Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


New member
Oct 29, 2010
The dummies do not even realize that Bolton is a neoconservative:



noun neo·con·ser·va·tive \ˌnē-ō-kən-ˈsər-və-tiv\
Popularity: Top 40% of words
Definition of neoconservative

  • 1: a former liberal espousing political conservatism
  • 2: a conservative who advocates the assertive promotion of democracy and United States national interest in international affairs including through military means

He actually rejects being called that and denies that's what he carry on to the next round of bullshit

New member
Jan 9, 2009
He actually rejects being called that and denies that's what he carry on to the next round of bullshit

He is what he is but the main thing is he has the best interests of this nation at heart. What part of that don't you understand.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Rudy Giuliani Says Hillary Clinton ‘Could Be Considered A Founding Member Of ISIS’

Former New York City mayor blames the Democratic frontrunner for creating the terror group.

Rudy Giuliani amped up the rhetoric on Wednesday night, saying Hillary Clinton “could be considered a founding member of ISIS.”
Speaking on “The O’Reilly Factor,” the former New York City mayor claimed Clinton bears responsibility for creating the terrorist organization, which controls parts of Syria and Iraq, because she was secretary of state during President Barack Obama’s first term.
“She helped create ISIS,” Giuliani said. “Hillary Clinton could be considered a founding member of ISIS.”
Asked how that makes her responsible by host Bill O’Reilly, Giuliani elaborated:
“By being part of an administration that withdrew from Iraq. By being part of an administration that let [former Prime Minister Nouri al-] Maliki run Iraq into the ground, so you forced the Shiites to make a choice. By not intervening in Syria at the proper time. By being part of an administration that drew 12 lines in the sand and made a joke out of it.”
O’Reilly pointed out that Clinton couldn’t force policy on President Obama. Her only option, he said, would have been to resign.
“Yeah — which is what a patriot does,” Giuliani replied.

Also on HuffPost


New member
Oct 29, 2010
He is what he is but the main thing is he has the best interests of this nation at heart. What part of that don't you understand.

he has his own best interest at heart and is a conservative political hack. The guy does nothing but bash those on the left and praise those on the right. Just like you he is a total fraud.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
he has his own best interest at heart and is a conservative political hack. The guy does nothing but bash those on the left and praise those on the right. Just like you he is a total fraud.

Again he has it right and you don't get it and you never will. So you think Obama has the best interests of this country in mind at all times. Right, his actions speak for themselves. Again, you are the hack (Alinskyite thru and thru). So you think liberals are always right and conservatives are always wrong. That says it all. Looking at California is like looking into a liberal crystal ball. Look at Detroit etc. Anyone who runs down Bolton and does not run down Hillary or Obama is just a kool aid drinker.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Lost emails from Clinton server discovered[/h]



By Julian Hattem - 03/24/16 03:39 PM EDT

Conservative legal watchdogs have discovered new emails from Hillary Clinton’s private email server dating back to the first days of her tenure as secretary of State.
The previously undisclosed February 2009 emails between Clinton from her then-chief of staff, Cheryl Mills, raise new questions about the scope of emails from Clinton’s early days in office that were not handed over to the State Department for recordkeeping and may have been lost entirely.

