College World Series Picks


Professional At All Times
Dec 3, 2003

First and foremost, congratulations go out to your Titans for reaching the championship series. Very bold move by the manager to start Scott Sarver and hold Jason Windsor focusing on the intent to try and win the championship and nothing less.

Second, once again, I would like to thank you for your unselfishness and sharing of your daily insights into the series. As I said earlier in this thread, I don't follow college baseball during the year and just enjoy the CWS each year. By reading your thread each day, you clearly indicated when you were strong on a play, when a play was iffy, and when you were passing. By reading your thread, you are directly responsible for helping me to a current 8-1 record in this year's CWS with a pending future on the Titans. Realize that you have the Horns to win at +250 but now also have additional options for the championship.

Now that each team's starting pitcher rotation in is order, the series promises to be very entertaining. Looking forward to your thoughts when the championship series begins. What you have presented in your thread is what the best of the RX can be. Many thanks and I tip my cap to you. Continued best of luck in the championship series. Enjoy! You deserve it!

I am sorry for using the "R" word - and NOTHING EL
Oct 21, 1999
rscl: i hope they do. do they have a shot? YES! will they win? who knows. i just got done talking to a fellow titan and we both agreed the ONLY way we can win is by playing two PERFECT games. texass can make a mistake or 2 and still win - we can't.

to me - the BIG game is saturday. if we find a way to win that - we then have our stud on the mound with a chance to win it all. i will add IF we win saturday it will NOT shock me to see windsor held back to monday to give him 1 more day - knowing he can always come in to close G2 if needed - and if not - and we must go to monday's G3 - he will have 1 more day's rest. howell is TOUGH and we MUST do better with RISP. we also have to realize ANY game against texass is NOT a 9-inning game but a 7-inning game - at most. if we trail headed to the 8th - we are DONE. texass will bring in huston street and - just like with eric gagne - GAME OVER. if this series is a battle of the bullpens we will lose - period!

oldman: glad i could make ya what sounds like a LOT of money - and maybe even some more (and you will have the chance to hedge that if you wish and still make a nice profit for fullerton will come a decent dog here). i will correct one thing - OUR staff is NOT 100% in order - if it was windsor would pitch saturday NOT sunday.

i am excited and if history has anything to do with it - we will win.

the only other time we made B2B trips to omaha was in 1994 and 1995. in 1994 we lost to nomar and veritek's Ga. Tech team and finished 3rd. in 1995 we won it all. in 2002 we finished 3rd - meaning this year....

by the way - i will set an O.U of about 49.5 the number of times you hear something like "augie garrido used to coach at fullerton" - and i'll take the OVER.

friday's press conferences will have 2 main questions:

1.) is kevin costner going to be here?

2.) (to fullerton) what's it like playing against the mean who built your program at CSUF? and (to texass) are you trying to win just a tad more because your coach is playing his old school?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Congrats on the great CWS.

I'm curious if you (or anyone) has thoughts as to why exactly the Titans didnt start Windsor tonight? And then why not start him and bring him in for 3 innings??

As someone who doesnt follow college baseball closely and having little familiarity with the Titans staff, I could maybe see not starting Windsor if the coaches happened to feel particularly confident in throwing Sarver today; thus saving Windsor as much as possible against the favored Horns.

But then I dont bring him in bottom 7 with a 4-0 lead and 1 on, nobody out I believe. Even considering coach Horton apparently has zero confidence in the pen (which IMO could be the difference vs. Texas), I just was very surprised they brought Windsor in when they did tonight.

I am sorry for using the "R" word - and NOTHING EL
Oct 21, 1999
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by gonkefir:
Congrats on the great CWS.

I'm curious if you (or anyone) has thoughts as to why exactly the Titans didnt start Windsor tonight? And then why not start him and bring him in for 3 innings??<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

from all i have seen on our booster message boards and from what the coaches/windsor said - he was not feeling 100% effective and felt going out there to (try and) pitch 9 innings would have hurt the team more than trying to go out there helped. as we saw - he was OK to go a few innings - but not 9. this was his day to throw on the side - so no biggie him doing this. he will be ready to go sunday against texass.

and you are right about the bullpen - we SUCK - and theirs rules. when schreppel came in wednesday to pitch - you could hear a collective, "Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" from all titans' fans - for we have as much confidence in him as america has with "Dubya." but having said that - ryan was very solid and MAYBE he can come thru now for us.

