Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Bernie Sanders' failure to grill Hillary Clinton about her casual treatment of national secrets and disregard of the Freedom of Information Act speaks volumes about him. (AP Photo/David Goldman)[/h]

[h=1]Hillary Clinton hubris, FBI nemesis[/h]

3/14/16 1:01 AM




"That's not going to happen," Hillary Clinton said in Wednesday night's debate, brushing off a question about what she'll do if she is charged with federal crimes. "Goodness!" she exclaimed, treating the subject as unworthy of discussion, "I'm not even answering that question."
This was the Democratic presidential front-runner's effort to evade a very pointed and relevant question from debate moderator Jorge Ramos: "Would you drop out of the race if you get indicted?"
He had to ask it twice even to get the courtesy of an evasion.
Clinton's choice of tactic on this issue, to slough it off rather than treat it seriously, is perhaps to be expected, but it plays voters for suckers. Even if an indictment is not imminent or doesn't seem probable, the fact that she disobeyed the laws and regulations that applied to her during her time in the Obama administration is not even up for debate.

More from the Washington Examiner
[h=2]Florida attorney general endorses Trump[/h]By Gabby Morrongiello
03/14/16 3:21 PM

The fact that the Justice Department has granted immunity to an aide who set up her personal email server is a sign that the continuing FBI investigation is very serious. Democratic voters would do well to take these facts into consideration.
Perhaps Clinton feels so safe that she can say anything. Why shouldn't she, when Bernie Sanders, her opponent in the Democratic primaries, threw in the towel in the first debate by expressing disgust for the whole subject of her "damn emails"? His failure to grill her about her casual treatment of national secrets and disregard of the Freedom of Information Act, speaks volumes about him, too.
As a former federal agency head who knowingly concealed her work product from the taxpayers, from Congress, and from lawful FOIA requests as long as five years in some cases, Clinton has an awful lot to answer for.
More importantly, as a government employee who casually distributed classified secrets through nonsecure channels, then lied about it repeatedly on national television, she has fully earned the misgivings of the 60 to 70 percent of voters who tell pollsters she is dishonest and untrustworthy.
It's safe to say that any other government employee who did what Clinton did would be facing severe consequences. The use of private email for government work was among the reasons cited for Clinton's sacking of a U.S. ambassador to Kenya during her time in the Obama administration.


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Hillary Clinton’s Four Days of Gaffes[/h]SHARE

BY: Blake Seitz
March 15, 2016 6:12 pm

By her own admission, Hillary Clinton is not a natural politician.
In fact, Clinton has been something of a gaffe machine over the last four days, averaging one embarrassing flub per day.
Last Friday, Hillary Clinton attended the funeral of a fellow first lady, Nancy Reagan. While discussing her legacy with MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell, Clinton stepped in it by saying that Nancy and her husband had started “a national conversation” about HIV/AIDS.
Clinton’s comment drew outrage, in large part because of hostility toward President Reagan in the LGBT community. While some of this hostility is unfair—Reagan called for and approved a massive increase in funding to research and combat HIV/AIDS, and he publicly opposed a California effort to discriminate against gay schoolteachers—it is fair to say that the Reagans did not start “a national conversation” about HIV/AIDS: they rarely spoke publicly about the issue, especially in the early years of the Reagan presidency.
On Saturday, Clinton jabbed her opponent, socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.), for being all talk and no action on health care reform.
“I don’t know where he was when I was trying to get health care in ’93 and ’94,” Clinton said at a rally in St. Louis, referring to her abortive effort to pass a health care reform act, dubbed ‘Hillarycare,’ in the mid-1990s.
This line of attack turned into a rout for her opponent when a video surfaced of Clinton praising Sanders for his “leadership in this great [health care] reform effort.” A note from Clinton to Sanders lauding him for his “commitment to real health care” also emerged.
On Sunday, Clinton lit an exploding cigar by stating her intention to destroy coal country.
“We’re gonna put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business,” Clinton said.
Clinton quickly added that she would support measures to help miners put out of work by her measures.
On Monday, Clinton defended her support for the 2011 U.S. military intervention in Libya, but flubbed the facts yet again.
“Libya was a different kind of calculation,” Clinton said, adding that the United States “didn’t lose a single person” as a result of the intervention.
Clinton didn’t mention the 2013 terrorist attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, which killed four Americans. The omission brought renewed attention to one of Clinton’s biggest political liabilities, given her controversial actions as secretary of state before and after the attack.