Clinton’s presidential campaign has previously claimed that the former top diplomat did not use her personal "" account before March 2009, weeks after she was sworn in as secretary of State.But on Thursday, the watchdog group Judicial Watch released one message from Feb. 13, 2009, in which Mills communicated with Clinton on the account to discuss the National Security Agency’s (NSA) efforts to produce a secure BlackBerry device for her to use as secretary of State.
The discovery is likely to renew questions about Clinton’s narrative about her use of the private email server, which has come under scrutiny.
Last year, news organizations reported that Obama administration officials had discovered an email chain between Clinton and retired Gen. David Petraeus that began before Clinton entered office and continued through to Feb. 1. The chain of emails began on an earlier email system that Clinton used while serving in the Senate, but was reportedly transferred on to the server.
In 2014, Clinton gave the State Department roughly 30,000 emails from her time in office that she said related to her work as the nation’s top diplomat. Another roughly 30,000 emails, which Clinton said contained personal information such as her daughter’s wedding plans and yoga routines, were deleted.
However, critics have questioned her decision to unilaterally delete the allegedly private emails without getting official input to determine which messages were personal and which were work-related.
Tom Fitton, the head of Judicial Watch, has said that he expects all of the emails to eventually come to light.
The State Department's publicly released stash of Clinton emails begins on March 18, 2009. The new emails discovered by Judicial Watch are not contained in the State Department’s files.
A State Department official said on Thursday that Clinton “has previously acknowledged that she emailed with department officials before March 18, 2009, the date of the first email in the collection that former Secretary Clinton provided to the Department in December 2014."
“Former Secretary Clinton has also indicated that she does not have access to work-related emails beyond those she turned over to the Department,” the official added, while noting that Clinton has confirmed in court proceedings that she gave over all the work-related messages she had.
"In September 2015, we also asked the FBI to inform us should it recover any records from Secretary Clinton’s server that we don’t already have,” the official added.
In the email released on Thursday, Mills told Clinton that an NSA official “indicated they could address our BB [BlackBerry] so that BB could work in” secure spaces, “based upon some modifications that could be done.”
“That’s good news,” Clinton responded.


New member
Oct 29, 2010
Again he has it right and you don't get it and you never will. So you think Obama has the best interests of this country in mind at all times. Right, his actions speak for themselves. Again, you are the hack (Alinskyite thru and thru). So you think liberals are always right and conservatives are always wrong. That says it all. Looking at California is like looking into a liberal crystal ball. Look at Detroit etc. Anyone who runs down Bolton and does not run down Hillary or Obama is just a kool aid drinker.

This entire thread is Alinsky. This is his playbook and you follow it every election cycle. Do you have a single thread that says who you support? Of course not, it's all bashing others.....that's what hacks do and it's what you always will be.

Apr 14, 2006
This entire thread is Alinsky. This is his playbook and you follow it every election cycle. Do you have a single thread that says who you support? Of course not, it's all bashing others.....that's what hacks do and it's what you always will be.
Pot, meet kettle.

Apr 14, 2006
Vitterd > Russ, Joe, Dave

This of course refers to the world of political hackiness.

Apr 14, 2006
I'm happy as fuck...both my young kids got straight oldest going to play college football next year on a combo Academic/Athletic scholarship just like his father (hockey), heading to Destin with my family to spend the next 10 days in our condo, about to get started on my house in New Orleans off of St. Charles St, just landed a huge contract with one of our hospitals down here, my second boat is almost finished (35 year old Whaler I am redoing), and we treat others like Christians, regardless of race, religion or income level....because I was raised with nothing. Going to be buying my parents a condo for them to retire and to just thank them for teaching me right from wrong, just like I am doing for my children so they don't have to blame whitey or Republicans for their shitty life.

Apr 14, 2006
I might even start doing the elliptical at the gym so I can be tough.

Jul 4, 2012
Ummmmm.....I'm clear about who I support. All you dumb fucks do is point fingers and place's how you live your lives and why youre miserable unhappy people.

Nice projection, dumb fuck.

The only reason you've articulated for supporting Hillary is "did you see the Republicans!?"

The idea that you are some happy person is beyond comical. You're a dumb, never accomplished anything, broke loser. You actually tried to tell people you won all this money playing poker and nobody believed you.


New member
Oct 29, 2010
Nice projection, dumb fuck.

The only reason you've articulated for supporting Hillary is "did you see the Republicans!?"

The idea that you are some happy person is beyond comical. You're a dumb, never accomplished anything, broke loser. You actually tried to tell people you won all this money playing poker and nobody believed you.


You actually told people " Bernie is trying to steal my wealth" and you are dead broke. I'm always gonna have more money than you and always be more successful.....more friends, more are gonna die miserable and alone.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
I'm happy as fuck...both my young kids got straight oldest going to play college football next year on a combo Academic/Athletic scholarship just like his father (hockey), heading to Destin with my family to spend the next 10 days in our condo, about to get started on my house in New Orleans off of St. Charles St, just landed a huge contract with one of our hospitals down here, my second boat is almost finished (35 year old Whaler I am redoing), and we treat others like Christians, regardless of race, religion or income level....because I was raised with nothing. Going to be buying my parents a condo for them to retire and to just thank them for teaching me right from wrong, just like I am doing for my children so they don't have to blame whitey or Republicans for their shitty life.

