Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
What’s next, an anal cavity probe? Maybe!

The FBI is investigating whether Hillary Clinton’s State Department improperly directed contracts to Clinton Foundation donors, in possible violation of public corruption laws, Fox News is reporting.

Three sources confirmed the previously-unknown investigation angle to Fox reporters Catherine Herridge and Pamela Browne.

“The agents are investigating the possible intersection of Clinton Foundation donations, the dispensation of State Department contracts and whether regular processes were followed,” one law enforcement source told Fox.

Examples abound of Clinton’s State Department opening doors for Clinton Foundation donors, as well as to the then-secretary of state’s friends and political allies.

According to one Fox source, the FBI opened its public corruption probe in April 2015, months before the bureau officially opened its investigation of Clinton’s use of a private email server to maintain her email account. Investigators seized Clinton’s server from a New Jersey data center in August after two “top secret” emails discovered on the device.

Another Fox source says that approximately 100 special agents have been assigned to the investigation and were asked to sign non-disclosure agreements. The purpose of that step is unclear — it could be that FBI officials want to protect classified information or that they want to prevent leaks about the case.

FBI director James Comey has said that he is taking the investigation very seriously and says that politics will not play a factor in the probe.

I could be pucker time for the Granny.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
FBI's Clinton probe expands to public corruption track

By Catherine Herridge, Pamela Browne
Published January 11, 2016

EXCLUSIVE: The FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of private email as secretary of state has expanded to look at whether the possible “intersection” of Clinton Foundation work and State Department business may have violated public corruption laws, three intelligence sources not authorized to speak on the record told Fox News.

This new investigative track is in addition to the focus on classified material found on Clinton’s personal server.

"The agents are investigating the possible intersection of Clinton Foundation donations, the dispensation of State Department contracts and whether regular processes were followed," one source said.

The development follows press reports over the past year about the potential overlap of State Department and Clinton Foundation work, and questions over whether donors benefited from their contacts inside the administration.

The Clinton Foundation is a public charity, known as a 501(c)(3). It had grants and contributions in excess of $144 million in 2013, the most current available data.

Inside the FBI, pressure is growing to pursue the case.

One intelligence source told Fox News that FBI agents would be “screaming” if a prosecution is not pursued because “many previous public corruption cases have been made and successfully prosecuted with much less evidence than what is emerging in this investigation.”

The FBI is particularly on edge in the wake of how the case of former CIA Director David Petraeus was handled.

One of the three sources said some FBI agents felt Petraeus was given a slap on the wrist for sharing highly classified information with his mistress and biographer Paula Broadwell, as well as lying to FBI agents about his actions. Petraeus pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor in March 2015 after a two-plus-year federal investigation in which Attorney General Eric Holder initially declined to prosecute.

In the Petraeus case, the exposure of classified information was assessed to be limited.

By contrast, in the Clinton case, the number of classified emails has risen to at least 1,340.

A 2015 appeal by the State Department to challenge the “Top Secret” classification of at least two emails failed and, as Fox News first reported, is now considered a settled matter.

It is unclear which of the two lines of inquiry was opened first by the FBI and whether they eventually will be combined and presented before a special grand jury. One intelligence source said the public corruption angle dates back to at least April 2015. On their official website, the FBI lists "public corruption as the FBI's top criminal priority."

Fox News is told that about 100 special agents assigned to the investigations also were asked to sign non-disclosure agreements, with as many as 50 additional agents on “temporary duty assignment,” or TDY. The request to sign a new NDA could reflect that agents are handling the highly classified material in the emails, or serve as a reminder not to leak about the case, or both.

"The pressure on the lead agents is brutal," a second source said. "Think of it like a military operation, you might need tanks called in along with infantry."

Separately, a former high-ranking State Department official emphasized to Fox News that Clinton’s deliberate non-use of her government email address may be increasingly “significant.”

“It is virtually automatic when one comes on board at the State Department to be assigned an email address,” the source said.

“It would have taken an affirmative act not to have one assigned ... and it would also mean it was all planned out before she took office. This certainly raises questions about the so-called legal advice she claimed to have received from inside the State Department that what she was doing was proper."

On Sunday, when asked about her email practices while secretary of state, Clinton insisted to CBS News’ "Face The Nation," "there is no there, there."

Catherine Herridge is an award-winning Chief Intelligence correspondent for FOX News Channel (FNC) based in Washington, D.C. She covers intelligence, the Justice Department and the Department of Homeland Security. Herridge joined FNC in 1996 as a London-based correspondent.


