Call For Sbd to Explain his Latest Failed Prediction


Nov 11, 2007
More than 3M ballots were cast in Wisconsin — officials have flagged just 27 as possible frauds

:missingte Now give me some more whataboutisms
A Georgia judge will allow Fulton County ballots to be unsealed and examined for evidence of fraud

Again don't expect me to engage in a debate about the results SIX MONTHS LATER when so much can be compromised

which imo is happening in Maricopa and other places as well.

I stand by what I said about the 70 plus legal challenges by the courts and especially by the SCOTUS being rejected.

Believe-actually dream as you want-nothing is going to change, and imo the overwhelming number of people in the country

have moved on with their lives and are not all that interested at this juncture-perhaps folks

like yourself and sbd should do the same thing and/or do what Al Gore, who had a SHITLOAD

more reason to contest the result than Trump does!!!



If folks like Trump and yourself want to whine about it like an imbecile forever, go ahead-it is a waste of time and will do you no good.

Finally as I keep telling you to do for your own good, MLAM!!!

Don't expect me to debate this matter anymore.

The bottom line is that you and I have different values and ways of looking at things, and most likely were raised a "little

differently, and from point of view, thank God for that!!


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Yeah let’s talk about ballots being compromised .

Six months after the November 3, 2020 presidential election, officials at the state and county level in Georgia have failed to produce chain of custody records for more than 333,000 absentee vote by mail ballots deposited in drop boxes located around the state for that election.

Crickets from Banjo Boy and Moscow Maddow . Just doing the DNC dirty work of claiming it’s all a right wing conspiracy .

They’re both squirming like snakes daily .

In the words of Moscow Maddow . “They now have the ballots in Arizona “.

And how about that rejection rate in Wisconsin ? 27 out of 3 million .

Nov 11, 2007
Yeah let’s talk about ballots being compromised .

Six months after the November 3, 2020 presidential election, officials at the state and county level in Georgia have failed to produce chain of custody records for more than 333,000 absentee vote by mail ballots deposited in drop boxes located around the state for that election.

Crickets from Banjo Boy and Moscow Maddow . Just doing the DNC dirty work of claiming it’s all a right wing conspiracy .

They’re both squirming like snakes daily .

In the words of Moscow Maddow . “They now have the ballots in Arizona “.

And how about that rejection rate in Wisconsin ? 27 out of 3 million .

The only sure thing is that you aren't going to change my point of view nor me you based on the criterion we use.

To be blunt, for me the 2020 beyond a shadow of a doubt was won legitimately by Biden for reasons I have stated-that's it and there isn't anything

out there which is going to change my view at this stage for reasons stated.

As you probably know a few weeks ago I started a section in this thread which goes back exactly one year and with one relevant post from that

day which corroborates the lies, failure predictions and overall bullshit of sbd looking back at what he said one year earlier.

That serves an obvious purpose.

On the other hand, when you and I look back one year from TODAY to what we are discussing here now, in retrospect

it won't amount to much if anything for the simple reason that Biden and Harris will still be running the country despite stuff like audits

taken six or months after the Election, which will actually prove nothing no matter what the alleged findings of the audit are if anything

because of and as stated above, the six month gap during which anything can happen, and most importantly even more so than now,

the overwhelming number of people will have accepted the results and be a zillion times more concerned with their own personal

lives, family, health and anticipating the next Election in which they can vote and change things by so doing.

If in the EXTREMELY rare possibility I am wrong, I will admit it, but don't hold you breath because it isn't going to happen!!

Nov 11, 2007
Sbd Update.

To be clear, this is not an update per se of what he has said in his thread but rather an update of him psychologically ands emotionally

speaking at the present time.

This is no way like "The One Year" later segment during which I post a noteworthy post everyday of his exactly one year in the past and comment upon it.

Rather, my sbd evaluation will be periodic and will be posted only when he posts something of note which may indicate a change psychologically speaking.

