CatsoverUnders tearing it up as a tout!!! Did you see his record??


New member
Aug 28, 2012
Cats officially has won the "whiny little bitch of the year ".... reports EVERY post in his thread that's factual just because it puts him in a bad light.

Yet he has been in this thread quite a few time today if you check his activity... but yet he hasn't responded. He can't because he knows what a fraud he is.

His fake 2011 record....
His 2012 record where he left out his money lost on his Bio
his burying of his players in MLB this year
his lies (not knowing what his players bet... then knowing exactly what they bet)
Only highlighting cherry picked parts of a season
Crying to mods and reporting posts when they accurately state how much he is down
Not understanding basic math and betting strategy
Happily steals money from his clients without a care

The list can go on and on..... what a whiny bitch.... I am certain he can win it again next year as well, maybe even threepeat in 2015

New member
Aug 28, 2012
This thread is on the FRONT PAGE of Google when you put in his name!!!

Awesome job so far guys, now lets climb up higher on the page, so this way if anyone googles him, they know the truth and facts!!

Maybe we can save a soul or 2 from sending this fraud any $$

Sep 14, 2006
He is such a fraud, these tool bags that defend him should be banned from site. How coukd anybody pay for picks of someone that buys points and props. Ha, they deserve to lose

Jul 4, 2012
All time classic from horrific wanna-be tout Matt Zylbert yesterday:

As you can probably tell, I think I have a pretty good beat on that Bengals/Chargers matchup
Bengals @ Chargers OVER 47 (Bought 1.5 points) - $63 for $45


He was only wrong on the total points.

Enjoy the decline Cats!


Sep 14, 2006
What quality capper would ever put both sides of same game in a teaser and the over under! Lol. Wow, how can someone with such little knowledge of capping even become a tout. That shows how bad that industry is, and dangerous to newbies

New member
Aug 28, 2012
I don't think his audition for becoming an NFL capper on his scam tout site is going so well!!

New member
Sep 26, 2011
free bump to this glorious thread. notice how this asshole has stopped responding to the thread after he was outted for making up that 2011 record and being an all-around douchebag.

New member
Aug 28, 2012
He prob wont even mention that he is down for year when he posts again

He wont post again... he knows he is scared of the facts presented here....

Jul 4, 2012
Oh shock, Matt Zylbert, self-declared "Mr. Monday Night" was nowhere to be found last night!

Enjoy the decline cats. You haven't hit rock-bottom yet.


New member
Aug 28, 2012
Oh shock, Matt Zylbert, self-declared "Mr. Monday Night" was nowhere to be found last night!

Enjoy the decline cats. You haven't hit rock-bottom yet.


I don't think he is ever going to show again. He has been ousted... He cant answer the questions, nor own up to the facts.

IF (that's a big IF), he does show up, we will get the following responses:

1. You guys are all jealous
2. Something about his 2nd half record
3. 1200 word write-ups
4. Pride
5. Having a life
6. The tout company he works for
7. His ranking in the company for the season

BUT all the while, he will still not respond to:

1. How much he put into his pocket, while making others lose heavily
2. How math really works in sports betting
3. Why he doesn't have his money LOSSES included in his 2012 record on his bio
4. Where his 2011 non-existent fake record is posted
5. Why he runs from his first half and playoff record
6. How he can charge for plays, and give his players basically a coin-flip season
7. How he physically places wagers all over the world on the same day
8. Uses lines from dozens of offshore books, physical sportsbooks in Vegas and the Caribbean all on the same day
9. Says the lines are all the same, but wont give a reason why he uses different books everyday for lines, instead of just 1 or 2 books the whole season (like everyone else who bets)
10. Why he is a whiny little bitch who reports every post, even tho it it honest, just because it shows him in a bad light.

New member
Aug 28, 2012
Looks like Matt Zylbert also has another lie in his bio:

"The Cat, the moniker he is often referred to as for his ability to scratch and claw with every game, is serious in his quest to post one of the best over/under records in the country once again, and 2013 should be no different. Just get on his back, and he’ll steer you to guaranteed profits over the whole season. Nobody has a “feel” for over/unders better than The Cat."

