Call For Sbd to Explain his Latest Failed Prediction


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Anthony Fauci just crushed Donald Trump's theory on the origins of the coronavirus

Analysis by Chris Cillizza, CNN Editor-at-large
Updated 3:09 PM ET, Tue May 5, 2020

<cite class="el-editorial-source" style="box-sizing: border-box; font-style: normal; font-weight: 700; font-feature-settings: "kern"; text-rendering: optimizeLegibility; caret-color: rgb(38, 38, 38); color: rgb(38, 38, 38); font-size: 18px;">(CNN)
For weeks now, President Donald Trump has been making the case that the coronavirus originated not in nature but in a lab in Wuhan, China. He said late last week that he had a "
high degree of confidence" that was what happened (although he didn't specify why he felt that way) and on Sunday night in a Fox town hall offered cryptically "something happened.

If you look at the evolution of the virus in bats and what's out there now, [the scientific evidence] is very, very strongly leaning toward this could not have been artificially or deliberately manipulated ... Everything about the stepwise evolution over time strongly indicates that [this virus] evolved in nature and then jumped species."

Now, before we play the game of "he said, he said" remember this: Only one of these two people is a world-renowned infectious disease expert. And it's not Donald Trump.


Top US disease expert Anthony Fauci 'not convinced' COVID-19 virus developed naturally, calls for investigation

Certainly, the people who investigated it say it likely was the emergence from an animal reservoir that then infected individuals, but it could have been something else, and we need to find that out. So, you know, that’s the reason why I said I’m perfectly in favor of any investigation that looks into the origin of the virus,” added Fauci.

CNN wrong again and Fauci now flip flopping like a fish out of water as gain of function becomes more and more of a reality as the cause of the Wuhan virus.


On CNN, NYT's Haberman Blames Trump for Media Discrediting Wuhan Lab Leak Theory

See if you can wrap your head around this one: The media instantly dismissed the COVID-19 lab leak theory as a “conspiracy” when President Trump was in office touting it, but now are suddenly parroting this theory as plausible, with President Biden in office. Yet they are still blaming the Trump administration for “politicizing” the intelligence findings.


TDS 24/7

Nov 11, 2007
Just one quick thing for Lenbo/MLAN=Make Lenbo a Mensch:

By far the most IMPORTANT/SIGNIFICANT thing about Trump Re: Covid(besides his incompetency) and as documented

by Bob Woodward in his interview with Trump for his book is that he OPENLY LIED to the American Public about how

severe the Virus was/is and totally downplayed it for self-serving reasons(would you believe in order to further his cause to get re-elected).

Imo a good number of people became infected with the Virus and even died because of it because they took Trump at his word.

This for me constitutes being an accomplice to murder and/or treason, and are reasons for Trump to be tried convicted and executed

for the good of the country, the world and humanity!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Lab leak Covid-19 theory is like something out of a comic book, virologist says

Maggie Fox, CNN
Updated 2:56 PM ET, Wed March 31, 2021

Redfield, a virologist, presented no evidence to back up his assertion. And while he joins non-experts such as US Sen. Tom Cotton and former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, his former colleague Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, disagrees, as do a swath of other experts in infectious diseases.

And a World Health Organization report released Tuesday says the lab leak theory is the least likely of four scenarios its investigators considered. Most likely: the virus spread from its natural host, probably a bat, to another animal and then to people.

The most trusted name in news



Nov 11, 2007
Suffice it to say that sbd's post 10981 about George Floyd is just one more example of sbd's and his QAnons' RACISM as well as of course

anti-Semitism, which has been documented quite a few times.

I have great confidence that with God's Will and the REAL Patriots in the country, this diabolical group spawned by Satan himself, will become extinct and

remembered in the same way as Hitler and Nazis!

Nov 11, 2007
Here is one more from sbd in post 10184:

"Donald J. Trump
11:35am May 25, 2021

Now everybody is agreeing that I was right when I very early on called Wuhan as the source of COVID-19, sometimes referred to as the China Virus. To me it was obvious from the beginning but I was badly criticized, as usual. Now they are all saying “He was right.” Thank you!



Two comments, actually questions here:

1) Was Trump "right" when he said that the Virus was no big deal and would just "disappear" when relatively few

persons had died?