Anyways and as I sort of hinted at in an earlier post, even though sbd repeatedly uses the word "panic" to describe his adversaries' feelings

at a given time because so much is allegedly going against them, in fact it is just the opposite, meaning that things are far from going well for him and

his beliefs and that he is the one in panic.

Here is an example:

Over the last two or three days or perhaps even longer, sbd has got a bit bolder in his time frames and predictions.

No he has not reverted back to his failed and moronic ways of predicting specific dates form which things are going to happen,

but it appears that he isn't happy either with simply using vague terms like "soon" and "very soon" for events to occur.

As I see it in his mind he has struck sort of a compromise.

By this I mean that in some instances he has become more specific in what is going to happen rather than using vague phrases which say nothing

like "no one can stop what is coming," "patriots are in control, etc.

A good example of this is that he is finally admitting no holds barred that the military is going to be instrumental in taking back the country in

the form of an insurrection.

And along the same lines, he has definitively stated that this takeover could happen as early as this weekend.

Although I don't have a degree in psychology per se, based on personal and professional experiences over 76 years, I have

confidence in my ability to "read" people,

and in this case unless there is change, I am detecting a change for whatever reason(s) on his part.

Along the same lines, and this really isn't that different, I believe that what he is doing now of late may be related to what I deem to be his Walter Mitty

like approach to life.

I am not going to explain the reference to those who don't know who the fictional Walter Mitty is/was about-you will have to look it up.

The important part of the reference has to do with the fact that like Mitty, sbd is so frustrated with his overall failure in life, to the point he needs to so something

to draw attention to himself, which in his mind will give him of feeling of self-esteem and self-importance.

My point is that whether he truly believes all of the QAnon crap or not, and just as importantly his own opinions, more importantly he believes

that untold thousands if not millions of people not just in the Forum but in the country are tuning into what he has to say, and that

these same folks don't care one bit that some of us folks have documented his lies, failed predictions, etc. over the last 15 months.

All of this smacks of narcissism on his part,, which many folks including myself believe is one of bad qualities of Donald Trump.

Based on what I have seen of sbd's posts, this is not all that surprising because imo sbd lives his entire existence vicariously through Donald


Nov 11, 2007
I didn't have to go very far today to decide which of sbd's posts to use to once again proof what a lying, delusional AHole he is my "One Year Ago" segment.

It is a long winded tirade replete directed against me, and indicates how angry, irritated and frustrated he was even at that

early juncture that someone was there to document and call him out on all of lies, failed predictions and conspiracy conspiracy accusations.

It is post 1745 and found on page 70.

There is also laughable post 1748 which tries to make some inferences about some earthquakes to indicate something

was occurring or about to occur,which of course did not and never did, when he tried this tact again and

still does using earthquakes, explosions and other disasters a some kind ofharbinger for things to come.

And oh yes there are among other things a number of Trump is going to win "in the biggest landslide in history" posts on that day.

Anyways without further adieu here is post 1745 from sbd from 5/23/2020.

If I commented on all of the lies and bullshit directed at me separately in the post, you would be here for hours reading it.

If you have been around his thread and mine for any period of time, I think it is quite obvious who to believe-hint it isn't sbd.

Thus from post 1745 on 5/23/20 from sbd:

"At least one member here has gone from a self-proclaimed advocate of Satan to an unhealthy stalker of my thread.

His daily posts have been reduced to name calling and meaningless "challenges". [childish]

He's having conversations with himself, making things up and actually believing it all. [delusional]

His posts are nothing but gibberish, a complete waste of time and space.

But he thinks his posts are "hitting HRs". [delusional]

I do not read his posts, nor do I care to.

Besides making no sense at all they will give you a headache and make your head spin if you try.

I have stated repeatedly none of what I post is about politics, religion or anything else.


Just because most of the corruption happens to be inside the Democratic party it doesn't make it political.

It just means the party was infiltrated most by the evil group.

This evil group has infiltrated all groups in all industries everywhere.

This includes the Republican Party and other Federal agencies too.

Again, no group is exempt from their infiltration.

None of what I post is political.

However, he is trying to make it that.

None of what I post is intended to be "personal".

He is trying to make it that.

