Call For Sbd to Explain his Latest Failed Prediction


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
An independent oversight board made the decision to uphold the Trump ban .

Noah Feldman , a Democrat impeachment witness was instrumental in forming the oversight board .

It’s just too damn easy .


See what happens when you go off topic lightweight .


Nov 11, 2007
An independent oversight board made the decision to uphold the Trump ban .

Noah Feldman , a Democrat impeachment witness was instrumental in forming the oversight board .

It’s just too damn easy .


See what happens when you go off topic lightweight .


Just like with sbd-I caught you in a boldfaced lie and/or contradiction and you avoided the question and tried to run away and hide.

You are dealing with a highly successful professional here who exposed folks like you for 34 years and sbd and was able to retire

in 2003 when still in his fifties because of successful investment decisions.

You need some seasoning at the minor league level before you are ready to step up and face big league pitching that I offer.

To repeat:

How he can he run for a third term in 2024, when he has only served one and is currently out of office-does that mean you buy into sbd's

Trump return to take over shortly? lol

You said in the last few days that the 2024 ELECTION results are NOT going to be overturned, and yet you say that Trump will be running for his THIRD TERM

in 2024.

Kindly reconcile these two paradoxical statements.

If you do not, I will walk away with just more W in the notch in my belt adding to the too many to count I already have in exposing sbd for the last

fourteen months!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Just like with sbd-I caught you in a boldfaced lie and/or contradiction and you avoided the question and tried to run away and hide.

You are dealing with a highly successful professional here who exposed folks like you for 34 years and sbd and was able to retire

when still in his fifties because of successful investment decisions.

You need some seasoning at the minor league level before you are ready to step up and face big league pitching that I offer.

To repeat:

How he can he run for a third term in 2024, when he has only served one and is currently out of office-does that mean you buy into sbd's

Trump return to take over shortly? lol

You said in the last few days that the 2024 ELECTION results are NOT going to be overturned, and yet you say that Trump will be running for his THIRD TERM

in 2024.

Kindly reconcile these two paradoxical statements.

If you do not, I will walk away with just more W under my belt adding to the too many to count I already have in exposing sbd for the last

fourteen months!


See what happens when you go off topic lightweight .


WTF are you babbling about again with this bullshit about me agreeing with sbd ?

Where does it say a President can’t run again if he didn’t serve two terms in office ? Those blows must really be taking their toll lightweight .

Put on a few pounds and step up in class before engaging .

Nov 11, 2007
Post 10366 in sbd's thread, which is a quote from Trump, is nothing more than a whining crybaby response from someone who refuses to admit

to himself and others he lost the Election because he was an incompetent POTUS, a liar(33,000 documented lies), and a repulsive and putrid

"human being" who in no way exemplifies the high standards and ideals on which the Office of the POTUS was founded-it is that simple!!

Nov 11, 2007
WTF are you babbling about again with this bullshit about me agreeing with sbd ?

Where does it say a President can’t run again if he didn’t serve two terms in office ? Those blows must really be taking their toll lightweight .

Put on a few pounds and step up in class before engaging .[/QUOTE]

Can you read and don't try to change the topic, pal!

Did you or did you not say that in 2024 Trump would be running for his third term?

As the deceased Rush Limbaugh said, "I may have to tie both hands behind my back" in conversing with someone like you to

even up the odds give you a fighting chance!

ps You obviously don't have to answer this, but how come you have this much spare time on your hands to post all day long?

Are you employed, unemployed, retired, financially independent or what?

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
WTF are you babbling about again with this bullshit about me agreeing with sbd ?

Where does it say a President can’t run again if he didn’t serve two terms in office ? Those blows must really be taking their toll lightweight .

Put on a few pounds and step up in class before engaging .

Can you read and don't try to change the topic, pal!

Did you or did you not say that in 2024 Trump would be running for his third term?

As the deceased Rush Limbaugh said, "I may have to tie both hands behind my back" in conversing with someone like you to give

you a fighting chance!

ps You obviously don't have to answer this but how come you have this much spare time on your hands?

Are you employed, unemployed, retired, financially dependent or what?[/QUOTE]

No I did not say it he’s running for a third term which would mean he served two terms as President .

The piece of the article below said he’s running for a third TIME not term . Try to keep up lightweight .

President Trump is planning rallies for next month, and plans to announce whether he will run for President a third time after the 2022 midterm elections.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
An independent Facebook oversight board .

To ensure a global perspective, the Oversight Board includes members from a variety of cultural and professional backgrounds, reflecting the diversity of the Facebook community itself. These members were chosen because they are experienced at deliberating thoughtfully and collegially, skilled at making and explaining decisions based on a set of policies or principles, and familiar with digital content and governance.

Special consideration was given to people who have demonstrated a proficiency in questions of online content moderation and a history of working with others on difficult problems towards a common goal.

Zero chance any of these cucks and Karens is a registered Republican .


Nov 11, 2007
Can you read and don't try to change the topic, pal!

Did you or did you not say that in 2024 Trump would be running for his third term?