YET he finished the season only at a 53.6% winning percentage (cause it isn't about the money to him right??) (And no one profited from his whole season, honestly, who is still going to continue to pay for and follow someone after losing close to half their bankroll just in the first half)

Yet... Another tout had a better record then him:

Kyle Hunter's MLB Picks
Period: 01/03/2013 to 12/03/2013
Pick Type: All Totals
Record: 106-83-7 ( 56.1% , +1547)
Click Here For More Details

NOW, Cats is all about the MONEY... and winning percentages don't matter. He cant make up his mind which is more important. But, we all know, its the one that puts him in the best light at the time.

What a fraud, scam, thief and just downright little whiny bitch Matt Zylbert is.

And who the fuck gave him the nickname "The Cat" ??? Was it a self-proclaimed nickname he gave himself?? Or did his girlfriend give it to him cause he is such a huge pussy?

I wish a MOD would come in here and tell us how many times he tried to report posts in this thread... I bet he hit the report button so many times, he probably broke it haha.

Sep 14, 2006
Whats messed up is that the people trying to protect the newbies from this fraud are not allowed to post his dollar totals in his thread?? What the fuck is wrong with this site.

New member
Aug 28, 2012
Whats messed up is that the people trying to protect the newbies from this fraud are not allowed to post his dollar totals in his thread?? What the fuck is wrong with this site.

Well.. if you were posting how much he has won, or how much he is UP, he wouldn't report it to have it removed.
Oct 12, 2013
WOW, It seems Cat is at a loss for words. People here offered him help but he thinks he knows it all. Just a lot of self-promotion. In Cat's mind Roi "not important", Money won "not important". What is important to him is a misleading win % and "words". He thinks he is so good but he did not get hired to sell his totals for football. Interesting.

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
isnt that the def of a tout? B Lang, Johnny DeMarcco, etc, are they not just all con-men?
Apr 6, 2012
BUT all the while, he will still not respond to:

1. How much he put into his pocket, while making others lose heavily
2. How math really works in sports betting
3. Why he doesn't have his money LOSSES included in his 2012 record on his bio
4. Where his 2011 non-existent fake record is posted
5. Why he runs from his first half and playoff record
6. How he can charge for plays, and give his players basically a coin-flip season
7. How he physically places wagers all over the world on the same day
8. Uses lines from dozens of offshore books, physical sportsbooks in Vegas and the Caribbean all on the same day
9. Says the lines are all the same, but wont give a reason why he uses different books everyday for lines, instead of just 1 or 2 books the whole season (like everyone else who bets)
10. Why he is a whiny little bitch who reports every post, even tho it it honest, just because it shows him in a bad light.

HAHAHAH I haven't gone anywhere, Trends. See, this is why, as a human being, you're one of the biggest laughingstocks on this entire forum. Seriously, as a person, how many hours do you spend on this forum?

Why are you so obsessed with me?

Why do you write so much about me/spend so much time on me? Unfortunately, these are questions that will never be answered because you're rightfully afraid to reveal how pathetic you are, as a person that is. Otherwise, why spend so much time slandering a good human being like me? And constantly ignoring all the FACTS, while continually and continually and continually and continually ignoring all the points that I've made. It's hilarious, and it's the reason why you're crew of three goons, who don't even post plays here, are the only ones who support your case. Okay, let me, YET AGAIN, address the same dumbass points that you attempt to make.

1. Like with any job, it is none of your business to know how much I made off sales. Considering I was up over $3,000 during the regular season, while leading nationally-renowned company Vegas Insider for baseball, I'd say my customers made a terrific investment, wouldn't you? Aw, are you jealous? Guys, it's so obvious how jealous he is hahaha too bad he doesn't have the talent to come through when people are paying him big money to win them bets consistently. He can't handle that pressure, which is why no one hires him haha wannabe professional handicapper. Pathetic. I'm going to have fun watching you choke over these last few weeks in the LVH. Like with me every day for seven months during baseball, the pressure's on. Looking forward to see how you perform under those HIGH pressure situations, similar to what I go through. The difference is, considering where I finished for a nationally-renowned company, I came through in the clutch. You? That remains to be seen. Lots and lots of pressure, buddy.

