Call For Sbd to Explain his Latest Failed Prediction


Nov 11, 2007
One last thing re; previous post:

If you want to find a good job and keep it, you will have to learn that the word "accountability" doesn't exist for just other people-


The point is that you have not even once admitted a failed prediction out of the 99.9% you have made for 15 MONTHS when you started

your thread!!

If any employer hires you and finds it out later the TRUTH about who you are and/or even senses it when you are being considered for it, to say the

least, you will still be unemployed with no hopes in sight!!

To use your words, sbd, you need to "wake up" and see the world as IT IS and NOT the way you want or hope it will be!!

Nov 11, 2007
Before going to lunch, a quick heads-up that later on today I am going to do a piece here entitled "If allegedly anything was found in Maricopa to

cast doubt on the Election in the eyes of some, then what?"

Lets just say that what I think would happen will not be "quite" the same as what sbd and people like him think would happen.

I will of course give at least reasons for my point of view.

It is now time to chow down with a cheeseburger and a Coke, assuming of course that sbd was wrong about the worldwide boycott because

of what the company said in Georgia politically speaking, which would have put Coke out of business by now or at least in the process of doing so. lol

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
All you have to do is watch the clip of Rachel Maddow and the look in her eyes when she says now they have the physical ballots . :sad3:

Because IF the physical ballot count doesn’t match the machine count there’s gonna be a whole lot of explaining to do .

All that contingent on the Biden DOJ letting it move forward as Katie Hobbs runs to MSDNC pleading for federal intervention .

Nov 11, 2007
All you have to do is watch the clip of Rachel Maddow and the look in her eyes when she says now they have the physical ballots . :sad3:

Because IF the physical ballot count doesn’t match the machine count there’s gonna be a whole lot of explaining to do .

All that contingent on the Biden DOJ letting it move forward as Katie Hobbs runs to MSDNC pleading for federal intervention .

All I am going to say now before I write the piece cited above is that imo Biden and his lawyers have PLENTY up their sleeves to counteract

any alleged findings which come out of the dubious audit!

I will elaborate later on when I write the piece.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
All I am going to say now before I write the piece cited above is that imo Biden and his lawyers have PLENTY up their sleeves to counteract

any alleged findings which come out of the dubious audit!

I will elaborate later on when I write the piece.

Lol ! Keep hoping with Katie Hobbs for a halt .

I see the homophobe Joy Reid and the morning circus at CNN losing their minds like Banjo Boy Scarborough has already done about Arizona and now Georgia . Labeling it “the big lie “ .

The second the Biden DOJ halts the Maricopa audit he will be labeled the “Illegitimate President “ .

Nov 11, 2007
Lol ! Keep hoping with Katie Hobbs for a halt .

I see the homophobe Joy Reid and the morning circus at CNN losing their minds like Banjo Boy Scarborough has already done about Arizona and now Georgia . Labeling it “the big lie “ .

The second the Biden DOJ halts the Maricopa audit he will be labeled the “Illegitimate President “ .

You can imagine/fantasize all you want to, MLAM(Make Lenbo a mensch) but you won't convince me nor any intelligent and objective person.

I was going to mention this briefly later on in what I am going to say overall, but this article just says it all and why imo this audit will be of no overall

consequence for the 2020 Election:

The Cybersecurity 202: Maricopa County is showing how not to audit an election (

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
You can imagine/fantasize all you want to, MLAM(Make Lenbo a mensch) but you won't convince me nor any intelligent and objective person.

I was going to mention this briefly later on in what I am going to say overall, but this article just says it all and why this audit will be of no overall

consequence for the 2020 Election:

The Cybersecurity 202: Maricopa County is showing how not to audit an election (

Bwaaahaaahaw ! Look up two posts . Too predictable !

Nov 11, 2007
Bwaaahaaahaw ! Look up two posts . Too predictable !

Seriously if you get your jollies by having your blinders on 24/7/365 and looking ONLY the sources you want to and then draw conclusions, so be it.

On the other hand, unlike you I am pragmatic, rational and look at the history of the 70 Trump legal FAILED challenges to the Election Results

including several times to the SCOTUS, who finally in so many words said to the Trump Legal Team, "stop fucking bothering us with

this shit with no basis."

Six months later, it will be no different, I assure you.

ps Did you and sbd get together for lunch yet, and/or has he convinced you that Trump led by military is going to pull a coup d'etat and

establish Trump "Very soon?"

Bwaaahaaahaw!!! lol

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
From the Washington Compost piece .

But the Maricopa model will probably be repeated elsewhere.



Nov 11, 2007
All I know is that ever since sbd started his thread in March, he has stated that Biden, Democrats and basically anyone

who doesn't see things his way is in "panic" state and yet over the last 15 months I have seen no signs of panic by any of the

aforementioned because there has been nothing to panic about.

In fact just look at the "scoreboard" and see who is running the country by all visible and empirical evidence with nothing in sight to change that,

and yes I am including the audit.

And now it looks like Lenbo has also decided to join sbd in using terms like "meltdown mode."

