Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Brzezinski: Clinton ‘Shows Up’ ‘Only When a Red Carpet Has Been Rolled Out’

Morning Joe’s Mika Brzezinski is very frustrated that Republicans bend over backwards to do interviews on both TV and radio, even getting up extremely early when on the West coast to do a show on the East coast. But Hillary, she says, only shows up when the red carpet is rolled out for her and this is a big problem:

But, but, but...

vtard says Granny is up 30 points and the campaign hasn't begun yet! How can this be??? Does Mika not know anything about campaigns?????

Actually, unlike vtard, Mika is honest (and VERY frustrated!) in this case.

Well Mika, nothing you can do except wish your stupid party hadn't put all their eggs in one basket.

Granny just doesn't have the stamina or energy and can barely get herself out of bed in the morning.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Brzezinski: Clinton ‘Shows Up’ ‘Only When a Red Carpet Has Been Rolled Out’

Morning Joe’s Mika Brzezinski is very frustrated that Republicans bend over backwards to do interviews on both TV and radio, even getting up extremely early when on the West coast to do a show on the East coast. But Hillary, she says, only shows up when the red carpet is rolled out for her and this is a big problem:

But, but, but...

vtard says Granny is up 30 points and the campaign hasn't begun yet! How can this be??? Does Mika not know anything about campaigns?????

Actually, unlike vtard, Mika is honest (and VERY frustrated!) in this case.

Well Mika, nothing you can do except wish your stupid party hadn't put all their eggs in one basket.

Granny just doesn't have the stamina or energy and can barely get herself out of bed in the morning.

Lmao. A media member is upset that Hillary isn't talking to her. Big story there Joe.

Do you ever get tired of not knowing what you're talking about?

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Lmao. A media member is upset that Hillary isn't talking to her. Big story there Joe.

Do you ever get tired of not knowing what you're talking about?


You'll never accept this because it's coming from me but I'm going to give it to you straight:

Coronations are for monarchies, not democratic republics.

The primaries exist for a reason: to weed out bad candidates and Hillary is a bad candidate. Just like Jeb Bush and Lindsey Graham and Bobby Jindal and Scott Walker are bad candidates. What if the RNC had just decided Bush and/or Walker were the right men for the job - #1 and #2 at this time last year. That's what the process is for.

What has this old entitled bitch ever accomplished in life? Her healthcare pitch as first lady was an epic bomb. She became NY Senator only because of her name (also up 30 pts, nobody even close to challenging her) and one of the worst Sec. of States the country has ever had.

Has Granny ever worked for anything in her life?

Instead of having a healthy primary, your stupid party decided to crown this entitled queen bitch and it's showing.

They tried the same thing in 2008, but some no-name black guy who gave a great speech at the 2004 DNC ("no red states or blue states, only the United States") came out of nowhere stole her crown right from under her.

This time, "it's her turn"

Yeah, right.

Quick! Someone call the bullpen! Oh wait, you don't have any more arms!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
We Ran Hillary Clinton’s Symptoms Through WebMD And The Diagnosis Isn’t Pretty


Media Reporter

Hillary Clinton’s health has become the focus of many people’s concerns, so, with the help of WebMD, The Daily Caller offers up the following diagnosis. According to a WebMD diagnosis, the 68-year-old Clinton should really check to see if she has a urinary tract infection.

The symptoms, as observed by TheDC and entered into WebMD include fatigue, mood swings, swelling, weight gain, impaired judgment, confusion, slurring words and bald spots.

These symptoms characterize such possible conditions as — in order of likelihood — urinary tract infection (UTI), medication reaction or side-effect, overeating, depression, Type 2 Diabetes, hypothyroidism, acute sinusitis or acute stress reaction.

Arriving at these symptoms was made possible by scouring the selected medical records released by her doctor Lisa Bardack, and news reports relating to her mental and physical comings and goings.

Clinton’s latest physical from March 21, 2015 indicates the haggard presidential candidate deals with hypothyroidism and seasonal allergies, and she is on a long-term anticoagulant. In 1998 and 2009, Clinton faced deep vein thrombosis.

TheDC added to her list of medical issues the impaired judgment obvious in her use of a private email server to conduct work business while she was secretary of state.