Professional At All Times
Dec 3, 2003

With no intention to interupt Winky's thread, but in an effort to answer your question, prior to the start of the game, the field announcer talked with Jason Windsor and asked him when the coach decided if, and when he should pitch tonight. Windsor answered by stating that we "The Titans" are here to win the whole thing and the coach felt that because he threw 145 pitches in Game 1, he wanted to use him for about 3 to 4 innings maximum following Sarver as he (Sarver) was in the same situation in a close-out game in, I believe, in the Super Regionals, and pitched well. The coach made a conscious choice to focus on winning the championship and clearly feels the only shot the Titans have is if Windsor is available. If they lost tonight, he and probably the team, would have excepted the choice that was made. Worked out, and now the championship series should be interesting. Wasn't sure if Winky saw this interview, so just trying to assist. I'm no expert on college baseball to be sure. Just wanted to share what was said.

New member
Dec 20, 2002
Winky, Congrats on CSF making it to the Series, if not for my Texas to win CWS play, I would be pulling for Suzuki, Windsor, & the Gang(they're good, well coached, smart, have a ton of heart, and really play as a team)..are your Texas Series plays large enough to pull against your alma mater without much reservation?..are you gonna hedge or play back fully with CSF?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
winky and ted

I didnt mean to disrupt winkys thread...just seemed like y'all might know...thanks for your info

Professional At All Times
Dec 3, 2003

Welcome to the RX. Some very good people here that truly want to share. You didn't disrupt Winky's thread. You had a good question. I was apologizing for interupting any response Winky might provide as I didn't know if he'd seen the interview. So, I thought I'd share. It's all good. Winky's done a great job with this thread sharing his insight into the CWS. I'm just enjoying the ride.

New member
Oct 20, 2002
Which team from bracket 2 will reach the CWS final
Team to reach 2004 NCAA CWS FINAL

105 Miami -125
106 South Carolina +300
107 Cal State Fullerton +325
108 LSU +320

this was a good price on the titans plus 325

not sure why my book has not graded this wager yet..thanks for the heads up wink on this 1 ,kid

I am sorry for using the "R" word - and NOTHING EL
Oct 21, 1999
for my own PERSONAL bankroll (and NOT a pick i am posting here) - i took fullerton +280 in this title series solely because i would hate to lose a bet and money because the school i wanted to win - won - while the school i bet on lost.

i posted texass +250 here before omaha began and with fullerton +280, too - i walk away AT LEAST up 1.5 units and i'll take that any day.

Professional At All Times
Dec 3, 2003

Once again, congratulations go out to your Titans for winning Game 1 tonight. Couldn't resist today's number of +250 as I've played the Titans in each game of the series and they've rewarded me handsomely and still holding the future as I decided not to hedge. Really like the way they battle.

Obviously, have some choices for tomorrow, as I can stand pat with the future pending or add depending on the number. Which brings me to a question. To your knowledge, has Windsor pitched 3 innings as a closer and then come back and start on 3 days rest? If so, how did he do? If not, I value your opinion highly as to what affect, if any, you feel those 3 innings will have on his strength and durability, particularly in light of his complete game and 145 pitches thrown in the bracket round against South Carolina prior to his relief appearance.

Since I currently stand at 9-1 in the series, no concern if I add. Just wanted to get your thoughts before pulling the trigger. Continued best wishes in the championship. Enjoy!

[This message was edited by oldmanTED on June 26, 2004 at 11:46 PM.]

Shaman; Prophet; Seer
Sep 21, 2004
Congrats on your team winning game 1, Winky. You must be ecstatic.

Like Ted, I look forward to seeing your ideas on game two, with Windsor pitching.

I am sorry for using the "R" word - and NOTHING EL
Oct 21, 1999
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by NY Reb:
Congrats on your team winning game 1, Winky. You must be ecstatic.