2) Along the same lines, was he "right" in that he knowingly lied to the American Public about the severity

of the Virus, which as I stated earlier, in its own way, caused some folks to contract he disease

because they took him at his word, and worse SUCCUMBED to the disease-was that what you call "right?"

The only thing "right" was that the American Public RIGHTFULLY voted this arrogant, lying incompetent, disgusting

and repulsive subhuman turd out of office on Nov. 3 of 2020!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
WHO report says animals likely source of COVID, lab leak ‘extremely unlikely’

The team proposed further research in every area except the lab leak hypothesis — a speculative theory that was promoted by former U.S. President Donald Trump among others. It also said the role played by a seafood market where human cases were first identified was uncertain.

And this is who the administration says is investigating the origin ?


Another organization bought and paid for by the Chinese that Trump called out long ago .

Nov 11, 2007
Lenbo-I will take you seriously if and when you stop making stupid comments and show your ignorance about spot-on and brilliant writers

because you don't agree with them or comprehend then, most notably in this case Thomas Friedman, where you showed you ignorance last week.

I have to go out, but how taking a shot at what I said in post 1166 about Trump's being "right/"

Perhaps your newest bed partner, sbd, can help you if you can't figure it out on your own. lol

Out for at least one hour or so.

Bye bye!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

The whole GOP is a Russian asset

Another genius heard from


Nov 11, 2007
Glenn Kessler @GlennKesslerWP

I fear
@tedcruz missed the scientific animation in the video that shows how it is virtually impossible for this virus jump from the lab. Or the many interviews with actual scientists. We deal in facts, and viewers can judge for themselves.

1:03 PM · May 1, 202

The great Washington Compost fact checker .


I have to go out, but how taking a shot at what I said in post 1166 about Trump's being "right."

Nov 11, 2007
If you are not familiar with sbd's IVU Thread and want to know how/why in a nutshell I and a group of about 6-8 very intelligent and perceptive

posters have documented what a clueless, liar, delusional and paranoia piece of dreck he as well as his inability to put

together any kind of a thesis which flies other than morons, which would include many QAnons, just look at this one sentence

which concludes post 10977 in his thread, consider this:


Really??? lol

Sbd has used this line before and has never explained it.

For starters some of questions are:

Who has been making the decisions every day which affect the country?

If not Biden, then who is it?

Does he mean Trump, who he has said on many occasions is the POTUS and who has been in control right along?

If that is so, shouldn't sbd be bitching at Trump for all of the things he has complained about since Inauguration-I mean after all what

is the definition of POTUS and duties which go with it?

If sbd means that the military and/or "patriots" are and have always been in charge, then it is

essentially the same as above, meaning how can all of these horrible things he alleges are happening if the military has been in control??

If he means that Biden is the ACTING POTUS and has been since Inauguration Day but is not the legitimate one, he needs to be a lot

more clear about it.

It is simply confusing, incoherent, inconsistent, a contradiction of terms and creates a paradox in the current manner in which sbd tries

to run everything together to try to discredit Biden and glorify Trump and then hope it flies.

I have pointed out stuff like this over the last 15 months too many times to count to no avail.

The simple reason for this is that sbd considers himself "perfect" like his walking abortion hero Donald Trump, meaning that like

Trump, sbd believes that he is above criticism no matter how valid it is.

In short sbd's posts when taken as a whole remind me of the shards of glass in all sizes, shapes and form

shattered all over the place when one drops a bottle accidentally drops a glass bottle on the

floor-in short a total mess and not that easy or fun clean up!!

Nov 11, 2007
Imo eventually young voters will render folks like Trump and his disciples about as relevant and meaningful as is batting practice of two

last place teams buried in the basement on the last day of the regular season.

It is coming, folks, gradually and is know as evolution!!

And unlike sbd's infamous words to follow, which in retrospect have always turned out to be failed predictions and/or bullshit/lies, what is contained

here will turn out to be 99.9% true(nothing is perfect), and "THERE IS NOTHING THAT CAN STOP THIS FROM HAPPENING."

Op-Ed: Young voters back Democrats. That alone may wipe out GOP - Los Angeles Times (

Nov 11, 2007
One more comment.

Sbd just said this:

"Gen. Flynn's brother on fire!"

Actually I agree with him on the statement if taken literally, but not the time frame.

