You don't win the SEC tournament wihtout a ton of pitching in South Carolina has it. I can see why Horton is trying to get Romero and Windsor to the operating table for Tommy John. Hey Windy, can you please tell Kurt Suzuki to get his hands of off his throat, 1-11 in CWS with an army left on base. I hope Kurt enjoys carrying Landon Powell's jock in the minors. The SEC is really getting exposed as 2 of the last 4 are from the SEC. South Carolina will win it all, they are a complete team. Watch out Windsor, revenge is sweet and all those pitches over the last few weeks are sure to come back and bite you in the ass tommorrow. One more thing Mr. Left Coast, LSU would have beat USC this year in football. I would have loved to have seen USC try to move the ball on LSU's defense.