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]The Clintons Can’t Make Their Mind Up on Johnson Controls[/h]Bill says Hillary's 'corporate villain' is one of his 'favorite companies'


BY: Brent Scher
March 15, 2016 5:00 am

Hillary Clinton has spent the past few months going after Johnson Controls for moving its headquarters overseas, but during a campaign event on Monday, her husband Bill Clinton said that it is one of his “favorite companies.”
The Clinton campaign first took aim at Johnson Controls in January, saying that its corporate inversion plan would “leave American taxpayers holding the bag” and that it was “outrageous.” The Daily Beastlabeled Johnson Controls as “Clinton’s corporate villain.” The Clinton campaign released an official ad directly targeting the company.

Apparently Bill Clinton did not get the memo. He described Johnson Controls as “one of my favorite companies” and praised the work it had done in the clean energy sector during an event in North Carolina on Monday.
Although Clinton’s attack on Johnson Controls seems to be a change of tune for the campaign, the praise makes sense given the long history of business that the company has done with the Clinton Foundation.
The Washington Free Beacon reported in January that Johnson Controls has contributed more than $100,000 to the Clinton Foundation and also partnered with it on numerous projects over the past eight years and as recently as 2015. Some of the Clinton Foundation projects included multi-million commitments from Johnson Controls.
Bill Clinton pointed out in his speech that his foundation has done business with Johnson Controls—something that Hillary Clinton is yet to mention since she began her crusade against the company.
“It’s a clean energy company that worked with our foundation to retrofit the Empire State Building, we cut the electric use in that old building by 40 percent, created 275 full-time jobs for two and a half years doing it,” said Clinton of Johnson Controls.

He went on to criticize the company for its decision to leave the United States after coming to Congress and saying “please bail out the auto industry.”

“Congress helped them, and they should have,” Clinton said. “But then, as soon as they got well, they got under the influence of these activist shareholders who made them pretend to sell themselves to a company in Northern Ireland where they could pay a third of the taxes.”
The Clinton campaign directed questions on Monday’s remark to President Clinton’s office, which chose not to comment.
Johnson Controls has fought back against the Clinton campaign’s claim that it asked for and received money from the government during the auto bailout.
“Contrary to recent reports and comments, Johnson Controls did not request or receive aid from the government during the financial crisis,” a company spokesman said last month. “Nor did it declare bankruptcy or seek other means of protection like many of its competitors and other suppliers did at the time.”
Johnson Controls also disputes that its decision to merge with Irish company Tyco is rooted solely in a desire to lower its tax burden.
“This merger is motivated by the incredible opportunity to combine the global leader in building controls, HVAC, and energy, with the global leader in fire and security solutions to create the buildings and cities of the future,” the spokesman said, calling it “the next step in our journey to grow in the United States and globally, drive innovation, and invest in customer solutions that make buildings smarter, more secure, and more energy-efficient.”


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Watchdog Group Requests Testimony From Huma Abedin, Cheryl Mills in Clinton Email Case[/h]May seek deposition from Clinton in the future