The symptom of confusion has also been documented by a person in Clinton’s inner circle. In emails from Clinton’s aide Huma Abedin, Abedin wrote Clinton was “often confused.”

Then, in the aftermath of Clinton’s daylong testimony before the House Benghazi Committee, Matt Drudge tweeted his concern about Clinton’s health: “Coughing fit. Slow-speaking, obviously induced by meds. Choose not to believe if you must.”

Drudge continued, “Last time she showed up with prism glasses from blod [sic], vertigo. Today obvious anti-anxiety meds, hypothyroid issues.”

Clearly, such evidence would essentially require any concerned journalist to investigate further. Further reasons for concern were uncovered.

Evidence of slurring words was easily accessed: Clinton usually adopts a southern accent when speaking to voters in the South.

Back in May, TheDC diagnosed Clinton with Foreign Accent Syndrome.

Regarding the observations that Clinton has bald spots, the Internet went wild in November with concerns that Clinton may be wearing a wig to cover up a bald head.

Then, concerned about Clinton’s weight gain and swelling, TheDC has never asked Clinton to step on a scale and would never dare ask a woman her weight. Yet, a multitude of photos and videos spanning the years clearly show that Clinton has gained a few pounds. Even more recently, some pictures — taken within days of each other — make Clinton look rather huskier than before.

Clinton’s mood swings are the stuff of legend now. During the Monica Lewinsky scandal, reports came out Clinton threw a lamp and a book at Bill.

\Finally, Donald Trump has referenced Clinton’s fatigue many times during the campaign at the same time providing ample evidence that he himself has fatigue issues. Sunday,

Trump suggested that Clinton campaigns for a short while, “And then she goes away for five or six days and you don’t see her. She goes to sleep.”

While not a doctor, TheDC nevertheless highly recommends that Clinton see a doctor in the bathroom of her choice and then release her full medical history.

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New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Watchdog: Hillary Clinton in ‘League of Her Own’ with Ethics Violations[/h]SHARE


BY: Morgan Chalfant
December 22, 2015 2:42 pm

A watchdog group that has asked the federal government to investigate a number of possible ethics violations involving Hillary Clinton has named the presidential candidate the worst ethics violator of 2015.
The Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust (FACT) released its list of worst ethics violators Tuesday, placing Clinton in a “league of her own” due to ongoing ethics scandals involving the former secretary of state.
The watchdog cited a number of examples as evidence Clinton abused her government position and violated ethics rules, including a recent report that then-secretary of state Clinton gave preferential treatment to a business associate of her son-in-law in 2012.
Last week, FACT filed a complaint with the Office of Government Ethics to investigate whether Clinton gave special government access to an investor at a deep-sea mining company because of his connection to her daughter’s husband, Mark Mezvinsky.
Revelations about Clinton’s intervention on behalf of her son-in-law, first reported by the Associated Press, were uncovered in the most recent batch of Clinton emails that the State Department has been vetting and releasing since it was discovered that the former secretary of state exclusively worked on a personal email account. The FBI is currently investigating Clinton’s email setup.
The complaint unveiled by FACT last week was one of multiple that the watchdog filed this year related to Clinton. FACT has also asked the federal government to investigate the Clinton Foundation’s payments of nearly $350,000 to Clinton’s failed 2008 presidential campaign to rent an email list, allegedly illegal interactions between Clinton’s current presidential campaign and Ready for Hillary, her political action committee, and meetings between Clinton’s team and Senate Democrats.
“Elected officials are sent to Washington to follow and uphold the law and so they need to be held to the highest standard of ethics. Even the appearance of impropriety can quickly erode public trust, and Mrs. Clinton is in a league of her own,” FACT executive director Matthew G. Whitaker, a former U.S. attorney, said in a statement.
“We will continue to vigorously hold the lantern over unethical behavior so that we have a government that serves the public’s interest, not the self-interests of leaders who think they are beyond reproach.”
According to a Quinnipiac University poll released Tuesday, nearly six in 10 American voters do not trust Hillary Clinton.


New member
Oct 29, 2010
We Ran Hillary Clinton’s Symptoms Through WebMD And The Diagnosis Isn’t Pretty


Media Reporter

Hillary Clinton’s health has become the focus of many people’s concerns, so, with the help of WebMD, The Daily Caller offers up the following diagnosis. According to a WebMD diagnosis, the 68-year-old Clinton should really check to see if she has a urinary tract infection.