Based on the current status of the country and who is in charge and who has FAILED EVERY SINGLE TIME to change it, "perhaps" just "perhaps"

THEY are the ones in meltdown mode and who are panicking.

I can hear it now sbd or Lenbo are watching their favorite baseball team get trounced 16-1 in the last of the ninth.

The starting pitcher is in there.

To start the inning the pitcher walks the first two batters.

The manager comes out and pulls the pitcher and brings in someone to close it out.

At the same time sbd and Lenco get excited and cream and their pants with delight because the he and the other team "panicking" and

in "full meltdown" mode and now have a great chance to win the game. lol

Bye bye for now and for sure may your dreams all come true! lol

Nov 11, 2007

Again the question is who is and/or should be in meltdown mode today, Biden and his supporters or Trump and his supporters


If it is the latter choice, kindly state SPECIFIC reasons why, or better go see your physician and/or a psychologist/ psychiatrist to be

sure you aren't "losing it!"

An alternative, cheaper and less time consuming solution would be to reread what I said in post 1151 in my baseball analogy,

and ask yourself if that is not really yourself as you look at things objectively at the moment.

Nov 11, 2007
Before going to lunch, a quick heads-up that later on today I am going to do a piece here entitled "If allegedly anything was found in Maricopa to

cast doubt on the Election in the eyes of some, then what?"

Lets just say that what I think would happen will not be "quite" the same as what sbd and people like him think would happen.

I will of course give at least reasons for my point of view.

It is now time to chow down with a cheeseburger and a Coke, assuming of course that sbd was wrong about the worldwide boycott because

of what the company said in Georgia politically speaking, which would have put Coke out of business by now or at least in the process of doing so. lol

Here you go with the piece I promised in post 1142 re: if they allegedly did find something in the Maricopa Election Results which lets just say changed enough

votes so that Trump rather than Biden won it.

I am not going to comment on how many votes were allegedly fraudulent counted, changed by the voting machine, etc.

I will simply say that imo the more votes that were allegedly changed which resulted in Trump's winning, the more suspicious

it would look in the eyes of the voters, ie the MORE Trump allegedly won by, the less/not more that the public as a whole would believe that

the new results were legitimate-I am not going to elaborate on this point.

Anyways back to the focal point, lets say that crew of folks determined that Trump actually won Arizona-then what would happen?

For sure folks like sbd and other Trump diehards would be shouting it from the rooftops, and claim that more state audits would follow,

find the same thing in other key states, that each state would decertify the vote and that therefore Trump won

Then of course the issue would go to the SCOTUS, and they would immediately declare Trump the winner.

Another possibility for sbd and company would be right after Maricopa, the military would bypass the courts and simply blast their way into

the WH, probably kill Biden and declare Trump the POTUS.

There are other drastic/extreme possibilities which in delusional minds could happen but will NOT for too many reasons to cite.

Lets take a look at the Maricopa matter a bit differently and from Biden's and his legal team's point of view.

First of all I am expressing MY OWN OPINION here, and unlike sbd, I don't present it as FACT as he does with everything he says, and imo

one of the big reasons among too many to count, that he has next to zero credibility.

Ok with that in mind, this is what I think COULD happen if whoever conducted the audit determined that Trump won:

1) Biden and his legal team would immediately question the integrity of the audit based on the questionable/biased folks who are conducting it(in fact they already

have) along with their lack of experience with voting machines, ballots, etc.

This in itself would cast aspersions on the audit and a demand for another one with different and agreed upon folks doing the audit.

2) I personally believe that before the November Election that Biden and his legal team had at their disposal(and still do) damning evidence that Trump

cheated and got more votes than he really did.

Further, the reason that Biden's team did not use any of this was simply because there was no need to as Biden was declared the winner.

However imo they still do have this evidence and probably more evidence against Trump and will use it if necessary if they don't agree

with the findings in Maricopa, and believe that there was hanky-panky which went on.

Lets just say that if they did release this information, at the very best it wouldn't help Trump's cause re: the audit and most likely would make Trump

look bad rather than Biden and his team.

In order to keep this as brief as I can, the only other thing I want to explore is how the public would react to #1 and #2 above.

First of all, imo I believe that the VAST number of people in the in the country(this doesn't include sbd, QAnons and the most extreme Trump diehards)

have moved on after six months, have accepted the results and are focused on other things, such as their personal lives, their families, vacations(since

virtually none for the last twelve months because of the pandemic), and a lot of other matters.

When you also consider the fact that six months have transpired since the Election, meaning that a lot could have been done illegally to taint

the audit, as well as I cited previously, questionable and dubious people conducting the audit, I simply don't believe that the vast majority of people

are all that interested in the audit and even more so and as stated previously, because all of the Trump 70 some odd


get to first base and for that matter probably struck out while in the batter's box.

This in itself casts doubts upon the audit.

