Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


New member
Oct 29, 2010
I thought Punter already was a vegetable.

But you registered in 2013 and punter wasn't really around then. How do you know so much about him?

" I was never banned here or anywhere"--- Sheriff Joe

"it doesn't matter if what I post is false"---Sheriff Joe

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
I was joking. Punter hope you're above ground and in good health.

If you are otherwise infirm and can't get out of bed holla back and I'll get Guesser to drop off the National Review for ya :)

he better be, he delayed taking social security so he can get more when he's older (something I would never advise), although I don't think the afterlife qualifies

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

Posted by The Right Scoop on Jan 22, 2016 at 2:01 PM in Politics | 94 Comments

We are finding out now that out of the emails Hillary Clinton had on her unsecured private server that were beyond Top Secret, one of the emails contained intelligence about ‘human spying’. In other words, it likely had identifying information about undercover spies out in the field:

Read more:

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
And once again the crowd roared.

Hillary Clinton left her audience cold in Iowa City on Thursday night, after she spoke for less than five minutes to a crowd of more than a thousand people, some of whom had lined up for more than an hour to see her.

“It was like a political commercial,” said Allison Steigerwald, a 24-year-old graduate student at the university. “I thought she was saying goodbye to Demi and then she’d start her speech. But it never happened.”

“It was very short,” said Jennifer Marks, 22. “There were a lot of statements. Like: ‘We are we going to make things happen.’” Marks said. “No actual how.”

“I just feel bad for the people who got here at five,” she said.

Aug 6, 2006
Cancer tends to do that.

Does Joe have a famous desert named after him? Hell no!

How about this new dairy queen ad campaign - "Deck the upcoming snowstorm with our delicious new Vitterd Blizzard!" I like it!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Hillary Emails: 7 Smoking Guns Found … So Far

Scandal: The media’s “no smoking gun” refrain about Hillary Clinton’s emails has been strangely muted since several turned up with information beyond Top Secret. But this is just the latest in a growing arsenal of smoking guns.

After each previous batch of emails that has been released, reporters would quickly proclaim that there was nothing in them definitely proving that Clinton broke the law. At least, that’s what one would assume constitutes a “smoking gun,” given the way the scandal has been covered.

But what if a “smoking gun” means catching her in a flat lie or putting national security at risk or being unbelievably, if not criminally, negligent in her handing of classified information?

By those perfectly reasonable standards, there are so many smoking guns now that Hillary is starting to resemble Annie Oakley.

The latest revelation is the hardest for even a biased press to ignore, because it so clearly demonstrates that Clinton repeatedly lied when she said she never knowingly sent or received any classified material from the private, unsecured homebrew email server stashed in her New York home.

A review by Intelligence Community Inspector General Charles McCullough found emails that contain “special access program” (SAP) information, which is available only on a “need to know” basis because exposure could put a human asset at risk.

The material contained in these emails is so sensitive, in fact, that some senators on the Foreign Relations Committee couldn’t see them unless they fulfilled additional security requirements.

“If you have worked with classified material for more than a day, it seems highly implausible that someone could receive any of the aforementioned over an unsecure medium without alarm bells sounding,” intel analyst Anthony DeChristopher wrote in The Hill.

For Clinton to claim that she didn’t know that she was sending or receiving SAP material because it wasn’t marked is tantamount to accusing herself of complete incompetence.

As head of the State Department, Clinton was required to undergo “mandatory training at least once within a calendar year” or have her “classification authority suspended,” according to an executive order issued by President Obama.

She herself claimed that she was “certainly well aware of the classification requirements.” It was only after classified emails started showing up that she pleaded ignorance.

But before this revelation, we learned about other troubling smoking guns.

• Just two weeks ago, an email turned up in which Clinton told an underling to strip classification markings off a document so it could be sent electronically to her personal email account.

• She is also on record berating a staffer for not sending information she was told was “on the classified system.” Hillary’s response was “just email it.”

• Before that, several emails turned up that contained information deemed “born classified” — because it contained “foreign government information” and “foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States” — which again she should have known without any markings.