Huma Abedin / AP

BY: Alana Goodman
March 16, 2016 5:00 am

A watchdog group asked a federal judge on Tuesday to order court testimony from Hillary Clinton’s aides Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills about Clinton’s use of a private email server.
Judicial Watch, which has been suing the State Department for public records from Clinton’s time as secretary of state, is also asking to depose State Department senior administrator Patrick Kennedy, technical aide Bryan Pagliano, and three other department officials.
U.S. District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan said last month that Judicial Watch could seek outside testimony and documents to help the court determine if Clinton’s use of a private email server was a deliberate effort to evade public records laws.
Although Judicial Watch has not asked to depose Clinton, it indicated that it might do so at a later date.
“Based on information learned during discovery, the deposition of Mrs. Clinton may be necessary,” the group said in its discovery plan filed on Tuesday. “If Plaintiff believes Mrs. Clinton’s testimony is required, it will request permission from the Court at the appropriate time.”
Judicial Watch said it would question Clinton’s aides about the creation and maintenance of her private email system, whether there were any inquiries about her use of the private server at the State Department, and how officials responded to these inquiries.
The group said it would also ask about “any instructions or directions given to State Department officials and employees about communicating with Mrs. Clinton and Ms. Abedin via email” and “the inventorying or other accounting of Mrs. Clinton’s and Ms. Abedin’s email upon their departure from the State Department.”
Judicial Watch is asking the State Department to identify the employees involved in processing public records requests for Clinton’s emails and archiving her correspondence.
“This discovery will help Judicial Watch get all of the facts behind Hillary Clinton’s and the Obama State Department’s thwarting of FOIA so that the public can be sure that allof the emails from her illicit email system are reviewed and released to the public as the law requires,” Tom Fitton, the president of Judicial Watch, said in a statement.
The witness list and discovery plan will need to be approved by Judge Sullivan before Judicial Watch can proceed. The watchdog group said on Tuesday that it hopes to begin depositions by May.


New member
Oct 29, 2010
Jesus.....this thread isn't dead yet??? How do you feel that Hillary has more votes than any other primary candidate? In either party!!!!Bwaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!! Keep connecting those imaginary dots!!! This thread is bump gold!!

New member
Nov 10, 2010
Hilary nuked Sanders. Sanders and his totalitarian dream is over.

Not a fan of Hilary but she is infinitely better for America and the Western World than Sanders.


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Clinton Says Her Pledge to Eliminate Coal Jobs Was Mistake[/h]SHARE

Sen. Joe Manchin (D., W.V.) / AP

BY: Jenna Lifhits
March 16, 2016 12:16 pm

Hillary Clinton walked back her pledge to eliminate coal jobs in a letter to Sen. Joe Manchin (D., W. Va.) Tuesday.
Manchin’s senior adviser said he was “troubled and concerned” by Clinton’s controversial remarks and contacted Clinton and her senior energy advisor asking for clarification, according to West Virginia MetroNews.
Clinton made the remark at a CNN Town Hall Monday in response to a question about her strategy to win over “poor whites who vote Republican.”
“I’m the only candidate which has a policy about how to bring economic opportunity—using clean, renewable energy as the key—into coal country. Because we’re going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business,” Clinton said.
In a letter to Manchin after the town hall, Clinton admitted that she had erred.
“Simply put, I was mistaken in my remarks,” Clinton wrote in the letter dated March 15. She said that she meant to focus attention on the decline in coal jobs and the need to support coal miners.
“I wanted to make the point that, as you know too well, while coal will be part of the energy mix for years to come, both in the U.S. and around the world, we have already seen a long-term decline in American coal jobs and a recent wave of bankruptcies as a result of a changing energy market — and we need to do more to support the workers and families facing these challenges.”
Clinton also said that she backed the Miners Protection Act, which guarantees “lifetime pensions and health benefits to retired miners and their families,” and promised Manchin that she would bring jobs to coal country.
“I pledge to you that I will focus my team and my Administration on bringing jobs to Appalachia, especially jobs producing the carbon capture technology we need for the future,” she wrote.
According to MetroNews, Manchin also reportedly contacted former President Bill Clinton for clarification concerning his wife’s comments, though no further comment was made concerning their correspondence.
Manchin’s advisers told MetroNews that the senator would meet with the Clinton campaign in the near future to discuss coal policy.


Dec 12, 2006

Dec 12, 2006

New member
Nov 10, 2010
Democracy will prevail.

Vocal minorities will be defeated by the ballot box.

Totalitarianism Sanders style will fall due to the democratic process.

Oct 30, 2006
Jesus.....this thread isn't dead yet??? How do you feel that Hillary has more votes than any other primary candidate? In either party!!!!Bwaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!! Keep connecting those imaginary dots!!! This thread is bump gold!!
Add all the votes up for everybody in both parties...Hillary & Bernie not getting much action..I bet the Republicans got more..Dems down 35%...Everybody stampeding over to Trump...
Oct 30, 2006
Add all the votes up for everybody in both parties...Hillary & Bernie not getting much action..I bet the Republicans got more..Dems down 35%...Everybody stampeding over to Trump...
Dems need good jobs too...Trump the only one that can fix that mess...

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