I have nothing to prove here.

He is trying to make it about "right" or "wrong".

I have stated many times I do not subscribe to anything organized like politics, religion, etc.

He assumes otherwise. [poor judgement]

I am a critical thinker, an independent thinker who isn't afraid to seek truth and speak truth.

He has proven an inability to be one. [brainwashed]

This thread was designed to help people gain broader perspective on what is really going around "covid". [truth]

Truth makes most people uncomfortable because it goes against everything they have been taught. [lies]

The information I share comes from some of the most credible sources you will ever know or find. [intell]

Most of what I share has already been proven true and/or has overwhelming evidence supporting it. [undeniable]

Don't waste your time trying to turn this thread into a circus like this member.

Instead, spend your time doing your own research, using your own discernment and intuition.

This is where you will find and awaken to your own truth.


It is critical to our existence, physically and spiritually.

My advice for this member is read post #1742.

He is clearly triggered and threatened by my posts.

It's time for him to have some conversations with himself and God. ["In Jesus name, amen"]

Peace brothers."

Nov 11, 2007
How shocking-since nothing new to report about Trump's "Return" today(remember sbd said the military could reinstall him as early as this weekend LOL),

sbd pulls our some dated Dr. Fauci tape, tries to discredit him quoting some previous post WITH NO DATE ATTACHED

stating that Dr. Fauci's days are numbered.

My guess is that sbd doesn't want to embarrass himself even further by revealing that date because it was probably over a year ago, and as usual,

the prediction didn't "quite" get there. lol

"Fraudci's days are numbered.

Death penalty has already been recommended for him."

The asswipe repeats essentially the same prediction again in the current post, which will fail once again!!

Nov 11, 2007
The only news today regarding the disappearance, search and apprehension of Matt Gaetz's penis in the area of GITMO is highly speculative

and has not yet been confirmed.

The story has it that a person who lives in the GITMO part of Guantanamo and across from a gas station woke up in the middle of the night around 3:00 AM

and stated that even though the gas station was closed, and that the lights surrounding the gas pumps were off, that he spotted what looked like

a very short person in the shape of a penis which appeared to be pumping gas into himself/itself.

From what the person could see, it appeared that the object/think only spend a minute or so pumping the gas into itself before quickly running

off until a wooded area in the immediate area of the gas station.

The person reported this phenomena to the local police who in turn reported it to persons in charge of the investigation of the penis.

Word has it that whoever it was reported it to called a local Urologist in the morning by the name of Peter Pecker to get his opinion on this.

It was reportedly stated by Dr. Pecker that if indeed it was Matt Gaetz's penis which pumped gas into himself, that he could not state specifically

why it did this, as this is the first time he has heard of such an incident, meaning that there is no supporting data from which to arrive at any


Dr. Pecker did say however that since the penis was removed and detached from its owner, Matt Gaetz, that it certainly within the realm of possibility

that it was instinctively seeking a source of fuel to replenish itself.

As always stay tuned, as we will bring you further news on this development as well as of course on the search for the dick itself.

Nov 11, 2007
Food for thought:

I wonder if detached penises such as that of Matt are recognized as human beings and if masks are still required at Guantanamo

because of Covid, if Matt's dick could get away with covering itself with a condom if he/it can't find a human mask small enough to fit.

Along the same lines, I wonder if detached penises are eligible to get Coronavirus vaccinations.

Yes I will admit that times I have a warped mind, but it is a vast improvement over the thoughts of the demented mind of sbd! lol

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
With the big doo doo he and his dick are in, I can't blame him for trying to find something positive in his life to make him happy! lol

You mean the investigation where Greenberg pleaded guilty to falsely accusing a teacher of having sex with a minor ?

What are they investigating Gaetz for again ?


Nov 11, 2007
You mean the investigation where Greenberg pleaded guilty to falsely accusing a teacher of having sex with a minor ?

What are they investigating Gaetz for again ?


Just wait and you will see what happens to Matt, and/or his penis and/or both of them when the dust settles!

I wouldn't want to be in his shoes that's sure.

