Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


New member
Nov 10, 2010
The debate last night, proved beyond doubt if Clinton is the next POTUS, it will be no other than a Third 'Obama ' term.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Inspector General: Clinton emails had intel from most secretive, classified programs

EXCLUSIVE: Hillary Clinton's emails on her unsecured, homebrew server contained intelligence from the U.S. government's most secretive and highly classified programs, according to an unclassified letter from a top inspector general to senior lawmakers.

That indicates a level of classification beyond even “top secret,” the label previously given to two emails found on her server, and brings even more scrutiny to the presidential candidate’s handling of the government’s closely held secrets.

The former federal law enforcement official said the finding in the January IG letter represents a potential violation of USC 18 Section 793, “gross negligence” in the handling of secure information under the Espionage Act.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Hey look everyone the Granny also has a stalker just like Vit.

Vit claims Joe is 'obsessed' with him.

Hillary Clinton: Trump's 'obsessed' with me…

An excerpt of Hillary Clinton's interview on NBC's Tonight show on Thursday. (Video)

Read more:

No doubt there are at least 3 here completely obsessed with me. Hell, one guy here, in his last 100 posts, 78 of them are about me.......uh, that's you Dave.

Knock knock Dave....who's there??? Hell!!

Have fun down there......and don't forget, boys will be boys!!!

New member
Oct 29, 2010
♬♬"vtard lies all day and night"♬♬

"I've never been banned here or anywhere"

" it doesn't matter if what I post is false"

stealing from Scott L. Real original Joe......a follower with sports insights and a follower in life. Just a low level paper pusher with nobody to wake up next to.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Younger Democrats are starting to sour on the Granny.

Women too.

Support for Hillary Clinton among Democratic voters under 50 has tanked in the past month, according to a new Monmouth University poll.

In December, she led fellow Democratic presidential contender Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., 52%-35% in that demographic. Now she trails him 39%-52%.

She also has lost significant support among Democratic women, with her lead over Sanders shrinking from 45 points to 19 points in that group. Her support went from 64%-19% last month to 54%-35% now.

New member
Nov 10, 2010
[h=1]Hillary takes massive nose-dive in crucial early state as Bernie opens up 27 POINT lead in New Hampshire[/h]
  • A new WMUR/CNN poll has Bernie Sanders at 60 percent, while Hillary Clinton has slipped seven points to 33 percent
  • Just a month ago, Sanders had the support of 50 percent of Democratic New Hampshire voters
  • Since, then Clinton has had a number of celebrity surrogates visit the state, along with Chelsea and Bill Clinton

PUBLISHED: 01:10, 20 January 2016 | UPDATED: 01:11, 20 January 2016

Hillary Clinton will need a heck of a comeback to win New Hampshire if the latest poll is on point.
Clinton is now being bested by rival Bernie Sanders by 27 points, according to the new WMUR/CNN poll, which came out this afternoon.
Sanders, who represents neighboring Vermont in the U.S. Senate, is now getting the support of 60 percent of Democrats' polled, while Clinton's tally now stands at 33 percent.



Bernie Sanders is having a big poll moment. He's now ahead of Hilary Clinton by 27 points in his neighboring New Hampshire, receiving 60 percent of the Democratic primary vote, according to a CNN/WMUR poll



While Bernie Sanders' poll numbers rise, Hillary Clinton has been trying to stop the bleeding by bringing in surrogates like Lena Dunham and daughter Chelsea Clinton to the state

This poll shows that Sanders has been gaining ground since mid-December.
He's gone up by 10 points, while Clinton's number has shrunk by seven.

n the last month, Clinton has deployed a legion of celebrities and family members to take her message to Granite State voters, according to ABC News.
Lena Dunham, the star of HBO's 'Girls,' has stumped for Clinton in the state, along with women's soccer star Abby Wambach, tennis legend and LGBT advocate Billie Jean King and even Sen. Al Franken, who endorsed Clinton over his Senate colleague Sanders.
Last week, Chelsea Clinton made her first solo campaign trip through New Hampshire, making five stops and criticizing Sanders' plan for universal health care at one of them, saying what he wants to do is 'dismantle' Obamacare.
The next day, Bill Clinton was on the stump, campaigning at three stops near the Vermont border, which ABC News pointed out is an area where Sanders is seeing a lot of support.
Clinton began to lose her lead in New Hampshire in August and has had trouble in the state ever since, though one poll conducted this month, by Public Policy Polling, had the former secretary of state up by three points in the Granite State.


If Sanders wins, which is likely, the significance of New Hampshire will be markedly different than it was in 2008.
Back then, without any of the top Democratic candidates – Clinton, Barack Obama and John Edwards – having a geographic advantage, the Granite State saved Clinton's campaign after Obama beat her in Iowa.
She became tearful at a campaign stop and that moment helped give her the momentum to claim that New Hampshire had once again turned a Clinton into a 'comeback kid.'
The original reference comes from 1992, when an Arkansas governor named Bill Clinton won second place in the state, giving him enough momentum to eventually win the Democratic nomination.
This time around, Hilary Clinton might have to wait for the third contest, that in South Carolina, to turn things around.
While she's neck-and-neck with Sanders in Iowa and Sanders is now way ahead in New Hampshire, the most recent poll out of South Carolina has Clinton sitting a comfortable 36 points ahead.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Hillary Clinton Is Bad at Running for President[/h]BY: Andrew Stiles
January 19, 2016 2:53 pm



