Call For Sbd to Explain his Latest Failed Prediction


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
What's the matter-is the Thomas Friedman article I posted beyond your comprehension to comment upon and/or because you cannot find anything in it

with which to dispute?

The same Friedman along with many at that rag the NY Slimes who labeled the man who received a historic African American and Hispanic vote count racist ? Hard pass .

Let me know when he explains how that happened .

Nov 11, 2007
The same Friedman along with many at that rag the NY Slimes who labeled the man who received a historic African American and Hispanic vote count racist ? Hard pass .

Let me know when he explains how that happened .

Thanks for NOT answering my question about Thomas Friedman-I am not surprised.

Lets just say that the shallow manner in which you think and respond exemplifies why I haven't posted anything in the Political Section of the Forum

since January 6, namely because it is simply not worth my while.

There are very fine and intellectual minds over there who do a fine job and who do not need my assistance in any event.

If and when you wish to discuss something in the Thomas Friedman DIRECTLY today, I will respond.

If not, have a nice day slapping the back and "way to go" congratulations with your buddies in the Political Section.

It will do you no good-get used to the fact that your point of view was voted out of favor in the Election and will remain so until at least the 2022

Congressional Elections.


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Thanks for NOT answering my question about Thomas Friedman-I am not surprised.

Lets just say that the shallow manner in which you think and respond exemplifies why I haven't posted anything in the Political Section of the Forum

since January 6, namely because it is simply not worth my while.

There are very fine and intellectual minds over there who do a fine job and who do not need my assistance in any event.

If and when you wish to discuss something in the Thomas Friedman DIRECTLY today, I will respond.

If not, have a nice day slapping the back and "way to go" congratulations with your buddies in the Political Section.

It will do you no good-get used to the fact that your point of view was voted out of favor in the Election and will remain so until at least the 2022

Congressional Elections.


What’s to answer ? As if you or any other clueless NY Slimes reader think blowing up the GOP is a bad thing . I’ll say it once more . It’s Trump’s party and the establishment Rs are on borrowed time . Book it !

As for bye . Say goodbye to the House in ‘22 for Dems and hello to all Trump backed R House candidates .

Nov 11, 2007
There isn't much to report today on my new feature of this thread, "One Year Later," which refers to a noteworthy post by sbd made exactly one year ago.

That said, here is a headline which you should consider which implies that the Virus could have been prevented all together if it wasn't for the "evil"

Dr. Fauci and his knowledge about the bogus drug which could have save mankind from Covid. lol

"Fauci knew about HCQ in 2005 -- nobody needed to die"

Nov 11, 2007
The REAL Return as promised previously by yours truly will be two months from today on July 4th to sbd's thread if Trump

has not yet "returned" and been inaugurated as POTUS as sbd has been telling us since Election Day and then Inauguration Day.

If Biden is still POTUS the return will be by ME to sbd's thread to ask him a number of times each day to comment

on Trump's alleged return and why he has not yet returned.

If he hasn't returned by that date, it will mark eight months since sbd's promise that Trump was going to be reinstated, which is more

than enough time if it was going to happen.

Sbd may believe in lack of accountability, but some of us including me DO NOT, and I will be sure to let folks know about it in his thread no matter

when they tune in.

What I say in his thread beginning on July 4 will be to the point re: this matter, whereas my detailed commentary over in this thread will continue.

Nov 11, 2007
In view of the fact that "Trumps Return, which had been hovering around the Coast of Nowhere near the South Pole and trending in a southerly

direction, to use Trump's infamous words re: the Virus, "has just suddenly disappeared," the Coast Guard has sent out it

Reconnaissance Unit to try to find it.

Rumor has it that witnesses on the spot when the "Return" just suddenly vanished claim that they saw a huge UFO just swoop down and assimilate

"Trump's Return" into the ship and then simply vanish from the sky in a nanosecond.

When questioned about this rumor, a Coast Guard person who spoke on the condition of anonymity stated that "Trump Return" has been under investigation

for a while for what could be deemed as sinister motives, but that if the "Trump Return" retains its current status of unknown location,

that the Coast Guard will not intensify its investigation, conclude that the disappearance is a good thing and will not pursue the matter again unless

the "Return" is spotted.

We will keep you abreast of any further developments and/or of any the "Trump Return" Family arrangements for funeral and burial!