The symptoms, as observed by TheDC and entered into WebMD include fatigue, mood swings, swelling, weight gain, impaired judgment, confusion, slurring words and bald spots.

These symptoms characterize such possible conditions as — in order of likelihood — urinary tract infection (UTI), medication reaction or side-effect, overeating, depression, Type 2 Diabetes, hypothyroidism, acute sinusitis or acute stress reaction.

Arriving at these symptoms was made possible by scouring the selected medical records released by her doctor Lisa Bardack, and news reports relating to her mental and physical comings and goings.

Clinton’s latest physical from March 21, 2015 indicates the haggard presidential candidate deals with hypothyroidism and seasonal allergies, and she is on a long-term anticoagulant. In 1998 and 2009, Clinton faced deep vein thrombosis.

TheDC added to her list of medical issues the impaired judgment obvious in her use of a private email server to conduct work business while she was secretary of state.

The symptom of confusion has also been documented by a person in Clinton’s inner circle. In emails from Clinton’s aide Huma Abedin, Abedin wrote Clinton was “often confused.”

Then, in the aftermath of Clinton’s daylong testimony before the House Benghazi Committee, Matt Drudge tweeted his concern about Clinton’s health: “Coughing fit. Slow-speaking, obviously induced by meds. Choose not to believe if you must.”

Drudge continued, “Last time she showed up with prism glasses from blod [sic], vertigo. Today obvious anti-anxiety meds, hypothyroid issues.”

Clearly, such evidence would essentially require any concerned journalist to investigate further. Further reasons for concern were uncovered.

Evidence of slurring words was easily accessed: Clinton usually adopts a southern accent when speaking to voters in the South.

Back in May, TheDC diagnosed Clinton with Foreign Accent Syndrome.

Regarding the observations that Clinton has bald spots, the Internet went wild in November with concerns that Clinton may be wearing a wig to cover up a bald head.

Then, concerned about Clinton’s weight gain and swelling, TheDC has never asked Clinton to step on a scale and would never dare ask a woman her weight. Yet, a multitude of photos and videos spanning the years clearly show that Clinton has gained a few pounds. Even more recently, some pictures — taken within days of each other — make Clinton look rather huskier than before.

Clinton’s mood swings are the stuff of legend now. During the Monica Lewinsky scandal, reports came out Clinton threw a lamp and a book at Bill.

\Finally, Donald Trump has referenced Clinton’s fatigue many times during the campaign at the same time providing ample evidence that he himself has fatigue issues. Sunday,

Trump suggested that Clinton campaigns for a short while, “And then she goes away for five or six days and you don’t see her. She goes to sleep.”

While not a doctor, TheDC nevertheless highly recommends that Clinton see a doctor in the bathroom of her choice and then release her full medical history.

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Disgraceful article based on pure fantasy.

Throwing Hail Mary already Joe?

she could die and have the campaign put sunglasses on her. Weekend at Bernies style.....and should would still beat the republican field.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Disgraceful article based on pure fantasy.

Throwing Hail Mary already Joe?

she could die and have the campaign put sunglasses on her. Weekend at Bernies style.....and should would still beat the republican field.

Shhhhhhh! The old goat is sleeping for the next few days. That debate where she pissed herself really took its toll on her.

Meanwhile, Trump in Michigan last night:


New member
Oct 29, 2010
Shhhhhhh! The old goat is sleeping for the next few days. That debate where she pissed herself really took its toll on her.

Meanwhile, Trump in Michigan last night:


Trump looks worse. He looks like death. Old and orange. His stamina for stupidity is high.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Trump looks worse. He looks like death. Old and orange. His stamina for stupidity is high.

Trump released his health records. You may want to check them out. Will Granny and her overactive bladder be doing the same?

Your political 'logic' is priceless. You think the electoral college is set in stone, except FL and OH. You think this because "it's always been this way"...meaning your entire political life...meaning the last 3-4 presidential cycles....meaning it will be this way for the next 100 years.


You think if the GOP nominates some "super scary conservative" (whatever the hell THAT means), your 'base' (whoever the hell THAT is) will just magically show up in droves out of blind fear and vote for the old corrupt, unlikable hag, even if they have to drag her like Bernie-like corpse around the country half-dead in sunglasses. You probably shouldn't have said that, even in jest, because it's looking more and more like that everyday.