Like Ted, I look forward to seeing your ideas on game two, with Windsor pitching.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

that is understatement time of the year. i was literally on pins and needles for the game - furious we blew that great chance in T6 then broke thru in T7 then survived our bullpen's turn on the mound.

as for sunday - no way i can objectively analyze this one - not even gonna try. i am homering BIG TIME for a titan win here - and happy as all hell i got fullerton +280 to win this 3-game series early saturday. i did that because i didn't want to be upset if fullerton won that my texass +250 play would go down and i would lose the bet. this way if/when fullerton wins - i will win money, too - and celebrate.

the worst part about sunday is the game starts @ Noon - and i have a hoops tourney i MUST ref from 11A-3P - meaning i am going to tape the game and come home and watch it - and be just as nervous as i was saturday - if not more.

NO ONE at fullerton wants to see monday come about and we all hope windsor has ONE MORE great game left in his arm.

right now i feel like a 6-year-old on Xmas eve - i can't wait for tomorrow (at least out here in CA it is that) to come knowing there might be a REALLY nice "gift" under the tree about 3/3:30P (PDT) for me (and all other titan baseball fans).

all i have to say is:

Let's go:

Felipe (a MONSTER at the plate all CWS - and if not for Windsor - he would be the CWS MOP - but if fullerton wins it - Windsor is a LOCK for this honor if we win sunday)

I am sorry for using the "R" word - and NOTHING EL
Oct 21, 1999
Omaha Picks Recap: 9-3 (+12.80 units)

Texass -125 to win its bracket: Winner (+1.00 units)
Texass +250 to win the CWS: TBD
LSU +190 to be 1st team eliminated from its bracket: Winner (+1.90 units)
Arkansas +200 to be 1st team eliminated from its bracket: Winner (+2.00 units)
6/19: Team to lead after the first 4.5 innings - Cal State Fullerton -130: Winner (+1.00 units)
6/19: Fullerton +115 (2 unit play): Winner (+2.30 units)
6/19: Miami -130: Winner (+1.00 units)
6/18-19: 3-Teamer: Texas -205/Miami -130/Fullerton +115: Winner (+4.65 units)
6/18-19: 3-Teamer: texas -205/Miami -130/USC -135: Loser (-1.00 units - and for making this dumb bet i deserve to lose it!)
6/20: (2004 CWS GOY) Texass -150 (2 unit play): Winner (+2.00 units)
6/21: South Carolina -130: Winner (+1.00 units)
6/22: Arizona +135: Loser (-1.00 units)
6/23: Suzuki -110 more total bases than Powell: Loser (-1.10 units)

I had no intention of making 1 more play - but i have to do it here:

Fullerton +180

so let me get this straight? i get the HOTTEST pitcher in all of baseball right now in fullerton's jason windsor and i get almost $2 on him?

ok - sign me up for this one

this is nothing more than a value play and there is so much value here in fullerton it is too hard to pass up.

Fullerton +180 to win G2 and the CWS!

Professional At All Times
Dec 3, 2003

This line is hard to believe. Expected CS Fullerton to either be a slight favorite or slight dog. Was able to land +190 at WSEX before the price began to fall. Currently +160. Been on the Titans each and every game and not about to stop today. Best wishes to your alma mater today.

Pour your misery down on me
May 20, 2004
Winky, Thanks for all the winners and congrats on your team winning!
I wish I hadn`t hedged my c.s.f. bet, but I made some nice money thruout the tourney.

"It's great to be alive and ahead by seven" Mort o
Feb 2, 2002
Winky, thank you for sharing with us. The last 2 games are the FIRST college baseball plays ever for me. Congrats and look forward to meeting you at the RX Bash. Hope we can tip a couple together. Thanks again. LT :^party

Professional At All Times
Dec 3, 2003

Congratulations to your Amazing Titans! Would like to thank you one last time for unselfeshly sharing your thoughts and updating this thread on a daily basis so all could enjoy. Truly enjoyed the last ten days and certainly pleasantly surprised with the outcome.

Enjoy and celebrate your alma mater becoming the National Champions! Surely the summer will be sweeter this year. Best wishes and continued success.

New member
Sep 20, 2001
congratz on your team winning! they are one gritty and gutty have a record of 15-16 at one point this year and to win it against a team like Texas is something special! I hope the school I went to ASU can step up in football as it has been to damn long for our program!! Congratz again! I am looking forward to another winning football season.

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