Clearly you a miserable guy. 95 percent of your posts are complaints. It's nice that you do things for your family.....I've given to family and charity the past decade you can't even imagine.

Apr 14, 2006
Clearly you a miserable guy. 95 percent of your posts are complaints. It's nice that you do things for your family.....I've given to family and charity the past decade you can't even imagine.

Theyre complaints because I cannot even fathom the level of flat out ignorance that comes out of people, power hungry politicians, welfare sucking leaches, liberals and dumb ass lazy no good mo fos in general.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]‘Lost’ Emails Show Hillary Clinton Used Server Earlier Than Admitted, Has Not Turned Over All Emails[/h]


J.D. Pooley/Getty Images

by JOHN HAYWARD25 Mar 20162,476
[h=2]Watchdog group Judicial Watch has uncovered new Hillary Clinton emails that demonstrate she was using her illicit homebrew email server at least a month earlier than she has previously admitted, and also make it clear she has not handed over all of her official correspondence yet, despite claims to the contrary.[/h]“The emails also contain more evidence of the battle between security officials in the State Department, National Security Administration, Clinton and her staff over attempts to obtain secure Blackberrys,” Judicial Watch points out.
The State Department was extremely reluctant to hand these emails over (imagine that!). It took a court order from a federal judge to pry them loose… over a year after the State Department failed to comply with a lawful Freedom of Information Act request.
What Judicial Watch finally obtained, at long last, is a chain of emails “in which Mills conveys to Clinton that the National Security Agency is not pleased with her request for a more secure, personalized BlackBerry,” as the Washington Examiner adroitly puts it.
The email chain includes a message from at least one nameless NSA official eager to play ball with the incoming Secretary of State:
Debbie Plunkett, D/Chief of our Information Assurance Directorate, is personally assembling a knowledgeable team to work with you and other members of your staff to move forward on your Blackberry requirement. She will engage State’s CIO and DS/comms security folks to ensure everyone is aware of the art of the possible … I am confident we can get to YES on this!
“The art of the possible?” “I am confident we can get to YES on this?” Our national security is in the very best of hands, folks.
Inconveniently for Clinton’s desperate efforts to hide her correspondence from Congress and the American people, the rest of the National Security Agency was not interested in the “art of the possible,” refusing Clinton’s daft demand for a BlackBerry that would help her shovel classified documents through her unsecure mail server, and telling her staff to embrace the art of coloring books. (That was literally their response: “Shut up and color.”)
So Team Clinton didn’t “get to yes,” but she went ahead and used her secret server anyway. Clinton has resolutely maintained it went online in March 2009, but her responses to the “lost” email chain uncovered by Judicial Watch are dated February 13. There are moreemails between Clinton and then-CIA Director David Petraeus dated earlier than March 2009, but the American people still aren’t allowed to see those messages.
Also, as Judicial Watch points out, these new emails have been unearthed after Clinton “repeatedly stated that the 55,000 pages of documents she turned over to the State Department in December 2014 included all of her work-related emails”… and she has made sworn statements to that effect, in federal court, under penalty of perjury. Fortunately for her, as Americans discovered to their surprise in the late Nineties, people named “Clinton” are immune to perjury charges.
Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton knows exactly why Clinton tried to keep these February 2009 emails from the public: “Because she didn’t want Americans to know about her February 13, 2009, email that shows that she knew her Blackberry and email use was not secure.”
All’s well that ends well for Clinton, since she was able to keep these revelations hidden until she secured the Democrat Party nomination for President. (Sorry, Sanders kids, but it’s been over for a while now, in part because Sanders gave Clinton a pass on the email scandal.)
The Hill quotes a State Department official setting up Clinton’s perjury defense by saying she “indicated that she does not have access to work-related emails beyond those she turned over to the Department.”
In other words, she says she didn’t have copies of the “lost” emails uncovered by Judicial Watch’s court order, so she wasn’t technically lying when she said she handed over all her official correspondence. She just kind of forgot to mention there were FOIA-responsive documents from before March 2009 floating around out there somewhere.
What else has she “forgotten” to tell us about her mail server? Stay tuned.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]FBI Reveals New Details About Its Probe Into Hillary Clinton's Use of Private Email Server[/h]

  • [*=center]








By Jason Leopold
March 26, 2016 | 9:05 am
The FBI submitted a classified declaration to a federal court judge late Friday explaining details about the bureau's "pending investigation" into the use of a private email server by Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton. The declaration addresses why the FBI can't publicly release any records about its probe in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed by VICE News.

