Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Your candidates never get out of the primary. If they did.....they would get beat worse than the Romney republicans. You can google negative Clinton stories all night.....the latest numbers show the truth.

If it isn't's gonna be ugly for you again.

"If it isn't's gonna be ugly for you again" - vtard 2012


New member
Nov 10, 2010


New member
Nov 10, 2010
Clinton refused to use a lavatory at the same time as a Sanders staffer. She expected the debate to wait for her, quite in line with royal treatment she expects in all facets of her life,

OR she just wanted to let a big one go!


Aug 6, 2006
I didn't say Sec of State, I said accomplishment(s) PERIOD. She has done NOTHING.

Joe she's visited 32 different countries. I'll bet she's destroyed a lot of bathrooms in those visits. That accomplishment is surely unparalled.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Hillary Clinton Named ‘Worst Ethics Violator of 2015′[/h]


Scott Olson/Getty Images

by PATRICK HOWLEY22 Dec 20153,848
[h=2]Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton has a new honorific title: “Worst Ethics Violator of 2015.”[/h]The Foundation for Accountability and Government Trust (FACT), a Washington-based think tank, released a year-end list of Worst Ethics Violators for this ill-begotten calendar year. Clinton ran away with the contest.
Breitbart News extensively reported on the issues that led to Clinton’s victory in the contest, from her special favor for her son-in-law’s buddy at Goldman Sachs, to her potentially illegal coordination with the Ready For Hillary Super PAC. FACT even filed a complaint with the U.S. Office of Government Ethics regarding Clinton’s State Department favor for her son-in-law and his pal.
FACT’s list of ethical violators was strictly nonpartisan, with Democrat
Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL)

showing up on the list alongside Republican Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC)

for their own ethical quandaries.“Elected officials are sent to Washington to follow and uphold the law and so they need to be held to the highest standard of ethics,” FACT executive director Matthew G. Whitaker said in a statement.
Even the appearance of impropriety can quickly erode public trust, and Mrs. Clinton is in a league of her own. We will continue to vigorously hold the lantern over unethical behavior so that we have a government that serves the public’s interest, not the self-interests of leaders who think they are beyond reproach.

New member
Nov 10, 2010



Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's campaign has announced her support for increased funding to cure Alzheimer's disease by 2025. Above, Clinton speaks at a town hall meeting in Iowa on Tuesday

[h=1]Hillary Clinton announces plan to fight Alzheimer's that says the disease can be cured by 2025 with increased funding[/h]
  • Clinton campaign released briefing about plan to fight Alzheimer's disease
  • She says that funding should be increased from $586million in 2015 to $2billion every year as scientists look to accelerate research into illness
  • Five million Americans have Alzheimer's, with an estimated 15million expected to have it by 2050
  • Bill Clinton's former Republican adversary Newt Gingrich tweeted support for Hillary taking up the cause on Tuesday


Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
How to win a debate, by Vit. Part II.

What the fuck are you talking about?

You just really don't understand things politically at all.

I listed accomplishments as sec of state.

I listed them for you.

When are you gonna learn?

How many times must you be wrong before you stop?

Never said any such thing.

You just make shit up


New member
Oct 29, 2010
How to win a debate, by Vit. Part II.

What the fuck are you talking about?

You just really don't understand things politically at all.

I listed accomplishments as sec of state.

I listed them for you.

When are you gonna learn?

How many times must you be wrong before you stop?

Never said any such thing.

You just make shit up


How to win a debate with dave007

let him type.

New member
Nov 10, 2010


PLANTED? Donald Trump said Wednesday that a touching moment in Hillary Clinton's Iowa town hall was 'staged'



'BULLY': Clinton framed Trump as a bully in Iowa on Tuesday without directly responding to what he'd said about her, as she answered a question from 10-year-old Hannah Tandy



J'ACCUSE: Trump suggested on Twitter that the 'staged' event was 'pathetic'


New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Clinton aide key focus in FBI server investigation[/h]By Pamela Browne, Catherine Herridge
Published December 24, 2015

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Shown here is former Clinton aide Bryan Pagliano. (AP Photo)

More than 100 days after he invoked his Fifth Amendment right to avoid testifying before the House committee investigating the Benghazi terrorist attack, a key Hillary Clinton aide is at the center of the separate and ongoing investigation by the FBI into Clinton’s use of a private unsecured server while she was secretary of state.