2. How math really works in sports betting? Is that a serious comment you made? I'm not sure when this ever became an issue. You always want to put yourself in the best situation/percentage to win, which is why the topic of "getting the game right or wrong" is so crucial. You want to play with percentages in your favor, which is why, for example, when you lose an under in baseball solely because of errors and flukes (Ex. Game 1 of the World Series this year), it's still the right bet because you got the game right and had the percentages strongly in your favor. This was never an issue, and appears to be something you pulled out of thin air.

3. My money's not included in my V.I. bio because that was from a totally different way of risking money; did you notice how my 2013 work, everything was flat-bet for $100? It's why I also didn't mention my winnings from '11. Therefore, if the main system is flat-betting, the only thing that matters is winning percentage, so as long as I'm doing my job of hitting over the break-even point of 52.3% with my -110 over/unders, my clients will make money (While also putting more on my Guaranteed picks; look at that stellar record I had in that department; what a shock you haven't brought it up).

4. HAHAHA and of course you go for the jab at my country-leading 2011 over/unders record and fail miserably. You moron, what do you think was the main reason I got hired at the most well-known handicapping service in the entire country? They saw my 27-page documentation from the 2011 season, were fascinated how in-depth I do my breakdown of my stats (Which I even did a thread for, retard. HERE:, and in that thread, you can find my record with EVERY SINGLE PITCHER AND TEAM. That's what REAL handicappers do: They have all the stats, unlike you and your guesses. Where's all your documentation? Do you even keep track and follow the trends of your performance with each team in NFL? Probably not. Maybe because you're not as dedicated as you like to believe you are in this endeavor. Oh, and Vegas Insider obviously verified everything, which, as mentioned, was the main reason for my hiring. What's your email? Would you like to see my brilliantly laid-out 27-page documentation? As an example to see how us real pros do it?

5. Lol and again you're making up shit, which is another reason you suck as a human being and spend your entire days on an internet message board. When did I ever run from my first-half record or my second half record you idiot? Holy shit you're so delusional that it's scary, just making up stuff as we go. When have I EVER denied that my FULL SEASON record was 281-230-30?? When did I ever deny that? No shame in being an elite 55% with -110 bets, especially when 97% if the country finishes below that. And I'm not running from my 7-18 playoff record, we already discussed the circumstances so no need reciting the same garbage.

6. 55% is a coin-flip season???? Whattt?? 52.3% in 2012 is a coin-flip season? 57.5% in 2011 is a coin-flip season? Hahahahah sounds like someone's jealous that I get paid and MAKE PEOPLE MONEY... and he doesn't. Aw. And of course, those percentages are regular season, otherwise my 2011 and 2012 performances would be even higher from nice playoff performances (13-10-1 in 2012 playoffs; 14-11-3 in 2011 playoffs... 9-1-1 in World Series over those two years, which also led the country)

7. Again, see, this is why I ignore you. The "wagers placed around the world" joke was funny the first time, but I already explained how eight times how that works and the whole process behind that has NOTHING to do with the handicappers who put our wagers up. And, once more, that has nothing to do with baseball over/unders, where for virtually every game, the line is the SAME EVERYWHERE. God you are dumb. Again, this is why people just laugh at you as a person.

8. Same as 7, pretty much.

9. Same as 7 and 8. Oh my god, are you, like, legitimately retarded? Seriously, you're worse than a Brandon Lang because this delusion of yours is even scarier. You keep bringing up shit that has already been explained or was never an issue. You're honestly like a woman. I gave you the reason why the different books are posted 18 FUCKING TIMES. That has NOTHING to do with the handicapper, but rather the affiliation program Vegas Insider has with all of these books. We put up the wager and whatever book they decide to promote, that's how it works. We, professional, well-known handicappers, unlike you, have nothing to do with that. And again, this is just you being sadly desperate because that has nothing to do with baseball over/unders.