New member
Oct 29, 2010
EXCLUSIVE–Kathleen Willey Thanks Donald Trump for Highlighting Bill Clinton’s History with Women, Urges More Victims to Come Forward

Kathleen Willey, one of the women who famouslyaccused Bill Clinton of sexual assault, and has said she suffered acts of intimidation to silence her, used a radio interview on Sunday to broadcast a message to other possible female victims of Bill Clinton.


New poll:

50 percent of Americans say Bill Clinton is more respectful of women than Trump

37 percent say Trump is.

Lol.....careful Donald!!! Good call Joe!!

New member
Jan 16, 2013
She will have a hard time in the general. I hear it every day, the brother vote won't go R but they won't go D en masse like we did in 08 and 12 if she is the nominee.

She has some work to do if she wants the brother vote because the community doesn't trust her. 08 Primaries showed what she is all about and we know privately that Bam don't like her!

Romney got only 6% of the black vote, withoiut Obama in the race & with Trump actually solicitating
black support he'll easily get 15% of the black vote & that will make him the next president.

Mrs. Clinton has no special connection to the black voter, in the crucial N. Carolina 2008 primary black
men according tio the exit polls Obama received 97% Mrs. Clinton 2%.

The results from a new WND/Clout poll by Clout Research, a national opinion research firm in
Columbus, Ohio taken Dec. 18-27 for the Republican nomination looked like this:

it’s not just whites who are ticked at the bureaucracy, but minorities too.
40 percent of blacks are lining up behind Trump, as are 45 percent of Hispanics,
and even nearly 19 percent of Asians in the Republican contest.

Only Dr. Ben Carson pulled more support from the black community than Trump, at 50 percent,
and no one had more support from Hispanics than Trump. Among Asians, 37.5 percent supported
Sen. Marco Rubio, with Sen. Ted Cruz matching Trump’s 18.8 percent.

The survey shows Trump collecting nearly 40 percent of the GOP support, but also 31 percent
of the independents and even 26-plus percent of the Democrats.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Art Laffer says Republicans could win 45, 46, 47 states.

The Hildabeast is that bad a candidate.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
[SIZE=+7] [/SIZE]

Hillary Clinton's Lead Over Sanders Nearly Vanishes


But, but, but....she was so amazing during those Benghazi hearings and stuff!


New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Email to Clinton Contained Sensitive U.S. Intelligence Info[/h]Redactions to an email sent by top aide indicate info revealing internal intel community operations

Philippe Reines / AP

BY: Lachlan Markay
January 11, 2016 4:25 pm

Hillary Clinton’s personal email server contained sensitive information disclosing internal workings of the U.S. intelligence community, redactions to a previously unreported email released last month indicate.
In March 2009, shortly after Clinton took office as secretary of state, her top aide Philippe Reines sent an email to her personal address that contained information subsequently redacted pursuant to the National Security Act of 1947.
That law includes language that exempts information from public disclosure that might reveal sensitive information such as confidential intelligence community sources and the “operational files” of U.S. intelligence agencies, which detail their internal structures or operations.
“I think you know that my close friend Jeremy Bash is now Panetta’s Chief of Staff at CIA,” Reines wrote to Clinton. The subsequent two paragraphs of the email are redacted.
Bash served as Panetta’s chief of staff at both the CIA and the Department of Defense. He and Reines cofounded the consulting firm Beacon Global Strategies in 2013.
Reines’ email was one of thousands released on New Year’s Eve as part of the State Department’s rolling production of emails in response to requests made under the Freedom of Information Act seeking information about Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state.
The most recent batch of emails, released last week, contained 45 classified emails, bringing the total number of such emails sent to or from Clinton’s personal email address to over 1,000.
The message from Reines was released in the previous email production a week earlier. It was not classified, but national security experts say that it likely contained sensitive information about the internal structure or operations of the U.S. intelligence community.
John Schindler, a former National Security Agency analyst and professor at the U.S. Naval War College, called Reines’ email “a doozy.”
“The redaction was very likely on sources and methods grounds,” Schindler said in an email. “That’s the VAST majority of how it’s applied. Ultimately [it is] impossible to be 100% sure without, you know, seeing the original.”
A State Department report detailing exemptions to the Freedom of Information Act said that redactions that cite the National Security Act are designed to protect “intelligence sources and methods.”
The Clinton campaign did not respond to a request for comment on Reines’ email.
Clinton’s email practices while serving as secretary of state have come under scrutiny as security experts have said that her official communications were vulnerable to electronic intrusion.
While she led the State Department, Clinton was warned of repeated attempts by malicious actors to infiltrate the personal email accounts of senior departmental employees.
All of Clinton’s email business during her tenure as secretary was conducted through two personal email accounts housed on a “homebrew” server in her Chappaqua, N.Y., home.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]MSNBC: ‘Panic Time’ for Hillary Clinton and Democratic Establishment if Bernie Sanders Wins IA and NH[/h]SHARE