Folks like you remind me of "homers" like Johnny Most(look it up if you don't understand the reference), and

don't think it is even remotely possible that folks like Trump, Gaetz, Giuliani, etc. would ever consider doing anything

inappropriate, lie, etc. let alone actually do it!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Just wait and you will see what happens to Matt, and/or his penis and/or both of them when the dust settles!

I wouldn't want to be in his shoes that's sure.

Folks like you remind me of "homers" like Johnny Most(look it up if you don't understand the reference), and

don't think it is even remotely possible that folks like Trump, Gaetz, Giuliani, etc. would ever consider doing anything

inappropriate, lie, etc. let alone actually do it!

Any day now !


Nov 11, 2007

Any day now !


Before I go out to cut the lawn, lets just say politely that the chances of Gaetz being found guilty are a zillion times more likely to happen than anything

that your new buddy sbd predicts is going to happen, even though that is not saying much. lol

Nov 11, 2007
Here is today's "One Year Ago" segment going back to 5/24/20.

It is post 1766 and found on page 71.

If there is one post which defines sbd's stupidity, ignorance, delusion/failure to recognize the severity of the Covid both at the time

and for the next year to come.

I suggest you read it and decide if in retrospect Covid was no big deal in view of the fact that as I write this 604,000 folks have succumbed to the

Virus in the US and 3,459,000 in the world!!!!

And oh yes "perhaps" instead of questioning as to how Dr. Fauci could be so far wrong, in retrospect

he should ask himself how HE/SBD could be so far wrong and more importantly Trump who laughably tried to

brush the Virus off and said it would (magically)disappear. lol

And yet some fools like sbd actually believe that Trump not only won the Election but won it in "the biggest landslide in history"(sbd uses this

same mantra about a half dozen times on 5/24/20) as well as winning ALL 50 STATES AND GARNERING OVER 90% OF THE POPULAR VOTE IN SO DOING!!!

From sbd on 5/24/20

"CDC: Coronavirus fatality rate could be as low as 0.26%

Earlier estimates pegged the rate significantly higher

New estimates released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicate that COVID-19 may have an infection fatality rate as low as 0.26%, a number that is double the seasonal flu but significantly lower than earlier estimates.

Those high estimates have persisted in recent months. In early March, White House adviser Anthony Fauci said the disease was "10 times more lethal than the seasonal flu."

The Trump administration would eventually go on to urge temporary severe mitigation measures across the United States, including pulling children from school, limiting gatherings to fewer than 10 people, and refraining from eating at restaurants and bars.

"How can a so-called expert be so far off?

Not to mention Fauci was wrong the entire time!

I maintained throughout the number were over-inflated and really no different than influenza.

I also maintained the truth would show itself.

Fauci and the CDC are going to have some more explaining to do."

Nov 11, 2007
One other thing for now:

Memorial Day is a week away and not even a hint of sbd's alleged Trump's "Return."

More importantly July 4 will be here before you know it.

It is important because if there is no VERIFIABLE "Return of the Trump" by that day, as stated before there WILL BE A VERIFIABLE RETURN OF THE

SAVAGE1 to sbd's IVU Thread with multiple "polite" posts each day pointing out his failed prediction about Donnie and a lot, lot more.

Stay tuned as you will not be disappointed!!!

This assumes of course that Trump does not return by July 4 aided by military to reassume his Presidency-yeah right!!! lol

Also and to be clear, this Failed Prediction Thread will stay remain on and after July 4 where I will continue to expose and document the lies, failed

predictions, etc. from this satanic entity!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Anthony Fauci just crushed Donald Trump's theory on the origins of the coronavirus

Analysis by Chris Cillizza, CNN Editor-at-large
Updated 3:09 PM ET, Tue May 5, 2020

<cite class="el-editorial-source" style="box-sizing: border-box; font-style: normal; font-weight: 700; font-feature-settings: "kern"; text-rendering: optimizeLegibility; caret-color: rgb(38, 38, 38); color: rgb(38, 38, 38); font-size: 18px;">(CNN)
For weeks now, President Donald Trump has been making the case that the coronavirus originated not in nature but in a lab in Wuhan, China. He said late last week that he had a "
high degree of confidence" that was what happened (although he didn't specify why he felt that way) and on Sunday night in a Fox town hall offered cryptically "something happened.

