Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


New member
Jan 9, 2009
INVESTIGATION: Hillary Sent Dozens Of Emails On Her BlackBerry From Russia And China, Raising Risk Profile


10:36 PM 03/16/2016​



Hillary Clinton sent at least three dozen emails during seven different trips to China, Vietnam and Russia as secretary of state, a Daily Caller investigation reveals.
Communicating through a personal email account, which Clinton had synced up to a private email server and a non-government-issued BlackBerry, put the Democratic presidential candidate’s communications at risk, especially in nations with robust spy agencies and government-owned telecoms companies like China and Russia, a cyber security specialist tells TheDC.
The risk would have been even greater if Clinton failed to use what’s known as a BlackBerry Enterprise Server, a so-called “middleware” program that encrypts emails and other information, says Stephen Perciballi, a cyber security expert who formerly worked for BlackBerry retailer Softchoice.
If she did not, “it puts her at more risk,” Perciballi told TheDC.

It is unclear how Clinton’s server was configured. The device, which is now in the FBI’s possession, was kept at Clinton’s home in New York during her tenure at State. It was managed by former State Department IT specialist Bryan Pagliano, who worked on Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign.
“Was that server just sitting there wide open, sitting on her Comcast cable connection?” Perciballi asked. “We don’t know, and that’s really the problem.”
“Is she building up a fortress of security in her basement? The sheer fact that she did something as irresponsible as this with her work email, I’m guessing no.”
The State Department declined to tell TheDC if Clinton utilized a BlackBerry Enterprise Server.

“There are reviews and inquiries looking into this matter generally and we are not going to get ahead of that,” agency spokesman John Kirby told TheDC.
Pagliano, who recently received immunity in exchange for cooperation with the FBI, did not respond to an email seeking comment.
TheDC was able to determine which emails Clinton sent during overseas trips by comparing the emails released by the State Department to her travel schedule. Politico conducted a similar analysis last March, using press photos to determine when and where Clinton was using her BlackBerry overseas.
The State Department has released Clinton’s 52,000-plus pages of emails since then, allowing for a better cross-reference of her email activities with her overseas travels.
Most — if not all — of Clinton’s emails were sent from her personal BlackBerry. Clinton has said that she used a personal email account — and, thus, a personal BlackBerry — so that she would not have to carry around two devices. The State Department did not have the capability during Clinton’s tenure to fix BlackBerries with both types of email accounts.
An Aug. 30, 2011 email recently obtained by TheDC shows that Clinton’s deputy chief of staff Huma Abedin rejected a proposal to provide Clinton with a second BlackBerry equipped with a email account.
Abedin and other Clinton aides, such as her chief of staff Cheryl Mills, used BlackBerries issued by the State Department. Communications on those devices likely would have been much more secure than Clinton’s, given that the State Department has its own massive IT department.
Clinton emailed heavily from China during a Nov. 2009 trip there to dedicate the USA Pavilion at the Shanghai Expo, State Department records show.
She did the same during a May 2010 trip to China where she again visited the USA Pavilion and attended a meeting of the U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue.
Clinton also used her BlackBerry and sent emails during trips to Vietnam and China in Oct. 2010.
During her next trip to China, in May 2012, Clinton sent several emails and also received one containing now-classified information from her top foreign policy aide, Jake Sullivan.
Sullivan forwarded the email, which had the subject line “Express Delivery in China,” to Clinton from Robert Hormats, who then served as under secretary of state for economic growth, energy, and the environment.
She continued using her BlackBerry during overseas trips, including during visits to Russia in June and September 2012. She sent emails from China in Sept. 2012 as well, State Department records show.
Clinton and her campaign have downplayed her use of a private email system, personal email account and personal BlackBerry by claiming that her server was never hacked. The campaign pointed to a New York Times article published last month which suggested that FBI investigators found no evidence that Clinton’s server was hacked.
But as former National Security Agency analyst John Schindler wrote in a recent column at the Observer, The Times article relies on a layman’s definition of “hacking” and ignores other methods of compromising Clinton’s communications devices.
“Unencrypted IT systems don’t need ‘hacking,'” Schindler wrote. “Ms. Clinton’s ‘private’ email, which was wholly unencrypted for a time, was incredibly vulnerable to interception, since it was traveling unprotected on normal commercial networks, which is where [signals intelligence] operators lurk, searching for nuggets of gold.”
A “specific phone number, a chatroom handle, an email address” would be the equivalent of “waving a huge ‘I’m right here’ flag at hostile intelligence services,” Schindler wrote.
Perciballi agrees that there would be other ways besides hacking directly into Clinton’s server to snoop on her communications. He also says that foreign states like China and Russia have enormous capabilities of pulling off such attacks.
By using a man-in-the-middle attack, a hacker “could snoop on her email while she was sending it even without her knowing,” the expert said.
While such an attack would be “very difficult” to pull off, it would not be as difficult for state-sanctioned actors to accomplish. That’s especially true in countries where telecoms agencies are owned or controlled by the state, such as is the case in China.
Another method of attack would be through malware.
Such a strategy would allow a hacker to remain silent in the background while stealing a user’s user name and password. If such an attack befell Clinton, the hacker could sync her email with their devices with little chance of detection.
“And now they’re reading State Department email,” said Perciballi.
It is known that Clinton received emails bearing viruses on her personal account. On Aug. 3, 2011 she received five emails designed as speeding tickets send from a New York police department. Clinton has claimed she did not open the emails. It is unclear, however, how many other phishing emails she received. As Politico’s Josh Gerstein pointed out in an article last year, Clinton has acknowledged that she deleted some “spam” emails.
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The State Department declined to say whether Clinton utilized a BlackBerry Enterprise Server or whether it was aware if she had.“As is standard, we don’t discuss State security protocols or speak to the full range of communications capabilities available to current or former Secretaries of State while on foreign travel,” spokesman John Kirby told TheDC.
“Generally speaking, while traveling abroad, the Secretary of State has access to a range of communications capabilities, both classified and unclassified,” he added, noting that security for communications is “adjusted routinely from place to place.”

