Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


Aug 6, 2006
[h=1]Hillary Clinton’s emails contained info classified as more than ‘top secret[/h]NEW YORK — New e-mails classified higher than “top secret” have been found on Hillary Clinton’s private computer server.
The New York Times reports the e-mails were “Top Secret SAP.” The designation is usually given to information about “special access programs,” which are among the government’s most closely guarded secrets.

A spokesman for the Clinton campaign said, “This is the same inter-agency dispute that has been playing out for months…and it does not change the fact that these emails were not classified at the time they were sent or received.”

Meanwhile, a new CNN poll shows Bernie Sanders has a commanding lead over Clinton in New Hampshire. Sanders leads Clinton 60 to 33 percent.
Nationally, Clinton does have a double-digit lead in the polls.

CNN just announced it will host a live town hall with Sanders, Clinton and Martin O’Malley in Iowa on Monday night, just one week before the Iowa caucuses.

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Lena Dunham Privately Doubted Hillary Clinton for Discrediting Rape Accusers[/h]SHARE

Lena Dunham / Instagram

BY: Morgan Chalfant
January 20, 2016 2:56 pm

Actress Lena Dunham, who has been aggressively campaigning for Hillary Clinton, privately doubted the Democratic presidential candidate for discrediting women who made sexual assault allegations against her husband, former President Bill Clinton, according to a report Wednesday.
Dunham, a fierce advocate for Planned Parenthood and other liberal causes, reportedly made the comments at a dinner party on New York’s Upper East Side months ago.
The New York Times reported:
She told the guests, at the Park Avenue apartment of Richard Plepler, the chief executive of HBO, that she was disturbed by how, in the 1990s, the Clintons and their allies discredited women who said they had had sexual encounters with or been sexually assaulted by former President Bill Clinton. The conversation, relayed by several people with knowledge of the discussion who would speak about it only anonymously, captures the deeper debate unfolding among liberal-leaning women about how to reconcile Mrs. Clinton’s leadership on women’s issues with her past involvement in her husband’s efforts to fend off accusations of sexual misconduct.
A spokesperson for Dunham described the account of her comments as a “total mischaracterization.”
The emergence of Bill Clinton on the campaign trail has renewed scrutiny surrounding sexual assault allegations made against him by Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey, and others. Multiple women who accused Clinton of sexual harassment were reportedly targeted with attacks on their credibility by members of the Clinton inner circle, including Hillary Clinton herself.
Hillary Clinton said in September that sexual assault survivors have “the right to be believed,” a comment that critics called hypocritical given her past.
Despite any concern, Dunham has wholeheartedly embraced Clinton in public, recently taking over the presidential candidate’s Instagram and campaigning for her in New Hampshire.
“While Hillary Clinton’s anatomy is not the reason I’m voting for her, there’s nothing that would send a stronger message to this country, and to the world at large than sending a competent, strong, essential woman to the highest office,” Dunham said in Portsmouth earlier this month.


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]New York Times: Clinton Women Scandals ‘Threaten’ Hillary Campaign[/h]


Darren McCollester/Getty Images

by PATRICK HOWLEY20 Jan 20161,203
[h=2]The New York Times admits that Bill Clinton’s sex scandals now “threaten” his wife Hillary Clinton’s Democratic campaign for the White House.[/h]Times correspondent Amy Chozick, who covers Clinton, reports that entertainer and Clinton supporter Lena Dunham, who campaigns for Clinton, is privately “disturbed” by the scandals, and particularly by Clinton’s targeting of Bill’s female accusers:
But at an Upper East Side dinner party a few months back, Ms. Dunham expressed more conflicted feelings. She told the guests, at the Park Avenue apartment of Richard Plepler, the chief executive of HBO, that she was disturbed by how, in the 1990s, the Clintons and their allies discredited women who said they had had sexual encounters with or been sexually assaulted by former President Bill Clinton.
The conversation, relayed by several people with knowledge of the discussion who would speak about it only anonymously, captures the deeper debate unfolding among liberal-leaning women about how to reconcile Mrs. Clinton’s leadership on women’s issues with her past involvement in her husband’s efforts to fend off accusations of sexual misconduct.
Breitbart News has extensively reported on the Clintons’ problems with numerous women, including Bill Clinton rape accuser Juanita Broaddrick.
Clinton is also dealing with revelations about to be made in the new documentary “Weiner,” about the Anthony Weiner sexting scandal, which is opening Sunday at the Sundance Film Festival in Utah. As The Times reported:
“Weiner” has become a source of heightened anxiety for Ms. Abedin and the Clinton campaign. She and her husband have pleaded with filmmakers to see the movie but have not been allowed to do so, according to people with direct knowledge of the conversations who could discuss the subject only without attribution, as the project has been kept under tight control. A spokesman for the filmmakers denied this and said they would have shown the couple the film had they asked.

Mrs. Clinton is referred to in overt and subtle ways throughout “Weiner.” One sequence focuses on a claim in New York magazine that Ms. Abedin was being pressured to choose between remaining a Clinton insider and supporting her husband.
Ms. Abedin turns to Mrs. Clinton’s longtime spokesman, Philippe I. Reines, for guidance, preferring his counsel to Mr. Weiner’s terse advice toward the end of his campaign that she “act like a normal campaign candidate’s wife” and say, “I think Anthony is doing an amazing job.” Ms. Abedin is also shown heeding the suggestion of Mr. Reines to not appear in public with Mr. Weiner as he casts his ballot. Mr. Weiner finished with less than 5 percent of the vote.
CNN, which in 2013 abandoned a disputed documentary project about Mrs. Clinton’s career, placed an unsuccessful bid on the film.”