Hillary Clinton is starting to choke, just like she did in the 2008 Democratic primary against Barack Obama. Except this time she’s not running against a fresh-faced African-American prodigy; her only challenger is a 74-year-old socialist who (presumably) cuts his own hair. Maybe she’s just not very good at running for president:
Hillary Clinton continues to lead Democratic presidential rival Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) nationally, though her advantage has shrunk the past month, according to a new poll.
Clinton is supported by 52 percent of Democrats and Democratic-leaning voters in the latest Monmouth University survey, down 7 points from the same poll in December.
Sanders now gets 37 percent support among voters on the left in the latest poll, released Tuesday, up 11 points from the survey last month.
Hillary does poorly when it comes to the issues that most liberals claim to care about. Most Democratic voters, for example, think Bernie Sanders would do a better job addressing income equality (48 percent to 26 percent) and Wall Street greed (46 percent to 29 percent).
A recent NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll found that Hillary doesn’t perform so well in head-to-head match-ups with Republicans. She leads Marco Rubio by just one point, and beats Ted Cruz by four. She fails to get 50 percent against either candidate. Hillary leads Donald Trump in a hypothetical match-up by 10 points, but Bernie Sanders beats Trump by 15 points. The poll didn’t test Sanders against any other Republican candidates. Wonder why?


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Report: Clinton Emails Contained Intel From Government’s Most Secret Programs[/h]Intelligence review finds ‘several dozen’ classified emails


BY: Morgan Chalfant
January 19, 2016 2:38 pm

Hillary Clinton’s personal server held emails containing intelligence from the government’s most secret programs, according to a letter sent by the inspector general of the intelligence community to senior lawmakers.
Fox News obtained the letter from I. Charles McCullough III, sent January 14, laying out conclusions of a recent review by multiple intelligence agencies which identified “several dozen” additional emails on Clinton’s server containing classified information. These classified emails include messages that contain intelligence from “special access programs” (SAP), which is more sensitive than information classified as “top secret.”
McCullough previously concluded from a sample of emails from Clinton’s server that at least two of her emails contained top secret information at the time they were sent or received. Clinton, however, has insisted that she never sent nor received information marked classified on her personal email.
The news comes as Clinton, a Democratic presidential candidate, continues to endure scrutiny for her use of personal email as secretary of state.
“To date, I have received two sworn declarations from one [intelligence community] element. These declarations cover several dozen emails containing classified information determined by the IC element to be at the confidential, secret, and top secret/sap levels,” the unclassified letter from McCullough read. “According to the declarant, these documents contain information derived from classified IC element sources.”
Access to SAP intelligence is restricted to an absolute minimum because of its high sensitivity. According to Executive Order 13526, which President Obama signed into law in December 2009, a special access program should only be established when “the vulnerability of, or threat to, specific information is exceptional” and “the normal criteria for determining eligibility for access applicable to information classified at the same level are not deemed sufficient to protect the information from unauthorized disclosure.”
“Unless otherwise authorized by the President, only the Secretaries of State, Defense, Energy, and Homeland Security, the Attorney General, and the Director of National Intelligence, or the principal deputy of each, may create a special access program,” the executive order read.
“For special access programs pertaining to intelligence sources, methods, and activities (but not including military operational, strategic, and tactical programs), this function shall be exercised by the Director of National Intelligence. These officials shall keep the number of these programs at an absolute minimum.”
McCullough’s letter was reportedly sent to leaders of the House and Senate Intelligence Committees and the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, in addition to to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the inspector general of the State Department.
Clinton has witnessed her favorability and honesty scores erode as she receives criticism for her use of private email to conduct government business at the State Department.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Anti-Christian Gay Group Endorses Hillary Clinton for President[/h]


Darren McCollester/Getty Images

by AUSTIN RUSE19 Jan 20161,440
[h=2]The homosexual Human Rights Campaign is endorsing Hillary Clinton for president. The decision was unanimously reached by HRC’s 32-member board of directors.[/h]The group praised President Obama for the progress made on the homosexual agenda during his administration, including homosexuals in the military and the imposition of homosexual marriage on the country through the Supreme Court’s Obergefell decision.
The $50 million-a-year pressure group seems worried about the coming election. Even though the group claims substantial numbers of Republicans support the gay agenda: “the leading Republican candidates have threatened to halt progress as well as revoke, repeal, and overturn gains made during President Obama’s two terms.”
HRC President Chad Griffin warns that “All the progress we have made as a nation on LGBT equality — and all the progress we have yet to make — is at stake in November.” He says homosexuals “are at risk of being fired, evicted or denied services simply because of who they are.” Survey from homosexual groups, however, show they are one of the richest cohorts in the country. Indeed, HRC’s own research shows that not only are gays not in danger of being fired, an overwhelming number of Fortune 500 companies across all sectors are “gay friendly.”
So powerful is the gay lobby in the United States that they have in short order changed the mind of two Presidents of the United States, the US Military, and have the backing of most of the cultural, political, and societal gate-keepers. Christians now say they are the beleaguered group.
HRC is known for going after Christians who oppose the homosexual agenda.
Last year the group produced a report called “The Export of Hate” that attacked American Christians involved in social policy debates overseas. Included in the groups attacked were mainstream groups such as Alliance Defending Freedom and the National Organization for Marriage, the group that spearheaded 34 state-wide votes in favor of traditional marriage prior to the Federal Courts imposition of homosexual marriage.
Clinton is slated to accept the endorsement on January 24 in Des Moines.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Mommy! Help! They won’t leave alone.

Hillary Clinton’s campaign is accusing the Intelligence Community Inspector General and congressional Republicans of coordinating against its candidate to damage her electoral chances, in the latest flare-up of the nearly yearlong scandal over her use of a private server while secretary of state.

Clinton campaign spokesman Brian Fallon, asked on CNN’s “New Day” whether the email reports were taking a toll on Clinton, responded, “No, I think that Republicans are continuing to try to trumpet up and resurface these allegations for the purposes of hurting her campaign.”


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