BY: Aaron Kliegman
January 11, 2016 1:06 pm

NBC’s Mark Murray said Monday that it would be “panic time” for the Democratic establishment if party frontrunner Hillary Clinton loses the upcoming Iowa caucus and New Hampshire primary to challenger Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.), an outcome he said was a possibility.
Murray gave his analysis while appearing on MSNBC Live with guest host Craig Melvin to discuss the latest on the Democratic primary and Sanders’ recent surge in the polls to create a virtual tie with Clinton in the first two voting states.
Melvin first brought up the prospect of Sanders taking both Iowa and New Hampshire, saying “there’s a high probability” Sanders will win the latter.
He then asked, “If he wins Iowa as well, he starts out 2-0 before South Carolina, before they get to some of these other races. What would that do to the Democratic race if you’ve got Bernie Sanders out of the gate with a 2-0 start?”
“It becomes panic time on the Democratic establishment,” Murray said in response. “Almost the entire Democratic Party has been backing Hillary Clinton among elected officials, and so she goes 0-2, I do think you’re going to see a lot of fingernails being chewed on.”
He added, however, that Clinton does have a silver-lining.
Murray cited an MSNBC poll with Clinton holding a three-point lead in Iowa and said if she wins by a bigger margin, “that’s seen as a big win for her.” Furthermore, he thinks that Clinton is still the favorite, but her decreasing advantage could serve to temper expectations for her, making a victory have a greater impact.
While Clinton is the favorite to secure the Democratic nomination, with some commentators even saying that the Democratic National Committee is rigging the primary process for her, Sanders has narrowed her lead over him in the polls.
The former secretary of state maintains a lead in national polls, but Sanders has substantially narrowed that margin in recent weeks and caught up to Clinton in the early voting states. One new poll shows Sanders beating Clinton in New Hampshire and just three points behind her in Iowa.
The Sanders campaign has simultaneously gone on the offensive in recent days, arguing that Clinton takes policy positions that are politically convenient rather than what she actually believes.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Report: FBI Has Enough Evidence to Prosecute Hillary Clinton for Public Corruption[/h]


Morry Gash/AP

by JOHN SEXTON11 Jan 201610,140
[h=2]An investigation into possible mishandling of classified information on Hillary Clinton’s private email server has expanded to consider whether Clinton’s work as Secretary overlapped with her work for the Clinton Foundation run by her family.[/h]Fox News‘ Catherine Herridge published the report, citing unnamed FBI sources, Monday morning. The report indicates the initial security referral looking into whether or not classified information was mishandled has expanded to look at possible public corruption involving the Clinton Foundation.
The report paints a picture of an internal struggle within the FBI over whether or not to prosecute Clinton. Herridge quotes an unnamed FBI source saying, “many previous public corruption cases have been made and successfully prosecuted with much less evidence than what is emerging in this investigation.”
One parallel said to be weighing on the FBI is the prosecution of David Petraeus. Petraeus pled guilty to a misdemeanor for sharing highly classified information with his biographer and lover Paula Broadwell and also for lying to the FBI. A two-year investigation concluded that none of the classified information ever appeared in Broadwell’s book. Nevertheless, Petraeus’s treatment was considered a slap on the wrist by some agents within the FBI.
As many as 100 special agents are said to be working on the investigation, including about 50 assigned to work the case on a temporary basis. Herridge reports the agents have been asked to sign new non-disclosure agreements, possibly to prevent leaks or because of the classified information being handled in the examination of Clinton’s server.
Over 1,300 documents on Clinton’s server have been deemed classified thus far, with more to come as the State Department continues to release new emails each month. Two of the emails have been judged to have contained “top secret” material at the time they were sent. The State Department initially suggested the information in those emails may have come from a parallel intelligence source but, apparently, dropped that claim. The Department then asked for a review of those classifications in an attempt to have them downgraded, but a final determination by the Director of National Intelligence found the emails did contain “top secret” information at the time they were sent.
Clinton’s former IT person, Bryan Pagliano, chose to plead the 5th rather than answer questions about his involvement with Clinton’s unique email arrangement.

Apr 14, 2006
I could care less who gets the Dem nomination...but I hope Hillary goes to jail for a long time. Most likely won't happen...what would be even better would be for her to turn om Barack and rat out his Muslim brotherhood bullshit.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
I could care less who gets the Dem nomination...but I hope Hillary goes to jail for a long time. Most likely won't happen...what would be even better would be for her to turn om Barack and rat out his Muslim brotherhood bullshit.