To make it politically correct it should read as follows:

"General Flynn and his brother WILL be on fire and in fact be on fire FOREVER when they pass on and burn in the ETERNAL FLAMES OF HELL FOR



Nov 11, 2007
One more from sbd:

"This movie is not going to end well for Fraudci.

Death penalty."

The chances of this happening are about the same as sbd getting 10 bj's from 10 SEPARATE women(or is it men lol)within the space of one hour!!

Nov 11, 2007
ot-Can you imagine what would happen if Trump actually is arrested, convicted and tossed in jail?

I can already hear sbd:

"The MSM wants you to believe that Trump was convicted and tossed on jail.

In reality though Trump was unanimously found to be innocent of all charges, but the MSN won't report that.

If you see any alleged images of Trump in jail, they are all faked and/or have been dubbed to make it look like it is Trump,

but rather it is a paid actor."

Another possibility would be for sbd that Trump is in jail, but not to worry because "very soon" the military will force their way into the prison,

rescue Trump and do the "patriotic" thing to anyone at prison who stands in their way, and then shortly afterward bring him to the WH, vaporize

Biden and anyone else who is trying to protect Trump, and complete the coup d'etat by reinstating Trump "officially" as the POTUS, although

he and his "intel" folks have know this right along. lol

Nov 11, 2007
It is starting to look like Donnie indeed will "return" as sbd has been predicting forever.

Unfortunately it won't be in the way for poor Donnie he was hoping for in manner that the lyrics from this famous Civil War song go. lol

I have changed the original name from Johnny from Donnie appropriately to fit the occasion:

When Donnie comes marching home again, Hurrah! Hurrah!
We'll give him a hearty welcome then, Hurrah! Hurrah!
The men will cheer, the boys will shout
The ladies they will all turn out
That joyful day when Donnie comes marching home
Get ready for the Jubilee, Hurrah! Hurrah!
We'll celebrate the victory, Hurrah! Hurrah!
We'll all join in the big parade
And let the soldier have his day
That joyful day when Donnie comes marching home
America, America, when Donnie comes marching home
America, America, when Donnie comes marching home
We'll sound the horns and beat the drums
Salute them for a job well done
That joyful day when Donnie comes marching home

The old church bell will ring with joy, Hurrah! Hurrah!
To welcome home our girls and boys, Hurrah! Hurrah!
Cause Janey too has done her best
She's fought as hard as all the rest
She'll march along when Johnny comes marching home

When Donnie comes marching home again, Hurrah! Hurrah!
We'll give him a hearty welcome then, Hurrah! Hurrah!
The men will cheer, the boys will shout
The ladies they will all turn out
That joyful day when Donnie comes marching home
Twill be so good to have 'em home
They've been so far and gone so long
What a joyful day when Donnie comes marching home

America, America, when Johnny comes marching home
America, America, when Janey comes marching home
We'll sound the horns and beat the drums
Salute them for a job well done
That joyful day when Johnny comes marching home
That joyful day when Johnny comes marching home

Nov 11, 2007
ps oops- I guess I forgot to change a few Johnny's to Donnies-pardon my mistake.

On the other hand, imo maybe there should be some reference to the word "johnny," because as things are playing out, there

is a good chance that Donnie will have his head buried in the "johnny" and about to be flushed to flushed down to join other fecal matter. lol

Nov 11, 2007
One last thought for tonight:

Even if sbd and I agreed politically on many things, he could never be a friend of mine for the simple reason that he is a liar, incredibly arrogant, snooty,

condescending, NEVER admits when he has been proven wrong, which is all of the time, and to be blunt, exemplifies the definition of a complete asshole!!

Other than that he is ok! lol

Nov 11, 2007
One last thought for tonight:

Even if sbd and I agreed politically on many things, he could never be a friend of mine for the simple reason that he is a liar, incredibly arrogant, snooty,

condescending, NEVER admits when he has been proven wrong, which is all of the time, and to be blunt, exemplifies the definition of a complete asshole!!

Other than that he is ok! lol

I forgot the most obvious reason, namely that sbd and his QAnons are racist, anti-Semitic, and like Marjorie Green, would love to exterminate

Jewish People from the face of the earth.

I am Jewish.

To use one of sbd's phrases, "Understand?"

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