As the deceased Rush Limbaugh said, "I may have to tie both hands behind my back" in conversing with someone like you to give

you a fighting chance!

ps You obviously don't have to answer this but how come you have this much spare time on your hands?

Are you employed, unemployed, retired, financially dependent or what?

No I did not say it he’s running for a third term which would mean he served two terms as President .

The piece of the article below said he’s running for a third TIME not term . Try to keep up lightweight .

President Trump is planning rallies for next month, and plans to announce whether he will run for President a third time after the 2022 midterm elections.


Unlike others in here who claim infallibility aboout everything, I will admit my error and apologize in that until you brought it to my attention,

I read the word "time" as "term," which obviously changes the entire scenario.

That in no way however changes my overall feelings/opinions about Trump, and that he is on the downside of his life, and

that his best days are long gone and that his remaining years will be far from happy ones for lots of known reasons!

Nov 11, 2007
ps I am not using this as an excuse, but the probable reason I read the word "time" as "term" is because sbd over and over again keeps saying that Trump will

be running for his third TERM in 2024, which is obviously bullshit based on his fantasy that Trump is the current POTUS.

This would be illegal in any case for him to serve for more than two terms unless the Constitution is changed.

Nov 11, 2007
Several things:

Post 786 is from me and responding to Lenbo-I don't know how it got switched around.

Also, to be perfectly honest, imo Trump's suspensions or bans from the likes of Facebook and Twitter only speeds up the process by which Trump will

be reduced to a virtual nothing by the time 2024 rolls around.

Remember that even though he still has some clout now because he is still fresh in the memories of most of his supporters, that is going to fade as time

moves on precisely because he is NOT in power and calling the shots.

There are both presently and will be new folks who come along who are much younger than Trump by 2024, who will be dynamic

and appealing and just make folks gradually forget about Trump.

Also, he will be 78 by then, meaning that it will be more difficult to relate t people who are from a different generation and

who would prefer someone closer to their own age.

As a person who is actually two years older than Trump, imo even though he and I are different persons, he is going to have a different perspective

on things over the next few years , and most likely will choose something to do which may be politically

related(talk show, etc)., which will allow him tokeep some attention(which he needs and craves very badly)but at which

at the same time is less stressful than the pressure of being the POTUS.

In short and all things considered, at the moment I would give him a no better chance than 10% of being the Republican nominee for POTUS

in 2024.


Trump's social media exile continues as Facebook board upholds his account suspension (

Nov 11, 2007
Here is yet another example which shows sbd's INABILITY AND INCOMPETENCE in trying to make a point.

He says this:

"Free speech HAS BEEN TAKEN AWAY FROM THE PRESIDENT of the United States."

Not "was taken"

Not "taken from the former President"

"Has been taken"

This implies that he is still the current President.


I am not sure if this "argument" tech qualifies as begging the question, poisoning the well, a non sequitur, pure illogic and/or all of the above, but

here is my quick take on above:

First of all he presents his case with twisted and what he believes are implied meanings from what Trump says and tries to conclude that it it all means

that Trump is in fact the CURRENT POTUS because of the manner he expresses himself and words used.

There are two things in play here:

1) Sbd is reading way too much about what Trump meant by using the words he did an is probably injecting his own(sbd's projections) into Trump's

choice of words.

2) More importantly, why should anyone care in any event of what sbd's meaning.interpretation of Trump's choice of words is correct or not?

I mean who really cares if Trump THINKS he is the POTUS?

The reality is that he IS NOT as anyone who follows the current news and events of the day and who watches Biden appear on tv realizes that he/BIDEN

is in charge and NOT Trump-that is what counts.

In fact I would regard it as VERY dangerous if Trump does really believe he is currently the acting POTUS for the simple reason that he may take his obvious

delusion too far in some manner, which in the minds of some of his whacko QAnon followers would be a signal to cause insurrection to try to reinstate him


Thankfully any effort along these lines would fail big time, and QAnon funerals to follow shortly after they attempted something along these lines!

Nov 11, 2007
One other point re: post 790.

while there are obviously lot of Republicans who still believe that Election was stolen from Trump, I wonder how many of them believe that Trump should

keep complaining and whining about it and still trying to change it.

Imo it is relatively few low percentage of folks for the simple reason that most adults act in a mature fashion and don't believe that other adults

should at this late stage still be carrying like a little kid.

Further I believe that at this late juncture the most logical and effective way to change things is to do whatever is in their power besides voting

to take control of Congress in 2022 and then of course the WH in 2024.

On the other hand, if Trump continues to bitch and moan as he is doing now, it is going to drive away some of his current supporters and toward

someone who acts in a more grownup and responsible manner.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Breaking news!:

BREAKING NEWS: Trump's Facebook ban upheld by Oversight Board

David Ingram 11 mins ago

"Former President Donald Trump is likely to remain banned from Facebook after the social network's Oversight Board said Wednesday that the company was justified in removing him from the platform after the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol.

The decision is a blow to Trump's hopes to post again to Facebook or Instagram any time soon, and it could be a far-reaching precedent for how some of the internet's biggest platforms treat the speech of world leaders and politicians.