• She wrote several of them herself. In one, sent to special Middle East envoy George Mitchell in late 2009, everything after “George” was deemed classified. Since she created and sent these classified emails, she can’t claim that she wouldn’t have sent them if they had been marked.

• She claimed to have turned over every work-related email on her server, but it is now clear that she didn’t .

• Clinton has been caught in lies about the security of her email server. She initially claimed that the system “had numerous safeguards” and that there “were no security breaches.” Since then, we’ve learned thatit was far from secure and likely breached.

What’s surprising isn’t the growing pile of evidence against Clinton. It’s that she’s still in the race.


Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
What is it with the Liberal elites obsession with Muslims?

First there is Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood and now…

Hillary Clinton’s History: Muslim Connections Stem Back To 1990s.


Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Hillary Emails: 7 Smoking Guns Found … So Far

Scandal: The media’s “no smoking gun” refrain about Hillary Clinton’s emails has been strangely muted since several turned up with information beyond Top Secret. But this is just the latest in a growing arsenal of smoking guns.

After each previous batch of emails that has been released, reporters would quickly proclaim that there was nothing in them definitely proving that Clinton broke the law. At least, that’s what one would assume constitutes a “smoking gun,” given the way the scandal has been covered.

But what if a “smoking gun” means catching her in a flat lie or putting national security at risk or being unbelievably, if not criminally, negligent in her handing of classified information?

By those perfectly reasonable standards, there are so many smoking guns now that Hillary is starting to resemble Annie Oakley.

The latest revelation is the hardest for even a biased press to ignore, because it so clearly demonstrates that Clinton repeatedly lied when she said she never knowingly sent or received any classified material from the private, unsecured homebrew email server stashed in her New York home.

A review by Intelligence Community Inspector General Charles McCullough found emails that contain “special access program” (SAP) information, which is available only on a “need to know” basis because exposure could put a human asset at risk.

The material contained in these emails is so sensitive, in fact, that some senators on the Foreign Relations Committee couldn’t see them unless they fulfilled additional security requirements.

“If you have worked with classified material for more than a day, it seems highly implausible that someone could receive any of the aforementioned over an unsecure medium without alarm bells sounding,” intel analyst Anthony DeChristopher wrote in The Hill.

For Clinton to claim that she didn’t know that she was sending or receiving SAP material because it wasn’t marked is tantamount to accusing herself of complete incompetence.

As head of the State Department, Clinton was required to undergo “mandatory training at least once within a calendar year” or have her “classification authority suspended,” according to an executive order issued by President Obama.

She herself claimed that she was “certainly well aware of the classification requirements.” It was only after classified emails started showing up that she pleaded ignorance.

But before this revelation, we learned about other troubling smoking guns.

• Just two weeks ago, an email turned up in which Clinton told an underling to strip classification markings off a document so it could be sent electronically to her personal email account.

• She is also on record berating a staffer for not sending information she was told was “on the classified system.” Hillary’s response was “just email it.”

• Before that, several emails turned up that contained information deemed “born classified” — because it contained “foreign government information” and “foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States” — which again she should have known without any markings.

• She wrote several of them herself. In one, sent to special Middle East envoy George Mitchell in late 2009, everything after “George” was deemed classified. Since she created and sent these classified emails, she can’t claim that she wouldn’t have sent them if they had been marked.

• She claimed to have turned over every work-related email on her server, but it is now clear that she didn’t .

• Clinton has been caught in lies about the security of her email server. She initially claimed that the system “had numerous safeguards” and that there “were no security breaches.” Since then, we’ve learned thatit was far from secure and likely breached.

