Call For Sbd to Explain his Latest Failed Prediction


Nov 11, 2007
Real fast for now as I have a "phone date" with my investment counselor shortly to discuss strategy.

Here is today's "One Year Ago" segment.

It is from post 1798 and found on page 72, and as usual turned out to be a lie, as Biden won handily and Trump sure as hell did not win let alone i n

"the biggest landslide in history."

"Dems reportedly warning preelection economic surge could boost Trump

Democrats reportedly worry that an explosive economic recovery in the fall could revive Trump’s lagging political fortunes -- and boost his chance at reelection.

Jason Furman, a top economist in the Obama administration and now a Harvard professor, recently told a bipartisan group of policymakers that “We are about to see the best economic data we’ve seen in the history of this country.”

But while an economy with an unemployment rate above 14 percent and rising could normally be expected to doom an incumbent in a general election, there are signs that the economy could begin to dramatically swing back as the election approaches and lockdown measures subside.

“Given how many people were furloughed and how many businesses were closed you can get a big jump out of that. It will look like a V,” he told Politico.

It’s similar to predictions made by the White House -- President Trump said earlier this month: “I think you’re going to have a ‘V’ — I think it’s going to be terrific.”

Like the human body knows the difference between what's natural (non-GMO) and unnatural food (GMO) the markets, too, know the difference between natural events and unnatural events.

COVID is an unnatural virus, this has been proven, and the hysteria and fear created around it is obviously unnatural too!

Markets are leading indicators, not lagging ones.

They are already telling you COVID is no longer an issue ad the greatest economy in world history is about to become even GREATER!


Nov 11, 2007
One last thing re: last post.

If sbd or anyone else truly believes that the most rightfully despised and incompetent POTUS in history actually won

in "the biggest landslide in history" and who won ALL 50 states and garnered over 90% of the Popular Vote faces two problems.

1) He lives in a world of delusion/paranoia beyond the outer limits of the universe.

2) He would have to look long and hard to find any psychiatrist to take him on as a patient because his mental and psychological state of mind are also

in lunacy world.

In fact, I would so far as to say that any honest professional would tell this person that at least one daily visit even possibly on weekends

would be needed for him to have any chance of all in recovering..

That would leave out sbd who hasn't worked in at least 15 months since he started a thread and imo a bit longer than that!! lol

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
On CNN, NYT's Haberman Blames Trump for Media Discrediting Wuhan Lab Leak Theory

See if you can wrap your head around this one: The media instantly dismissed the COVID-19 lab leak theory as a “conspiracy” when President Trump was in office touting it, but now are suddenly parroting this theory as plausible, with President Biden in office. Yet they are still blaming the Trump administration for “politicizing” the intelligence findings.


TDS 24/7

Joe Biden's team shut down a State Department investigation into the Wuhan laboratory as a source of the COVID-19 outbreak, according to a new report on Tuesday night.

Last fall, then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo lead an investigation to answer whether China's biological weapons program may have played a role in the pandemic, sources told CNN on Tuesday.

But the probe was met with internal opposition by those concerned it was part of political effort by the Trump administration to blame China for the virus.

It was political they said . Let’s have the WHO have another look instead .


What a disgrace .

Nov 11, 2007
Joe Biden's team shut down a State Department investigation into the Wuhan laboratory as a source of the COVID-19 outbreak, according to a new report on Tuesday night.

Last fall, then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo lead an investigation to answer whether China's biological weapons program may have played a role in the pandemic, sources told CNN on Tuesday.

But the probe was met with internal opposition by those concerned it was part of political effort by the Trump administration to blame China for the virus.

It was political they said . Let’s have the WHO have another look instead .


What a disgrace .

I understand that you are scared shitless of what is about to happen to Trump, meaning that you need something upon which to grasp to try to get

some inner peace.

Also, no matter who or what is responsible for the VIRUS, the FACT is that Trump was wrong when he said it would just disappear

when it was in its early stages and more seriously, LIED to the American Public about how severe it

was(thank you Bob Woodward) in the fear that he might lose some votes.

As I said yesterday, some folks took him at his word, contracted the Virus and some even died because of his LIE!!

Again for me that makes Trump an accomplice to both MURDER and TREASON and are grounds for PUBLIC EXECUTION!!!

ps Say hi to sbd in his thread for me and remind him that my return to his thread is coming on July 4 unless of course

Trump has been reinstated as the POTUS by then. lol

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
I understand that you are scared shitless of what is about to happen to Trump, meaning that you need something upon which to grasp to try to get

some inner peace.

Also, no matter who or what is responsible for the VIRUS, the FACT is that Trump was wrong when he said it would just disappear

when it was in its early stages and more seriously, LIED to the American Public about how severe it

was(thank you Bob Woodward) in the fear that he might lose some votes.

As I said yesterday, some folks took him at his word, contracted the Virus and some even died because of his LIE!!