Facebook created the Oversight Board last year as a kind of "supreme court" to hear appeals from users like Trump who have had their posts removed or who want to challenge other sensitive or contentious moderation decisions. The decisions of the 20-member globe-spanning board are not binding, but Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has pledged to abide by what it says."

This is not "exactly" good news for Trump for obvious reasons.

In addition I am quite sure that this decision is not going to "exactly" endear Mark Zuckerberg to sbd and other anti-Semites many of whom

are QAnons.

It is though a victory for the country and the world, which is what matters.

Imo even before this decision was rendered, Trump already had one foot in the bucket regarding his political career, and

this just accentuates the momentum to the downside which will continue to grow as time moves on and as 2024 approaches.

As I see it, Trump has already reached the pinnacle of his career politically, and the descent has now begun.

As the lyrics from famous song from the renowned musical Oklahoma, Everything's Up to Date in Kansas City, with one word to make it singular(they to he),

"He's gone as fer as he can go."

Without going into detail for the reasons, lets just say that imo by 2024, it is around a 50/50 proposition in any event that Trump

will even be alive and/or be in the mental and/or physical capacity needed/required to serve as POTUS.

Despite the group’s self-selected “bipartisan” label, Federal Election Commission (FEC) records show that every penny directed to the 2020 presidential election went to Democratic candidate Joe Biden. Between 11 individuals who list the center as their employer on the FEC database, the 28 donations amount to $12,314.50 sent to Biden’s presidential campaign.

In contrast, zero dollars was sent to the campaign of President Trump.



Nov 11, 2007
Despite the group’s self-selected “bipartisan” label, Federal Election Commission (FEC) records show that every penny directed to the 2020 presidential election went to Democratic candidate Joe Biden. Between 11 individuals who list the center as their employer on the FEC database, the 28 donations amount to $12,314.50 sent to Biden’s presidential campaign.

In contrast, zero dollars was sent to the campaign of President Trump.



The bottom line is that you addressed ZERO of the opinions and points that you quoted from my post re: what happens to trump from

here moving forward.

Surely you must have your opinion(s) as to what I stated and reasons why you disagree if you do.

Then again and in all fairness, since I have been a contributing member to this forum going back almost two years,

with a few rare exceptions found in the Political Section, there are not many intellectual giants here,

but rather lots of skin deep thinking folks who for whatever reason do not wish to discuss and debate topics in a civil manner.

You have done nothing to change my opinion in this regard!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
The bottom line is that you addressed ZERO of the opinions and points that you quoted.

Surely you must have your opinion as to what I stated and reasons why you disagree if you do.

Then again and in all fairness, since I have been a contributing member to this forum going back almost two years, with a few rare exceptions found in the Political

Section, there are not many intellectual giants here who for whatever reason do not wish to discuss and debate topics in a civil manner.

You have done nothing to change my opinion in this regard.

We won’t even get into the millions of dollars Zuckerberg threw into the Ga. election that he won’t be doing any more .
But please go on and rationalize the bipartisanship at the soy factory knows as Facebook .


Nov 11, 2007
We won’t even get into the millions of dollars Zuckerberg threw into the Ga. election they he won’t be doing any more .
But please go on and rationalize the bipartisanship at the soy factory knows as Facebook .

If you want to believe hearsay and unsupported gossip as your "evidence" and act like a crybaby like your hero Trump does, be my guest.

Meanwhile 1) respond to what I asked you to respond to in previous post if you are able to and 2) tell us

how/why it is that you can spend the whole day as I requested in a previous post.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
If you want to believe hearsay and unsupported gossip as your "evidence" and act like a crybaby like your hero Trump does, be my guest.

Meanwhile 1) respond to what I asked in previous post and 2) tell us how/why it is that you can spend the whole day as I requested in a

previous post.

Those are called facts with receipts to prove it .
It’s hearsay that the bipartisan label put on the Facebook advisory board is nothing but a bunch of leftists ? :):)

Nov 11, 2007
Those are called facts with receipts to prove it .

It’s hearsay that the bipartisan label put on the Facebook advisory board is a bunch of leftists ? :):)

I am not going to respond until/if/when you respond to what I asked in post 796.

If not, I will chalk up yet another W in the win column for me against an adversary who should be posting in a minor league section

of the Forum!

ps Perhaps you can team up with the likes of sbd if you need "assistance" in this regard! lol

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
I am not going to respond until/if/when you respond to what I asked in post 796.

If not, I will chalk up yet another W in the win column for me against an adversary who should be posting in a minor league section

of the Forum!

ps Perhaps you can team up with the likes of sbd if you need "assistance" in this regard! lol

I realize the beatings are taking their toll , but then again males on the left identify as more beta with very little fight in them .

Surrender noted .


Nov 11, 2007
I realize the beatings are taking their toll , but then again males on the left identify as more beta with very little fight in them .

Surrender noted .


Beatings-from what I have seen of your posts, you couldn't administer a "beating" to a DISABLED and DISMEMBERED ant! lol

ps Don't blame and/or be envious of me because I am well educated and God gave me a very fine mind and an ability to express myself.

If you work hard at it, PERHAPS someday you can do the same!!

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