In a separate public declaration, David Hardy, the chief of the FBI's FOIA office, said there are a number of documents exchanged between the FBI and the State Department relating to the FBI's ongoing investigation of Clinton's use of a private email server, which stored all of the official government emails Clinton sent and received during her tenure as Secretary of State. But the FBI, which consulted with attorneys within its Office of General Counsel "who are providing legal support to the pending investigation," cannot divulge any of them without "adversely affecting" the integrity of its investigation.
Some of the documents at issue concern "server equipment and related devices obtained from former Secretary Clinton," Hardy said. The documents "consist of memoranda from the FBI to the Department of State regarding evidence. The purpose of these communications with the Department of State was to solicit assistance in furtherance of the FBI's investigation."
VICE News sought a wide-range of records from the FBI last December related to Clinton's private email server. Specifically, we asked the FBI for any emails and other documents retrieved from her server, thumb drive, and any other electronic equipment that has not been publicly disclosed; any correspondence and other documents between the FBI and Clinton or her representatives; correspondence between the FBI and the State Department about Clinton's server; and any documents memorializing authorizations granted to the FBI to disclose to the media what the bureau seized from her server. In his declaration, Hardy said the FBI does not have any documents showing that the bureau communicated with Clinton or her aides nor does the FBI have any records about disclosures to the media. The FBI has asked US District Court Judge Randolph Moss to dismiss VICE News' FOIA lawsuit on grounds that the documents it does have about Clinton's private email server are located in files pertaining to a pending investigation that is exempt from disclosure because their release would interfere with active law enforcement proceedings.
Related: There Are 1,800 Reasons Why the Controversy Over Hillary Clinton's Emails Is Far From Over
"Materials that were retrieved from any server equipment and related devices obtained from former Secretary Clinton for the investigation, which would be responsive to [VICE News' FOIA request], are potential evidence in the FBI's investigation, or may provide leads to or context for potential evidence," Hardy wrote. "As this is an active and ongoing investigation, the FBI is continuing to assess the evidentiary value of any materials retrieved for the investigation from any such server equipment/related devices. Disclosure of evidence, potential evidence, or information that has not yet been assessed for evidentiary value while the investigation is active and ongoing could reasonably be expected to undermine the pending investigation by prematurely revealing its scope and focus."
Hardy noted that the FBI's probe was launched after the bureau received a referral from inspectors general of the State Department and the intelligence community about Clinton's use of a private email server. FBI Director James Comey acknowledged during testimony before the House Judiciary Committee last October that the FBI received a "security referral" from the watchdogs. But beyond that, "the FBI has not and cannot publicly acknowledge the specific focus, scope, or potential targets of any such investigation."
Earlier this month, the Washington Post cited a senior law enforcement official when itreported that the Department of Justice granted immunity to Bryan Pagliano, a former State Department staffer who worked on Clinton's private email server, "as part of a criminal investigation into the possible mishandling of classified information."
"As the FBI looks to wrap up its investigation in the coming months, agents are likely to want to interview Clinton and her senior aides about the decision to use a private server, how it was set up, and whether any of the participants knew they were sending classified information in emails, current and former officials said," according to the Washington Postreport.
Clinton's exclusive use of private email to conduct official business was revealed a year ago this month by the New York Times. The State Department released more than 30,000 of Clinton's emails over the course of 10 months under a court order in response to a separate FOIA lawsuit filed by VICE News in January 2015.
Related: The Final 1,700 Hillary Clinton Emails Were Released — And One Was Not
More than 1,800 emails were withheld or heavily redacted under exemptions to the FOIA law, including 22 that were not released because they were deemed Top Secret and would cause "exceptionally grave damage" to national security if disclosed. About 65 others were classified Secret and were heavily redacted. VICE News is currently fighting in federal court for a summary of the information contained in those emails.
Clinton has insisted she never sent or received any emails that contained classified information.

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