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New member
Jan 9, 2009
You don't get it and you never will. If Hillary supports him as a candidate that tells us everything "most" people need to know. You didn't read the part of the article where she said that
Hillary Clinton commended Obama’s choice in a statement circulated by her presidential campaign Wednesday.


New member
Oct 29, 2010
You don't get it and you never will. If Hillary supports him as a candidate that tells us everything "most" people need to know. You didn't read the part of the article where she said that
Hillary Clinton commended Obama’s choice in a statement circulated by her presidential campaign Wednesday.


It really is hard to comprehend how stupid you are. I mean, at a place that includes dave007 and sheriff Joe, you are neck and neck for biggest idiot. Still waiting on one dot to connect.....

Hillary has most votes of any primary candidate. People are really not falling for your drudge, Breitbart and daily caller articles!! Just give up

New member
Oct 29, 2010
And where is the Tard's response to this one LOL. He doesn't get it and he never will.

Where is your opinion on the Breitbart implosion? Been telling you for years that source was a bunch of hack liars. Guess who was right again????!!! Me!!!

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007

Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has to worry about a steep drop-off of the black vote that could imperil her chances of winning the White House in November, an analysis has found.

The number of African-Americans who voted in Tuesday’s primaries plummeted by an estimated 40 percent in Ohio, 38 percent in Florida and 34 percent in North Carolina compared with the 2008 Democratic primary when Barack Obama was on the ballot, reported the advocacy group Black Votes Matter.

Analysts expected some drop-off, but not the enormous numbers recorded Tuesday.

“Hillary’s repeated trouncing of Bernie Sanders with the black vote has masked the alarming fact that there has been a dramatic drop-off in black turnout in the Democratic primaries,” said Charlie King, founder of the Black Voters Matter super PAC.

The decline provides an opening for likely GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump to win the presidency, King warned.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
Where is your opinion on the Breitbart implosion? Been telling you for years that source was a bunch of hack liars. Guess who was right again????!!! Me!!!

And Hillary is not a liar LOL - you don't get it and you never will. The entire liberal press should implode....hello.

New member
Nov 10, 2010
[h=1]FBI chief James Comey 'increasingly convinced' Hillary's secret email server broke the law[/h]
  • Career agents have whispered to the New York Post suggesting that the FBI director is being stonewalled by the Obama White House
  • The agents suggest that Hillary Clinton broke the law, but for political reasons could get away with not being charged
  • Additionally, Comey could take a stand and resign if his investigation gets blocked to aide the Democratic frontrunner
PUBLISHED: 14:19, 21 March 2016 | UPDATED: 15:05, 21 March 2016

Federal Bureau of Investigations Director James Comey is 'increasingly convinced' that Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton broke the law with her private email setup, says the New York Post, citing unnamed 'career agents.'
The paper charges that Comey is contemplating pushing for charges but doesn't have the backing of the Obama White House, who would like to see Clinton elected over Republican frontrunner Donald Trump.
Without such political will, agents have begun whispering to their friends in the private sector, telling them Comey is getting stonewalled, writes reporter Charles Gasparino.



Stonewalled? Career agents are whispering to their friends in the private sector - and to the New York Post - suggesting that FBI head James Comey is facing political pressure not to charge Hillary Clinton



The government hasn't revealed much about the ongoing FBI investigation except to say that Hillary Clinton's aide Bryan Pagliano was granted immunity

The official government line is a 'no comment' from the FBI.
Any evidence that the FBI uncovered has still not been made public.
The government says no final decision has been made, however the case is clearly progressing as Clinton aide Bryan Pagliano, who worked on her private server, was granted immunity by the Justice Department earlier this month.
'You don't start granting people close to Clinton immunity unless you are seriously looking at charges against your target,' one of Gasparino's sources said.
Clinton has publicly said that using a private email account attached to a homebrew server was a 'mistake.'
Mainly 'because it's caused all this uproar and commotion.'
She's defended the practice by pointing to her predecessors including Secretaries of States Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice, who were appointed by Republicans.
She's said any classified material found among the emails now that they're public is due to retroactive classification and none of her messages were marked classified at the time.


FBI agents suggest that FBI Director James Comey could resign over the Hillary Clinton email scandal if the Obama Justice Department decides not to pursue charges

Gasparino's sources counter this by saying that high-level government officials know that emails not marked classified may still be top secret.
Additionally, they say that officials know that private servers are easier to hack.
So Comey and his associates 'increasingly doubt Clinton’s story.'
As FBI director, however, Comey can only recommend charges to the Justice Department, led by Obama appointee, Attorney General Loretta Lynch.
Insiders told the New York Post that evidence would have to be 'overwhelming' for Comey to make such recommendations and for Obama's Justice Department to pursue them.
But agents also suggest that the investigation is solid enough for Comey to quit if the Justice Department doesn't listen to him on the matter of Clinton.


New member
Oct 29, 2010
And Hillary is not a liar LOL - you don't get it and you never will. The entire liberal press should implode....hello.

You cite as a source hundreds of different times. You said Gowdy was gonna prove Benghazi bullshit. You keep posting articles with headlines that don't match the story. Please tell us again about a frank Luntz focus group member.

You are desperate and pathetic and you haven't connect a dot on Obama or Hillary in 8 thankful most of people here are as dumb as you.

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