What’s surprising isn’t the growing pile of evidence against Clinton. It’s that she’s still in the race.

they won't talk about them

Hillary told them to call it another "right wing conspiracy", they'll oblige


Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
and libtard nation can't hide their happiness knowing none of it is true


yippee, it's just a wight wing wonspwicy, I knew it, yippee

bunch of fucking idiots

New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Report: Clinton Email Exposed Intelligence From Human Spying[/h]SHARE


BY: Morgan Chalfant
January 22, 2016 4:55 pm

Hillary Clinton’s home-brewed server held at least one email that contained highly sensitive information from human spying, according to a report Friday.
Fox News, citing two sources, reported that an intelligence agency identified the information as “HCS-O,” the code used to report on human intelligence sources that are engaged in ongoing operations.
“The HSC-O compartment (Operations) is used to protect exceptionally fragile and unique IC [intelligence community] clandestine HUMINT operations and methods that are not intended for dissemination outside of the originating agency,” a policy document released by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request explains.
“Personnel with access to HCS operational data must exercise deliberative caution in remarking legacy HCS to ensure it appropriately protects HCS-O information.”
It is unclear whether the intelligence contained in the email revealed the identity of the human intelligence source.
The latest revelation follows a report earlier this week that the inspector general of the intelligence community penned a letter to top lawmakers revealing that an intelligence review identified “several dozen” classified Clinton emails, including some that contained intelligence from the government’s highly classified “special access programs.”
Intelligence from special access programs is more sensitive than “top secret” information.
The letter, written by I. Charles McCullough III to lawmakers who oversee the intelligence community and the State Department, was also reported by Fox News.
A representative for Clinton’s presidential campaign dismissed the findings spelled out in McCullough’s letter, accusing the inspector general of coordinating with Republicans to damage the Democratic presidential candidate.
Clinton has maintained that she never sent nor received information marked classified on her personal email. The FBI has been investigating Clinton’s email setup since McCullough determined last summer that at least two emails held on her system contained top secret information at the time they were sent.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Jezebel: Hillary Clinton Is ‘Largely an Advocate for Well-Off White Women’[/h]SHARE

BY: Aaron Kliegman
January 22, 2016 12:49 pm

A writer for Jezebel, a feminist blog, criticized Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton on Friday for being an advocate of feminism only for celebrities and affluent white women but not for minorities and less prominent individuals.
“Hillary Clinton is a woman of second wave feminism,” Joanna Rothkopf of Jezebel told CNN’s Carol Costello. “She’s largely an advocate for well-off white women, and I think that the generation of young feminists who are voting now want to see someone who is more of an advocate for inter-sectional feminism.”
“And that doesn’t just mean feminism for wealthy, successful celebrities,” Rothkopf added.
Rothkopf made her comments during a discussion on why younger women appear not to be supporting Clinton in large numbers, with many turning instead to her main primary rival, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt), a self-declared socialist.
Clinton has utilized female celebrities on the campaign trail to appeal to young female voters. Most recently, singer Demi Lovato appeared with Clinton at a campaign event in Iowa on Thursday night.
Lena Dunham is another female celebrity who has campaigned for the Democratic frontrunner, although Dunham recently expressed concern over Clinton discrediting women who accused her husband Bill Clinton of sexual assault when he was president.
Clinton has made women’s rights a cornerstone of her campaign, criticizing Republicans for waging a “war on women” and arguing that, as a woman, she is the best-suited candidate to fight for reproductive rights and other related issues.
The former secretary of state also says women are not paid the same amount as men in the workplace and has called for “equal pay for equal work,” citing gender discrimination as a prevalent problem in the United States.
Others argue that claims of unequal pay are misguided and use faulty calculations, adding that it is already illegal to discriminate against a U.S. citizen based on sex.
Clinton has been trying to reach out to young voters in earnest as polls show Sanders overtakingher in some of the early voting states, with the Iowa caucus approaching on Feb. 1.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
Hillary Emails: 7 Smoking Guns Found … So Far (Sheriff Joe)

She should withdraw from the race and the Democratic Party should be pushing for that. Both have been exposed for what they really are.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Hillary Emails: 7 Smoking Guns Found … So Far (Sheriff Joe)

She should withdraw from the race and the Democratic Party should be pushing for that. Both have been exposed for what they really are.
Everything leads to the FBI recommending the prosecution of Hillary and everything leads me to believe the DOJ will choose not too.

Then what?

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