I could go on and on with this all night but those are my immediate thoughts.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
And now the Moscow Maddow meltdown

They got the actual ballots and they handed them to conspiracy theorists who say that you know (waving hands) that QAnon is the mastermind or whatever it is, that stopped, that they need to use to stop the steal and all, the craziest parts of the pro-Trump conspiracy theory world have the actual ballots and are going to declare that something different happened in election…in the election in Arizona than what really happened.”

She concluded, “and that will become a lie that they try to live on and build on for a long time to come, watch, this is a ridiculous story that will become very dangerous.”


Nov 11, 2007
Re: sbd, this is all he and you need to know:

Things come apart so easily when they have been held together with lies.<cite eza="cwidth:560px;;cheight:28px;;wcalc_source:child;wcalc:54px;wocalc:54px;hcalc:84px;rend_px_area:15680;" cwidth="560" style="max-width: 750px; color: rgb(124, 128, 129); font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; margin: 19px 0px 0px; display: block; text-align: right; background-color: transparent; background-size: auto;"><ins class="ezoic-before-el ezoic-bla-2-marker" eza="cwidth:0px;;cheight:0px;;wcalc_source:child;wcalc:5px;wocalc:5px;hcalc:28px;rend_px_area:0;" cwidth="0" style="max-width: 750px; content: none; background-color: transparent; background-size: auto; line-height: 28px; text-decoration-line: none;">-</ins> Dorothy Allison</cite>

Nov 11, 2007
Ot-this article corroborates what I have believed for a while.

I am sure diehard Trump supporters, QAnons, etc. will deny the veracity of this, but as stated previously, imo this is the trend, and to use sbd's words and really

mean it, "there is nothing which can stop it!"

In short evolution is evolution and in this case, also God's Will!!

I am not going to engage in debate over this because there is no point, as no one can change my mind and vice versa.

Op-Ed: Young voters back Democrats. That alone may wipe out GOP - Los Angeles Times (

Nov 11, 2007
Just one thing for now, and it goes back to the spot-on current analysis I did of sbd in post 1124.

I suggest that you go back and read it if you haven't done so already as it will allow you to understand what I an going to say now, which will be brief.

My point is that as I stated, sbd has become a bit more bold in his predictions and time frames of late.

A perfect example of this is his statement today that John Brenna was tried today and will be executed on June 7.

He obviously cannot provide any documentation of this for obvious reasons.

He has also made up dates in the near future for other political to be tried at GITMO.

As I see it, whether or not he really believes all of this delusional shit is immaterial and irrelevant.

I say this because imo he has an inward fear that he may be losing whatever audience he has because

none of the Trump Return has even remotely come true, meaning that he needs to try something different.

And what better thing to do than to take some "evil" folks who are not in the limelight like Biden and Trump, and simply claim

what he says about them is true(execution) and that no one can disprove it.

The bigger and more important reason is why sbd does what he does in general- imo is because he has some

deep unresolved personal issues and scars possibly from his childhood, which in turn has given him a low opinion about himself.

In his mind, running a thread such as the one he runs, defined by tabloid headlines and stories, gives him on the surface

some resolution of some of his personal problems, in that people at least read what he has to say, which in turn

gives In him a feeling of self-importance and wort at least in the conscious level of his mind.

In short as I see it, he stepped up rhetoric, which involves sensationalism in the short run, is more of a

manifestation of sbd's emotional and psychological needs than anything else.

Over time though this approach will NOT solve his deep and lingering problems!

Nov 11, 2007
Today's "One Year Ago" segment post from sbd was quite easy to choose because it is mostly a compilation of bullshit, delusions and lies on that day

and more importantly as we look back at it one years later.

It is post 1776 and is found on page 72,

Pay particular attention to the #16 and the two lines underneath which try to tie everything up and which fails

100% in its attempt to do so unless of you course you believe that Trump is POTUS and that hundreds if not thousands

of "evil" democrats and/or members of the "deep state" have in fact be arrested, convicted and executed.

Here you go:


1. Quickly shut down the borders to China (January 31st).

2. Declare a National Emergency.

3. Protect Americans by suggesting they stay at home.

4. Create transparency with the world through daily public briefings.

5. Allow the "enemy" to show itself (MSM, Dems, Fed Employees, social media, etc.)

6. Allow front line workers to call out the truth of the virus. (inflated numbers, empty hospitals, etc.)

7. Wait for Law Enforcement officials take a stand for 'The People' and Constitution. (video, social media, official letters, etc.)

8. Watch Americans rise up against tyranny of Governors. (protests, spreading truth, etc.)

9. Reveal truth of virus and corruption ("unmasking", testimony, real data)

9. Open each State.

10. Open businesses.

11. Show a decline in cases, no more deaths.

12. Allow people to see there is nothing to fear.

13. Watch MSM and "Deep State" desperately try to continue to push COVID and fear narrative.

14. Watch Fauci, Gates and Big Pharma aggressively push vaccines. (remdesivir, etc.)

15. Wait for proof that remdesivir is NOT a "gamechanger" and IS NOT effective in treating virus. (peer-review studies)

16. Introduce the CURES and preventative treatments. (HCQ, etc.)



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