10. Hmm, not sure about that one. Because last I remembered, I'm one of the few people man enough to put someone in their place, even if I get in trouble for it (Which is why I'm on Post Review), while you're the little bitch who whines because someone gets paid to make people money - since you would never survrive under such high-pressure circumstances. I seriously picture you behind your computer all day yelling "OMG!! Tout! There's a tout here!!! OMG I can't believe this!!!". You spend all your hours every day on this internet message board. You're a pathetic loser who probably doesn't even have a real job with your old age

Aw, isn't ten true? Care to elaborate. It's funny because everyone here knows it, that's the whole purpose of this thread: You're just extremely jealous that you're not being compensated for your first good season... but here's the sad part, I can guarantee that once you get some sort of tout job, which you might be good at because all you do is talk, talk, talk, well, you'll probably fail, as I don't envision you being someone who could thrive with all the pressure on them. You'd fold like an accordion. No shame in that - that's what I easily and obviously did in the first half of baseball season with all the stress and pressure on me on a daily basis - but then I turned it around because I got comfortable again and started to feel like myself. You, on the other hand, would fail miserably with such pressure.

Hence the main purpose of this thread.

The other purpose - hating on "touts" - is absolutely something I agree with. Most people in this line of work, as I've come to learn over these past couple years since I joined here, are a disgrace and are indeed scamp-artists. But seriously, you need to grow up, stop being a woman, and learn that there are good, honest people, such as myself, who fucking put in countless hours every single day to make people - that trust us and invest us - money.

And of course, you also don't address the point that if there's a day where my winning percentage goes sour and I'm not making people money, I'm obviously quitting. That's just a basic human element everyone should have - if I'm not winning, I'm not doing this job anymore. That's unethical to keep it going, and it's a goddamn shame that there are countless "touts" who indeed do proceed in that fashion and scam people. But am I one of those people? After leading Vegas Insider and being up over $3,000 during the regular season, while finishing 55% for the regular season, then I'm doing my job. And if I'm not, then guess what? I quit. Stop trying to think that I'm one of these other losers that have no ethics or class - bottom line: If I'm losing, I'm quitting the job. But I just had a great first season for the company, so there's no reason to think otherwise.
Apr 6, 2012
isnt that the def of a tout? B Lang, Johnny DeMarcco, etc, are they not just all con-men?

Most professional sports handicappers who do this for companies are "touts." They lose money regularly, try to downplay it, and just keep going as if everything is okay, trying to scam as many people as they can. That's a disgrace, which is why I AGREE with everyone's perception of these scumbags.

But in my personal situation, I got hired for the 2013 season. I led the entire company for the entire regular season, beating out some of the most decorated and well-known handicappers in the country... at just 27-years old. Most don't even accomplish something like that in a lifetime.

Point being, in my first season, I was up a good amount (Over $3,000 with $100 flat-bet system). I was 55% for the regular season. What more do you want from me?

If I start losing out of nowhere, guess what? I quit. I'm not one of these unethical scumbags that NFLTrends wants you to believe - which is evident since it's only the same three clowns that are chirping in this thread (And notice how they don't even post plays so they have absolutely zero credibility to begin with lol), whereas everyone else knows how genuine and good-hearted I am.

So again, if I'm not making people money, I quit. To think there are people that do this job without making people money at all... that's just disgraceful to me and they should me embarrassed as human beings. You can't do something like that. But obviously, I'm not one of those people. Not even close.
Apr 6, 2012
WOW, It seems Cat is at a loss for words. People here offered him help but he thinks he knows it all. Just a lot of self-promotion. In Cat's mind Roi "not important", Money won "not important". What is important to him is a misleading win % and "words". He thinks he is so good but he did not get hired to sell his totals for football. Interesting.

Actually, I was going to be hired but they had no room on the roster (They loved my 2012 work here in football).

Can't blame them at all, because the more colleagues you have, the less money you make, and the more competition there is for clients. If it were baseball, I wouldn't want them hiring extra people for my department because that only takes away potential clients from my own doings. Thus, it makes sense to keep it at a set number for each sport. That's how all of these companies do it, and that's how it should be done.
Apr 6, 2012
Oh shock, Matt Zylbert, self-declared "Mr. Monday Night" was nowhere to be found last night!

Oh, hello there, nameless, faceless message board character that is nothing in real life. Actually, I exhibited something called "discipline," meaning if you don't have a significant vibe on a play in a game, then you don't bet it. That's gambling 101, pal.

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