Again for me that makes Trump an accomplice to both MURDER and TREASON and are grounds for PUBLIC EXECUTION!!!

ps Say hi to sbd in his thread for me and remind him that my return to his thread is coming on July 4 unless of course

Trump has been reinstated as the POTUS by then. lol

How many more flip flops are we gonna get from St. Fauci ? Rand Paul makes the runt look sillier by the day .

This guy is head of NIAID and he immediately ruled out a lab leak ? I wonder why . :):)

Nov 11, 2007
How many more flip flops are we gonna get from St. Fauci ? Rand Paul makes the runt look sillier by the day .

This guy is head of NIAID and he immediately ruled out a lab leak ? I wonder why . :):)

Whatever you say. lol

If you haven't done so already and you want to stimulate your brain instead of engaging in unproven gossip all the time, then go back and read post 1155.


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Remember when Trump banned travel from China at the very beginning and was called racist and homophobic by the white puffy dandelion picker in the WH ? Another kick in the nuts to the brain dead wing nuts on the lefts’ narrative .

Nov 11, 2007
Remember when Trump banned travel from China at the very beginning and was called racist and homophobic by the white puffy dandelion picker in the WH ? Another kick in the nuts to the brain dead wing nuts on the lefts’ narrative .

How about commenting on MURDERER Trump's LIE to the American Public about the severity of the Virus-see post 1184.

What you state ,whether true or not, is trivial in comparison.

Are you going to visit Donnie in jail? lol

Nov 11, 2007
ot-from Quora-the best and truth about Trump I have ever read!!!

In 2016 Donald Trump cheated in the national election and took the Electoral College vote, even though he lost the popular vote by a substantial margin. We need to stop allowing empty land to vote and only count the votes of actual people.
In 2020 Trump cheated again, but this time still managed to lose the Electoral vote as well as ost the popular vote. Both losses were by a substantial margin (8m votes) even with the unfairness of the Electoral college and his pervasive cheating. Thank God, we’re saved.
But, no despite our long history of democracy and peaceful transitions of power, this fascist’s supporters insist that he remain in office, despite the loss . Over 90 bogus lawsuits that even Republican judges, appointed by Trump, threw out, most “with prejudice.” In affect ALL of these judges said get this bullshut out of my court and don’t even think about bringing these baseless claims again. No one had it has a many evidence of fraud, only baseless claims.
Still undeterred, the would-be dictator’s supporters concoct a new scheme to somehow illegally (completely outside our election laws) impanel separate “electors.” That’s right, don’t like the election results just pick any-old-buddy you want and invalidate the votes if millions of Americans.
That failing, sore losers who can’t except their guy lost, come up with corrupt and illegal scheme after scheme to invalidate a perfectly legal election. If a swamp existed before Trump, he is now the Swanpthing. His corruption and lies know no bounds.
Trump then incited shameful violence in our nation’s sacred Capitol to hang onto power at all costs. Trump supporters committed acts of sedition and terrorism. They sought to capture and possibly harm our highest elected officials an unprecedented attack of the highest order against democracy. It sickens me that any patriotic American would defend any of these actions rather than demand the arrest and imprisonment of everyone involved.
Trump and many of his supporters have invented disgusting lies and peddled them to vulnerable individuals with no care fir the damage they’re causing to our country. Trump’s war against the truth is an even greater betrayal of our American values.
As for values and morals, family members and acquaintances associated with Trump have shown themselves to have none. They will defend any lie and any crime committed by Dear Leader, no matter how abhorrent and outside of our American norms and customs. If a disagreement arises they resort to insults and yelling, the resort of those with no true arguments. It’s just defend Trump at all costs.
I was always so proud of living in a free and democratic nation where everyone could speak freely without fear. I felt so superior to countries where dissenters faced threats of violence and death just for speaking out. Now here we are in 2021 America and members of the media and government and even private citizens are routinely threatened by right wing radicals just for speaking the truth. This is yet another shameful chapter inflicted upon us by a criminal president.
Trump is a small and petty man completely devoid of, morals, patriotism or even compassion for anyone else. He’s a dangerous sociopath who’s done incalculable damage to our nation and our American way of life.
The sad truth is that Trump doesn’t even care about the supporters he puts in harms way and then disposed of. Trump cares only for himself and his desperate grip on power. His greatest wish is to be like Putin, seizing power and clutching it for life, no matter the tragedy fir his people. His most fervent desire is to be a despot with unlimited power over others.
I don’t understand how Trump supporters seem to want him to be their Dear Leader. This is a toxic cult of personality that threatens our freedom and democracy. For myself, I prefer our good old fashioned American Democracy. You know, the one that many of us served in the military to defend with our very lives if necessary. Trump said serving in the military is was for “losers.” I disagree.
Trump serves only himself, he’s never served our country and doesn’t deserve your loyalty. Make one false step and he’ll throw you away just like he did VP Pence, a man he supposedly cared for and the same for Sen. MConnell.Please give up this insanity and rejoin reality and American Democracy

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Did someone actually call for a man of the year award for the runt Fraudci ?