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Who had the worst week in Washington? Hillary Clinton.[/h]

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Clinton rallies support on the campaign trail

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Former secretary of state Hillary Clinton campaigns in key states in her quest to become the Democratic nominee for president.

By Chris Cillizza January 21 at 3:11 PM
For Hillary Clinton, it’s starting to look like deja vu all over again.
Start a bid for the Democratic presidential nomination as giant front-runner. Check. Raise tens of millions of dollars and look unbeatable for large swaths of the year before the primaries start. Check. An insurgent challenger running to her ideological left? Check. Collapsing poll numbers on the eve of actual votes? Check.
Over the past week or so, Clinton has watched as her national polling leadover Sen. Bernie Sanders (Vt.), a self-avowed socialist, has shrunk. And, far more important, Clinton’s standing vis a vis Sanders in the key early-voting states of Iowa and New Hampshire has eroded as well.
In Iowa, after holding a high-single-digit lead (at worst) for months, Clinton now finds herself in a dead heat with the caucuses just over a week away. The Real Clear Politics polling average gives Clinton an edge of less than five points.
Sanders has always run stronger in New Hampshire than in Iowa, but of late several polls suggest that he is widening his steady lead over the former secretary of state. In the Real Clear Politics polling average, Sanders is up byalmost 13 points.
[h=3]How Hillary Clinton started attacking Bernie Sanders[/h]
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As Hillary Clinton's lead in the polls continues to fall, her attacks on Bernie Sanders have stepped up. (Peter Stevenson/The Washington Post)

Lose both of those states early next month, and Clinton’s inevitability bubble bursts. Period.
Clinton, to her credit, is doing everything she can to avoid a repeat of 2008. She’s savaging Sanders as both too conservative (on guns) and too pie-in-the-sky liberal (on health care).
Complicating those efforts is the news that broke midweek: The intelligence community’s inspector general confirmed that dozens of emails on the private server Clinton used while she was at the State Department contained extremely highly classified information.
Clinton continues to stick by her original line on the email controversy — that she never sent or received anything that was classified at the time — but the latest news is proof that the story and its reverberations are likely to dog her all the way through November.

Hillary Clinton, for watching history repeat itself, you had the worst week in Washington. Congrats, or something.


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Jan 9, 2009
Former Sec Def Robert Gates: ‘Odds Are Pretty High’ Russia, China, And Iran Accessed Hillary’s Server [VIDEO]

Media Reporter

9:55 PM 01/21/2016​


Former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates says, “I think the odds are pretty high” countries like Iran, China, and Russia hacked Hillary Clinton’s email server.
In an interview with Hugh Hewitt on Thursday, the former CIA director said “the Pentagon acknowledges that they get attacked about 100,000 times a day.”
(RELATED: Obama’s Former Defense Sec: Obama ‘Has Centralized Power’ In An ‘Unparalleled’ Way [VIDEO])

Hewitt asked Gates, “[A]re you surprised by the news that continues to come out about the former Secretary of State’s server and the fact that the intelligence community’s inspector general has said there was a lot of very highly classified information on her server?”
“Yeah, that’s a concern for me,” Gates said. “I never used email when I was head of CIA or head of the Department of Defense. As I used to joke, I didn’t want to have some chief of station overseas email me and say he was going to do something if I didn’t get back to him in three hours, and I would get back from a five hour hearing to discover I was two hours too late. I preferred dealing with people face to face and putting a signature on a piece of paper on matters of real national security and importance.”

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
she's priceless, what a fucking idiot, and we may still elect her

can the President serve from jail?

her offenses are 1 billion times worse than anything Scooter Libby had done, on every level and in sooooooo many different ways, it's all so wrong

we have libtards to thank for that

New member
Jan 9, 2009
My thoughts:

Now they are bringing up the Gen. Petreus “scandal” again now pursuing a possible demotion. Have you ever heard the word “scandal” used by the Lame Stream Media concerning Hillary, her emails, and her lies regarding them. Hell no. So If Hillary is elected POTUS can she be demoted. Ridiculous.

The Dem’s and the Lame Stream Media do everything they can to protect Hillary and to shield her from the kind of treatment they placed on Petreus. His offense was considered a misdemeanor, Hillary’s is covered by Federal regulations.

Petreus did lie once about his situation but later admitted the truth. Hillary continues to lie and deflect and she and her backers think that if she is not indicted she is home free. Petreus owned up to what he did. Hillary has not and will not probably even if she is indicted. I can’t imagine her taking the fifth so if cross examined she will eventually be exposed. Her excuse that none of what she sent or received were classified is a joke and an indication of how elitists raise the bar for themselves.

For the Dem’s everything rides on Hillary, all the eggs are in her basket. Standing behind her is their last gasp to continue to run this country into the ground. I can see Biden emerging if Hillary’s situation is finally dealt with legally. That reflects on the Democratic Party as a whole. Anyone who cannot see through Hillary’s “scandal” at this point and time is wearing blinders and covering the ears. Facts are facts.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
she's priceless, what a fucking idiot, and we may still elect her

can the President serve from jail?

her offenses are 1 billion times worse than anything Scooter Libby had done, on every level and in sooooooo many different ways, it's all so wrong

we have libtards to thank for that
That is a distinct possibility which only further solidifies that you can’t fix stupid.

Aug 6, 2006
I think Punter is either a vegetable or dead. His last post was in 2009.

I was joking. Punter hope you're above ground and in good health.

If you are otherwise infirm and can't get out of bed holla back and I'll get Guesser to drop off the National Review for ya :)

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