Nov 11, 2007
Sbd says this:

"It's Dumb and Dumber.

Why are you libtards so angry if your communist buddy legally and legitimately won the election?"

My response is why does sbd keep saying the same things over and over again ad nauseam re: the Election if he is really all that confident?

To the trained and educated observer what it does say is that in actuality he is worried that what he keeps saying will not come true and also that

he has serious doubts as to whether people who read what he says really buy into it, and thus the need to say the same thing repeatedly.

Nov 11, 2007
I realize that what I am going to say night be considered because it could be considering as trying to help the adversary, who in this case is sbd.

That said, I am going to say it because sbd being the know-it-all, probably doesn't believe it anyways and/or doesn't care.

Anyways, my point is that if sbd or anyone else wants to say that the Election results in Maricopa County or anywhere else

in the country were not honest and/or illegitimate, the premise should be that there were simply enough miscounted votes which would

have resulted overturned the results if they had been counted correctly.

But no that is not enough for the tabloid/attention seeking sbd.

He needs to dramatize it by claiming that there were illegal 950,000 Bidenvotes in Maricopa County.

The implication of that is that Trump actually won that county in a massive landslide, which would have resulted in a landslide in Arizone as

a whole.

The trouble is that while Arizona was considered close by the pollsters, not one poll showed the insane/ludicrous landslide for Trump sbd and his IMAGINARY

sources are showing.

But then again for that matter, none of the largest and most respected polling firms in the country showed Trump winning all 50 states

and getting over 90% ofthe Popular Vote either as sbd claims and continues to claim.

The moral of above to sbd and for that matter anyone is that if you wish to have any credibility about Election fraud or anything else,

make your contentions believable with some credulity.

On the contrary, what sbd is doing here with his 950,000 alleged voting fraud claim is turning

off any INTELLIGENT, RATIONAL AND OBJECTIVE PERSON, no matter what his general political affiliation.

It sort of reminds me of my college dorm days when a person who was regarded in general as a lying asshole,

bragged one day that that he screwed five ladies over a 12 hour period of time.

Needless to say, after hearing this, he remained a lying asshole in the eyes of everyone else in the dorm.

It is essentially no different with sbd's 950,000 alleged voting fraud in this case.

Nov 11, 2007
Re: post 10,340 in sbd's thread, why not simplify everything and make sbd a juror, which would mean that there would be a hung jury, and Chauvin

released, the reasoning being that sbd would state that the fact that Chauvin is White and Floyd was Black is in itself enough for dismissal of case.

Nov 11, 2007
Great job, guys, tonight(as always)making sbd look like the doofus he is in his own thread!!

Nov 11, 2007
To use a sports analogy about a team which is headed south, the Republican Party ought to go into rebuilding mode in order

to resuscitate it and most importantlyto restore the kind of people and values which made it one of the two major parties in the first place.

At the moment it is a far cry and a shocking and embarrassing shadow of its former self and sadly is headed in the wrong direction at the moment.

Nov 11, 2007
Real fast today because what sbd today is nothing but a collective repetitive bore of what he has said a zillion times already.


1) Dems/Ds are in panic mode, blah, blah, blah-he doesn't tell us why though as they are on the

inside looking out rather than the other way aro\und.

2)He says people continue to "wake up" without telling us what they are waking up to and what they are going to do.

3) More delusional and isolated nonsense about the vaccine and how unsafe it is from his moronic and untrusted "sources" such as disclose tv.

Maybe later on today there will be something more worthy to comment upon, but for now that's it.

Nov 11, 2007
In view of the fact that "Trumps Return, which had been hovering around the Coast of Nowhere near the South Pole and trending in a southerly

direction, to use Trump's infamous words re: the Virus, "has just suddenly disappeared," the Coast Guard has sent out it

Reconnaissance Unit to try to find it.

Rumor has it that witnesses on the spot when the "Return" just suddenly vanished claim that they saw a huge UFO just swoop down and assimilate

"Trump's Return" into the ship and then simply vanish from the sky in a nanosecond.

When questioned about this rumor, a Coast Guard person who spoke on the condition of anonymity stated that "Trump Return" has been under investigation

for a while for what could be deemed as sinister motives, but that if the "Trump Return" retains its current status of unknown location,

that the Coast Guard will not intensify its investigation, conclude that the disappearance is a good thing and will not pursue the matter again unless

the "Return" is spotted.