As well as his endless lies about his background...


New member
Jan 16, 2013
As well as his endless lies about his background...


Who do you think is the champion deceiver Obama or Mrs. Clinton, it's a close call.
I just can't understand that there are some people who actually continue to believe
that these two phonies are worthy of the high offices they somehow were able to attain!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Who do you think is the champion deceiver Obama or Mrs. Clinton, it's a close call.
I just can't understand that there are some people who actually continue to believe
that these two phonies are worthy of the high offices they somehow were able to attain!

Obama is a much better liar than Clinton. That and the fact being 'black' has more cred in the 'progressive' cult than being a woman is why he has gotten away with what he has.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Bernie Opens Up Big Lead in NH

Sanders 53, Clinton 39

A new poll of likely Democratic primary voters in New Hampshire finds Vermont senator Bernie Sanders with a 14-point lead over Hillary Clinton, the former secretary of state. Sanders, a self-proclaimed socialist, has 53 percent support according to the new poll from Monmouth University. Clinton, meanwhile, has just 39 percent support.

That's a big shift from Monmouth's November poll, which found Clinton had 48 percent to Sanders's 45 percent. And as the February 10 primary approaches, more Democrats than ever before—52 percent—say they are "completely decided" on who they will support. That's more the case with Sanders supporters than Clinton ones. Sanders and Clinton also have a nearly equal percentage of Democrats who say they could support them—20 percent for Sanders, 21 percent for Clinton.


Granny is tanking worse than vtard's tout football picks.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Bernie Opens Up Big Lead in NH

Sanders 53, Clinton 39

A new poll of likely Democratic primary voters in New Hampshire finds Vermont senator Bernie Sanders with a 14-point lead over Hillary Clinton, the former secretary of state. Sanders, a self-proclaimed socialist, has 53 percent support according to the new poll from Monmouth University. Clinton, meanwhile, has just 39 percent support.

That's a big shift from Monmouth's November poll, which found Clinton had 48 percent to Sanders's 45 percent. And as the February 10 primary approaches, more Democrats than ever before—52 percent—say they are "completely decided" on who they will support. That's more the case with Sanders supporters than Clinton ones. Sanders and Clinton also have a nearly equal percentage of Democrats who say they could support them—20 percent for Sanders, 21 percent for Clinton.


Granny is tanking worse than vtard's tout football picks.

You take Bernie for primary and I take Hillary. Loser leaves site forever.

Sports Insights is charging you for line moves that you can get for free. Paying for services is your deal and it's why you have an 0-5 career record here.

Let me know about primary bet.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
You take Bernie for primary and I take Hillary. Loser leaves site forever.

Sports Insights is charging you for line moves that you can get for free. Paying for services is your deal and it's why you have an 0-5 career record here.

Let me know about primary bet.

Whether your low energy Granny wins the primary or not is irrelevant. Looks like she's going to lose NH and maybe even Iowa. Then what?

As I told you from the very beginning, the more Americans see her the less they like her.

These tanking polls across the board demonstrate what a horrible, unlikable, untrustworthy and uninspiring candidate she is - a very bad sign if she becomes your party's nominee.

Wasn't Granny your candidate back in 2008 as well? You sure know how to pick'em! face)(*^%

"The Dem ground game will put her over the top!" :):)

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Whether your low energy Granny wins the primary or not is irrelevant. Looks like she's going to lose NH and maybe even Iowa. Then what?

As I told you from the very beginning, the more America sees her, the worse she does.

These tanking polls across the board demonstrate what a horrible, unlikable, untrustworthy and uninspiring candidate she is - a very bad sign if she becomes your party's nominee.

Wasn't Granny you candidate back in 2008 as well? face)(*^%

"The Dem ground game will put her over the top!" :):)

You simply don't know anything about elections. Did you see who won Iowa for republicans in 2012?

the more America sees her? Lmao....the public has seen her for decades you fool.

Didnt you laugh when I said Obama ground game in key states will win him the election in 2012? That was another Vit Home Run!!!

" The more America sees her". Oh boy,you just don't have a clue what's gonna happen in November. Pray for Rubio.....without him, Hillary wins.

240 are hers before it even starts. Once she wins pa and's all over. Trump better get Kasich help!!! Lmao

New member
Oct 29, 2010

You keep making more bump material every day. The funny thing don't even get embarrassed when youre proven wrong. You just keep doing it. But I guess I know why

" it doesn't matter if what I post is false" ISIS Joe

we know Joe. We know

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