If you look at the evolution of the virus in bats and what's out there now, [the scientific evidence] is very, very strongly leaning toward this could not have been artificially or deliberately manipulated ... Everything about the stepwise evolution over time strongly indicates that [this virus] evolved in nature and then jumped species."

Now, before we play the game of "he said, he said" remember this: Only one of these two people is a world-renowned infectious disease expert. And it's not Donald Trump.


Top US disease expert Anthony Fauci 'not convinced' COVID-19 virus developed naturally, calls for investigation

Certainly, the people who investigated it say it likely was the emergence from an animal reservoir that then infected individuals, but it could have been something else, and we need to find that out. So, you know, that’s the reason why I said I’m perfectly in favor of any investigation that looks into the origin of the virus,” added Fauci.

CNN wrong again and Fauci now flip flopping like a fish out of water as gain of function becomes more and more of a reality as the cause of the Wuhan virus.



Nov 11, 2007
In other news of the day, you will soon be seeing about a new federal and state funded agency.

It seems that the detachment and disappearance of Matt Gaetz's penis, has led to concerns that other penises and for that matters

vagina's may be detached either by law enforcement agencies and/or on their volition.

This has led to worries that the detached organs may have problems with which they are unable to cope such as food, fuel and most

importantly the psychological and emotional aspects of being detached and alone for the first time.

In view of this a new agency which is going to be named PAVA, which stand for Penises and Vaginas Anonymous

is going to be formed and will offer advice to the organs as to how to survive in the wilderness if they so choose and/or

whether it would just be better to turn themselves and be reattached to their "owner"(for lack of a better world).

In the latter case, they will continue to be counseled and advised by the staff of Peniologists and Vaginalologists at PAVA until it

is a mutual decision that this is no longer needed.

Nov 11, 2007
A related thought to my last post just occurred to me:

Lets say lots of penises in the country and world decided that they would like to try things on their own and thus detach themselves from their human hosts.

When their "owners," discovered this(I assume that the detachment would happen when the "owners" were asleep), most of them would want to retrieve


I am not if stuff like this at this time would be something that law enforcement agencies would get involved with IF THEY DID IT ON THEIR OWN,

which is unlike what happened to Matt Gaetz, because it wads removed by law enforcement and sent to GITMO, for trial/punishment if found

guilty as well as plain observation.

Imo there would probably have to be another agency created to track down the penises as well as vaginas who tried it.

Re: to this post it also occurred to me that someone in this Forum(perhaps a sbd wannabe if you can imagine such a thing lol)

might decide to start a thread mostly about the disappearing penises, because as I have said before it might be more difficult to separate

a vagina from the human host.

If the person who started the thread wanted to bring unusual attention to his thread and claim that he had knowledge of the lost members and more

importantly had the ability to what was going to happen to them, he could use some of words of sbd's thread in name the title of his thread
and call it "Important Penis Disappearance Update and Pre"DICK"ion Thread.@):)

Nov 11, 2007
I am dedicating this song both symbolically and appropriately to sbd to remind him that since he has obviously been

unemployed since at least March of 2020,when he started his thread and probably for

a long time before(imo no one would hire a whack job of this nature at this time), perhaps it is time to get back into the labor market

and do something with your current unproductive life.

It sure will help your chances if you don't bring up the delusional shit you do every day.

By finding a job, you would not only gain some credibility with folks out there but more importantly with yourself as you are BADLY in

need of self-esteem, which to any trained person who reads your posts, is sorely lacking at the present time.

Thus without further adieu, I dedicate this memorable song from 1957 to sbd as to what will hopefully be a motivating force to get

you off your ass and bring some badly needed respectability to your existence:

(1) Get A Job-The Silhouettes-original song-1957 - Bing video

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