]Speaking in a radio interview on Sunday, John Bolton, former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, stated he believes the FBI will “explode” if Hillary Clinton ultimately is not indicted for her email infractions due to what he described as politics triumphing over the legal system.[/h]Bolton was being interviewed for “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio,” broadcast on New York’s AM 970 The Answer and Philadelphia’s NewsTalk 990 AM.
Klein, who doubles as Breitbart’s Jerusalem bureau chief and senior investigative reporter, asked Bolton whether he thinks Clinton will ultimately be indicted for allegedly sending classified information over her private email server.
“I think that the pressure is definitely building,” Bolton responded. “And just take the politics out of this for a second. What Hillary Clinton and her top aides did is not just make a few small violations of laws to protect classified information. They made wholesale violations and they did it for a sustained, indeed for a four-year period.”
He continued:
So this is a far more serious than what happened to General Petraeus. And it’s one reason why I think that both the FBI and I believe the people in the Justice Department, the prosecutors who would oversee the handling of the case, are moving more and more to the conclusion that serious indictments are warranted here.
Now it’s possible that in this administration that politics can triumph over the legalities. But I think if that does happen, there’s a real risk for Obama and for the Attorney General that the FBI will explode. And a lot of things that we don’t know about, that are not on the public record at the moment, will come on the public record.
It may not be the same thing as firing Archibald Cox (the discharged Special Prosecutor) in the Watergate investigation, but if this potential prosecution is tanked for political reasons, it will be a very loud explosion. And it will stain Obama’s legacy forever. It will damage Loretta Lynch’s professional reputation and I think it will have a profound impact on the presidential election, as well.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Clinton Rejected Secure Gov’t Cellphone After Denied a President-level Blackberry[/h]



by CHRISS W. STREET21 Mar 2016Newport Beach, CA315
[h=2]Secretary of State Hillary Clinton rejected a hacker-protected cellphone developed by General Dynamics once the National Security Agency declined to give her the same “special secure” BlackBerry that President Barack Obama carried.[/h]The latest batch of State Department documents recently obtained by Judicial Watch in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit regarding Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server while serving as Secretary of State revealed that she repeatedly sought to obtain an uncrackable “Blackberry-like communications” device to be used by her and her staff in their Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility offices. But the Secretary of State was rebuffed by the National Security Agency due to security and cost concerns.
The FOIA-obtained documents detail that Donald R. Reid as the State Department’s Senior Coordinator for Security Infrastructure at the Bureau of Diplomatic Security knew the Blackberry (BB) that President Obama carried wasn’t designed to be secure enough to send classified email — only to protect its microphone from being remotely hijacked by cyber-spies, according to Wired magazine.
But Reid persisted in a February 18, 2009 email to the NSA, because Secretary Clinton:
does not use a personal computer so our view of someone wedded to their email (why doesn’t she use her desktop when in SCIF?) doesn’t fit this scenario … during the campaign she was urged to keep in contact with thousands via a BB … once she got the hang of it she was hooked … now everyday [sic], she feels hamstrung because she has to lock her BB up … she does go out several times a day to an office they have crafted for her outside the SCIF and plays email catch up … Cheryl Mills and others who are dedicated BB addicts are frustrated because they too are not near their desktop very often during the working day.
The Secretary of State and her staff had developed a “personal comfort” using Blackberry technology during Clinton’s failed 2008 presidential campaign, and were angry because Blackberry security waivers were issued to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and her staff. But the NSA stated that “use expanded to an unmanageable number of users from a security perspective, so those waivers were phased out and Blackberry use was not allowed in her suite.”
For more special secure mobile hardware, the NSA suggested Secretary Clinton use a “Sectéra Edge” phone developed by General Dynamics under the direction of the NSA as part of the Secure Mobile Environment Portable Electronic Device (SME PED) program. The Sectéra Edge cost $4,750 per unit and ran a special hardened version of Windows CE software that supported the necessary protocols to access classified information on top secret government networks and place encrypted calls to other similarly trusted devices,according to by Ziff Davis Media’s Extreme Tech.
But the Sectéra Edge also needed to be connected to a Apriva email server specifically configured for mobile devices. It was “estimated that setting up a single user on the Sectéra Edge would cost the government about $30,000,” according to ARS Technica.
The Defense Mobile Classified Capability-Secret (DMCC-S) launched in 2015 replaced the SME PED. Rather than designing DMCC-S smartphones from the ground up, the Defense Department now uses commercially available smartphones with Bluetooth disabled. Secretary of State John Kerry received one of the first DMCC-S phones, a Samsung Galaxy S4.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
two more articles from Breitbart - did anyone see this stuff on any liberal media LOL

New member
Oct 29, 2010
two more articles from Breitbart - did anyone see this stuff on any liberal media LOL

Of course not because everyone know Bolton has been a political hack for Fox News for years and understands his opinion is meaningless......whether he's giving it to fox or Breitbart.

Give up or keep getting your jaw bruised by me.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Vitterd stop screwing with Russ and take on John Bolton directly, big shot.

Vitard is the political hack. Bolton is not politically driven - he has the best interests of this nation in mind at all times. Thank God for Fox News - where would we be without them.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Vitard is the political hack. Bolton is not politically driven - he has the best interests of this nation in mind at all times. Thank God for Fox News - where would we be without them.

Lmao. Bolton is not politically driven?

--Fox news
---advisor to Mitt Romney
----Bush appointee
---works for several conservative think tanks

yeah....not political. You are dave007 level clueless.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Come on, you wouldn't pay 39 bucks to see Vit debate John Bolton and call him a hack. I'd pay that just to see an exchange of letters between them, Vit first :)

No words needed.....I will just hold up his hack riddled resume. The guy makes sheriff Joe look middle of the road. He's jumped the shark though anyway.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Lmao. Bolton is not politically driven?

--Fox news
---advisor to Mitt Romney
----Bush appointee
---works for several conservative think tanks

yeah....not political. You are dave007 level clueless.

You don't get it and you never will. Think tank, something you will never be a part of. You don't seem to understand that someone cannot be a Dem/Lib and have the best interests of this country in mind. Only Dem/Libs can do that? Obama will not even recognize ISIS (or as he refers to it ISIL).

New member
Oct 29, 2010
You don't get it and you never will. Think tank, something you will never be a part of. You don't seem to understand that someone cannot be a Dem/Lib and have the best interests of this country in mind. Only Dem/Libs can do that? Obama will not even recognize ISIS (or as he refers to it ISIL).

You never got anything your entire life. Every source you use is a total fraud hack and it's why your dots never get connected.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Hillary gets the biggest endorsement of all…

Rolling Stone magazine.

"Hillary Clinton has an impressive command of policy, the details, trade-offs and how it gets done. It's easy to blame billionaires for everything, but quite another to know what to do about it," editor and publisher Jann S. Wenner said in an editorial published Wednesday.


Sep 21, 2004
Vitard is the political hack. Bolton is not politically driven - he has the best interests of this nation in mind at all times. Thank God for Fox News - where would we be without them.
This might be the funniest single line in this entire nonsensical thread. Even Bolton is cracking up.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
The dummies do not even realize that Bolton is a neoconservative:


noun neo·con·ser·va·tive \ˌnē-ō-kən-ˈsər-və-tiv\
Popularity: Top 40% of words
[h=2]Definition of neoconservative[/h]

  • 1: a former liberal espousing political conservatism
  • 2: a conservative who advocates the assertive promotion of democracy and United States national interest in international affairs including through military means

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