Politics doesn't work that way.

Trump is his own brand, a brand that is proving more successful and valuable right now than the tarnished GOP. He's doing it all himself without anyone's help or money. So, even if he ends up the "Republican candidate" nobody on the political spectrum thinks of him as 'liberal' or 'conservative', 'right' or 'left', Republican or Democrat. Which means the usual carnival barkers on the left will not be able to pigeonhole Trump with their usual bullshit wedge issue tactics that drive sheep like you to the polls (abortion, gay "rights" etc.). Hell, many conservatives supporters are warning everyone how 'liberal' Trump is. He's neither. Trump is just... Trump.

This means PLENTY of Dems will vote for Trump, as many are already saying they will. I saw a poll the other day with 25% of blacks supporting Trump. If that's true, Granny will get smashed. Also remember, Donald Trump's brash, unapologetic NY style is embraced in his home state as well. This ain't the Bush-Obama electoral college.

Trump is a winner (beautiful family, successful businessman, TV celebrity)...nothing he does is ever small. With Hillary it's the opposite: ZERO accomplishments outside of politics and she just doesn't win at ANYTHING. As Trump said, she was a YUGE favorite 8 years ago and got "schlonged" by the black guy Bill Clinton said should be serving them coffee. Take away her hubby's last name and you're probably looking at the weakest Dem candidate in decades, that's why the queen bitch's coronation is a YUGE mistake.

Trump is Trump - go big or go home. The tarnished GOP brand probably drags him down.

Hillary is a lifetime loser.

With respect to Clinton vs Cruz, the polls have caught up to reality and what I've been saying all along:

The more people hear and see Granny, the less they like and trust her.

The more people hear and see Cruz (not the gaystream media caricature of him), the more people like and trust him.

Cruz is articulate, cordial, very statesman-like. Nobody wants to debate or challenge Cruz, even Donald Trump. If Cruz is the nominee, the left will try and paint him as a boogeyman, but good luck with that especially when voters look at the alternative: Granny and that god-awful creepy cackle.

Like I said, even YOU could beat the Hildabeast. She's that bad.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
You just really don't understand things politically at all. Many states are not up for seem unable to change with changing times and have no understanding of electoral math.

Its probably why when you worked on were knocking on doors handing out literature.....instead of doing the writing on your handouts.

Your new hero Trump even called Cruz a maniac. And everybody knows he's too extreme to win a general election. Rubio proved him a liar in the last debate and even a Fox News guy said " Cruz wouldn't know the truth if he shook hands with it"

hillary is fine. Her stamina was proven during the half a day beatdown of Trey Giwdy and his band of losers.

Trump has zero grasp of any real issue and will probably end the world with a war started on Twitter. The most thin skinned candidate in history. The guy is all mouth.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

1. Her China speech on women.

2. Her role in killing Osama bin Laden.

3. Management of the State Department during which time we saw a 50 percent increase in exports to China, aggressive work on climate (particularly at Copenhagen), and the effort to create and implement the toughest sanctions ever on Iran—helping to lead us to the agreement currently on the table.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Pretty telling the biggest shill for the old loser hag on this entire website needs Google to come up with any of her accomplishments, all of which are simply laughable.

Worst candidate since...I was going to say McGovern but I think Granny is even worse than him.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Going to try my first Trump impression:

"Vit, vit...c'mon...she's a loser, okay?? No one accomplishment?? C'mon, she's a loser! She lies about everything! Low energy and stamina...I don't know what the hell she's being doing since she lied her ass off about me about during the last debate, do you???? C'mon, vit, just between us...this is embarrassing for your party. Very, VERY bad. Can you imagine having THAT our president for the next 4 years? God help us! Everyone loves a winner and I'm a winner. I'm worth over 2 billion dollars, vit and win at everything I do...I'm you man vit - everything she is not"

"I'm Donald Trump and I WILL make America great again!"


New member
Oct 29, 2010
Pretty telling the biggest shill for the old loser hag on this entire website needs Google to come up with any of her accomplishments, all of which are simply laughable.

Worst candidate since...I was going to say McGovern but I think Granny is even worse than him.


99 percent of voters couldn't name an accomplishment for any Secretary of State.

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