That former staffer, Bryan Pagliano, set up the controversial private email server in Clinton’s home in Chappaqua, N.Y.
Pagliano is believed to be the only witness publicly identified during the politically charged hearings on Benghazi to invoke the Fifth Amendment.
He has not been charged with any crime, but the investigation continues into how Clinton used a private homebrew server which contained highly classified information while she was secretary of state.
As Fox News was first to report on Dec. 15, a review by the intelligence community reaffirmed that at least two emails were “top secret” when they hit Clinton’s private server. The State Department had challenged the classification.
At the core of the separate FBI investigation is whether highly classified information was "grossly mishandled" by Clinton and her aides.
Pagliano worked for the Clinton campaign team and was their trusted IT specialist before he joined the State Department in May 2009.
As first reported by The Washington Post, the Clintons paid Pagliano $5,000 for "computer services" prior to his joining the State Department, according to a financial disclosure form he filed in April 2009.
Yet, even after arriving at State in May 2009, Pagliano continued to be paid by the Clintons to maintain the non-secure homebrew server, which was located in a bathroom closet inside the Clinton's Chappaqua home.
As part of invoking his Fifth Amendment right, Pagliano is also invoking the so-called act-of-production privilege. Since 1984, according to a review by Fox News, the privilege has been used in 103 federal or state cases.
A person can invoke his Fifth Amendment rights against the production of documents only where the act of producing the documents is incriminating in itself. According to a legal review by Fox News, this privilege applies when producing the documents – as opposed to their contents -- to the government is entitled to Fifth Amendment protection.
This assertion is tantamount to the defendant's testimony that the documents exist, are authentic and are in his possession.
The privilege has been invoked before by a Clinton associate. Webb Hubbell, Hillary Clinton's former law partner when she worked at the Rose Law Firm in Arkansas, argued for an "act-of-production privilege" during the federal investigation into the collapse of Madison Guaranty, a failed savings and loan. Hubbell followed Bill and Hillary Clinton into the White House to become an associate attorney general, the third-ranking member of the Justice Department. He was convicted in 1995 and served 18 months in federal prison for his role in the failure of that savings and loan which later became known as the "Whitewater scandal."
Pagliano initially invoked the Fifth Amendment in refusing to answer 19 pages of questions from the House Select Committee on Benghazi, which is investigating the attack that killed four Americans in September 2012. Killed in the attack were Ambassador Chris Stevens, State Department information officer Sean Smith, and former Navy SEALs Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty.
Three months ago, Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., chairman of the committee, acknowledged that Pagliano may be called again. Fox News has confirmed no new subpoena has yet been issued by the committee for Pagliano. And there has been no subpoena issued by the Senate Judiciary Committee.
As for the ongoing and separate FBI investigation into Clinton's emails, no one is authorized to speak on the record but Fox News is told by two intelligence sources that the "Bureau (FBI) has a solid team on the case" and does not want to appear to be interfering with "the country's political process."
In addition to looking at the potential mishandling of classified material, investigators are focused on possible violations of U.S. Code 18, Section 1001 pertaining to “materially false” statements given either in writing, orally or through a third party. Each violation is subject to five years in prison.
It is unclear if Pagliano also had to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement, or NDA, while working for the State Department which requires protection of highly classified information.
Clinton signed her NDA on Jan. 22, 2009, which states in part, "I have been advised that any breach of this Agreement may result in my termination of my access to SCI (Sensitive Compartmented Information) and removal from a position of special confidence.”
In the prosecution of former CIA Director David Petraeus for his role in wrongly providing highly classified information to his biographer and mistress Paula Broadwell, violations of Non-Disclosure Agreements were cited.
Fox News was told that “frustration” is mounting in the pace of the investigation into Clinton's emails.
Mark MacDougall, the attorney for Pagliano, had no comment to Fox News


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013


PLANTED? Donald Trump said Wednesday that a touching moment in Hillary Clinton's Iowa town hall was 'staged'



'BULLY': Clinton framed Trump as a bully in Iowa on Tuesday without directly responding to what he'd said about her, as she answered a question from 10-year-old Hannah Tandy



J'ACCUSE: Trump suggested on Twitter that the 'staged' event was 'pathetic'


This is simply awesome and why Trump will smash low energy, low stamina Granny!

He calls the left on their bullshit - something McCain and Romney DID NOT DO!

New member
Oct 29, 2010
This is simply awesome and why Trump will smash low energy, low stamina Granny!

He calls the left on their bullshit - something McCain and Romney DID NOT DO!

The best thing about Trump wining the general election is that it will send you and your ghosts packing from this forum.

On the other's unlikely you would keep your word. Because you've already told us you are dishonest

"it doesn't matter if what I post is false"-- Sheriff Joe

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
The best thing about Trump wining the general election is that it will send you and your ghosts packing from this forum.

On the other's unlikely you would keep your word. Because you've already told us you are dishonest

"it doesn't matter if what I post is false"-- Sheriff Joe

So long as you continue to act like low energy, low stamina Granny all over this forum ("Joe posted fake tickets!") you will continue to get the Trump treatment from me.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
So long as you continue to act like low energy, low stamina Granny all over this forum ("Joe posted fake tickets!") you will continue to get the Trump treatment from me.

Are you comparing yourself to Trump? The only thing you two have in common is your both loud mouths that don't have a clue what they are talking about.

The low energy, no stamina thing is just made up talking points. The 9 hour Benghazi committee smashing debunked that theory. But nothing stops you guys from your talking points!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Are you comparing yourself to Trump? The only thing you two have in common is your both loud mouths that don't have a clue what they are talking about.

The low energy, no stamina thing is just made up talking points. The 9 hour Benghazi committee smashing debunked that theory. But nothing stops you guys from your talking points!

Trump is doing everything I would do - treating his enemies the way the forum treated Pavian.

Political correctness is killing this America and the gaystream media narrative gave us 8 years of hell with the Kenyan community organizer.

Unlike 2008, this election will make real history:

Pissed off billionaire tycoon spends virtually no money and wins the presidency using nothing but Twitter.

Donald Trump the Great Communicator 2.0 - amazing!

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Trump is doing everything I would do - treating his enemies the way the forum treated Pavian.

Political correctness is killing this America and the gaystream media narrative gave us 8 years of hell with the Kenyan community organizer.

Unlike 2008, this election will make real history:

Pissed off billionaire tycoon spends virtually no money and wins the presidency using nothing but Twitter.

Donald Trump the Great Communicator 2.0 - amazing!
Like most successful people Trump found a niche (masses of people disgusted with establishment politicians) and he’s capitalizing on it. The more he runs amok the more popular he becomes. The more outlandish he is the higher he polls.

All the “experts” said he would be just a footnote by now and yet here he is still leading.

McCain is not a war hero, his numbers go up. Temporarily ban Muslims from entering the country, ditto.

And with the exception of Cruz the rest of the candidates continue to suck hind tit or teat if you‘re of the PC persuasion.

Is this the kind of hope and change we were looking for?

Sure looks like it.

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