We will keep you abreast of any further developments and/or of any the "Trump Return" Family arrangements for funeral and burial!

The only thing new to report today is that there is an unsubstantiated rumor that the "Trump Return" was hijacked by an unknown person or persons

and as dumped in a local landfill off the Coast of Nowhere near the South Pole and is undetectable as it has been buried 100 feet beneath existing


Again though there is not yet any confirmation of this from the Coast Guard yet or from any other sources.

All that we do now is that the "Trump Return" is not on the map or visible at this time.

Stay tuned for more on this story when it occurs!

Nov 11, 2007
Breaking news!:

BREAKING NEWS: Trump's Facebook ban upheld by Oversight Board

David Ingram 11 mins ago

"Former President Donald Trump is likely to remain banned from Facebook after the social network's Oversight Board said Wednesday that the company was justified in removing him from the platform after the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol.

The decision is a blow to Trump's hopes to post again to Facebook or Instagram any time soon, and it could be a far-reaching precedent for how some of the internet's biggest platforms treat the speech of world leaders and politicians.

Facebook created the Oversight Board last year as a kind of "supreme court" to hear appeals from users like Trump who have had their posts removed or who want to challenge other sensitive or contentious moderation decisions. The decisions of the 20-member globe-spanning board are not binding, but Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has pledged to abide by what it says."

This is not "exactly" good news for Trump for obvious reasons.

In addition I am quite sure that this decision is not going to "exactly" endear Mark Zuckerberg to sbd and other anti-Semites many of whom

are QAnons.

It is though a victory for the country and the world, which is what matters.

Imo even before this decision was rendered, Trump already had one foot in the bucket regarding his political career, and

this just accentuates the momentum to the downside which will continue to grow as time moves on and as 2024 approaches.

As I see it, Trump has already reached the pinnacle of his career politically, and the descent has now begun.

As the lyrics from famous song from the renowned musical Oklahoma, Everything's Up to Date in Kansas City, with one word to make it singular(they to he),

"He's gone as fer as he can go."

Without going into detail for the reasons, lets just say that imo by 2024, it is around a 50/50 proposition in any event that Trump

will even be alive and/or be in the mental and/or physical capacity needed/required to serve as POTUS.


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
EXCLUSIVE: Former President Trump on Tuesday launched a communications platform that he said will serve as "a place to speak freely and safely," and will eventually give him the ability to communicate directly with his followers, after months of being banned from sites like Twitter and Facebook.


They actually think he’s going away .

Nov 11, 2007
EXCLUSIVE: Former President Trump on Tuesday launched a communications platform that he said will serve as "a place to speak freely and safely," and will eventually give him the ability to communicate directly with his followers, after months of being banned from sites like Twitter and Facebook.


They actually think he’s going away .

It looks like you and lots of other folks are going to have to find a new "hero" to vicariously live your life through, as Donny to use

a term which describes a term to a pitcher who hangs a curveball to Mike Trout, is going to/will be GOING, GOING GONE far/ far

out of sight into the night sky!!

(2) Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye - Bing video

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
It looks like you and lots of other folks are going to have to find a new "hero" to vicariously live your life through, as Donny to use

a term which describes a term to a pitcher who hangs a curveball to Mike Trout, is going to/will be GOING, GOING GONE far/ far

out of sight into the night sky!!

(2) Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye - Bing video


Yeah he’s going away .

[h=1]HE’S BACK: Trump Will Resume MAGA Rallies In May, Will Announce 2024 Decision After Midterm Elections[/h][h=2]President Trump is planning rallies for next month, and plans to announce whether he will run for President a third time after the 2022 midterm elections.[/h]

Nov 11, 2007

Yeah he’s going away .

HE’S BACK: Trump Will Resume MAGA Rallies In May, Will Announce 2024 Decision After Midterm Elections

President Trump is planning rallies for next month, and plans to announce whether he will run for President a third time after the 2022 midterm elections.

Most likely if he is announces his run for POTUS and actually tries to be nominated in 2024, he will have to do it from his grave or from prison!!:pointer:

ps How he can he run for a third term in 2024, when he has only served one and is currently out of office-does that mean you buy into sbd's

Trump return to take over shortly? lol

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