The walls have been closing in on Trump since the greatest political witch-hunt in political history known as the Russia hoax based on a fraudulent bought and paid for dossier by the DNC . Lol !

Nov 11, 2007
Did someone actually call for a man of the year award for the runt Fraudci ?


The walls have been closing in on Trump since the greatest political witch-hunt in political history known as the Russia hoax based on a fraudulent bought and paid for dossier by the DNC . Lol !

What goes around comes around, and you can fantasize all you want-Trump is in real deep doo-doo this time, and this is

only the tip of the iceberg or in his case the tip of the SHITberg for him.

There aren't going to be any Trump licking partisan republicans to bail him out, and he is going to finally get what he

has deserved for years in the form of DIVINE PUNISHMENT for his being an accomplice to MURDER with Covid and well as too

many other crimes to mention against humanity!!!

ps Again answer post 1155 if you are able to that is. lol

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Intel chiefs presented Trump with claims of Russian efforts to compromise him

Yep . The dog shit propaganda News Network received a classified leak on the phony dossier from the dumb as a pile of shit Clapper and had the goods that were gonna take him down . And it had you whacking it to the thought about the end of Trump way back when . You know how the rest went .


Nov 11, 2007
Last comment before lunch:

It is beyond my comprehension that here are still people in this forum who think that Trump never committed a criminal act in life, never told even

one lie during his four years as POTUS let along 30,000 plus DOCUMENTED ones and who in general believe he represents the honesty,

high standards of ethics morality we should look up to.

It goes without saying that the multitude of his criminal buddies who have been and convicted of crimes in the past is either a myth

and/or has nothing to do with the "fine standards of excellence" set by Trump.

And of course it goes without saying that he never did have sex with Stormy Daniels or other whores,

and wouldn't ever even conceive of cheating on Melania let alone do it. lol

And forget all of the women in the past who have accused Trump of sexually abusing them-if Donnie says it ain't so, then of course believe him because
he is the "paragon of virtue" as we all know!!:pointer:

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Intel chiefs presented Trump with claims of Russian efforts to compromise him

Yep . The dog shit propaganda News Network received a classified leak on the phony dossier from the dumb as a pile of shit Clapper and had the goods that were gonna take him down . And it had you whacking it to the thought about the end of Trump way back when . You know how the rest went .


WHCA Rewards CNN For Being The Go-To Outlet Of Leakers

The announcement struck other WHCA members as bizarre, considering the entire story took little actual reporting and instead likely relied on a leak from a single senior White House or intel community official.

It’s just too damn easy . Shush()*

Nov 11, 2007
WHCA Rewards CNN For Being The Go-To Outlet Of Leakers

The announcement struck other WHCA members as bizarre, considering the entire story took little actual reporting and instead likely relied on a leak from a single senior White House or intel community official.

It’s just too damn easy . Shush()*

If you want to cry in your beer for the next four years with your buddies and believe/imagine such utter nonsense that Trump

won the Election and that he is an honest, exemplary straight up person rather than seeing the reality of what this walking/lying

human POS REALLY is, that's your business.

Not to brag, but no one or nothing can taunt/upset me because I have made so much money in the this year and especially

in the last few weeks in the stock market.

Perhaps you should go help out you latest sleeping partner, sbd, in his thread because as usual he is getting pummeled today.



RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Well whatta you know . Another leak. This time of grand jury info to their partners in crime in the media from the Manhattan DA office involving the Trump case .

Try as they might . There ain’t a thing that’s gonna stop him from running in ‘24 or playing a huge part in who’s the R nominee .

Book it my pinata !


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
“Man of the Year” Fraudci is flip flopping worse than a fish out of water .


Fauci defends 'modest' collaboration with Wuhan scientists, says NIH didn't fund 'gain of function' research


Dr. Anthony Fauci said it is impossible to guarantee that researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology did not use American funds for gain of function .

Wait what ?


Nov 11, 2007
Well whatta you know . Another leak. This time of grand jury info to their partners in crime in the media from the Manhattan DA office involving the Trump case .

Try as they might . There ain’t a thing that’s gonna stop him from running in ‘24 or playing a huge part in who’s the R nominee .

Book it my pinata !


I agree with this part, but that's it.

or playing a huge part in who’s the R nominee .

Before the likely indictment I gave Trump about a 10% chance of being the nominee for all of the reasons I stated.

Make it now 5% to max. 7% that he will be the nominee and a "little" less if he dead by that time, although I am quite sure sbd

would find a way that if that happened, he could still run as the nominee!! lol

Bye-out for a jog before the rains come.

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